Summerville Police Department, South Carolina
End of Watch Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Reflections for Patrolman William Boland Bell
Hi, daddy. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Day. I can't stop thinking about you and wanted you to know that you're in my mind (and heart) very much today, as always. Thank you for loving me the way you did (do) and for being my dad and my friend; it was a great gift to have been (to be) your daughter. I love you, daddy, and I miss you terribly!
Happy Father's Day!
All my love,
Your Daughter
Nin xoxo
June 15, 2008
Well, I did it. Tomorrow I'll make my walk and be the first in our family to graduate from college. I know that you will be with me, as you have been, every step of my way.
I love you, daddy, and I hope I've made you very proud. All I need to do is look at Mom to see how big your smile would (will) be.
Thank you both for all you've done to get me here and for helping me to get to where I'm going.
My love always,
Brain :)
His Daughter
May 9, 2008
Hey Honey~ I cannot believe it the day is almost here (5 days) when WE get to see OUR daughter Valarie walk the Cistern Yard to get her degree! I'm so excited and I know how proud you would be of her for going back to finish.She was always known as "BRAIN" and she truly proved she is. She is graduating with high honors,an was named outstanding senior for 2008 from the College Of Charleston. I know as she walks you will be there with her,and as i set back and watch her accept her degree I will be looking on very proudly of her accomplishments. Somehow let her know you are there with her. I love you baby.
May 6, 2008
Hiya Daddy! I am sitting here, and I have been thinking about you so much lately. We have about 15 weeks and my first daughter will be here. How amazing is that? You have always wanted boys, but you got girls. Now Valarie and I, have the boys. I knew that when I got pregnant it would just be another boy. Boy, was I shocked when the ultrasound tech said No doubt in her mind, this is a girl. I cried and then said..OMG, what am I gonna do with a little girl? Mom and Valarie are over the moon. Its about time we added some estrogen to this pack of boys. I have often thought what it would be like to see you holding my baby girl. And how much I miss you and HATE that you arent here. Valarie is about to graduate college, and we have never been so proud. She has worked hard to get where she is. Then again, she has always been a brain. We get to test Peyton for school, but we are thinking he is too smart for his own good. He counts forward, backwards, in spanish...oy, I can go on and on. He has to be one of THE most stubborn little boys I have ever seen. He digs his heels in when he wants his way. Dechlan is just mild mannered and for the most part, quiet. He often instigates with Peyton and wrestles Pey to the floor. Oh, the life of having boys.
I love you Daddy! I miss you and think of you everyday. Watch over us!
Miss Michelle
Gail Santavicca
April 12, 2008
Never knew you. So sorry that you died while helping others.
Now as a lawyer, I can see the danger of police work from a new perspective when I see these stories from a civilian point of view
robin flores
former Summerville officer
March 25, 2008
Hey Baby~ Well it is over with for another year! The parole hearing NEVER happened because he waived his right to the hearing! But as I promised when I kissed you goodbye I will contiune to fight to keep him where he belongs! The girls are relieved that this is behind them as well. It has been a long hard fight and I will keep it up until all meants have been exhusted. I love you baby and miss you more each day! Until we meet again I LOVE YOU!
February 28, 2008
Another year, daddy...we have another year of peace.
I love you, dad. I love you and miss you very much!!
Valarie Bell Wright
His Daughter
February 27, 2008
Good Morning Honey~ Well as I sit and write you I'm thinking about the parole hearing which has been set for 2/27/08 where I will go and once again be reminded of why you are no longer with us. I can only pray and ask God to help me get this this. My prayer to God is that this person not be allowed out. I miss you and love you so much, baby. We are gonna be grandparents once again! And I know you see all that's happening here on this earth, and that you keeps smiling upon us. As you know Valarie will graduate on May 10th with Honors from the College of Charleston and if you where here you'd be as proud of her as I am. She finally will finish what she set out long ago to do! "BRAIN" as you called her! We love you and miss you so, so very much. Until my next note to you remember I love you with all of my heart, and I will one day see you again Lord willing. Love you baby.
Betty A. Bell
February 8, 2008
Hey Baby~ Just wanted to WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY! I'll bet your still as handsome as you always where! Love you and miss you honey.
Your Lady
Betty A. Bell
January 3, 2008
Patrolman Bell Rest in Peace my brother and thank you for your service .
To Betty
I want to thank you for the words you provided to Joshua Norris EOW 7/5/07 who was to be my son in-law, they touched my daughter and has helped my family during a dark time. My daughter had a general idea of how large our police family was, but your reflection showed just how large the family of blue is. You and your complete family are in my families prayers. God Bless you
Deputy John Latour
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office
December 19, 2007
Patrolman Bell:
Thank You for having served the " B - C - D Community."
Maj M. B. Parlor
November 19, 2007
My thoughts are with all of your loved ones on this anniversary of your EOW. You have not been forgotten and are in the thoughts of all those that love you dearly every day. Continue to keep watch over all of them and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
November 19, 2007
Gone, but Not Forgotten.
Detective Cpl. Frank Thompson
Dorchester County Sheriff's Office
November 19, 2007
Hi, Daddy! Tomorrow will be 5 years since you were taken from us. It is so unfair. I am not doing too well with it at all. Just when I think I have a handle on things, I crumble. It doesn't seem to be getting easier. I hurt and can't make it stop. I am so angry that we were robbed of so much time with you. I am angry that my boys were robbed of a pop-pop. I am angry that we are having to live without you. I am angry that you won't see Valarie graduate. I am angry that you aren't here to watch Tanner, Cole, Peyton and Dechlan grow up. Its not fair. There is such hurt, anger and bitterness in me. I miss you so much. I wish there were a way to put all of our lives back together. We are left wondering daily why such a beautiful man was taken by such a selfish act. I love you, daddy. I miss you! I use to dream of you all the time, and now I long to dream of you since it has been awhile. I love you. Valarie and I tell the boys about you, and what a hero you are. Know that you will never be forgotten. Please send us a spirit of love and peace tomorrow as we try to tackle the days without you.
Gail Santavicca
November 18, 2007
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
November 16, 2007
Hey Baby~ Well it is just days away from being 5yrs that you where taken from me. I still in my heart cannot believe that you are gone and never coming back! Valarie and I were at lunch yesterday and my eyes where welling with tears and she said momma are you crying, and of course I said no,but she knew. I've been struggling the last few days with this. It's a very hard time of year for me, I cry at the thought of even hearing your name. I was on the porch lastnight in the dark just crying like a baby with grief of missing you.I want so much for that night to be erased, but there is nothing that can ever take it away nothing! I will miss you until the day I die and can be with you once again. So for now rest and one day I will join you! I love you Honey!
Betty A. Bell
Your Lady
November 11, 2007
Officer Bell, on the eve of the 5th anniversary of your senseless murder by a loser drunk, I pause to pay my respects. I know your daughter Valerie from our work in our chapters of Concerns of Police Survivors (mine is Washington State). Val misses you every day of her life, and strives to continue to make you proud of her endeavors.
Officer Bell, you are not forgotten; rest in God's peace, sir.
Brenda, daughter of Officer Cliff Miller
Rossford, Ohio, P.D., EOW 05/14/1966
November 7, 2007
Hey Baby~ I was just sitting here at work today, talking with a resident about my petition to keep your killer where he belongs IN JAIL ! And it has brought me back to that awful day almost 5 yrs ago and I began to feel very sad. I miss you so,so much honey I wish I could spend just one more day with you! Just one day, oh what that would mean to me just to be able to tell you once again how very much I love you and just to hold you once again. I often think about us walking and holding hands I had a special way I always liked to hold your hand and you knew it. Just to fell your lips once again pressing mine so gently telling me how much you love me, I miss that so much!I will always love you and miss you and I pray the Lord NEVER take my memory from me, because that is what I cherish in this life. My memories of you! I love you baby.
Betty A. Bell
October 9, 2007
Hiya Daddy! I was doing a little cleaning last night, and I ran across an envelope I was given not long after you died. I opened it, and it was letters that I had written you. Some that I totally forgot about. The very first one I read was me writing...You never know how much you love and miss someone until its too late. At the time I was in college and was homesick. I never knew such truer words. I miss you so much. People say time heals. But so far i am not finding that it does. A couple weeks ago we went to the cemetary. We told the boys that we had to leave things for Pop Pop. Peyton had a bear in his hand and jumped out the car so excited. He looked around..and said where pop pop? That killed me to only be able to show him your headstone. He doesnt understand. Everytime we pass a cemetary, he says hi pop pop, or theres flowers for pop pop. I miss you. I think every day of the moments that have been missed, or that you will miss. Like you walking me down the aisle, you waiting for the birth of my boys, you loving my boys like no kids could be loved. I look at pictures, and think you should have been in them. You are my hero, daddy! I love you and miss you more than anyone will ever know.
Gail Bell Santavicca
August 4, 2007
Today I went to the memorial service for the 9 firefighters who died in the line of duty. It was the hardest day I've had in a very long time. I can only imagine and well soon forget all the sadness and pain their families are feeling right now.
Among those nine was the son and brother of dear friends of ours. You may have known his brothers--both are friends of Doug's (and Jeff is a friend of both of ours) and both are/were deputies. And I know you met Stephanie (the day we were buying that hideous trailer. You inspected it with her and discussed with her what a "whole" that place was that we were moving into). Well, they lost their brother and son on Monday in that fire. Going to their house the other day, seeing all of the hurt and pain on their faces, sitting in that service today watching this ceremony of honor and respect, crying like I've only done one other time before, I couldn't help but go back to the day when we said good-bye to you, when I last felt the touch of your arm or cheek. That goodbye and this one have been overwhelming. I know my pain after four years is what it is, and then I think: these poor families. Their grief and pain surpasses all that I now know.
It hurts so much to see them--all of them--go through this. Knowing what that pain feels like and how much sadness they are going to go through. I wish I could make it better for them or tell them it will be better, but I haven't reached that place yet, nor will I ever. Brandon's brother asked me when it would get better and how they'd get through it, and I told him that it would take a lot of time and love. And yet, I haven't "gotten through it" yet myself, and it's been four years.
Daddy, please be with Brandon and the other men who gave their lives. Let them know that this distance is only temporary. And be with me, also, daddy. Comfort me and visit me in my dreams again. I have been crying since this happened, especially today. I need you, daddy. And, I pray that God comforts and brings peace to their families, as only He can.
Daddy, I love you, I miss you, and I am SOOOO proud of you!!!! You were a hero in life before you were ever a hero in death.
My love always, daddy.
Valarie Bell Wright
His Daughter
June 22, 2007
This has been a very difficult day, but it's almost through. It's crazy how much I still wrestle with you being gone, as if this absense is only temporary, just a really long, sad vacation. But then this day comes and I'm reminded that you'll never be back. And it kills me how much it hurts to be reminded of that.
It's hard celebrating this day at all without you. Celebrating for Doug or his dad or any's just very hard because I should be celebrating it with you. Even though you're there and I'm here, I hope you felt how much I wish that weren't the case and how deeply I love and miss you.
I cried over your grave this morning thinking about all the moments we're missing. But then today I realized that I had to smile at least once because the memories I do have are great ones!! I had you as my daddy for 27 years and that is definitely something to smile about today. For all those years I was blessed to have known what it feels like to be truly adored, respected, appreciated, liked and loved by a dad, and dad, I have always felt the same about you. Thank you, daddy, for all of it. I hold it all very dear to me.
You're always in my heart, daddy. I love you and am so very proud and thankful for you. I hope you feel that--today and every day.
Happy Fathers Day, daddy.
All my love,
Your Daughter
Valarie Bell Wright
Your Daughter, Nin XOXO
June 17, 2007
Hey Baby~ Today is Father's Day and I just want you to know that I'm so, so proud to be the mother of "OUR" Beautiful Daughters, they have turned out to be amazing woman. Happy Heavenly Father's Day! I love you and miss you dearly!
Betty A. Bell
June 17, 2007
Hiya Daddy! I just thought I would pass some funny things to you, but im sure you have seen them. We were eating dinner out, pey fell out of the chair...And a lady gave pey a balloon that just made his day..the tears dried up. As soon as we got outside he wanted to give it to poppop. We told him play with it and we will send it. Dech and him played with it..and when they started fighting I knew that was time for You to enjoy...peyton held it...then he said "dis goes to poppop, make him smile" I said yes poppop is smiling. He held the balloon by the last piece of sting he could and he said love you poppop, come see me. and he let it go. I started crying. I wish you could come to him dad. Be there for him. He watch the balloon until it wasnt any where we could see...and pey followed it up by "i love poppop, he get da balloon" smiled, blue a kiss and went to run and play....My child broke my heart.! It Hurts that he has never physically known his pop Kills me. Today we got the boys hair cuts....and dechlan laird looks so much like you. I dont know what it is..I look at thim and think thats my dad. I have been blessed to be able to see it. I love you daddy! I miss you more than you could ever know!! Come visit me in my dreams! I love you! keep us safe and in your arms!!!
His Princess
Gail Bell Santavicca
Daddys Princess
June 8, 2007
We went to the new Marine Corps Museum at Quantico last week. I cried off and on the whole day, especially during the video. That place was special to me because I knew how much you'd love it. I know how much you loved the corps, and so Doug and I are having your name put there. It'll be there forever. I know if you were with us, you'd be saying "Ooo-rah." So, we were saying it for you.
I just wanted you to know that we were there and thinking of you. The boys, Tanner (and Doug) especially, loved it. Cole just wanted pictures in front of the tanks, but Tanner really got into it--standing on those yellow footprints, arms at his side at rest. God, daddy he looked like he was ready now. :( You would have burst with pride!!!! He says he's going to be a marine corps aviator and then an astronaut. As always, I know you'll be proud when that day comes. Like me, he's living to make you (and his daddy and other pop-pop) proud. Never did I think that our "daughter" would want to join the corps. I'm sure it'll change a hundred times before he gets to those decisions, but for now, I'm so proud.
Well, I need to go. I got funding to do research this summer, and I need to get up early so I can get back to work. You are always in my thoughts, daddy.
I love you, daddy. I love you and miss you so much.
His Daughter, XOXO
June 6, 2007
I miss you so much. My heart is so broken today missing you. I went to another police funeral today and couldn't help but remember feeling what that officer's daughters are feeling, though their circumstances are ones I wouldn't wish on anyone. And then seeing your old friend today...broke my heart. As soon as I saw him, I needed to grab him and hug him. I just squeezed him and we cried together. Seeing him reminded me of you, and I needed that today. This day has been overwhelming. I can only imagine how overwhelmed his family is, and that hurts me.
Dad, I really miss everything about you. I miss hearing your laugh. I miss how much you loved sweets and "thumping" music and mom's cooking. How you loved reading and seeing movies...and eating.I miss getting your hugs, your phone calls and visits from you. I miss your love; I miss how proud you were of me. I miss you being with my boys. I miss the life you were trying to have. You're missing out on a life you should be living, and it makes me hurt deeply. Please know that I love you with all of my heart and will NEVER stop. I am so proud of you and everything you've done. No one could be more proud. I hope you see that!!
I went to Police Week again; I can't imagine not being there for you during that week, daddy. This year I went as an officer with our local COPS chapter. Helping others really took my mind off of missing you so badly. But, it devastated me seeing Tanner so emotional over missing you. He leaned over your name on the wall and touched it and cried. He then started writing you a letter to put on the wall, and I placed my hand on his back, hoping that somehow you'd be right there with us. And, I know (or at least I've convinced myself) that you were. I know that you wouldn't be anywhere else than with us, especially the boys though. He misses you so much. We all do.
Two weeks ago, Wm Cole released a balloon up to the sky and said, "Pop-Pop, I never got to kiss you. I never got to say good-bye. I miss you." And that was unbearable. That just kills me; he was cheated from you. Tanner remembers, but he was just a baby. I am so fortunate that we named him after you and that you got to know him before you left. I know that having him as a namesake made you proud. Oh Dad, I miss you. All of this hurt is just too much sometimes. I see Mom, Gail, Doug, and the boys missing you, too and it kills me that we all have to hurt like this. It's just not fair!!!
This life without you hurts so much, but you'd be proud in all we're doing. I took 5 classes this semester and made a 4.0 in all my classes. (That means I got all A's.) If I keep this up, I'll graduate near the top of my class. I also applied for research funding to study this summer and I got it; it is a really big deal at the school. I'm hoping to present my findings at a conference next year. I was also picked to be in the top 25 of my program at school to participate in an amazing opportunity--incredible. Oh, I'd love to hear you suck your teeth and see your smile as you called me "brain." Doug laughs at the idea that his wife is so book smart but common sense dumb, and he laughed when he found out that I was in this program. He's really proud that his wife could be a big shot one day, but I told him that I'm not a big city gal! :) To reward me for working so hard, Doug bought "me" a boat. He came home the afternoon I found out about my GPA and told me that he bought me the boat we've been looking at. :) I laugh at the suggestion that it was bought for "me". I tell him and the boys stories of going fishing with you and can't wait to experience that with them--slim Jims, fishing, telling them to "hush up" or they'll scare the fish, eating nabs and sandwiches mom made, the bucket, and spark plugs...I remember and miss it all so much! (I am tickled knowing that you--and Gail--are probably laughing really hard at that!!) I can't wait to have that with them like I did with you. You'd love to go with us, too; it's not a John boat like our boat use to be. :) I'm not the only one who's busy. Doug, well...he's as busy like always, amazing teaching opportunities for him!!! Tanner's going into second grade and as gorgeous as ever, and Wm Cole will be in Kindergarden...and is as full of himself as Doug is. :) I wish you could be here seeing this all, seeing the boys growing and seeing me achieving what you'd only hoped for. You're missing so much!!!!! I know that when graduation day comes next year, I'll be an emotional wreck and sad that you can't be there, but proud knowing that I'll be the first to do this in our family. You'd be very proud, and it makes me sad that I won't see your tears or smiles that day.
Daddy, I need to go. Please understand why I don't write on here very often. It's just painful. And, days like this don't help. I hate days like this!! I grieve for this new family experiencing this pain; I know this road is going to be painful and long. Please watch over us and be with us always.
I love you with all of my heart and soul, daddy. Thank you for sending your friend today; I needed to feel a piece of you again. And thank you for loving me and being proud of me. I feel the same about you, dad, and always will.
I love you, Daddy!!!!!!
Your Daughter
May 24, 2007