Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Jack B. Miller

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, January 9, 1988

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Jack B. Miller

37 years of life without my brother, still missing you Jack , it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I spent my morning watching your youngest grandson play flag football. So much fun seeing him wear #22. I imagined how proud and happy you’d be watching with me. Mom passed away recently otherwise she would have been right there with me. I imagine her with you and Dad smiling down on all of us. Rest in peace until we meet again. Love and miss you everyday Jack

Linda Miller Garagliano
Your loving sister

January 12, 2025

So many years my brother…. You are still right here in my heart and the hearts of many others.

Sergeant Mike
Lasd FPK

January 9, 2025

Never could we imagine, 37 years would go by without you. They (criminals & yes, suspect your team as well) took you from us for no reason than you were doing your job. That they all faced consequences didn’t take the life-long pain your family & closest friends have felt since.
Not a day goes by that you aren’t thought of, your photo still on my nightstand. Our kids have grown, we’re Grandparents now Jack; can’t imagine knowing that at 10.
We are taking care of your Legacy at Poly & making sure you are known to generations as our Hero. Love Always Buddy

Best Friend 4evr

January 9, 2025

Another Birthday without your my dear one. And it’s a big one, for the whole gang. So unfair how much you’ve missed and how there’s still an emptiness where you should be. The school is changing but fought hard to keep the only Memorial honoring you. You are never far Jack, with me always.

Best Friend 4evr

May 26, 2024

Here we are again even though I keep hoping it’s still a nightmare. So many years gone for what? Our children’s children are in school in the grade we met. I still get so angry looking at your photo on my nightstand, you should be here with your family and friends. But all I can do is remember and cherish what we had. We are steadfast in making sure your Memorial remains in the new Polygon so you’ll always be respected.
You were my bestie Jack and I’ll love you forever.

4evr your friend.

January 9, 2024

My dear brother Jack, on this 36th anniversary of your shooting I can’t help but replay in my mind the events of that awful evening, moment by moment when we got the call you had been shot. Our lives changed forever. You were such a good man and I will never understand why this had to happen to you. You should be here enjoying retirement and spending time watching your grandchildren grow up. One of yours is in the same 4th grade classroom as one of mine . I know in my heart that you would think that’s as awesome as I do. I’m constantly thinking of all that you should be experiencing. You’re missed terribly, thought of often and will be loved forever by so many. Continue resting in heavenly peace and watch over us all til we meet again . Love you beyond measure❤️

Linda Diane Garagliano
Your Loving Sister

January 9, 2024

Another birthday, another year without you. Never a day that you’re not remembered and loved.

Best Friend 4evr

May 25, 2023

I recall being in LASO academy class 241 when this occurred. Our DI (I ll
Leave out out of respect) wax a peer of Dep Miller when they worked in narco together, He was choked up in class that Monday, Only time I saw him ever let down, That is when I truly learned about the family I was joining. Reality hit me , To this day I think about chasing dope, how are tactics have changed etc,

Anytime we change laws to minimize dope charges… I think of all the good men and women we lost because they were holding up the law . It is hard for me to grasp respecting those who have given their lives for doing a job many would not do

I’ll ride this year in police unity tour ffir my DI and memory of his peer .

Go 241 I am retired two weeks but we still are on watch!

Captain John Dilibertb
Burbank (CA) Police 29’yrs. Ada County (ID) SO 6.5

January 10, 2023

After 35 years it hasn’t gotten any easier letting go of the heartache of losing you. To comprehend that you’ve been taken from us longer than you were here on firm ground is not easy. (Some of us still believe it was a real like scene from Serpico and would like more investigation of your team).
When you and Alan joined Law Enforcement we were proud you both wanted to serve yet it hit the gut hard and fear took over every time the news came on about an officer down… but never expected it to be you my bestie. There’s so much I would have loved to share with you and reminisce, from early days at grade school on. Our group is getting older, most are grandparents, retiring, some maybe joining you somewhere, but you are never forgotten and always and forever loved. Miss you much❤️

BFF 4evr

January 9, 2023

How can it be 35 years since you were gunned down by that drug-dealing low-life? The pain and heartache are as strong as that awful day, it has just become familiar and a part of our lives. So much as happened that you should have been a part of and been here to share with us. You will always be loved, remembered and missed dearly. I am so proud to be your big sister and blessed to have had such a strong loving relationship with you .

Linda Miller Garagliano
Loving Sister

January 9, 2023

You should be here with us celebrating your 68th birthday today. Instead, we will be remembering your smile, sense of humor, your unique laugh and your kind heart. You are loved and missed Jack, more than you would probably imagine. Continue to Rest in Heavenly Peace and know you will NEVER be forgotten.

Linda MILLER Garagliano
Loving Sister

May 24, 2022

My dearest Jack,
Can barely grasp that today you are gone a year more than you graced us here in this crazy world. Our school is a mess, demolished for no character buildings and new tech, but, your memorial monument still stands even if the Polygon is, well, Poly gone. It will be moved but not without my 2cents as to where. I have fought hard for decades to keep it preserved and intact. I visit when possible, it is near your Apple Machine for now at least and I feel close to you there.
I miss your ‘jokes’ and our daily talks but most of all our never ending friendship.
All my love Jack❤️

Best Friend 4evr

January 10, 2022

22, I think about you ..... and miss you every day, my brother, 42


January 9, 2022

34 years ago tonight that drug dealing, low life shot you and thankfully took his own life to avoid arrest and jail time. Not a day goes by that you aren’t remembered, thought about or talked about by all of our family and your many friends. Once again I find myself crying thinking of all you have missed out on. Your girls, wife and grandkids have missed out on having you in their lives as well. I also find myself smiling as I remember so many good times we shared as kids and adults. The memories we shared will always bring comfort to me for the rest of my days. You and Dad are loved and missed beyond words and I hope you both continue to Rest in Heavenly Peace.

Linda Miller Garagliano
Loving Sister

January 8, 2022

Another anniversary of that horrible night you were shot. The years are flying by, 34 since that drug dealing, low-life shot you and took his own life to avoid arrest and jail time. You are missed beyond words, I still cry when thinking of all you have missed out on. I smile when remembering the good times, the talks, the laughs we shared. Continue Resting in Heavenly Peace Jack. Wonderful memories of you and Dad have a special place in my heart forever❤️

Linda Garagliano
Loving Sister

January 8, 2022

Happy Heavenly Birthday brother Jack. Time keeps flying by and it gets harder to remember your voice. This saddens me but I'm happy that I occasionally have a similar laugh to yours and each time it happens, Tom and I look to the heavens, smile and say "Hi Jack." Makes me think you're watching down on all of us. You're missed beyond words , thought of and spoken of often. It is my mission to keep your memory alive for everyone I know. I'm pleased to say that everyone I know that knew you always has nice words to say and it makes me so very happy. I'll love and miss you til the end of time. Rest in Heavenly Peace

Linda Miller Garagliano
Loving Sister

May 24, 2021

May 24th, Yes my dear friend, we are getting older but the pain of losing you has only grown deeper through the years. Wish we could share the joy of our grandkids and reminisce of our long and wonderful history together. You were one of the good ones Jack, you were protecting us but who was protecting you

Best Friend 4evr

May 24, 2021

Jack, my brother and my friend, I still miss you and frequently wonder how different our lives would be had you not been killed. We’ve all carried on with our lives albeit with a hole in our hearts, but not without knowing how much happier and fulfilled our lives would be if you were here to share it with us. Love and miss you as much now as I did the night you were taken from us . Continue to Rest in Heavenly Peace Jack.

Linda Miller Garagliano
Loving Sister

January 9, 2021

33 years ago, at 33, we lost a Hero. Dearest Jack, not one day has gone by without thinking of you and sending love. Since Elementary School you were my best guy buddy. We shared our crushes, our fears, our hopes and you shared your Uncle’s naughty jokes (being young, I didn’t always understand, not sure you did either, LOL).
Things are crazy these days but I know you would have continued to be a Deputy with integrity and fairness. Miss you so much.


January 9, 2021

Narcotics Bureau will take a moment today and remember you made the ultimate sacrifice January 9, 1988.

You were doing what Narcotic detectives do on a daily basis, so we don't take anything for granted. Some knew you well and others just know that they are now doing the job that you were when you were killed.

We are thinking about you and praying for your family on this anniversary date and we will NEVER forget you.

Captain Holly Francisco
LASD Narcotics Bureau

January 8, 2021

Sixty six years ago you were born and I became a sister. We shared some good years , just not enough of them . Mom and I chatted about you this morning , she can’t picture you with grey hair so she refuses to think you would have aged like the rest of us. Your four grandkids visited her yesterday , keeping a distance because of the virus we are experiencing . So wish were were sharing the wonderful times of being grandparents. Yours and mine are still best of friends, which I know would make you as happy as it does me.

Want you and everyone, to know how much you are loved, missed and thought of. Our world was a better place with you in it. Wishing you a Happy Heavenly Birthday. Rest in Peace Jack.

Linda Miller Garagliano
Loving Sister

May 24, 2020

Thinking of you on your Birthday Jack. In my heart, you’re still here, but since that can never be I hold on to the memories and good times. We’re getting older which is strange since it’s not hard imagining Fri. Night game, watching our #22 MVP!
We are all isolated and Poly is being demolished for a new one but your spirit lives on...Always.


May 24, 2020

32 years , I remember that dreadful night like it was yesterday. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t think about and miss you. You’ve missed out on so much. Praying I live long enough to tell your grandkids what an awesome son you were to mom and dad and how special you were to have as a brother to me, Janice, Jim and Steve . I share memories and love hearing of other’s memories of you , they always bring a smile to my heart. Love you Jack and will miss you til the day I die. Life can seem so unfair

Linda Miller Garagliano
Loving sister

January 9, 2020

Another year, another broken heart. Jack, missing you has only grown in depth. As we watch our Grands grow up it pains me imagining the joy you’d be having with yours. I’ve lost so many loved ones last and even this year already, but losing you 32 years ago is as if it’s today & still can’t wrap my head around the whole situation. You’ll always be my Hero, our Hero
Luv you Buddy.

Best Friend 4evr

January 9, 2020

Narcotics Bureau remembers the ultimate sacrifice Jack Miller made and we will never forget. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and partners.

Captain Holly Francisco
LASD Narcotics Bureau

January 9, 2020

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