Alexandria Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Thursday, February 20, 2003
Reflections for Patrolman Jeremy Edward "Jay" Carruth
You have been on my mind a lot this week, Seven years is a long time, I miss you very much. I thank God for all the memories, and I thank Him for letting me be your Mom. Love you always!
February 14, 2010
You have really been on my mind lately and I just wanted to stop by and tell you that your missed so much, it was honor to know you and to have so many friends at APD. I am friends with your mom on facebook and I don't have to tell you what an amazing woman she is. I know you are so proud of her as you watch over her each and every day. I think back to some of the SRT training with you and David and it seems like yesterday. I cant believe that it has been 14 years since I graduated the Alexandria Regional Police Academy. I just want you to know that you are a hero and I love you my brother in blue. I have to tell you that I am dating your cousin Kasey and she is everything to me and I love her with all my heart. I know you are so proud of her as she is working towards graduating with a criminal justice degree and that she is going to become a police officer. She is going to be a great cop. I miss you and I know that you are standing tall guarding those golden gates of Heaven and continuing to keep watch over all of us who walk that thin blue line. Love ya bro.
CPL J. Hataway
January 13, 2010
Missing you, Love you. Mom
November 30, 2009
Sitting here thinking about you. So much has happened and I like to believe it would have been a little different if you were still here. I know you are watching and laughing at me quite often for some things I do, and rolling your eyes at some of the other things. I miss you terribly and cannot wait to be with you again! Love you.
P.S. Noelle did her back tuck by herself (by my mistake) the other day...but she did it!
Carey Carruth
little sister
October 7, 2009
Hey Jay,
I had dinner with your mom last night in Monroe. We had a pretty good time but wish you could have been there. I really wish I could have gotten to know you because from what I hear you were a great person. I am so proud of you and proud to have you as family. Until I see you.
Kasey Franklin
October 3, 2009
Hey bubba,
WOrds can't describe how much I miss you. I know that deep down you are always here with me. I got married this year and had a baby. I really wish you could have been here to have seen me. I talk about you all the time. You were such an inspiration to me. I will never forget all of the memories will shared together and with others. I saw Noelle the other day from a distance and I could see you all in her. I just wanted to hug her. I was a the camp the other weekend look out at the lake as the sun set and was thinking of you over and over and couldn't help but shed some tears. I will never forget you jaybird. YOu will always be my brother.
I love you
Always and Forever Jaybird
* grapes *
( grapes )
August 30, 2009
Well I guess Margaux is a big girl now, she rode the big tube and survived your Daddy's sunami, she had a good time, here it is summer again The Girls are ready to tube and swim and now they are all big enough to "tan" wow we really have some bathing beauties. We miss you and love you. Iwalu Mom
May 29, 2009
hey bud... just wanted you to know I am thinking about you and Dave... love you and miss you.
May 16, 2009
Hey there favorite Uncle!
I miss you alot and you will always be my favorite uncle. I just wanted to tell you that I love you lots and I think about you everyday. Things in life can get pretty complicated and when I talk to God, I know you're sitting right next to him listening. That gives me so much comfort. We all miss you so much. It took me a long time to actually understand that you don't miss us. Gammy had to explain why you don't miss us like 20 times. Lol! And yes Mr. Brian is right, Jeremi is a mess but I can't say much because I'm just as much of a mess as him. Haha! Well Rest in Peace Uncle Jay. I love you.
April 9, 2009
This is not really my thing, but as sit here and look at all these reflections left by others, tears come to my eyes. I know our friendship was just beginning when you were so quickly taken from this cruel world, but there is hardly a day that you don't cross my mind. Your life on earth has touched many people and I am so proud to be one of the many. I often think of our trip to New Orleans and the fun we had. Wish we could have had time to make more memories. You know your sister misses you terribly. I know you already know, but we have a little boy, Jeremi. He is an absolute mess. He is a total clown and extremely hard headed, but what choice did he have. Between my blood and your's and Amy's, he couldn't be any other way. One other thing he didn't have a choice in was his good looks for the same reasons. He has brought much joy to our life and he ofen reminds Amy of you, mostly when he is misbehaving. Anyway, I could ramble on for days, but I mostly just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and I hope you are enjoying your rest in paradise. Look over all of us and we will see you again someday.
April 8, 2009
I love you and I miss you Daddy. Tell Jesus I said hi.
Love, Margaux
March 21, 2009
Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 23, 2009
We celebrated once again, your memory lives on, we love you and we miss you. Iwalu, Mom
February 22, 2009
Just wanted you and your family know that I'm thinking of you and them, we will never forget. I know your Mom and Dad miss you, heck I know the whole family misses you, just keep a watch over them and let them know you are near.
Connie Barker
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04
February 21, 2009
Pat, I think of you often but especially on this day. I know the daily struggles they face without you and the terrible pain within their hearts. God, wrap your loving arms around them and help them with their grief and let them feel your presence.
Your sacrifice has not been forgotten.
Brenda Lucas
Mother of Chief Anthony D. Lucas, EOW 2-4-2005
February 20, 2009
Life is good on the river and of course it reminds me of you, it is a sweet memory. I know life is good for you, it is part of the promise, Eternity, we will all be there in a wink(a thousand days on earth is but a day in heaven) God has taken care of everything, and he loves us right through it all, what an awesome God we have! Love you! Iwalu, Mom
October 28, 2008
I know each day is a struggle for those that love and miss you dearly. Some that know you will say it was just like yesterday that they last spoke with you while for others it has felt like a lifetime since they saw your smile, heard your voice or felt your warm touch. You will live in the hearts of those that love you dearly, forever. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and protect them from harm and also watch over those still out guarding over the thin blue line. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
October 25, 2008
Our girls are growing up so fast! You would be so proud!
Noelle is GORGEOUS! She is almost as tall as me, blonde, beautiful blue/green eyes, has that toned body like Carey and ghetto booty like me! I can't believe she's almost 13...but looks 16! What am I to do?! Cheerleading.....Boys.....Friends.....Abercrombie......
So many times I ask myself, "What would Jay do?"
Margaux is a firecracker! She is you made-over, but I'm sure you know that. I know you're watching over her carefully. She is so sensitive and special, full of life, loves music of all kinds, and is CRAZY!!!!!
We miss you so much, Jay. Can't wait to see you again.
October 24, 2008
I Love You and miss you, Iwalu, Mom
August 23, 2008
I was sitting around tonight thinkin of you, David and Brian. I sure do miss you guys. I don't think that there's a day that goes by when I'm walking on the back lot that I dont think of some time when I crossed you guys and just said hello or we shared some story or call we had. You guys will never be forgotten and I just wanted to say thanks for keeping watch over us. One day we will meet again.
Cpl M Tigner
August 14, 2008
I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family, and to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We miss all you guys so much, just watch over your family and let them know you are close.
Connie Barker F.W.B. Fl.
Mother of Clint Walker Prattville Al. E.O.W. 1-14-04
July 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Son, I love you, We will bake a cake, and sing Happy Birthday in memory of you, Margaux will blow out the candles. She loves to celebrate your Birthday. We do this every year, and I'll do it as long as they want to do it. It has been 5 years and it still seems like yesterday you were here. We love you and miss you with all our hearts. Happy Birthday in Heaven! I love you, Mom
July 7, 2008
Sir, as I visit this site, I am reminded of the true and loyal hero's of our Country. But it so sad to see that I missed a fallen brother in blue in my own state. So may I please take this time to extend my deep sympothy and sorrow to your family, friends and co-workers. Rest in peace my brother and protect us all left behind. As you Patrol the streets of Gold, be a gaurdian angel to us all.
Sgt. Mike Szempruch
Bossier City Police Dept. Bossier City Louisiana
June 24, 2008
Officer Carruth,
During the short time you spent in this world, you dedicated yourself to an occupation that placed you in harm's way everytime you reported to work. Everyday, drugs and violence wages war with law enforcement over control of our streets, but by becoming a police officer, you volunteered to join that war to fight back againist drugs and violence from the front lines. You served your community bravely and selflessly with hope that you could make this community safer for the citizens of Alexandria one arrest at a time. For citizens like myself, you faught for those who couldn't fight. You spoke for those who couldn't speak. You helped those who needed help during the most dangerous of all circumstances. You gave your life for the hope and safety of your community, and for that, you are truly a fallen angel.
May God be with your daughters, mother, and the rest of your loved ones everyday and every night. May He lift them up with His mighty right hand, and forever protect them.
From: Nicole M. Hawn
Nicole Hawn
daughter of Sgt. Darren Hawn, APD (Alexandria, LA)
May 16, 2008
We will be taking the "Girls" tubing today, so I guess it is the beginning of summer for us. Your girls are so beautiful and talented. They have their sad moments, but are mostly full of Joy. We have all enjoyed them so much. Noelle, tried out for cheerleader, she mesmerized the judges, she made the competition team, we are all so proud of her. Margaux is searching for a sport to get involved with, she can do anything and add a touch of silliness to it (just like you) really. They are both a joy to be around. All your neices and nephews are pretty great kids. They all know who you are and talk about you as if they have spent time with you, so I guess we have done a good job of keeping your memory alive. You are still alive to me, you are living in Gods promise and we will all be there before we know it. I thank God everyday, because his plan is truely great, he has not forgotten about our Love for each other, and he has the power to keep that love going forever. Love you and miss you.
Iwalu, Mom
April 26, 2008