Summerville Police Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Reflections for Patrolman William Boland Bell
Happy Birthday Honey! Hope you had a wonderful day in Heaven being with all of our loss loved ones and new friends you have made since leaving us. Please contiune to watch over me as I feel you with me. THANKS for answering my prayer with Valarie's dream. I told her from the moment we lost you that when you found she was at peace you would be there and you where!The boys miss you dearly they talk about you all the time, I know you hear them sweet babies and can see them growing, we miss you and love you and will be waiting to see you again when we make that journey to Heaven.Bye for now I LOVE YOU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
January 4, 2005
Happy Birthday William! I hope you're having a wonderful birthday party in Heaven today, you've got lots of super people up there to celebrate with! Even though you and I have never met, I feel like I've known you all my life. Val, Doug, and Betty have shared so many wonderful stories of you with me, and I have gotten to know you through all of them. As Val wrote in her post to my brother, I'm sure Chris and you have many good laughs together over how goofy Val and I are. We definitely can get silly, but we have lots of fun! It's so sad how Val and I met, but I'm so thankful to have her in my life. It's amazing how close we've become this past year. I was fortunate to also have met many of your friends and co-workers on your EOW date this year at the get together Val and Doug had in your honor. They all respect you and look up to you so much, and it was obvious how much love they have for you and your family. Val adores, loves, and misses you so much, as does all of your family. They are all so proud of you. Every time I have been with Tanner, he talks so highly of his Hero, his Pop-pop! Please continue to watch over and protect your family and friends from up above. You and Chris keep Doug and Larry safe as they continue to protect and serve... be their guardian angels and bring them home safely to us. And please tell Chris how much I miss him and how I wish he'd come visit me!! Once again, Happy Birthday!
With lots of love,
Sister to D/Sgt Chris Wouters,
Warren PD, EOW 10/11/00
Carole Garner
January 3, 2005
Happy Birthday, Daddy! My handsome, handsome daddy!! I'm sure if you were still here that at 51 you wouldn't look a day over 40! You are truly my beautiful daddy!!
Thank you for that beautiful dream. Hugging you again answered every prayer I've ever made since you've been gone. And, thank you for what you said; I know you were here waiting for me when we got here. I love you and miss you more than anything, too!
What a sad day we're having thinking about spending your birthday without you. Can't wait to spend this day with you again. We hope you're having an amazing birthday in heaven. You deserve it!!
All my Love always,
P.S. Happy Birthday, pop-pop. I love you!! I miss you pop-pop. Have a good day.
Love ,
Your babies, Tanner and William Cole :)
His Daughter
January 3, 2005
Merry Christmas, daddy! I miss you so much today daddy--today and always. Time seems to be pulling you further from me, and I hate it! I missed you today because I kept thinking about what our plans "would have been" if you hadn't been taken from us. I keep thinking about all the times I got to sit next to my handsome daddy at the dinner table. I remember the way you looked at me, and I miss that tender affection you gave me so much. Around the holidays I think a lot about how much you are missing out on--seeing the boys grow up, seeing your new grandbabies, being around to see the way me and Gail have grown-up in these last 2 years and seeing all the new things going on in our lives. You would be so proud! I hope you're here for it all, and I hope you can feel how much we all love and miss you. I miss you so much, and I really hope that you can feel my love. That's all I can give you now.
Please know that the boys wish you a very merry Christmas, too. Tanner told me the other day that he missed you and that he was going to fly up to heaven and pull your angel wings off so that he could bring you back down here and hug you. It made me cry. I thought he understood that this was FOREVER, but then again it's hard for me to even come to terms with this. Daddy, your boys LOVE you so much. They talk about their pop-pop every day, especially Tanner. He misses you SO much! He was on his way to his first wrestling match the other day, and when I got there, his head was bent down, and he was crying. I asked Doug what was wrong, and he told me that Tanner drove by the accident scene and became very upset. I pulled Tanner aside and told him that you loved him very much and not to be so sad because you were really happy in heaven. He lost his match, daddy, but you would have been so proud of your boy anyway. Your heart would have been beating out of your chest with pride that day. He did so well! He kept off his back most of the time. I guess you playing Buddah bellies with him and wrestling with him really paid off.
Well, daddy, I need to go put out presents. (I mean <
You're my hero, dad.
I will ALWAYS love you!!!
His Daughter
December 25, 2004
Honey~ Today marks two years since you left me, most of my day's thoughts have been on you and how very very much I miss you. I was thinking of that awful hour when I was told and how my heart was just completely shattered. Could I go on without you forever in my life? It's not been easy, but I am making it as best I can know I love you more then life itself and I will hold on until I see you again.
November 19, 2004
Well, here we are daddy. It's been 2 years. I can't believe I'm writing this to you this way. Even after 2 years, it seems like I will never get used to being without you. This anniversary is so hard, and it's not even really here yet. It's only 11 o'clock at night.
Daddy, I truly don't know what to say right now except that I just needed to talk to you. I feel like this is my way of speaking right to you. SO, if this is what I must do so that I don't ever let you go, I will do it.
I miss you daddy. I hate this day that's coming. I only look forward to it being over. This time without you has been painful and sad. I know we'll be together again one day, forever...but until then this hurts really bad!!
It was 2 years ago today that I said goodbye to you for the last time. We didn't know it was our goodbye, but we couldn't have planned it any better. God DEFINITELY planned it, though. I remember calling you about 3 times in just a few hours on the night before you died. My last call was to tell you that I appreciated you. Your last words to me were, "I love you, Darling." Those words couldn't be any more beautiful to me now. I know that I am truly, truly blessed that God gave us such a beautiful goodbye. I'm glad that you left this world with my love. Daddy, there wasn't anything that I regret not saying to you while you were here, and I don't think there was anything else on your heart that hadn't been said to me, too. God gave me to you as your daughter, and I then allowed me to grow up and to be your friend. And I will forever be in thanks to him for that.
Daddy, I couldn't possibly tell you how much you've meant to my life, because you've meant everything!! You were there all my years, beginning to end. I was there as you grew up too. I thank you for everything you've ever done for me!! For teaching me how to dance on your feet. For teaching me how to fish and how to drive--though I don't do either of them very well any more. Thank you for catching me sneak in the house after curfew and not punishing me. For slapping me that time when you were hurting, and then for crying to me and telling me you were sorry. (You apologizing was the start of it all. It showed me that you valued my thoughts of you and that you saw me as an equal.) Thank you for putting up with me when I was a selfish and annoying teenager. Thank you for waiting for me to grow up so that we could have a close, close friendship--the one you always knew would come and the one I never saw coming. Thank you for waiting in the waiting room for 5 hours while I had your first grand baby, even though you wanted to be in there with me. Thank you for loving Tanner and Cole more than you've ever loved anything. I know their love is with you now. Thank you for sharing your heart with me, knowing it could make you less perfect in my eyes. (Though it never did.) Thank you for letting me share my heart with you, knowing that you might not see me the same way. (Though you never did.) Thank you for eating my green meatloaf and for still coming over to eat my cooking regularly after that. Thank you for saying that you were my boyfriend and that no one would love me like you did; YOU WERE RIGHT. Thank you for letting me cuddle up on your lap as a grown woman, even though I weighed more than you. Thank you for always smelling so good. Thank you for always treating me special, and for letting me know that I would always be your baby. Daddy, I just love you so much!!! I love you so much for everything you've ever done for me. I love you for everything you've ever meant to me. I love you for everything you've ever wanted for me. I love you for living your life as an example of what a good person should be. I will always be thankful for what you have done in my life, daddy. I love calling you my daddy; I hope calling my your daughter made you equally as happy. You will always be my hero, and I will ALWAYS be proud of the man, the friend and the daddy you were/are. ALWAYS!
Well, I guess I'd better go. I'm remembering how you use to chuckle at the long winded cards that I would write to you. I can still see you looking at the card and then flipping it over and making a "Gee Whiz" face when you discovered that there was even more written on the back. I know that you always said I had a way with words; I bet you regret saying that now. :) I guess by now you'd be saying, "Gol-lee, Nin."
Before I go I just wanted you to know that we're going to be together tomorrow night to remember you. I know you feel our love all throughout the days and weeks, but I really want you to feel all of us together sending you our love tomorrow night.
I REALLY want you to feel loved tomorrow, daddy, and to know that you are greatly missed by everyone. I hope you will be there to see all the smiles as we remember you and send you our love. I know that you were a skeptic about things, but if you don't feel anything else, please just feel my love, daddy. Never let me go.
Always be my daddy. Always be your girl.
Your daughter,
Valarie Bell Wright
His daughter
November 19, 2004
Wow! I have visited this website often after the death of a friend. I came upon this memorial and can't stop thinking of you and your family. A father like you is something that you don't see everyday. I can see how much your children miss you and I just want to say how sorry I am for their loss. Words can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I see that the two year date is tomorrow and I will be praying for you and your loved ones! May you rest in peace and always continue to watch over your brothers and sisters who wear the badge so proudly.
Michigan Resident
PS..Val, it sounds like you are keeping such a positive attitude. Stay strong and know your dad will never leave you. Keep a watch for those signs for they are priceless!
November 18, 2004
Another year has come upon us without you,but you are never far from me and the closeness we shared will forever be ours.I miss you and love you as much as that January day in "75".I will see you again,take care my forever love.
November 15, 2004
I was talking with an old friend of ours not to long ago and, your name came up, and as we began to talk and they reminded me of the times we all spent together and how we all laughed and shared things,my eyes welled up with tears of those ever so precious memories of you.She said,you know he is always with you and you know it!! He is in your heart and you still love him I can tell I said yes very much.She then said just remember those wonderful times and keep them close to your heart and I responded to her by saying,you know something, he never leaves my heart! I travel with him daily,I told her I have a piece of memory of you that I keep in my car and when I go you go with me,I never leave without you!And she said remember always that he'll love you forever and oneday you will meet again and share those special memories again!!She said because I know William and I know how much love he had for you and your family.And that will NEVER change and then she said be strong! Well you know William I am strong and it's because of you, telling me I'm ok and I'm happy now stop crying and then you leave with "I LOVE YOU"! So I ask God daily never to let me loose my memories and to restore and renew my mind.Until oneday when we WILL meet again,I will stay in your words STRONG!!! Missing you ever so MUCH!!!
October 23, 2004
Today once again I think of you.I cherish the life we shared,the many talks we had and most of all I cherish my memories of you. You are truly a warm gentle smiling face in my heart where I keep you!! I miss you!!!
October 4, 2004
Daddy, If that was you the other day with Coley, please do it again. I swear I knew it was you; I could just feel you in the goosebumps as he was pointing to you in the living room and then above him. It scared the crap out of me, but that's ok. I'll be ok next time. Please do it again, daddy, and let me know for sure it was you and not something else. And also, when I hear you talking to me try to say something sweet next time and not make me laugh. I guess beggars can't be choosers, but it sure would be nice to hear something sweet instead of "she's got that boy stuck up her ......". It was sweet though the other day when Doug and I got into that argument, I heard you loud and clear. I told Doug right away what you thought about that, and he grinned and said that you weren't man enough. Thank you, daddy. I love you.
Anyway, if that was you the other day, please do it again, daddy.
Love always,
Valarie Bell Wright
Your Daughter
September 26, 2004
Loving you and missing you daily!! Thanks for being with me as I walk thru life without you.Thanks for visiting me in my dreams and talking with me.In my dreams you are made PERFECT!!Loving you ALWAYS!!!
September 25, 2004
The 2 year anniversary approaches quickly, however your memory William lingers on. Miss you each & every day, that beautiful smile!
September 14, 2004
Doug got called at 3 o'clock this morning, and he was told that one of his K-9 guys had been hit by a car. Doug flew out of bed and was at the scene within a few minutes. I was sick to my stomache because I knew what "could" be happening out there. It made me remember the night that you were taken from us, and I couldn't help but think about how much sadness and pain that his family "might" have to go through.
I was talking to Doug on the phone as he got there, and his voice started to sound shakey, anxious. He didn't say so, but I think it reminded him of the scene the night that you died. How could it not!? He said that it didn't look good out there. A few hours later, he called me to tell me what had happened and that he couldn't believe how "lucky" the officer was. Two officers made an arrest on a traffic stop. A truck hits one officer and the person under arrest. The officer received no major injures at broken bones, nothing internal. The arrestee was very critically injured, maybe fatally. This officer could have been fatally wounded from the impact of the crash, but somehow through all of this wreckage his body was sheilded from harm. I started crying as he's telling me all this because I knew that you had to have been there with him. I've heard members of your team say before that they "felt you there" with them on stops and on calls; I've also heard another officer say that he "knew you were there with him" when he was involved in a critical incident, but I really do believe now that you are the angel that God has placed here to watch over them. You wanted so much to be a police officer in life that I don't think you'd leave your team for anything...not even death. After you died, Jimmy said that no one will ever replace you on that team; And he's're still with them.
Daddy, I don't care what anyone says; I know that God put you there last night to protect your team-mates, even though you didn't even know this officer when you were here. I know you would do anything to stop your team from losing another and going through that hurt all over again. You loved your team. I know you've got their backs. Thank you for watching out for your guys last night. I'm so incredibly proud of you! You're my angel too. Thank you God for protecting and loving us all. Thank you God that this officer is alright.
Daddy, I miss you and love you so much! We all do.
All my love,
Your Daughter
His Daughter
August 28, 2004
I sat on the couch thinking yesterday about how sweet you were to me. About how I was broke and "needing" chocolate and caffeine, and you brought me 2 Cokes and a HUGE bag of M&M's. "Awwwwww!", I said, when I saw you standing at my door. You said, "Who's the best dad?" You were just so sweet! That was just you. You were such a great daddy. I'm glad I got to fill your belly on those nights that you were hungry and broke, too. Most of all, I'm glad I got to see you and give you those very special hugs and kisses that I cling to remembering now.
I was sitting in our computer room the week after father's day, just checking out stuff on-line. I was typing away and smelled this distinct smell, and I just fell apart when I realized that I was smelling YOU. Doug had gotten a whole box of your clothes and had put them in that room. The clothes smelled just like you, and it broke my heart. I called Doug in to smell the room, and he cried too and said it smelled "like dad". This is just so hard! I miss my daddy so much!
A few weeks ago after we moved, I was missing you one night, so I sat on the floor looking through your things. I smelled your empty bottle of cologne, and I remembered hugging you. I was rubbing my fingers on the words you had written on one of your notebooks. I found the word "daughter" that you had written on one of the pages, and I just cried and cried. I came across some cards from my graduation and old birthdays, and I found a card from you for my 17th birthday. You wrote, "your boyfriend forever. I love you honey. Love, dad." I cried remembering you giving it to me, how proud you were of picking it out yourself. You gave it to me at dinner with Dee and Herb while we were in New Orleans. When we left dinner, you held my hand, and we walked down the street together. I miss that SO much!
Daddy, please watch over Tanner now that he's in school. Don't let the "little punks" hurt our boy. Be with Coley; God, it's amazing how much he looks like you. The picture in mom's room on her dresser of you as a boy; it could be MY boy. Watch over Doug and keep him safe. He talks about you all the time. He misses you so much and likes to tell me about things ya'll did together. I know that he was special to you, so just be with him and let him know that you love him still. He needs that. And be with me. I love you more than words. I miss you, and I ache inside because all this love hurts to hold on to. Please visit me in my dreams and kiss my forehead again, daddy. Hold me and get me through this; Don't ever let me go. I need you to help me through what I'm going through daddy. I need you so much!
I love you with all my heart, daddy! And, I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Valarie Bell Wright
His Daughter
August 25, 2004
I think of you daily and miss you more each day.It's so hard to think that it has been almost 2 years since this tragic day,the day my life ended with your loss.
August 18, 2004
Happy Father's Day, daddy! I hope you could see my smiles today as I thought about you. It was such a sad day without you, but I was able to smile because I couldn't keep you out of my mind. I miss you so very much, daddy.
I thought that as time went on this pain would get easier or that I would learn how to handle it better, but it hasn't. This pain is just so overwhelming. Most days, memories don't comfort me; they just remind me of something that I don't have any more. And that kills me! But today, God let me smile when I remembered you.
Daddy, Doug gave me a book today. He wanted to do something special for me on this father's day without you. He's trying so hard to make this day easier for me. It's a book of quotes about daddies and their daughters. I read it on and off all day, crying and thinking about you. It gave me so much comfort today because it helped me to remember you and what an amazing dad you were. It said that "daughters need their dad's so that when no one else is there for her, she can close her eyes and see him." Daddy, that just meant so much to me because it's how I truly feel about you. I feel so lonely sometimes and so helpless. When I feel like I'm just losing myself and am missing you, I can close my eyes and remember you holding me in your arms, and I feel loved by you again. And then one quote said, "a daughter needs her dad to show her that all boys are not like the one who hurt her, and then to stand with her on the day she marries the man she hopes will be just like her dad." And that made me cry! Oh, daddy. It described our relationship so beautifully. Remembering our moment alone on the church steps waiting to walk into my wedding. You told me that I was "the most beautiful woman you had ever seen" and that you were proud of me. I can still see you standing there with that loving, gentle look in your eyes and that half grin. I am so thankful to have been loved by you daddy. And, I wouldn't trade that moment in the moonlight for anything in this world! The tender way you looked at me. I wish I could turn back time so that I could see you look at me like that again. Daddy, I miss you so much.
Daddy, I wish I could tell you what all you've meant to my life, but that would be impossible. You've given me the most increble love throughout my life. I was so blessed to have been loved by you. To have been your little girl. To have been loved so tenderly and so completely by you. I am so thankful that God let you hold me in your arms for all those many years. There is no other love like the love that you've given me.
Daddy, I love you. Thank you for being such a loving dad (father-in-law and pop-pop, too). Your love has meant more to me than you'll ever know. God loved me so much that he let me be your daughter in this life. It was truly so special have you as my dad and to be your little girl. Daddy, I will always love you!
Happy Father's Day.
All my love,
Your Daughter
Valarie Bell Wright
His Daughter
June 20, 2004
So much has happened since you have been gone. I've gotten married, and that was one of the sadest days of my life. Every girl dreams of having their father walk her down the aisle. And you weren't there. Well not physically at least, cause you were definitely with me that day. It looked like it was gonna pour down rain, and all of a sudden I looked out over the river there was a rainbow, and a light mist started to fall. It was so beautiful. The second happiest yet saddest day of my life was when my son was born. After you were taken from us. I begged God to give me some comfort. To give me some peace of mind. Not too long after I found out I was pregnant. They say when someone dies a baby is born to take the place. The day Peyton was born..Dad I could feel you with us. I could only imagine you smiling. I wish you would have gotten the chance to physically know him but you held him for 9 mths when I was waiting for him. My comfort comes now...I look in my sons eyes every day, and I swear..he is the spitting image of you. The way he smiles, the looks he gives, Its all you. And I just hold him and cry. For that I am so thankful. I get sad every day thinking how much Peyton is gonna miss out on, like you running around the house squealing like a child with him. You letting him do whatever he wants cause that was just you with your grandkids. I hope and pray every day that I am making you proud. I've wanted nothing more than to make you proud. I have grown so much in the last year and a half. I just want you to know how much I love you, and how wonderfully glad I am that you are my dad. Not just my dad but my daddy. I love you!!! And you will never be forgotten. Your memory will forever live. Thank you for watching over us. I miss you more than anyone will ever know.
Gail Bell Santavicca
June 8, 2004
It has been a while since that tragic day, but the pain is still there. I think back to all of the times we shared and I have to smile. We had a lot of fun together. I could not have asked for a better step-father. You treated me like I was your own flesh and blood. I am sure that you know how much you mean to me. All of the memories that we shared I hold dear to my heart. Like the time you took me to work with you and all of the walks we went on. You were always there for me when I needed you. I also want to thank you for being a true friend to me. There were many times when you could have handled things like a parent but instead you chose to be a friend. I never got to thank you for that. You were a better friend than I could ever ask for. You will always be in my heart. I will never forget all of the times that I was fortunate to share with you. You came into my life when I was 11. Watching you and my mother and the wonderful relationship that you shared together made it a wonderful family. I would not trade it for anything in the world. I am greatful to have had you in my life. You truly are a great man and a wonderful role model. Thank you for everything! I love you!
Step-daughter Robin Filipiak
May 21, 2004
Officer Bell~
I've come to know a little bit about you through your daughter Valarie. You have got to be the proudest father in the entire world of that girl!
It's so hard to write these reflections because there is always so much to say, but never the right words, or even enough space to write all the words you'd like to say.
I can see in your photo that you are not only a handsome man, but proud, and modest too. You died doing what you loved, and I'm sure you wouldn't have had it any other way. Grief has consumed your family right now, but in time they will come to know that you only left them physically, that you are right there next to them every moment of every day. Guiding them with the tender touch of your spirit. You may be gone, but they will learn that you never really left.
I know it was very hard for you to leave all of your family and your friends and everything that you knew, but soon, they will all realize that you are still right there. You are alive in their memories. You are there in their thoughts, in their hearts and in their minds. You will not only live on in them Officer Bell, but also through me. I will never forget the sacrafice that you and your family made, and you will forever be in my heart, in my mind, in my thoughts and in my prayers.
They may have taken the life from your body, but they will never touch the beauty of your soul. May you live in the hearts of those who love you, and may your spirit shine on in their eyes!
We'll see you in heaven!
RIP brother, we'll catch you on the flip side!
Bobbie Schwartz
Sister to Fremont County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Schwartz EOW 9.28.01
Proud friend to Valarie Bell-Wright
Daughter of Patrolman William Bell.
May 1, 2004
Hi Daddy,
I don't know what to say right now. I don't feel like I need to fill you in on anything because I feel like you've been here with us the whole time. We all miss you so much! I don't think that one day has gone by that Tanner hasn't mentioned you and how much he misses you. He talks about his "hero" constantly, and I can't help but cry; I know that he is hurting because he misses you, and he is constantly telling me that you will never leave him. I know that he's right. At his first t-ball game, I just knew that you would have been there in the stands with us clapping for him, but yet telling us that he hit like a "sissy". God, I miss you laugh and your jokes daddy!
Cole has grown up so much, hasn't he? He looks just like you, daddy! I know that you HATED his curly, long hair. Doug was BEGGING me to get it cut, but I didn't want to because he still looked like a baby with those curls. But one day I was looking at Cole in the bathtub, and I could literally hear you telling me, "That boy needs a haircut!" So once I heard you tell me that it was ok, I was ok with it too! I took him to your barber, and Brad was honored to give him his first haircut. Seeing him with his first haircut made me cry because when Brad turned him around, he looked just like you!!! I called mom and cried to her about it, and once she saw him she couldn't help but cry too. He looks just like you, and I'm so proud that he is named after you too! It is going to be so special to him when he grows up knowing that he looks just like the pop-pop that he was named after. Him looking like you has been such a blessing!
I know that you hear me when I talk to you about how amazing they are. I sit back and watch them sometimes, and I'll ask you, "Daddy, are you watching this!?" I know that I beg you not to leave them, and I know you never would. I just don't want you to miss a second of them growing up. Coley even knows you, and he was sooo little when you were taken. Whenever he sees your pictures, my badge necklace or a badge, he points at it and says "Pop-pop". It's beautiful!! Can you see how beautiful he is when he waves at the stars and says "Hi pop-pop." Isn't that precious! We told him that you were up in the stars like Buzz Lightyear, and he waves and says "I YUB YOU!" (I love you!) I hope you know what he's saying. He really does love you, and I think that he remembers you, even though he was so little when he saw you last. Even at 2 1/2 he really does mean it!
Daddy, the day Peyton was born, I know that you were there. Me and mom were waiting in Gail's birthing suite when we both just felt you there. We KNEW you were there! I hugged mom and told her how sad I was that you weren't PHYSICALLY here, but I could just feel you there with us. I know that you were so proud to have another grandson. And I promise you that he will be raised to know you just like you just like Tanner and Cole.
Daddy, this year and a half without you has been so painful and lonely. I wake up every morning thinking about you, daddy, and I think about you until I go to bed in the early hours of the morning. I try so hard to make you happy, even though you are gone. I live to make you proud. For the longest time I wondered why I couldnt' feel you near me, but then I realized that it's because you've been with me all along. Sort of like the Footprints in the Sand poem, you've been the one that has gotten me through this. I knew that you'd never leave me.
Daddy, you were such an amazing dad to me. And I am so proud that you and I were much more than father and daughter, we were BEST FRIENDS! I miss hearing about your day, and I miss hearing you call me darling. I miss your stupid jokes, and I miss your sense of humor. I remember having dinner with you at La Hacienda about a month before you died; We talked so long that we closed the restaurant. And afterward, you and I were standing outside in the parking lot next to your truck listening to the radio. You were bopping your head, and you turned up the radio up real loud because you really like that song. We said goodbye. You hugged me and kissed me. Then I jumped out of my car to hug you one more time. I miss that! I miss being able to hug my daddy any time that I wanted! I miss everything about you, daddy--your hugs, your smile, your humor! I wish that I could feel your hug one more time. I just miss my daddy!
Daddy, thank you for loving me like you did. Thank you for always holding me sacred in your heart and for being my daddy, first and foremost. You have made me so proud daddy. You have made us all so proud. I am so proud of you for making this dream come true. I couldn't be any more proud, and I couldn't possibly love you any more than I do!
Daddy, I miss you more than words, and I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for holding our love sacred; YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY TOO! Stay near me daddy. I cant' make it without you!
My love always,
Valarie Bell Wright
May 1, 2004
"For it is not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." --J. Garland
I love you. The months haven't gotten easier since you've been gone. I miss your beautiful smile and the tender way you loved me so much that it hurts. I just miss every single thing about you. I miss your "tee-hee-hee" so much. I have no regrets inside, only love. No words were left unsaid. I just wish that there were many more of them. Thank you for all the love you gave me while you were here and for always seeing me as your perfect little girl. You were my best friend and my biggest cheerleader. You were my life's biggest fan. There is nothing or no one that could ever take your place. You and your love are priceless to me. Nunc scio quit sit amor.
I will always love you, daddy!
I never realized what a huge impact you had on my life. You were such a funny person and a great step-dad to Rachel and all of her brothers and sisters. I couldnt believe it when Rachel told me that you wanted to take us to go see an eminem movie. That just shows what a great personality you had. I can still hear Rachel's voice when she called me that night and through her sobs told me the news. Everyone's life has changed and will never be the same. No one will ever forget you and I know you know how much everyone loves you. You are greatly missed.
Heidi (friend of Rachel and family)
You are always be in my heart and life!I miss you dearly,there are no words to say how much.
Officer Bell,
I never got the pleasure to meet you. But, I have had the pleasure to have become friends with several of your family members. You used to sit at the stop sign in my neighbor catching speeders, and people running the stop sign. I thank you for that. You are deeply missed by everybody who knew you.
Erika Hansell