Camden County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, August 28, 2000
Reflections for Sergeant Carlton Daniel Jenkins
Superman: Miss working back in Ga with you every day:
We had fun and you schooled me working down in Camden. I miss backing you up and hanging at your house. Not a day goes by I dont think of you. When we meet back again upstairs, I cant wait. Cant wait to catch up and you not ask me for a tow fourm, So you can scratch out KPD for the agency name. You schooled me as a friend and your family taught me alot. Still talk to Fred and want to catch up with Kevin as well as Patrica. You are missed and who would imagined I'm in IL 20 minutes from Cicero wher your from. Not bad for a TN boy. Married a St. Louis girl that comes from a long line of St. Louis cops. But this years birthday coming up 11-11 is hard.
Miss and Love you Super Man
Adrian Pillow
Federal Law Enforcement
October 28, 2011
The few times I meet you while working at Kings Bay DOD Police Department I really enjoy your energy and love you had for your job. Today is the 10th Anniversary of 911. It reminded me of the sacrifice you made to protect the community there. The impact one person can make on so many is defiantly shown by you. Sad that it took a tragedy for us realizes what we lose.
Trooper Brent L. Saucerman
Trooper Brent L. Saucerman
South dakota Highway Patrol
September 11, 2011
The years keep adding up since your homecoming. For many of us that truly knew you, we still remember and hold you dear to our hearts. I have been thinking a lot about you lately, not sure exacly why, but the thoughts are of great memories; there were so many.
I had an opportunity to visit your portion of the National Memorial Wall in D.C. recently. The visit was somber for me, but the experience was culminated with a a strong sense of pride in having been proud to call you a friend and having been able to share so many great experiences with you while serving with the Camden County Sheriff's Office.
I miss you.
MPOI David A. Gregory
Glynn County Police Department
August 31, 2011
I can't believe it has been 11 years since you were taken from us. I still talk about you often and wear your memorial bracelet everyday. You were such a wonderful man that loved his family and friends more than anything. You were so tough on the street but when friends or family needed you there you were no questions asked. Kriptonite is a song I hear and think of you everytime. Meatloaf as well brings back the memories. I know your kids miss you so much but I hope they know you live in them everyday and watch over them. They were your everything. Thank you for being my friend and teaching me so much. You are missed and loved!
Dawn Clayton
Friend and co-worker
August 28, 2011
It's hard to believe 11 years have past today. I think about you often. I remember the conversations we used to have about life and why we were put here. I know you've got all the answers now but I still don't know why things happened like they did. You were the best. You were always there to back me up but the one time you really needed me I wasn't there. I'm sorry my friend.
August 28, 2011
If one car chase tells a story about this guy's career in law enforcement, then there is no doubt Sgt. Jenkins took his job very seriously and performed to the best of his ability.
Check out the Sgt take out this thug on the highway, in the end not letting a flat tire get between him and arresting this car thief.
August 7, 2011
Dan, I remember when you worked for Kingsalnd. I did not konw you passed on. You always had a smile, and a joke, and made the day a delight. I am sorry you are gone. I know you made a difference. Thank you for all you did.
Michael Hubbard Patrolman
Hartford Police MI
July 10, 2011
Ten years brother. The sorrow is still here, the memories are still present, but time has helped ease the pain in loosing a friend some. A small consolation I guess. I keep your memory alive and well in conversation as often as I can. A picture of you sits on my desk, so I see you daily and think of the fun times often. It always brings a smile to my face, when someone who did not know you looks at the photo and asks, who's that? So many stories to tell of you, me, and others having a good time running the streets of Camden County. To this day, you are the best partner I ever had. No one has even come close to matching your excitement and fervor to do the job. It was always fascinating to see you (even as a supervisor) race your subordinates to a call no matter how routine or mundane the call was. ou truly led bybexample. Even in death, you lead by example. That is awesomely profound. It is comforting to read the reflections left by others and know you are still missed by so many. I know I am not alone in saying, you were one of the best. I love and miss you brother. As always, please continue to watch over me and all of us still holding the line.
Inv. David A. Gregory
Glynn County Police Dept.
January 7, 2011
You are still missed everyday....RIP my brother
Mike Cox--Sgt
St. Marys Police Department
December 29, 2010
Sarge its an honor to get the chance to write to you. I ran into a Deputy from your neck of the woods and we spoke and your name came up. I decided to look you up and remember why I have such a hard time doing so. I end up with water filled eyes reading family and friends who wrote to you and what they say. We do a job little people will truley understand and the thought I have here is how incredible its sounds you led life and did not abuse the badge, not everyone can say that. sometimes we forget the true meaning and i feel i was led to this site to see you and read about you so I would learn something. Thank you for the service and sacrifice, and as you patrol the streets of gold keep my former partner up there in check. Godspeed Brother
Just a Cop
December 10, 2010
Dan I miss you more than words could ever say.You were family you were my nephew and friend,so sorry I could not see you more.I love you and miss you so very much,heartaches and tears thru out the years missing forever Aunt Madine
Aunt Madine
November 25, 2010
Dan I miss you more than words could ever say.You were family you were my nephew and friend,so sorry I could not see you more.I love you and miss you so very much,heartaches and tears thru out the years missing forever Aunt Madine
Aunt Madine
November 25, 2010
Ten years today Dan. Can't believe it. I remember everything just as vivid and clear as if it were yesterday. I went back and read the "reflections" I have left throughout the years and to this day I am still just as saddened. You were the best Dan and we all miss you so much!! RIP buddy.
Rebecca Brant-Valencia
August 28, 2010
A decade has passed but you have not been forgotten and that will never be the case as those that love you dearly will forever carry your loving memories in their hearts. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and close friends. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
August 28, 2010
Hey Dan,
I can't believe it's been 10 years since that call for help came over the scanner and woke me from a dead sleep. I woke with chills and goosebumps but still groggy I wasn't sure why. Then I heard the number 1111 and got more scared but still didn't know what was going on but my heart already had the feeling. I called my Denise to tell her "I think something bad has happened to Dan". She asked what I was talking about. I briefly replayed what little I knew but said I would keep listening until I found out. When I heard that truck driver call for an ambulance for 1111 NOW, my heart sunk. Why you of all people, Dan? You were a true officer...real and compassionate but not to get it twisted, you would show that other side when the situation deemed it necessary! Dan, I wish that some of these officers would follow your lead. So many use the badge or uniform as a status and what they can get out of it. It pumps their head up and they forget (or maybe never knew)what being in law enforcement is all about. The good, the bad, and the ugly. You realized that even though somebody did something stupid, they were still human beings and were treated as such. You were truly a force to be reckoned with! I consider it an honor and a privilege to have known you. Rest in peace, Dan, you will never be forgotten!
Sandi Bissell
Former dispatcher & friend
August 27, 2010
We are honoring you this weekend in Camden County. You touched alot people here including fellow officers. You always had my back, I am just sad I was not working that night have yours...I just wish we could have caught the bastard in our county and the life in prison sentence would be forgotten because the bastards life would have ended that night...All of Camden County has always and will continue to have your watch
Mike Cox--Sgt
St. Marys Police Department
August 24, 2010
Carlton, it fells like yesterday,you and Joseph would come running into the drugstore and yell we're here.Your Mom said you could come see me.I know I will see you again.Not many days went by that I didn't think and missed you and Joseph.My loss,and I LOVE you both.I wish everyone could have metyou as a little boy,I always knew you would be a fine man.Love you and see you again,
Aunt -- Jacksonville
August 11, 2010
The time of another years passing is upon us. The City of St. Mary's is honoring your service to the community with a proclomation on 08/09/2010. I will be attending this on your behalf. You are still missed each and everyday. I think of you and talk about you as though you just left us. The kindness and team spirit that you had while on this earth will forever live in our hearts. You are missed by all of us because you touched our lives with yours. Ten years seems like yesterday, wish you were here!
Bob Godley
Friend/Former Camden S.O.
August 6, 2010
Hey Dad! Happy Late Father's Day! I wanted you to know that I love you and miss you terribly. I need you now more than I think I would have ever needed you. I wanted to say that im very glad that I got 11 wonderful years with you and thank you for making them the best years of my life. I love you with all my heart and your in my thoughts everyday!!
Becky Jenkins
June 22, 2010
Hey dad.. i was only 4 when you died so i really didn't get to know you that much i guess but i still have a lot of pictures that mama took and that everybody else took. Mama says i was daddy's little girl too.. well i sure do miss you... theres just a lot i wish i could talk to you about and i wish we could of been able to spend time and stuff.. well tell uncle pat i said hey and that i love and miss him too and taylor does too.. we really wish he would of stayed with us a little longer just like you.. well thank you everybody for writin this stuff about my dad, im sure he was a good man.
Kalynn Jenkins
June 18, 2010
1111 will always live on in those who knew you. I still think of you often. You touched so many lives.
June 10, 2010
I was channel surfing tonight and came upon the show Wildest Chases. They were showing a chase you had, then after it was over they flashed your picture up on the screen. I immediately knew what they were going to say and sure enough they talked about the night you died. Know that you, your family including your family in blue are in my thoughts and prayers.
Ellen Guerdat
Gates Police Victim Assistance
Genesee Valley Concerns of Police Survivors
Ellen Guerdat
Gates Police Victim Assistance/GV C.O.P.S.
February 28, 2010
Although we were friends before that fateful night, it has been 18 years and 27 days since you found me in a wrecked truck in a ditch. I was celebrating my birthday and did something I swore I would never do ... I drove after drinking. Although you were disappointed, you stayed by my side througout it all, even when I was acting like a fool. The next night you showed me my booking tape, it was an embarrassing and very humbling experience. I am truly thankful that I only injured myself and no one else and I have never made the mistake of drinking and driving since that night. You were a true friend to me at a time I was so ashamed of myself and you remained a true friend until the night you were taken away from us. Your memory is ever present these days and I have thought of you often as I live in Washington now where we have lost 6 officers in the same way Camden lost you. You changed my life that night and I am forever grateful; I miss you Robocop, but I can still hear you ... rocking out to the Jackson 5 on your car stereo asking me, "What's wrong with my music?" :o)
January 30, 2010
Hey Dad! I thought that I would google you and see what I could find and I found this website where people could just talk to you and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. I started to read what everyone had to say to you and to us and it was just a blessing to know that I'm not the only one who still remembers you. Dad you were a great person and I'm glad that you got to show everyone who you met that kindness goes along way. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you.. to be honest there's not to many days that I go without seeing you. I like to visit alot so I can still have my father-daughter time. People ask why I go so much I tell them it's because your such a great listener:) I was looking at old pictures the other day and noticed that if I was in the room I was pretty much plastered to your side, im not sure if that was good or not, Jeanie says I was daddys girl(the pictures proves it I guess). I love you sooo much and wish that you could be here. I miss you!!!!
Thank you to everyone for your prayers throughout the years it means the world to us.
Becky Jenkins
January 6, 2010
Just saw a story on one of those police chase shows today and it mentioned your career. I have learned a little more about you and it looks like Camden is safer because of the dedication that you showed. Thank you for your service and sacrifice there and now that you watch from above, thank you for watching out for all of us. Rest easy brother. We have it from here.
To Dan's wife and children: You are in my prayers eventhough it has been 9 years. God Bless you and the sacrifices that you have made as well.
Detective Brandon Dozier
Metropolitan Nashville Police Department
October 3, 2009