Alexandria Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch Thursday, February 20, 2003
Reflections for Patrolman Jeremy Edward "Jay" Carruth
RIP Sir, a true Hero you were
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
February 20, 2012
Rest brother. Much love.
M Bozeman
February 16, 2012
I knew you, Jay, when we played soccer way back in high school. I was saddened to hear about your death and the death of PFC Ezernack. While two decades have passed since we last talked, I know you were loved by many and are missed to this day. You will not be forgotten. Rest easy, brother. We still have the watch.
May your family, friends and fellow officers find comfort in the legacy you've left behind.
Detective D.M. Baillio
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Division of Police
January 19, 2012
Noelle and I will be attending Nat'l Police Week again this year, we look forward to giving you a Rub on the Wall! Love you and miss you! Always will!
May 9, 2011
Today was an eye opener for me. Only by the grace of God I Made it home alive. Ive been a police officer for approximately seven years. I was in a situation today that i realy cant get into but the leadership was not to say up to par. I Spent 8 years in the Corp.and I have my ways of doing things and i thought about you today and the rest who fell that day. I known you look over all of us or at least you try! I Never knew you or the others who fell that day but did go through the APD training. Im Lucky to be alive today. Im so frustrated because im in no possision to say anything or voice my opinon on what happened today. I did get a chance to meet your mother during training, she's a sweet heart and she misses you very much. I love my job and it going to be the ones who take just the simplist calls and past them as a joke. Every call should be handled with extreme caution. Patrolman GD..
Patrolman GD
May 9, 2011
Just stopping in to say I love you and miss you...went walking through the woods at Wainwright Rd. yesterday and it was so peaceful but I thought about you alot. You helping daddy working all the time. Helping him build things. I have this strange photographic memory of you on the roof laying plywood and tar sheet...your big tattoo on your back was barely visible because you were so dark from either working or fishing (mostly fishing lol) strange but that is one memory that stands out. Until next time!
March 25, 2011
Celebration of yours and David's life was great again this year! We pray for God to protect all officers at this luncheon, and to be with all Law Enforcement families! The Girls have grown so much this year, we are making our arrangements for DC and they look forward to this trip each year! We love you and we miss you! Iwalu always!
February 28, 2011
Found a song tonight that you use to play on your sax at Jones St. "stand by me"... didnt realize it was on the anniversary of your death. brought back many of great memories but sadden at the same time!
February 21, 2011
Thinking of you and your family on what I would call your Heavenly Birthday. Tell my son hi. We miss y'all!
Kay D. Wood
Mother of Deputy Marshal Glen Denning DeVanie: EOW 4/2/2003 LA
February 20, 2011
I had the absolute pleasure of meeting your mom a few weeks ago. And while I never knew you, you have touched my life. Her smile and eyes LIGHT UP when she talks about you. Her love for you is so obvious and represented in her crusade all over this world to help other families and departments, and to spread awareness of the effects of losing a police officer. I know she is doing so much to help others, while daily living with the pain of losing you and the joy to know you now live in peace. She said you always used to tell her "Are you just going to sit there or get off the porch?" She hears you loud and clear, and this drives her to reach out to others daily. I know your family and brothers in blue miss you daily. Please continue to watch over them and keep them safe!
February 18, 2011
It is the beginning of a new year and of coarse I am counting. It is almost 8 years since you left us! Seems like yesterday and somedays it seems like forever! I love you and miss you everyday! I am thankful for having a Son like you for 29 years. Iwalu!
January 4, 2011
family and friends are all still saddend by the tragedy of you no longer being here. you were always an inspiration to me when we were neighbors,i would tell mom that i wanted to be like mr.jay when i grew up. you are truly missed by family and friends
Dpy Jessica Dorsey
Grant Parish Sheriffs Office
November 11, 2010
mr.jeremy i dont know where to begin,u were such an inspiration to me when i was growing up. u were always just the nicest person when you lived next door to us. believe it or not you inspired me and im glad that i can say i knew you. you are missed by family and friends
Deputy Jessica Dorsey
Grant Parish Sheriffs Office
November 11, 2010
R.I.P. this was the saddest day in Alexandria history. The A.P.D. handled this tragedy so professional.
October 11, 2010
Time is passing so quickly. Our girls are growing up so fast. I can't believe Noelle is in high school, and Margaux in 5th grade this year. There's not one day that passes in which you aren't on my mind. I often contemplate what our lives would be like if you weren't taken from us. We miss you so much, and only find comfort in the knowledge that the Lord has promised we will meet again. Love you forever. 6-4-94
August 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Son, I love you and miss you!Your Girls are great, they are growing up so fast! Thank you for the gift of these Girls! You are our Hero!
July 7, 2010
SSG Carruth, thank you for taking time out of your day to talk to an E4 who wasn't even in your platoon one hot day in GTMO, summer of 2002. Your wisdom came at an important time in my life. I remember that conversation like it was yesterday. You touched my life, and for that I am grateful. I was struck by your professionalism, obvious pride in your military and civilian careers, and your caring for junior Soldiers. I will always remember you, and mourn your passing.
CPT John BonneCarrere
239th MP, 2001-2007
June 4, 2010
We are headed out to Police Week 2010 this week, Margaux and Noelle are excited about going again. We will give you a Rub on the Wall once again. Love you and miss you, you are our Hero! God is Good!
May 10, 2010
Please know that I think about you along with David every day. So many memories remain and I'm sure you both are enjoying the presence of the Lord. Keep watch over all of us and especially our officers who are here and carry on the work so necessary for our safety. So many new officers have come aboard the dept. and I know you will protect them daily. Big job, but you are in the best place to do this. We miss you and all the folishness that brought joy to our hearts. Until next time,
Ms. Millie E.
Millie Ezernack
April 15, 2010
All is well with my soul!
April 5, 2010
We had a great celebration on the 20th in memory of you and David, Good food, Great fellowship, Great memories, Great Friends. I miss you and love you, a mothers love can never die, it is fueled by God, and God is love!
February 23, 2010
Hey Jay,
My heart is hearting today. It's been 7 long years since you left us. I miss you so very much. You were such an amazing person. You made me laugh so much. I saw pictures of the girls the other day and they are growing up and are both so beautiful.I wish you could be here to see us but I know your looking down on us. I miss you jaybird with all of my heart. Can't wait to see you again.
Always and Forever
* grapes *
February 20, 2010
love and miss you jay carruth, my true "blue angel"........
February 20, 2010
Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 20, 2010
Always remembered & honored 4 his service & his ultimate sacrifice.
Mother, daughter, sister & granddau. of LEOs
February 19, 2010