Alexandria Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Thursday, February 20, 2003
Reflections for Patrolman Jeremy Edward "Jay" Carruth
Dear Jay,
It is so hard to fathom that it has been three years since you've been gone. It seems like just yesterday that you were taken off of this earth in such a senseless act of violence. I will never forget that day, the way I felt, the way the girls reacted, the feeling of total helplessness and disbelief. I wondered for so long if life would ever be "normal" again. Everyday life has become easier, with daily progress. There are bad days and good days. The truth is, life will never be "normal" again. I can only try to give our girls the best sense of normalcy I can. Growing up without their Daddy is hard on them. Their little faces project glimpses of unhappiness at times. They also shine just as brightly as you did. Noelle and Margaux are constant reminders for those who love and miss you, that you are still here, within the girls, and all around us. I can't wait to see you again, laugh, talk, and maybe even have a few disagreements. Thanks for the dance last week. I love you.
February 20, 2006
Its been three years today, I never met you but I know that you have met Josh. Your family is in my prayers today. You are truly a warrior.
February 20, 2006
hey bubba i missing you like crazy
love always and forever
January 30, 2006
God looked aroud his garden and saw an empty space He looked down from Heaven and saw your smiling face He put his arms around you and whispered come to rest His garden must be beautiful He picks only the best it broke our hearts to lose you but you did not go alone a part of us went with you a million times we cried and if our love could have saved you never would you have died
missing you lots
January 24, 2006
Thinking about you alot today. Sophie and I were at the store the other night and she pointed to the only star in the sky and told me that you were in that star watching over us! I am so amazed at children because of their pure hearts they can sense so many things that we cannot as adults. Losing you has left a void in our lives but you were a gift from God to all of us who loved you. Kim and I have become closer (if that is even possible!!) and that is another amazing thing that has happened that I cherish dearly. I miss all of our times together but I feel peace knowing where you are.
Love always,
Jill Brown
January 23, 2006
hey bubba
time is so short on earth jay and i think that is starting to sink in a whole lot with me after loosing you
in 99 i lost my grandma and i thought my world was ending fast but i soon got over that but when my sister met you everything seemed to be getting back to normal then we lost you and life hasent been the same since. alot of stuff has happened and i believe deep down that if you were still here you would have kept us all in line i miss you so much here lately its been getting harder and harder nothing is going like its suppose to and i just feel so depressed lately sometimes i still question how God could take you away from us then i just thank him that he gave you to us for the brief time we had and i cherish that. i cant express how much i miss you my heart is in a million and more pieces and i dont think that it can be healed but i know that soon God will put it all back together again and soon i will see you and be with you for eternity
i love you so much
missing you lots
January 21, 2006
hey jaybird
missing you like crazy down here cant wait to see you
love grapes
January 19, 2006
hey bubba
Its about to be 3 years like your mom said. I miss seeing that arrogant sacastic face of yours. You were a great influence in my life and alot others. You are my HERO!!!
I miss you like crazy
love grapes
Kim tell the girls hello for me
ill be praying for yall mrs. pat
January 18, 2006
Christmas and New Years has come and gone and here we are again. It will be 3 years February 20 and it seems like yesterday. We all miss you so much. It's a though time, not just for me, but for a lot of people who love you. Thank You for the wonderful children, Noelle and Margaux are so much like you. We all love you and miss you with all our hearts. Iwalu, Mom
January 18, 2006
Robert thank you for sharing these words with our family, I know of your family and I know they are proud that you have chosen Law Enforcement as a career. I can understand your Grandfather feeling the way he did back in 2003. God Bless him and may he rest in peace. He probably didn't realize Law Enforcement chose you first, and I know it is a God Given Duty. I know you will love your work and I know you will work hard and long hours, and miss a lot of Family time, and I believe it is just what you have to do. Please make good use of your off time, do things that bring to you a sense of peace and wellness. Have a personal relationship with Jesus and by all means tell your family how much you love them. Thank you for honoring My Son in the manner that you have and may God Bless you in everything you do. Iwalu, Pat Carruth
January 18, 2006
Thank you for posting your thoughts and condolences. As the mother of Jay's children, I appreciate the kind words you have written. It has been a very hard road we have traveled in recovering from Jay's death. The recovery will be a life long process. The Carruth family has suffered greatly, as have I and my children. I hope that Jay and David's deaths will forever be a memory in the minds of citizens in our town and of those in law enforcement all over the country. Their deaths were senseless, but not in vain. They will always be remembered as heros. I'm forever grateful for this, for I want my girls to always know that their dad is a hero. Be careful in your ventures as a law enforcement officer.
January 13, 2006
To the families of Jay Carruth and David Ezernack:
Let me first offer my condolences to all of those who have suffered in the loss of Officers Carruth and Ezernack. I am truly saddened by your loss. I first heard about the incident when my grandfather mailed me the newspaper article during my first year of college. My grandfather was W. George Bowdon, Jr., former Mayor of Alexandria for four terms. He hired Officer Ezernack's father as chief. He passed away last November. I can still remember talking to him on the phone about the incident. He was worried about my future occupational goals. Through his tears and weeping, he was obviously upset with the incident that occured. Immediately, I felt asthough the town of Alexandria had suffered a great loss. After reading the recently released book by former Chief Thomas Cicardo, I under the facts of the incident a bit more. Alexandria did, indeed, suffer the greatest loss yet with the effects incident on February 20, 2003. As I read the story on an airplane last week, I wept through the pages describing in detail what had happened on February 20, 2003. I have spoken to several of my friends who are officers from around the state (Lake Charles PD, LSP, Baton Rouge PD), and elsewhere (Pensacola PD, Escambia County SO, and Okaloosa County SO), and thought you all should know that even after three years, the devastation is still fresh in the minds of those serve in public safety. Jay and David will never be forgotten, and their heroic actions will be remembered for a lifetime. I, for one, will never forget the two of them. It is officers such as David and Jay, who have inspired me to stay with my future goals and pursue a career in law enforcement. I'll take the Lousiana Civil Service Exam this Spring during my final semester of college. In the meantime, you will all be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.
Robert Bowdon - Criminal Justice Major
University of West Florida (Pensacola Police Dept)
January 12, 2006
hey jaybird
im just thinking about you alot right now. i love you so much
missin you like crazy
January 7, 2006
hey bubba
missing you like crazy down here. its finally a new year you and david are still doing a good job of watching out for everybody. cant wait to see you
love always
Kaitlyn Hammond
January 3, 2006
you know you have always had a very special place in my heart. it has been a while since you've gone but not a day
goes by that i don't think of you and how special you are. watch over my girl
for me okay knowing that she has you to watch over her makes my sadness a litte less its hard for me jay but
knowing she has you there makes it a lots easier. love you jay
g everett
January 2, 2006
happy new year jaybird!!!!
love grapes
miss ya like crazy
kaitlyn hammond
December 31, 2005
hey bubba
i miss you like crazy ...
love grapes
December 29, 2005
hey bubba
its almost a new year and i am dreading that because it will be another long tough year gone by but i guess we can all think of it as getting closer and closer to being with you and when i think of it like that it excites me you and david are doing such a great job watching out for all of us down here i am so proud of you and him you are my angel in blue i miss you so much
i love you and miss you like crazy
December 27, 2005
merry christmas bubba
love grapes
December 26, 2005
Merry Christmas buddy, We miss you and David. God Bless ya'll and your family!
December 21, 2005
hey jaybird my heart is hurting right now knowing you will not be here for christmas when it seemed like yesterday it was christmas and you were picking on me!!! its so tough. all i want is for you and my sister to be married and live happily and for me to be able to keep the girls and to know you and my sister would be so happy! i miss marmo and dill pickle to play together. I really dont know how ive made it this far without you there to be helping me out in lifes many journeys. you always gave me encouragement and when life seemed to suck the most you were always there to pick me up. you picked me up when i was feeling down. i remember the last conversation we had i also remember that valentines day (only 6 days before your EOW) when you came into my room and i called you a name you never would have thought i would have said and you ran and tickled me and made me get up that morning ir was an awesome day. I also remember the day i got to keep marmo and dylan together they had so much fun i have their little pictures hanging up on my wall right where i sleep. they are precious little angels. gosh jay i cant wait to see you and for us to joke around like we used to. keep watching over all of us let us feel your embrace and warmth. i miss you and my heart still hurts. love always
December 19, 2005
Christmas is almost here and the Girls are getting ready. Noelle was a Star named Twinkle in the Church Christmas play, she did great, I was so proud of her, was really proud of Margaux too, she told Noelle she did the best. We are all missing you, can't help but be proud of you too, you get to spend Christmas with Jesus. I Love You With All My Heart. Iwalu, Mom
December 15, 2005
hey jay just thinkin about ya keep watching over all of us!!!
love ya grapes
December 14, 2005
Officer Carruth your work on this Earth as we know it is done. You are now in Gods Care. May you rest in peace brother...I salute you..
SGT. Daryl Brewer
Clarksville Police Dept. Clarksville, Tennessee
December 11, 2005
I'm thinking of you today and missing you so much. Margaux told me a few months ago "I know my Daddy is a Hero and all that, but I really want my Daddy not to be a hero and just be my Daddy. I can surely relate to her feeling that way. We all miss you so much and wish you were here, but I guess that is selfish on our behalf. I don't think there will ever be a day that we won't miss you, Thank you for all the memories, I guess I need to thank you for being so silly, it makes me laugh to think about how silly you could be. I remember telling you to stop being silly, I'm glad you didn't listen. I now think Silly is a gift, everyone needs to be Silly sometime. Thank you for being a great son, a good brother, a good father and a good friend to all. I will always Love U with all my heart. Iwalu, Mom
December 7, 2005