Norfolk Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Thursday, January 16, 2003
Reflections for Police Officer Sheila Herring
I didn't know you, but, having come across your story, and seeing your face, and realizing that you are beside your 6 year old daughter, is something special. Occaisionally, I think about you, and read your obituary on
It is tragic what has befallen you and your daughter. Both of you, Gone way too soon.
October 5, 2011
Its been over 9 years since we graduated from the academy. I will never forget you. There was a reason God puts certain people in your life. You have made me a better person. I never patrol alone because I know you are with me. Thank you for keeping me safe and guiding me. I keep your picture around my neck. When I get a high priority call, I know I am not alone. You are a great friend gone way too soon.
M.M. Naughton
September 22, 2011
I am still missing you. I miss seeing you everyday. It seems like no matter what we had to do we always saw each everyday when you moved to Virginia after us being apart for 17 years. I guess I was suppose to see you everyday for the last four years of your life.
Missing You Still
Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sis
September 20, 2011
I never knew you or know any police officers personally but I would just like to say you are in my thoughts and was really touched more so by your death because you survived 10 years as an officer in one of the worse cities of our country in Detroit but you are only here in Norfolk for 11 mos and you lost your precious life. Norfolk is in no way near what Detroit is but on second thought it scares me that Norfolk could actually be worse than Detroit. God Bless you. You did not deserve what happened to you.
Just a citizen of Hampton Roads
August 24, 2011
May God bless your soul , I know the angels are watching over you . . . .
No relationship. . . Officer in Dalls
August 18, 2011
It's amazing people still remember you. One of your fellow police officers came up to me in the mall and said I gave him goose bumps. He said he knew I had to be your Identical twin sis it's so crazy to see you in me. He said it was scary.
I miss you. Sometimes I look in the mirror and say boy I'm looking like Sheila today:)
Love You for ALWAYS
Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sis
August 9, 2011
Went home last week got a chance to see the whole family. Went to the cemetary and saw your final resting place. I still miss you. Your beloved Monte Raphael (your very much spoiled poodle also spoiled by mommy) had a heart problem and passed on either late Sunday or early Monday.
Still missing you
Twin Sis
Identical Twin Sis Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sis
July 13, 2011
I remember the first time I met your twin sister. I went to her house to study with you. I immediately noticed you guys had the same type of skirts on with open toed shoes. Then it clicked. Everything that was puzzling to me, became clear. The two of you were one. I miss you everyday and I keep you close to my heart and forever in my memories.
We love and miss you dearly
Michele Naughton
July 9, 2011
I saw identical twin guys in the Bahamas it was funny one was at the bar at night and one was working in the restaurant the next morning. I went to speak I noticed the name and I immediately knew twins. It would have messed up anyone else. I remember we used to do that all the time. We would get random people(we thought)and come up to us and just start talking like we knew them, but I guess one of us did know them. That was always the best thing about being identical. We always keep them guessing. We are going to Mexico next week:) Yes it was you that got us traveling.
I love you and missing you
Identical twin sis
Sharon Atkins
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sister
May 6, 2011
Hey Sheila!! You are missed so much. Bernard will receive his Bachelor Degree on May 6, 2011 and I wish you were here in person to celebrate with us. You were the one who told me I was having a boy and you knew when he was ready to make his entry into the world. You also taught him that he didn't have to be scared of anyone (remembering when you hung that bully in the garage for Bernard). I know you are with us in spirit, I LOVE YOU ALWAYS and you are NOT FORGOTTEN. You are apart of his achievements and I Thank You.
Love Always,
Your Little Sister Lisa
Lisa Callaway
Little Sister
May 5, 2011
We are leaving for the Bahamas on Saturday. The last time we went to the Bahamas was on our senior high school trip. Missing you STILL.
Love with all my HEART
Identical Twin Sister
Sharon Atkins
Sharon Atkins
April 20, 2011
I've been thinking of you the past few day. Your smile and laugh would light up the darkest nights. Miss you.
Heath Eckstein
Lynchburg PD
April 10, 2011
Beautiful Sister of Mine,
Buried in the land that you vowed to protect, your dedication and bravery we will never forget! You will NEVER be forgotten
Connie Stephens
March 19, 2011
Thinking about you today, tomorrow and always.
Summer's coming you know that's our favorite time of the year. The Beach:)
Love You Forever In My HEART
Sharon Atkins, Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sister
March 15, 2011
Officer Herring, I can tell from the reflection left, that are loved and missed by all. I want to thank you for all you did for the City of Norfolk. Rest in Peace.
Lt. Stephen A Joy #980
Prince George's County Police Department
February 19, 2011
Today Jan. 27th is your Birthday wish you were here but God called you home so smile down on your twin sister (Sharon) it's her day to we all miss you so much. Love Mother
January 27, 2011
Sarah Taylor
January 27, 2011
It's our birthday. Missing you.
Identical Twin Sis
Sharon Atkins
January 27, 2011
You are still missed and not forgotten.
Norfolk Police Dept
January 17, 2011
Good morning Sheila,
Just want to take a moment to say that you are forever in my heart. I didn't speak with Sharon, mom or Lexi yesterday but they have been on my mind all month. Love you always dear friend.
Tina Gardner Williams
Bettina Williams
January 17, 2011
I can't believe it's been eight years since you left us. You were always so strong. Even when your youngest daughter Aleisha was killed in 93 you were strong for Alexis and now Alexis is strong for us. Not a day a hour a minute a month a year or a moment goes by without me thinking about you. Can't wait til we are together again.
Love You Always
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sis
January 16, 2011
Eight years and my heart still aches. I know you're in a better place but can't stop missing you. I'am so greatful for the memories I have of you. I still see your smile every day. Love Forever Mother
January 16, 2011
It's hard being here with out you.
Love You
Sharon Atkins
Identical Twin Sister
January 14, 2011
Hey Sheila,
You are truly missed. It's almost eight years and it seems like yesterday. I miss everything about you, and most of all I miss hearing you call me "Lisa-Lisa". I LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND I WILL CONTINUE TO KEEP YOU IN MY HEART.
Your Little Sister Lisa
January 12, 2011
It's a new year 2011 time marches on and I still miss you. Your grandson will be going to day care tomorrow Jan. 10 2011 he lookes just like Alexis. Tell Weedes I still miss her to. God is a good God He gave me You & Weedes and both of you will be in my heart forever & forever. Love Always Your Mother
January 9, 2011