Norfolk Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Thursday, January 16, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Sheila Herring
Well it's our birthday 01-27-1963. The bad thing about my birthday is it was meant to celebrate with you. I can't believe I will be 47. You were taken from me right before we were going to celebrate our 40th. I always hope this day just goes as fast as it comes, Then I try to remember a HERO was born on this day and I am lucky enough to know someone that would actually give their own life for the someone else.
Still Missing You
Identical Twin Sis Sharon
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sister
January 26, 2010
Sheila was a beautiful person that I will never forget, she was soft-spoken and I will remember her as one of the twins with a kind heart. Sweet Dreams to one of God's Angels.
Cheryl (Kincaid) Green
High School Classmate
January 18, 2010
Too all of her family and friends my heart goes out to you. A part of Shelia will lives on in each and everyone one that carries her memory within their heart. God Bless and keep you all. Lisa B., HENRY FORD HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 81
January 17, 2010
Thought about you all day today and missing your smile. So many things I wish I had said and done. I picture us at the Police Academy in Newport News. We had our good and bad days, but I would take them back any day. I will never forget you Sheila. Give Michael a hug for me.
January 16, 2010
I can't believe it's been seven years. We went to the memorial today and placed flowers by the marble stone with your name. I am still trying to figure how time heals all wounds. I am still wounded. The only thing time has done is pass and take me with it. I still wish you were here. Nothing will ever be the same for me anymore. My heart is still broken and you took a piece of me when you left this earthly place. I will love you beyond eternity.
Missing you STILL
Your Identical Twin Sister Sharon
Sharon Atkins Identical Twin
January 16, 2010
Hey mom today is a very sad day for me. Today is the day you left us to be with someone better, God and Weedies. Me Krystal, Auntie and Uncle Dennis came to put some flowers out for you. We all miss you so much. We were talking about you as usual at Krystals. It saddens my heart to know someone so great is no longer here. I think about you all the time. You will always be remembered by all. I just wanted to tell you how much i love and miss you. Your daughter.
Alexis Herring
January 16, 2010
I know you and Weedies are smiling at us all from heaven. Its been a rough week - thinking of today. The day you went to Heaven. I pulled out the old Ziggy card you gave me. I just want you to know that I think of you everyday and that I Love You.
Bettina Williams
January 16, 2010
Hey Big Sis. You are missed. You are forever in my heart. I find myself looking at hearts and thinking about how much you loved them. I am coming to realize what hearts meant to you (LOVE). Everyone that knew you always says how much they love you and you always showed us LOVE. I will always love you and never will a day go by without me thinking about you.
Your Little Sister Lisa
January 15, 2010
Seven years and I still thank of you everyday.
your name comes out of my mouth everyday to someone. Tears fill my eyes often. The Love I have for you is still there. You will be with me everyday of my life. I ask God to help all who have loss someone they Love. Most of all I thank God for blessing me with all my children. Love Always & Forever Mother
January 15, 2010
Hey mom i was just reading about you. You are quite a amazing woman. You use to constantly get on my nerves but as the days past i want to be more and more like you. I was thinking of you while we were ringing in the new year. Auntie and Uncle Dennis. Everyone was there but im pretty sure you already know that since you were there too. I miss you so much. Today was my first day of class. I was so nervous but i know i can do it. January 16th is around the corner and it does not seem like you been gone for that long. Me and auntie are coming to put flowers out for you. I love her so much too. She is the best second mom i could ever have. Well i just wanted to tell you i love you always and forever and you will always be in my mind and heart.
January 11, 2010
We never met but after a conversation with your sister Sharon, it was like I had known you for a while. Your memory will alway be an uplifting attribute to your family and those of us who have worn or will wear a police badge.
Chief Cleveland Barnes
University of Maryland Police Department
January 11, 2010
I was thinking about you today; all the good times we shared back in Highland Park. I miss your smile and good humor!! Everyone in the Highland Park Police Department loves you!!!
Detective Stan Berry (Retired)
Highland Park, Michigan
December 12, 2009
Good morning Sheila just wanted you to know that Glen & Lisa (old next door neighbor) stopped by and we talked about You Alexis and Weedies for hours. It warmed my heart and made my day to hear her say how you made her laugh & smile for days. You could always make people smile & laugh. Missing You Love Hugges & kisses Your Mom
December 7, 2009
As aways Sheila Thanksgiving Day is a day that I give thanks to God for letting Sharon send for me the year 2002 never taught it would be the last time I see you alive. So I just keep the memory of us being together in my heart. If not for Sharon I would not have that special Gift and a special Gift it was. My heart still ache for you not a single day goes by that I don't think of you. Your Mom
December 2, 2009
The Holidays only make me think about you a zillion times a day verses a million times a day. Missing you still. Happy Thanksgiving. Wishing you were here.
Forever in My HEART
Identical Twin Sis
Identical Twin Sister
November 26, 2009
Hey Sheila,
Of course you already know that I think of you everyday. I just wanted you to know that you are really on my mind today. Every now and then I look at some of the correspondence you sent me. I save them in a special box. Your words were so true. I love you and continually pray for the rest of the family. Hopefully I'll see Sharon next week.
Oh yea, Happy Belated Marine Corps Birthday!
Forever In My Heart,
Bettina Williams
November 13, 2009
Beautiful Sister of Mine,
I thought of you today and wanted to say for the countless time that you are my s-hero! The sacrifice and dedication that it takes to do the job that we do is unparellelled. Your life and legacy will be forver treasured and is a source of motivation for me to be the best that I can be each and every day.
Special Agent Connie L. Stephens
US Immigration and Customs
October 28, 2009
I love you with all my heart. I really miss you and I still have bad days. When I have my bad days I just call mom and I feel a little better. Your grandson is so sweet he gives kisses now. My grandaughter is a trip she has a mini melt down every time I say goodbye. My grandson is a trip too looking just like Dennis and busy as hell. He started walking before he was 10 months old he is going to give Krystal a run for her money. I just wish you were here. If I were to die today I would be ok. I've known a true hero got a chance to ride my motorcyle and I got a chance to see me and your grandchildren. I couldn't ask for much more!!!
Love You Beyond Eternity
Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
Twin Sis
September 18, 2009
We had a ball at Lexy's party the kids are still a trip. You know I never cook, but Krystal asked me to make spagetti and devil eggs. Lexy asked me to make string bean casserole and bring the alcohol for her favorite drink. Dennis thought that was funny. He said there was nothing else to bring I had done it all. Krystal made chicken and these fabulous green beans she also bought a veggie tray. She is just like her dad:) I got home a little after midnight but we all had so much fun. I wish you were here.
Missing you Still
Identical twin sis
Sharon Atkins
Twin Sister
September 13, 2009
Hey Sheila today Sharon's helping Krystal give Alexis a birthday party. You would be very proud of your twin sis she really is just like a mom to Alexis now that your're gone to be with the angels. I can't be there for Alexis 25th birhtday party so like you I will be watching from a distance my heart mind & soul will be there. Forevery In My Heart Love Mom
September 12, 2009
Good morning Sheila its me your mom. Yesterday Sept.10th Alexis birthday I tried writing you two letters but I didn't master this computer so I'm back again today. This web-site is great it lets me read your mail & send letters. If I get this right. So today I'm just saying keep watching over us. Still miss you. And I look everyday at your picture on this web-site & all around the house.Love Mother
September 11, 2009
Just wanted to let you know you're on my mind. It seems like just yesterday that we would share that smile for me.....
HC Eckstein
September 8, 2009
Hey Shelia
I know you are probably saying Sarah Mae you are back again. Well yeah, I am. I just wanted to tell you me and Sharon just got off the phone talking about you, moma lett, Weedies,Lexi,And the grandkids. You know yesterday was Sharon and Dennis 13th Anniversary. Wow how time fly's. Well i got to get back to work. I love you and Weedie Boo. Take care and we will chat again another day.
Love You Both,
Sarah Mae Mae
Sarah Taylor
September 4, 2009
Hey Shelia you crossed my mind today and i just wanted to say i love and miss you. I can't believe moma lett is actually getting on the pc alone. well that's mom. You know there will be nothing to keep her done. She's always been strong, That's where we all get it from. ilove you again. Lexi and Tre are fine. Bella just had a birthday, she's two now. And can you believe Krystal's a mom. Well yeah, she is. Everyone is just growing up so fast.I got to go now, but hug and kiss Weedies for me. And we will continue to be strong while you continue to watch over us. (Love Sarah Mae Mae)
Sarah Taylor
Family (Adopted Sister)
September 2, 2009
Hi Sheila. I just got started with the net and e-mail so I have Lisa here helping me. I will be leaving messages for you later and when I master this stuff. Love You Mom
August 21, 2009