Summerville Police Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Reflections for Patrolman William Boland Bell
I will never forget the short time I spent serving with you. Your dedication and un-selfish service will always be an example for me to follow. You were never too busy to talk or share a smile. When you and I talked you would ask me how things were going and I would share with you the topic of the day. What you didn't know is that at those times I doubted my abilities. You would ask me questions and I would tell you how I did it. It gave me more confidence and looking back I think that is what you were trying to do. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you how much you meant to me. Thank you for your friendship. Know that I will always keep a little of you inside me. You will truly not be forgoten.
Remember JOHN 14 1-4
PFC Chip Holmes L-22
Summerville P.D.
My and my family's hearts go out to Officer Bell and his partner's families in their tragic time of need. May your times of greif be short in knowing that these men served their communities as best they could. May their supreme sacrifice never be forgotten by those whom they served. I personally have said a prayer for these men and their families and I beseach those of you reading this, especially those who live in these officers' communities, to pray for them and their families as they greave. May the sacrifice that these men have made be a testament to the strength of their families, as well as that of their department and the public which they served. Each time I hear of a fellow officer being taken, it reminds me that none of us is immortal and it makes me hug my child an extra time. Hug yours like I hug mine...
Officer Greg Tacker
Memphis Police Dept.
Our love and Prayers go out to the family of William Bell.William was very special to our son Christopher McElman.He took Christopher under his wing , just like a father.He was Christopher's best friend, a wonderful man.Rest in peace William. You will always be remembered.WE SEND ALL OUR LOVE, Cathy and Bob Taylor
I sit here with tears in my eyes and a hole in my heart. My dad was the greatest man I will ever know. I remember as a kid I would tell him things such as "when I grow up I wanna marry a man just like you," and "daddy you are the pinnacle of manliness" of course I was just saying those things to butter him up to get my way but they are SO true. He may not be here with us on earth but he is in our hearts and he is watching over us. It hurts so much to be without him but his watchful eye was needed elsewhere. I just want all his fellow officers to know that he loved each and everyone of you. He was so proud to serve among you. I thought my family was so small until this tragic accident, and now I know that we have an extended family...The Summerville Police Department. You guys were so wonderful to my dad. I dont think there is a day that went by that he was not eager to go to work. in peace, it was what you worked so hard for. Watch over us all for we need you. We love you.
Gail Michelle Bell daughter
May God comfort and bless this family as well as the co-workers. Rest in peace........John 15:13
Shelly Ragsdale, surviving spouse
Officer Alan Ragsdale, Hohenwald Police Dept., EOW 11-27-00
To the family, friends and brothers and sisters of the Law Enforcement family.
May the Lords grace bless and comfort you through these painful days.
South Carolina has lost nine officers already this year. It seems we barely recover from one funeral and then we gather together again for another.
Officer Bell and all the men and women of law enforcement live and die Hero's. I believe that our Hero's have a very special place in heaven.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called "The Children of God" Matthews 5:9
DJ Coursen....Widow of Cpl. AJ Coursen
Beaufort County Sheriff's Office
I had the privilage of having known William better than most. My brother is Sgt. Doug Wright with the Summerville Police Department. Doug is William's Son In Law having married William's oldest Daughter. Because of their relationship, I have known William for approximately 11 years.
I used to work for the Summerville Police Department. I remember when William first came to the Summerville Police Department as a Reserve Officer. He always had a big smile on his face and was such a positive person. William could always be depended on as a Reserve Officer whether it was for Traffic Control or a Community Event. He conducted himself with the upmost professionalism and never complained about his duties no matter how undeseriable they were.
Several years ago, William and I worked the Flowertown Festival together. I remember having made a very disrespectful comment about one of our family members in front of him. It was the first and only time I ever saw William get angry. He walked away and I remember feeling terrible. The next day I went to William and told him how sorry I was for what I had said. He stared at me for several seconds and I could feel his eyes burning a hole through me. Then he got a big grin on his face from ear to ear. William said "Petey, you got a big mouth on you and that's why I forgave you yesterday." Of course he was right and we just laughed about it for about two minutes. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me "It's all in the past Son." That is a just a simple example of what kind of man he was.
I saw William numerous times after that. He would always shake my hand and ask me how I was doing. He would ask me how my wife was and ask me how work was going. The last time I had the privilage talking to William was about 3 weeks ago. Again, we had a disagreement and I remember calling him at 3am to discuss it. We spoke for about 30 minutes that morning. We were able to squash our disagreement in about 10 minutes and spent the next 20 minutes talking about our families and work. I remember asking him how he liked being a Police Officer. He said how much he loved it and how much he loved his team (Summerville Team 4). William began to tell me how his team was so helpful to him. He told me how it took him longer to handle incidents, but that his team never looked down on him and always treated him with respect. I told him that we all start slow and that it will all come with time. He said that Johnny O'Meara and John Murray were always telling him that same thing.
I wish I could speak to him just one more time, but I am grateful that I was able to know him. I am a better man and will be a better Police Officer having known him. He was more than a friend, he was FAMILY.
William, your loved ones will miss you dearly. Your family is bigger than you could possibly imagine. Your biggest family of all goes by the name of the Summerville Police Department. You touched so many lives within that agency. That showed very brightly the last two days. I will do my best to help take care of your daughters and your grandsons. I love you truly and was grateful to have you in my life. Your grandson Tanner says it best everytime he sees your picture. "That's my Pop Pop, he's a HERO." William, you will always be a hero to all that knew you. Rest in Peace knowing that brother.
Love your friend and brother,
Patrolman Peter Wright
North Charleston Police Department
God Bless your Friends, Family, and the Summerville Police Department. Rest in Peace.
My thoughts and prayers go to the Bell family, in this great time of loss. Mr. Bell, thank you for your laughter and smiles at the academy. I'll never forget the times we shared in BLE 428. It is a great honor to call you a friend and colleague. The thoughts and prayers of the North Charleston Police Department are with all who have felt a great loss. Thank you Mr. Bell for the memories, I'll never forget you or your uplifting spirit. God Bless All
Mr. Bell as I always called you. I've never been very good with words at times like this. All that I can say is that you were truly the BEST person in the room. Mr. Bell you deserved so much more in your law enforcement life. You looked foward to being a Police Officer for so long for it to end so soon. You are now with god so please, look over us all. Mr. Bell I am 26 years of age and I can only hope that I am as patient and caring as you were at the end of your short but fullfilling life. I in a way looked up to you as a father figure in our class, the way you never seemed to give up inspired me more than you will ever know. As I look back now, I know that I am lucky to have been able to sit next to you for our nine weeks in Columbia. I am lucky to have been able to share a conversation or two with you each day and I will never forget that. Mr. Bell, you were a great guy, a GREAT MAN. I will think of you often.
God Bless your family and friends.
God Bless You Mr. Bell.... Goodbye.
David Bosco---Mt Pleasant Pd, SC
David Bosco
Mt Pleasant Pd
William, you always had a smile and a kind word for everyone. You set your sights and achieved your goal. You did your job with pride and integrity. You have set the standard William and now it is up to us to live up to that standard. Thank you for the precious little time we had together and I only wish I had told you all the things that I meant to tell (I love you being just one) you before it was to late. You touched my family, my police department, my community, and most of all my heart, and for that we are all that much richer. Thank you William for everything, we will try to go on without you. I hope that in about 50 years (if I work hard enough) I will be 1/2 the man you are.
SGT John Murray
Summerville Police Department
It was so many times that I visited my sister in dispatch and had the wonderful pleasure of seeing you in the copy room making copies of map pages. It meant so much to me to see you. You were like a dad. Your dedication was unbelievable. Their was never any time I saw you without a smile. I'll always cherish our talk's in the squad,copy and break room. My thoughts and prayers will be with the Wright family, so like you and I always talked Mr.William from Mr.Billings you'll always have a place in my heart and my dreams will come true in dedication to you.
Kenny Billings
I'll Miss you
L-48 Patrolman William B Bell
Kenny Billings L-37 Cpl. Billings son
Explorer F/Sgt South Carolina HP
The term ESPRIT DE CORPS is an accurate description of what I witnessed at my final farewell on November 22,2002. I have never seen such comradery since I left the Marine Corps in '73. I will never forget as we passed those in uniform they were at attention and saluting. You earned it my brother.
The civilians were holding their hats or their hands over their hearts. Americans you did good that day. My heart swole up when I saw two ladder trucks arching their ladders toward each other in the middle of town for you to ride under. My brother you received the honor you earned with the attendance of hundreds of fellow officers.
Semper Fi
Your brother
Harold Dangerfield
I worked with you, I stood with you and I cried with you. I will never forget Officer William Bell. May God watch over all of the officers and family of the Summerville Police Department. You will always be a part of me.
Sgt. Cheryl Bass, Retired
Summerville Police Dept.
I remember with great admiration and respect my friend and mentor William Bell. William was the first officer to welcome me to the reserve force and to offer help for any need that may arise. Not only did he offer help, but he meant every word of welcome. I celebrated when William was offered the position of full time officer, for he truly deserved and cherished the position. I will always hold William up as an example and will miss him. With sincerity I offer my sympathy to all who loved and cherished Officer Bell. Hold his memory near and he will always be with you as he will always be with the Summerville PD.
Reserve Officer
Summerville PD
My prayers are with the family, friends and co-workers of Officer Bell. May God give you the comfort and strength that is needed to get through this horrible tragedy.
God Bless
Becky Jacks
Mother of Officer Julie Jacks
Chattanooga Police Department
EOW 5-6-02
Officer Bell,
You were the occasional crossing guard for my daughter's school, Summerville Elementary. I immediately noticed the obvious pride you took in your position as a police officer and as crossing guard. Your crisp uniform, your unambiguous signals to traffic and children, and the manner in which you simply stood waiting for the children to arrive signaled your dedication even during what many would consider to be unglorious crossing guard duty. I assumed you had previous military experience and suspected it was the Marine Corps that honed that edge.
Several times I thought of striking up a conversation. However, between my introverted personality and my other daughter's desire to "go swing on the playground," I never did. I put it off until a day that you had duty and my daughter had fallen asleep in the truck. That decision caused me to yell in anger at myself when I saw your picture in the paper. I regret that decision even more after hearing your friends and family discuss who you were. I would surely have enjoyed that conversation. I will think of you the next time I try to put something off for another day.
Semper Fi!
Mark Musselman
Summerville resident
The flag of my heart was lowered this morning as the Lord was lifted up in the funeral to honor the life and service of our fine brother, William Bell. The Lowcountry community and the law enforcement community are diminished this day, even while heaven is enriched. God bless your family and your heritage.
Former Chaplain
Summerville Police Department
My prayers are with the family of Patrolman Bell. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Try to rest knowing that he is now watching over you.
Sami Thomson
Surviving niece of Officer Jon Cook
San Francisco Police Department
To the family, friends and co-workers of Patrolman Bell... my sincere condolences. May God bless and comfort you. This hero is safe now.
Jamie Johnson, surviving sister of
Officer Jon Cook
San Francisco Police Department
You gave us laughs, ecouragement and excitement.
You gave us warmth, concern and smiles.
You gave us pride, help and performance.
You gave your life in honor of the Badge.
Many are left behind who wanted to share on more time
What we will no longer be able to do.
May we always remember - the smile and the pride
Each time you pinned on your Badge.
May we always remember the reasons you came
To share the fleeting moments of the thin blue line.
We thank you for all you gave during your life.
We honor you for wearing the Badge.
L-48, we will miss you.
A fellow officer.
To the family,friends,and the Summerville police Dept.,you have my deepest condolences for your tragic loss.
Trooper C.E. Johnson
Virginia State Police
I have tried to write this several times and have not been able to finish. I wish that I would have had the chance to tell you again how much you meant to me as a friend, co-worker and as my "Uncle Bill". (I am one of the few people you let get away with calling you Bill and the story behind that will stay between us. You worked very hard to get where you were and it was taken away much too quickly. I can honestly say that I am a better person for knowing you and your death has affected me greatly. I will miss you my friend but I will see you again one day and you can show me your new beat. You will be missed but not forgotten, because we love you. Semper Fi.
Really and Truly,
Lt James Bateman
Summerville Police
Lenny Wilson
ex-sc highway patrol explorer
To the Family, Relatives, Friends, and Work Colleauges of Patrolman William Bell,
Recently, my family experienced the tragic incident of a friend which was very similar to the incident involving Patrolman Bell. It is a tremendous tragedy when one stops to render aid to a stranger and pays the ultimate price in this life. However, as Law Enforcement persons, we are always wanting to help those in need.
Our sincere prayers go up for you and our thoughts of comfort are with you. We need to carry on the dedication of this beloved officer and friend by continuing to "Protect and to Serve."
May the grace of our Lord Jesus bless and keep all of you.
In His Name,
Jack H. Lanier, jr.
Longview Police Department (TX)
Longview Police Department (TX)