Honolulu Police Department, Hawaii
End of Watch Tuesday, March 4, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer II Glen Alvin Gaspar
May you Rest in Peace my fellow brother class mate of the 110 th Recruit class, you were a great person in the academy and became a fine Officer. I always think that your death would have been mine, as I was in the process of submitting a transfer to the Division that you were in, but you being the better man had beat me in rank and had obtained the undercover assignment. While, I was assigned else where in patrol. I know your widowed wife; Renee misses you deeply, as your daughters. God Bless you for being the best Officer & person you are.
Love & Aloha, Patrick S.
former Mpom1, FTO, D-5, Patrick Shinsato
110th Recruit class mate
January 18, 2024
20 Years… Every one of them another year too many without you. We continue to miss, love and honor you in everything we do. Our girls a constant reminder of your love and their babies with so much hope for futures built on a legacy you left behind. They know you… everything about you. They are proud of you are and all you stood for. We’ve spent the week watching home videos laughing, crying and aching to turn back the hands of time. Many say time heals but I beg to differ. The longing still finds a way to creep up when you least expect it. A special song, a memorable place… The girls and I have been sending your playlist back-and-forth to each other. Singing your favorites and retreating to memories that keep you near. The ones in a special place for each of us that belongs just to you. The only consolation being that someday we will see you again. And the blessing of so many beautiful people that have come into our lives along the way. Continue to watch over us, be near when we need you. We honor you always, miss you endlessly and love you forever ❤️
gg3127… eow3.04.03… somegiveall…
March 4, 2023
One of those days where it is hitting a little different. Thinking about you, about Mom. Remembering Mother's Day buffet every year - Crab Legs and Benedryl. Still waiting... Waiting for it gets better with time. It does NOT. Just different - never better. Hug Mom for Mother's Day and watch over us here. I know, just like me you have a smile larger than life watching our babies be Mommies. The more they grow in motherhood, the more they feel what the grands are missing. And I feel it right along with them. How different their lives would be having had you here. I won't say having known you because they do. In such a big way. And they love you dearly. School papers and family stories shared about this hero who lives in their hearts. It melts mine every single time. They miss you, I miss you. More as time passes and I know new milestones are approaching. Hits like a ton of bricks sometimes and then sometimes I sit back and listen.... The little's talk like they have had time with you and in some strange way I know they have. I always knew you held them before we did. And our girls. As they watch their own grow they remember a time when they were the same age. A time when you were still here. Seems like an eternity ago and then sometimes.... honestly it is like you were just here. Because we hold you so close. Love you so fiercely... And that no amount of time can change, diminish or replace. Always, Forever and then some in our hearts. Missing you today, tomorrow and always <3.
rlg... gg3127... eow 3.04.03...
May 7, 2021
Hi Alvin - I continue to hold memories of you close to my heart, even 18 years later. I’ll remember you always and will miss you forever.
classmate and friend
March 17, 2021
Always on my mind Brother! RIL
November 6, 2020
Missing you as little... ok a LOT today <3
gg3127... eow 3.04.03...
September 10, 2020
You are always remembered. Aloha always, Lani
SPRD Lani Faumuina
Honolulu Police Department - Communications Division
May 14, 2020
I love you Dad. I wish your granddaughters could have grown up with their Papa Glen. Then they would fully understand why to this day 17 years later you are still so greatly missed.
March 5, 2020
Rest in heavenly peace
Mark Mottola
March 4, 2020
Rest In Peace Brother LEO. Thank you Hero and your family for your courage, sacrifice and service. Always remembered.
Officer Mike Robinson (Ret.)
Upland Police Dept. CA
March 4, 2020
yesterday, I missed you. today... even more and tomorrow nothing about that will be different. our babies are mommies and our blessings abundant. but that emptiness... it is vast. the 'what if' - debilitating. and despite all of it - I am thankful for this life. this one and the one that will follow. when I will see you again. until that time, I will miss you. until that time, we3+ need you. until that time I ask you- be near. <3
gg3127... eow 3.04.03...
August 21, 2018
Sweet G... another Brother has fallen and another family must begin the most painful journey they could have ever anticipated. We ache for Officer Kaliloa’s ‘Ohana in these immediate days. Our beautiful young ladies and the grand blessings that are now your legacy remind me that there will be hope for their future as well. In time they will build new normal’s, traditions will be celebrated differently and many firsts will bring pain but healing as well. I pray that they know they are never alone. That this family that extends across the nation, these brothers and sisters in blue are for ever vigilant in there unwavering support and we in turn remember them daily and pray for their safety. Their Bravery and commitment as they serve in the face of every adversity brings hope that maybe our grandchildren will live in a better place. My hope is that you and all those gone before have welcomed your brother home to his new watch. For ever watch over us, allow us to feel your presence when we need it and know that we carry with you as we make new memories every day. No matter the amount of hours, days, weeks and years... You are forever in our hearts.
EOW 3.4.2003
July 22, 2018
It has been a long time since I visited this page, but you are not forgotten. I had planned to visit your grave when we made a trip to Hawaii, but due to the airlines I was not able to. I hope that the girls are doing good and the rest of your family are well. Rest in the knowledge you are not forgotten.
Lt. Stephen Jackson (retired)
Baton Rouge Police Department
January 14, 2018
It's been a while, brother. Know that I think of you and your family often. I remember you and the girls playing soccer behind the Kailua station one day- long ago. I remember you all laughing and enjoying each other's company. I always knew that was what I wanted- to be a hero to MY family. I listened to my heart.
You always made me feel welcome. That meant more to me than you would ever know. I've told your story many times over the years. Even with groups of more than 50 trainees sitting on the edge of their seats, and despite sharing your story so many times, I always have a hard time fighting back the emotion. That's not typical of me, but that's the gravity of our loss of you.
That was a rough couple of years with HPD. Between the loss of you and Danny, I learned the frailty of life and the path we were chosen to take. You have guided me through the years, you truly have. For that, I thank you. I've moved on to the Mainland. That was a tough move, but it allowed for life to happen. I've got two young ones of my own now, and a beautiful woman to keep me grounded.
Glen, thank you. Rest easy. Keep helping your family. Be the guiding light for them. We all need that nowadays.
Dan Chipp
Rocklin Police Department
August 5, 2017
Thinking of you my brother.
W Kim, Det. (retired)
Honolulu Police Department
March 4, 2016
Thinking about you for awhile now and remembering the old days. Peace be with you and your loved ones. Until we meet again.
Jeriod Lee Deputy
King County Sheriff's Office
July 25, 2015
Gotta live up to the name!
Thank you sir for your service. If I make it out of this academy, I will most definitely visit and pay respects.
Karen Gaspar, Police Recruit
Long Beach Police Department
May 23, 2015
It has been a long time since I visited this page, but you are not forgotten nor are your family forgotten. I hope that all is well (as far as it can be) with your family. Rest in Peace in the arms of our Lord.
Lt. Stephen Jackson Retired
Baton Rouge PD
January 9, 2015
Aloha fallen brother, I am a current student at Heald college on the main land. My father and his side of the family is from the islands and I would like to have the honor of dedicating my last quarter of my program in your memory.
SPC Senados, Nick
Heald College Modesto, CA
July 30, 2014
Remembering you ... always smiling.
Lani Faumuina Natividad, SPRD
Friend & Honolulu PD Dispatch
May 16, 2014
Still in our thoughts Brother Glen.
See you again one day.
Peter Nakagawa, Officer
March 4, 2014
10 years, 2 days, not forgotten my brother.
Retired Detective
Honolulu Police Department
March 6, 2013
10 years today... hurts no less, still honor your life daily, love our girls for two... faith keeps me strong... they keep me breathing and the next generation keeps me teaching of your legacy. Two - Four- Six or Ten - time makes no difference. Someday I will see you again. Until then I see and feel you in ways unspoken. Beloved angel still my guide... Forever in my heart.
gg3127... eow 3.04.03...
March 4, 2013
Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.
Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO
November 27, 2012
another brother has fallen and it is 3.4.03 all over again... miss you always - love you still <3
gg3127... eow 3.04.03
July 24, 2012