Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Carlton Daniel Jenkins

Camden County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Monday, August 28, 2000

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Reflections for Sergeant Carlton Daniel Jenkins

I was deeply upset when I heard of your passing. You and I met when you were still with Kingsland Police Dept. I was a young sailor going too fast one day when you stopped me. You gave me a stiff talking too about how what I doing was putting other people in danger not just myself. We met again on several occasions around town (not on duty) during my tour in Kings Bay. I can say to you that you made a difference, that was the last ticket I ever received. Once while I was working part time at Shoney's in Kingsland, You and your family stopped in. Your tab was taken care of that day without you knowing who. You made a diference in my life more that you know. Since learning of your passing I have made it a point every time I am out and see an officer on his break usually alone, that I pick up their tab. I know it is not much. But all of you effect people in many way's without ever knowing it, and what you do is greatly appreciated. I once heard you referred to as the best officer to have as backup on any call. May GOD BLESS your family, and your fellow officer's knowing you are always there as their backup. Thank you


August 5, 2004

MERRY CHRISTMAS BROTHER!! They say time heals all wounds. Maybe heal, but a scar is left, a visual reminder. A lot of time has passed, but you are still with me. I will always remember our good times working together racing each other to the next call. That was fun. You inspired me to be better. I know I'm a better person because of you. Your picture has never left the dash of my patrol car. Your with me everyday I go 10-8. It helps. You keep me on my toes. As you did when we worked together. Your little girl has grown to be a tough little one, just like her daddy. She looks so much like you, you would be very proud of her. She loves you. These notes we write seem to help when the thoughts of you come pouring in. I only hope somehow you could see these. If only you could reply. I know you hear the prayers, those special talks we have. I wish I could have told you a lot of stuff before your passing, but shoulda, woulda, coulda. For those who read these tributes, never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today. Tell those you love, you love them, tell them today. Tell them everyday. Don't wait for tomorrow or later, do it now. I was invited to have lunch with Dan and his wife the day before he passed, but I had something I thought was more important to do. I agreed to have breakfast with him the next morning, the morning he was taken from us. I kick my self at the very thought of this everyday, something I'll regret forever. Dan was a good person. He was one of the best law enforcement officers I ever had the pleasure of working with. A lot of those who worked closely with him thought the same thing. Dan was part of a rare breed. One day we'll patrol those streets of gold together and race one another the each call again. Not that those services will be needed there, but I'm sure God will humor us. I miss you and love you. Until next time brother, continue to keep me straight and guide me and others. Take care and Merry Christmas!

Capt. David Gregory
Camden County S.O.

December 26, 2003

Dan you have always been our friend,my kids and your kids always played together my kids would always be at your house or your kids would be at taught my son how to play basketball very well you always talked to us and checked on me my daughter and son you were always there to lend a helping hand. you will always be in our hearts we miss you very much melody Rachel and Derek crocker.

December 11, 2003

Dan you have always been our friend,my kids and your kids always played together my kids would always be at your house or your kids would be at taught my son how to play basketball very well you always talked to us and checked on me my daughter and son you were always there to lend a helping hand. you will always be in our hearts we miss you very much melody Rachel and Derek crocker.

December 11, 2003

Dear dan,
i want to say thank you for all you did for my family.
i met you when you responded to my house my son was acting out , before you left you gave me your card and sayed call me anytime. I was raising four children on my own and we anded up adopting you as the father figure. you were there any time i called, you were like superman someone needed you and you were there. many times you would stop by just to check on the children because you knew i worked alot. for the holidays i can still hear your voice, teresa you sure you dont need anything for the kids i would always tell you no and well you know what you called me a stuborn***
though i never needed anything i always new you were there when i did. but since your gone i can not feel complete its been three years but that ache isstill there.thomas wants to become a police officer he says if he could be half the man you where hed be good. but he says he can play basket ball better then you. ha ha ha i know i talk to you all the time and i know your hyper self is up there pacing the clouds trying to decide what good to do next because thats who you are a good, loving, insperational god sent to all you touched.
thank you for everything superman everytime i hear that song superman i can feel your presents. i can not wait to meet withyou again in heaven good bye for now1111..

teresa cravotta

November 29, 2003

May God Bless this Officer's Soul. My thoughts and Prayers to his family. Thanks to all of you who put it on every on day for keeping my friends and family safe. God Bless you all.

Warmest regards,

George R. Huhn II
Venice, Florida

George R. Huhn II

October 10, 2003

Time may come and go, but the memory of you will never leave me. The 3 year mark of your death comes with some long awaited relief. It's a time that comes with some closure, finally. The long and hard road travelled involving your court case is now over, and that can be put behind us all now. We still share your wisdom and the good times we had with you with all the new rookies, or as you would call them, F.N.G.'s. Your memory is still honored strongly among all of us. We miss you. We love you. Continue to watch over us and guide us. Take care Brother!

Capt. David Gregory
Camden County Sheriff's Office

September 25, 2003

I just saw you for the first time on "World's Wildest Police Chases" and was disturbed when they said you were murdered only a few months after that.

Brother, you were one hell of an officer.

Rest in Peace


September 14, 2003


It has been three years since we laid you to rest. I talk to you every shift as I check where you are resting. I miss you terribly. You were always quick witted and a joy to be around.
I worked the night you left us, worked in shock and disbelief. I know you watch over us as we carry on where you left off.
God Bless and Keep You!


St Marys Police

September 1, 2003

Dan it has been 3 years since the day you were takin from the world...and we all still miss you teriblly... because of you i am inspired to become a Police Officer in Camden County... We will never forget to remember you and all the things you did for everybody....
love always and forever
your stepson
Josh Beauchamp

Joshua Beauchamp

August 29, 2003

At the beginning of every shift I supervise, myself and the other officers on shift dedicate the day to the memory of a fallen officer. Today, August 28, 2003 we dedicated the shift to the memory of Sgt. Carlton Daniel Jenkins who died on this date three years ago.

When one law enforcement officer falls, we all stumble for a while, but we will carry on.

Sgt. Jenkins' sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Sgt. Paul Bissonnette
Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Surrey, BC

August 28, 2003

I knew Dan when he was at the Kingsland police department. His wife and I went through the Police Academy together. I will miss him dearly just as the rest of Camden County. Hold strong, be true and God Bless. Tfc.Ofc.Buchanan, BPD470

Tfc. Ofc. Buchanan
Brunswick Police Department

Sgt. Dan Jenkins was a great deputy who helped everyone that he could. He was such a hero to everyone who knew him. Here is a poem for Dan:

A police officer didn't come home from work today.

So we all now stop and pray.

For the brave deputy that had to pay and,

For the family that has lost a loved on this day.

Now we are all worried inside, so we ask the question why.

Why couldn't a traffic stop go as planned?

Now because it didn't we have lost a great man.

One who had tons of dignity and pride.

One who never let anything slide.

One who day after day went out and fought crime.

A policeman who made sure his job was done right.

So with the loss of him we let out a beloved cry.

For the police officer that lost his life.

Sergeant Dan Jenkins was the best that we had.

So with the loss of him we are all really sad.

Matthew Brummer

Dan was my stepfather and a great man. He taught me to play basketball and many many other things. Though we fought a lot I still loved him with all of my heart. When my parents separated Dan stepped in and did the best he could to be a father figure for me and my brother. He did a great job too. The night that Dan got shot we fought and I never really got the chance to say goodbye so this is my goodbye Dan you are a great guy and I guess it was your time to go I love you always..

Josh Beauchamp

While employied with the St.Marys police Dept. from 1996 to September 1 2000 I worked with Dan many times, he was one of the best officers I ever worked with. Dan loved his job and made sure no one was mistreated.

Dan had a big heart and quick to tell a joke to make someone smile even the people he arrested.

My last day at St. Marys police Dept. was spent shedding alot of tears because we layed Carlton Daniel Jenkins call number 1111 to rest. I love doing my job more then ever because I think of all thoes officers who laid thier lives down protecting the people and community they work for. That thought that stays in the back of my mind tells me to keep at it because we are doing a good job out there.

I miss you Dan! god's speed

Deputy Sheriff, Steve Wahl
Izard CO. Sheriff's office Arkansas

Even thoughI never met you,I did have a chance to teach your wife in the police academy.You did meet my youngest son when he was in the academy.When you were killed,it brought my family closer together.I served as a deputy sheriff and now both of my sons are police officers.I wish no other police officer's family will have to go through what your's did.MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!

Leon Davis and Sons
Armstrong Atlantic State Univer

well i only met him twice he was a friend of my family and i know he was a nice man and he loved his job and he tried to help those who need help he will be missed i can't help but ask why such a good man have to go i want to thank him for every thing hes done for my family.we love you and we send our love to your in peace my friend


The oath we take is the way Dan lived.  Would that we all could be as pure of heart, and as dedicated to our cause as Dan was.  My daily motto now is "Make Dan proud of me."  If I can just live up to that, I'll be fine...

You are not, and will not be forgotten, Dan.  We miss you.

L.E. Smith
Camden County, GA  Sheriff's Office

Godspeed warrior.


Though I never got the chance to meet you Carlton, your a hero in my eyes and your huge Law Enforcement family. May God bless your wife and children. Your a hero because you chose to walk the thin blue line. Your one of the Lords great angles in heaven now. Please lead and guide us the rest of the way. God Bless You!

Justin Lindsay
Cairo, GA Police Dept

I was deeply troubled when i learned of your passing. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting you even though we live so close to one another, your reputation preceded you. You were well thought of and loved by many of the Officers you worked with and by the community you took an oath to serve. The world lost another true hero in a time when theres not much to believe in. May God shed his love and grace on your family and friends, And may you never be forgotten in the hearts of everyone. I often have asked myself " Why does GOD do bad things to good people?"

and i can never come up with a logical answer. But i do know one thing for sure.. GOD has broken our hearts to show to us he only takes the best!!!! You made the greatest sacrifice any officer could ever make. Let your family take pride in that. For not everyone is capable of doing a job where that sacrifice may be made at any moment. You are in my mind and in the minds of countless others a hero and will forever remain so. GOD bless your family


I never knew this man, except to say that he was one of our own, and I believe that, that is enough. To his family, I know that any words are greatly inadequate at this time. Know that he was a warrior who fought the enemy day in and day out. He protected your family, my family and all who could not protect themselves. I pray that his children will grow with pride in the knowledge that he was a"Lawman." Thank you for your devotion to him and for his service to us.


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away they were meant to be there. Dan affected my life in all sorts of ways and I thank GOD for allowing me to know Dan and for showing me how wonderful friendships can be, such as the one I shared with Dan. He was my field training officer, my first partner and most of all, my friend. I hold my head up proudly to say that Dan was truely a dedicated Law Enforcement Officer, Husband, Father and Friend to all who knew him. I will treasure the memories I have with him and say now, thank you Dan for everything and I'll miss you so dearly brother.

Lt. David Gregory
Camden County Sheriff's Office

There is not a day that goes by that Dan is not thought of in one way or another. His picture still hangs in my office and always will. I still occasionally expect to see him come through the door and call out my name in that funny high pitched voice like he used to do. He touched so many peoples lives in so many different ways. He will not be forgotten.

"I miss you DAN THE MAN!"

Lt. Paula F. Lang
Camden County Sheriff's Office

Dear Dan:

You and I shared a lot of good times together and you stood by me through some bad times as well. When we were hired together, by the Kingsland Police Department, no two young men could have been prouder. We began working side-by-side as partners and our friendship was born. We were together during the infamous "John Bryan Academy" and later spent our police academy days together as roommates. We were together the day we graduated the academy, took our oaths, and became honest-to-goodness Georgia lawmen. We were determined to tame the world and make a difference. You never let up kidding me about that heavy Smith & Wesson-Model 28 (the boat anchor you called it) that I carried back then. Although I don't carry it any more on duty, it seems a little heavier these days. We were absolutely the best of friends during those days and I will never forget them. You never betrayed my trust and the things only you knew about me will never be known by another human being. And, as well, the things that only I knew about you will never be known by another human being. Those are some of the things that define friendship. I am, and always will be, a better person for having known you. I only hope that I, also, can "tame the world" and make a positive differnce as you did. I will carry you with me in everything I do. I will never forget you. May you forever rest in the comfort of Heaven and God's love.

Your friend,


Sgt. David M. "Mike" Crews
Kingsland Police Department, Georgia

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