Norfolk Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Thursday, January 16, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Sheila Herring
Although I was retired before your sacrifice, you are a Sister Officer to me. You served a great Police Department and you made the ultimate sacrifice for this City, it's citizens and your fellow Officers.
Rest In Peace are not forgotten!
With much respect,
Officer V.J. Lohndorf (retired)
POII V.J. Lohndorf (Retired)
December 21, 2007
Hello Sheila,
Its still unreal to me that you are not here. I have not been with Sharon lately and I am so full of guilt over it. The more I want to be there for her, the worse I fell that I can't do anything to make it better. Sometimes I felt being around her made her more miserable than if I wasn't there. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of the two of you. I do pray everyday, especially for Sharon, Lexy and Mom. I know that you and Weedies are watching over us all.
Love Always,
Bettina (Gardner) Williams
Family friend
December 4, 2007
The holidays are approaching again. It's still very hard. Our last Thanksgiving together was so nice. I just never thought it would be our last. I am glad mom had a chance to be with you one more time. I was so jealous. I paid for mom's plane ticket and you guys were together everyday just about. You were working undercover at the time and had a more flexible schedule. Now I am so happy that you spent that time with mom. I wish it was April. Still Missing You!!!
Love 4 all of eternity and beyond
Sharon Atkins(Identical Twin Sister Of a TRUE HERO)
Sharon Atkins
November 17, 2007
It's taken me a long time to be able to write something for you...I'm not sure why today is the day but i guess it is.
I too was apart of the 117th recruit school for MSP...and you were as much apart of it as any of us. You were, and still are, a stronghold...a pulled us through more than you will ever know. If I'm ever offered the opportunity to express this to your family I will with pride share our experiences and our loss.
The band I wear on my wrist is for you...I thank God I have you to watch over us. I'm sure I speak for the rest of the 117th...we miss you; you shall ever inspire us to be better.
Michigan State Police
November 3, 2007
Hey mommie i haven't written you lately but you are always on my mind. Everytime i look at auntie i thank god that i still have a piece of you. she reminds me of you so much. i love that god has blessed me with two wonderful mothers. whenever i look at her i see you, its as if i am staring at your mirror image. guess what, you too will soon be a grandmother. i am so excited and i wish you were here to share it with me. if i am having a girl i plan to name her after you and weedies. auntie and grandma are excited about the new addition too. i hope you are proud of me. me and tremaine talk about you all the time and he wishes that he had the chance to meet his future mother in law. even though you won't be at our wedding phyiscally i know you will be there in spirit. you are always with me. a great person can never be forgotten. i carry you in my memory and my heart. i think about you a lot more than usual now, especially since i am about to become a mother. i think of all the good times we shared and i pray that i will as good of a mother as you were to me. you were the best mom anyone could ever ask for plus some. i love you, always and forever.
September 29, 2007
My grandaughter was born August 29, 2007 at 5:54PM. It was at that moment I was happy but had great sadness. The person that I wanted to call first was you. Sheila, she is beautiful. Her name is Isabella Faith. We are not sure if she will have blue eyes like her mom or if they will change. So far she has Sarah's color, lips and eyes. She has Lamar's ears, nose fingers and toes. Mom was here for a short visit and is crazy about Isabella too!!! I call her Bella. I just can't stop kissing on her. She makes me want to have a baby. P.S. just in case you haven't spoke with Lexy lately you will be a grandmother too. Lexy is due around Valentine's day. It's very hard for us. I still don't understand. I love you beyond ETERNITY!!!!
From: Your Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
September 17, 2007
I have read the many pages of reflections for Officer Herring. It seems too much to bare for Officer Herring's family to have tragedy strike twice. The only comfort is that Sheila and her daughter Aleisha are now together forever. My thoughts and prayers go out to Sheila's family and especially her twin Sharon and her daughter Alexis.
I am saddened by the amount of Police Officers in the U.S. that are killed in the line of duty.
Officer Sheila Herring - you have paid the ultimate price and you will never be forgotten.
Police Constable Debora Edelmann
Hamilton Police Service, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
August 26, 2007
God Bless the Herring Family. You are still in my prayers.
POII G. Seiderman
Norfolk Police Department
August 24, 2007
Hello. I will be going home on July 28th for 3 days to spend time with mom. We were just talking about us going to kindergarten. I can't believe I still remember that day. They put us in a separate classroom and once we had recess and saw each other it was all over. The teachers thought they were going to wisk us off to our classrooms and we just grabbed each other around the neck and held on for dear life. The teacher said they were going to call mom and we said okay and we set in a window seat holding each other and waiting for mom to get there. Mom would not let them separate us. We always knew who we were and we knew we had our own identities but we loved being together and dressing alike. I remember when you picked out our outfit for our 10 year class reunion. You always had excellent taste. I read an article in a magazine and it made me cry because it was soooo true. "Time does not heal the wounds it just keeps on moving and takes us with it"
Love U for eternity and beyond
Your identical Twin Sis Sharon
Sharon Atkins
July 18, 2007
Hey Sweety, just want you to know that I'm teaching at the Police Academy now. The same Academy that we went through together, and I spoke to my new class about you today. I make it a habit with each class. I still have your picture up at my home and I think of you each time I look in the recruits eyes. I miss you and wish you were here.
Cpl. Sammy Jones
Hampton Police Division/ Classmate 99-C
July 12, 2007
Although I have never met you I feel like I know you. I visit this site alot especially since a close friend of mine(Seneca Darden)was killed last year in the line of duty. I know that you are a very special person. I remember watching your funeral on TV & crying. Sheila inspired me to want to do more with my life, she is the reason that I decided to join the Sheriff's Office.Everyday I pray for Sharon & Alexis and pray that your legacy will continue to live on. Sharon & Lexi please continue to be strong and live on. I hope that I will see you guys at the upcoming memorial.
Master Deputy S. Johnson
Norfolk Sheriff's Office
May 10, 2007
We went to Mexico and had a great time. It's because of you that we travel. You always told us life is to short don't wait to retire to do things. Do things today. I had my Baileys and coffee every morning like we used to do. I have been doing the fund raiser for the police unity tour. Police week is coming up. Every time Lexy and I talk we fuss and it's like you and Lexy reincarnated. It's scary. I am trying to get mom to move to VA but I am sure it won't happen. I miss your daily phone call. You would call me after 9:30 pm and I would fuss and tell you I was sleeping. I had to go to work the next morning. Then I would call you at 9:00 am and you would fuss at me. You would tell me you know I just got off work you were sleeping and I needed to call your after 2:00 pm. We were born together sometimes I wish we could have died together. A part of me did DIE. I have not worn a watch since you passed. TIME STOPPED FOR ME 01-16-2003 AT 2:00AM!
Sharon Atkins
April 27, 2007
I was thinking of you today. I will always remember you as a member of the 117th Michigan State Police Trooper Recruit School you will always be a sister of MSP. I think of your young one that you had lost tragically several years ago and the private conversations that we had in recruit school. I also think of how your daughter is doing and how old she must be now. I also think of how strong she was at your funeral.
Sheila I admired your tenacity and strength and we all loved your humor and intoxicating smile. I cannot imagine the pain your family must still feel. I pray for your twin sister and your daughter. I miss you and pray that you are at peace in heaven.
Trooper Lesterisha C. Moss Rule
Michigan State Police
April 25, 2007
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you. It's still very hard for me. The summer will be here soon. That was always our favorite time of the year. I think that's why I was able to get you to move to Virginia Beach!!! Missing your STILL!!!
Love U
Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
April 7, 2007
You and the rest of our fallen brothers and sisters will always be heroes. Thank you for serving and keeping watch over us.
April 6, 2007
I love you and I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am still not whole. Remember everytime we went somewhere without each other the first question was where is Sheila or where is Sharon. I get so sad everytime I see identical twins. I always think they have their sister why can't I have mine. I know you are always with me but I miss your face. I miss seeing you. I miss hearing you. I miss talking to you everyday!!!!
Love U Always 4 ever + eternity
Your Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sister
March 25, 2007
I look at your picture often. I pray for your family often. You will be remembered often. GOD BLESS!!!
Richmond Police Officer
March 21, 2007
Today so many are praising our fellow armed forces servicemen and women. Everywhere we go there are yellow ribbon magnets that say "Support our Troops" on back of almost every vehicle. While we should most certainly give our fellow soliders their due respect and admiration for their bravery in defending America's freedom let us not forget the brave men and women of our police forces who face the "war on the streets" every day of their lives. International Wars have only been fought every few decades where as Street Wars are fought everyday. Police Officers are our hometown heros who go out to protect us everyday putting their lives on the line for us to live in safety.
As most of today's headlines glare with words of comtempt and disrespect for police officers; let us not forget that under that uniform is a human being that is falible. Therefore not all are honest, not all are good, none are perfect. However, for every bad cop there are hundreds who are good honest men and women. So at night when we are on our knees giving thanks to God for allowing us to return to the safety and peacefulness of our homes let's not forget that God uses people to bless us and a good many of those people are police officers.
Please pray for our police officers and their families. May God protect them, bless and prosper them all.
Officer Herring, you should be commended. I know you have earned your crown in heaven for you have exemplified Jesus by in his greatest form: (John 15:13)No Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Officer Herring..I call you friend.
Tressa Adabo
concerned civilian
March 18, 2007
Hey Mommy, today is your birthday and you are not here to celebrate it. If you were here we would probably be at Auntie's having a good time as usual. I miss you so much. I've been thinking about you alot lately. A week ago makes it 4 long years since you've be away from me and i still remember that day as if it yesterday. Its been really hard for me but I know I must go on because thats what you would want. I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you and I never will, I don't think you will ever be forgotten since you are such a memorable person. It's your big personality in such a little body that everyone will remember. What I remember most about you is your beautiful smile. People tell me all the time that we have the exact same smile. Auntie Sharon has the same smile too. I love you Mommy.
Love Always,
January 27, 2007
Thinking of you today. May God continue to bless your family, friends and department.
Chesterfield County Police Department
January 16, 2007
My thoughts are with your loved ones on this 4th anniversary of your end of watch. You are a true hero and heroes never die. I want to applaud your courage, ten years with the Detroit PD. Most men wouldn't have the moxy to spend one day on the streets there, but you did. I know the pain your loved ones feel on a daily basis and how much they miss you. Continue to watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the thin blue line. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 16, 2007
Heroes and the sacrifices they make will never be forgotten.Officer Herring, you are a true hero and you are not forgotten.Continue your beat on heavens streets.
Salem, Va
January 16, 2007
Four years, I know your family misses you everyday, that will never go away. Officer Herring we will never forget you, you are a hero. Thank you for your sacrifice, and to the family that is left to deal with all the pain, we will never forget.
Connie Barker Fort Walton Beach, Fl
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04 Prattville, Al
January 16, 2007
It has been four years already. Every other day I take a look at your picture afer a long 12 hour shift on the job. this Officer Down Memorial Page brings slight comfort and endless wishes. You will never be forgotten. My heart goes out to your survivors, what a tremendous lost they must feel. Like them I am so very proud of you. CONTINUE YOUR PEACEFUL SLEEP WITH THE REST OF THE BEAUTIFUL ANGELS. THANK YOU OFFICER SHEILA HERRING FOR A JOB WELL DONE.
January 16, 2007
It's so hard to believe that it's been four years. It still seems like yesterday. You had only lived in Virginia Beach for three years and eight months when you were taken from us. I still have my good days and my bad days. I am grateful and thankful that I was born with a GREAT HERO. Identical twins can not be separated even in death. I feel you everday and I can't wait till we are together once again. REST IN PEACE AND I LOVE U FOR ALL ETERNITY PLUS!!!!
Sharon Atkins
January 15, 2007