Baltimore City Police Department, Maryland
End of Watch Monday, September 21, 1992
Reflections for Police Officer Ira Neil Weiner
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I never knew you, but I had a dream tonight after getting home from attending a support group for women who have been through sexual/physical abuse. I was having trouble sleeping because I had been so triggered from sharing my story. Finally around 2am I was able to fall asleep. I immediately had a dream. In my dream I was so fearful and triggered and wanted to die. I felt like I had no one to turn to at all. Someone had called the police in my dream because I was so distraught that I was thinking of harming myself. Am officer showed up. He was darker complicated, like Italian, with a big thick mustache. He talked with me for awhile, and then gave me by a smile and a big fatherly bear hug, and in that moment it was like all of the emotional pain just left my body. He then collected his things and headed out the door. I asked him what his name was, and he said “Officer Winer”. Then I woke up. I immediately Googled “Officer Winer” and it brought me to this page as the only possible match. Even though I spelled the name “Winer”, Ian looks just like the officer in my dream.
Friend who never knew Ian
July 2, 2024
My Brother Ira,
We lost 4 brothers this week in Charlotte, NC. This has of course brought you to my mind, not that you're ever far from it. But Rose and I are thinking of you, my dear friend. I so remember all the good times at the Academy. You, Chris, Nick... never a dull moment.
I am so very proud to have served with you. SALUTE.
Lt. Karl Strohminger (retired)
Academy Mates
May 4, 2024
Officer Weiner,
On today, the 30th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Baltimore. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
United States Border Patrol
September 22, 2022
Rest in peace and always know that your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.
To Sgt. Urica Jenerette Jones, God Bless you and your fellow Baltimore Officers always. Stay safe.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
September 21, 2020
Remembering Ira......I was assigned to Sector 2 along with Ira. Although I had only known Ira for 2yrs; If you were younger than Ira, he automatically took on the role of big brother, mentor, trainer, friend. Ira would always take the younger (new) officers under his wing. He enjoyed helping people and he absolutely loved being a police officer. He was kind, loving and thought he was the best pool player ever. I will never forget Sept 19, 1992; We had just got out of roll call when the call was dispatched for a family disturbance. Standing in roll call with Ira on that morning, I had no idea that would be the last time we would have roll call together or ever see him again. Ira is truly missed. Sgt Urica N Jenerette Jones
Sgt. Urica N. Jenerette Jones
Baltimore Police Department
September 17, 2020
Dear Ira,
Whenever I see the sacrifices that police officers make, I think back to you my cousin. It has now been 28 years, but your sacrifice has not and will not be forgotten.
David Steinberg
June 7, 2020
It's been 27 year today since a great friend and police officer was taken away. I think of you often and remember the time we spent in the academy together. We spoke the morning of September 21st during shift change at Western District, I was on midnight shift and you were on day shift. It's amazing how fast things can go terribly wrong on any given call. Sadly you paid the ultimate sacrifice that day. You're missed by so many people....
BPD 88-4 Western District - Malecki, Kain, Allison, Stanton & Ira Weiner.
Retired Sergeant Michael Kain E380
Baltimore Police Department
September 21, 2019
Ira, I went to see you today. I cant believe its been 25 years since you left us. I talked with your father and your aunt while attending the service to honor your memory and sacrifice. I think about you alot. I reflect to all the good times we had while in training, and how excited we were to be Baltimore Police Officers. Well I have retired now as you probably would be doing as well if you were still with us. Chris M, Nick T were also with me today. They both came a long way to be with us. I miss you bro, play some pool up there and smile, we got this. Peace Brother- Chris
Sgt Christopher Emich (Ret)
Baltimore Police Department
September 17, 2017
I can't believe it has been 25 years since you were taken from us.
You were a good cop. Thank you for your service.
(Ret) Sgt Patrick Youells
Baltimore City
August 16, 2017
Hey Ira,
Got to thinking about you. RIP Sir. Would love to bowl you a game or two at Greenspring Fairlanes.
Scott Berger
March 14, 2016
Ira, I think about you about pretty much every day. You are not forgotten and are missed.
I keep our picture above my desk both in my home and now at my assignment after retiring.
I will always remember our midnight shifts sector 3 in the Western.
Chester Norton (retired) BCPD
Detective Chester Norton
Havre de Grace Police Department
May 27, 2015
Ira - To this very day, I think about you. Detective Jeremy Silbert has made it his mission to remember you every year at your gravesite. Standing there visiting you and your mom, I can't help but remember you as my very first nephew. You were the cutest baby ever. All these years have passed - you now have your grandmother with you. I miss you a lot and still love you.
Susan Finkelstein
March 9, 2015
Wow. What a cop. I can't say more. I know we only talked a few times and had a few end of shift talks and drinks at the Western. However brother every year when in DC at Police Week I along with many others stand at the wall and have a toast with u. U r missed.
DetectiveFirst Class Charles Earle
Bladensburg Police Department
January 10, 2015
Ira, a lot of years have passed since that morning. That day will be with me forever and so will the memory of you. I remember you were not feeling that well at roll call and some even asked why you didn't call in sick. Not You. Miss the times after shift in the station garage
Till we meet again.
Eric Snair
Former BCPD, WD Sector 1
Officer Eric Snair (former)
May 13, 2014
Many years have passed since that tragic day in which you gave your life to make society better. Despite the years passing, You still are a part of us and live through us vicariously.
Thank you for the warm memories. It was a pleasure and honor to have worked with you on the midnight shift in the WD. Again, thank you for the memories. Rest in peace. Always, True Blue...
Jerry Tarud, Esq.
Former BCPD, WD
January 6, 2014
He was the closest thing I had to a brother. 21 years later, I still miss him.
David Cohen
September 21, 2013
rest in peaceand may god bless you Ira
Pfc Jon Pease
Cmpd-Retired Bpd
September 21, 2012
Bless you Ira ! I cant believe that we were in the academy at the same time and could have been retired now. I am still very sad about this ! I remember you and unfortunately I remember this day.. I really wish I couldnt remember it but I do.. Rest in peace !!!
Ed E
US Homeland Security (ex BPD)
September 18, 2012
February 9, 2012
I often think of you, Ira and the fun on the midnight shift. I remember playing cards with you and the guys a few months prior to your death. I can still hear the radio catching the sounds of your feet hitting the ground as you bravely chased may of suspects on North Ave. In my 23 years so far, your death has been the incident that stands out the most in mind! You were a courageous man. Thank you!!
Ret. Police Officer/Now Dep. Sheriff
BCPD/currently Harford Co. Sheriff's Office
December 3, 2011
I was new to the WD and on an h-day the day you were killed. I remember it like it was yesterday when I heard the news and how I cried upon hearing it. I think of you often. Your passing was my first brush with tragedy in my career. Sadly it was not my last.
Rest peacefully my friend.
Retired Lieutenant Sean Kapfhammer
Retired BPD lieutenant
November 8, 2011
As I near retirement just wanted you to know that not a day has past for me in the past 18 years since you left us that I haven't thought of you. I remember all the good times we had in the academy, we had such good intentions and such big plans. There are only a couple of us left on the job now, boy how time flies. It has been discussed since your passing about waiting for your backup, I always was one to point out that you were there first, and must have had a good reason not to wait, and although your decision was a fatal one, you died with HONOR doing what you love to do.
We were so young and full of it. You were a good man, officer, and a great friend! I miss you bud.
Chris ("the bumble", BPD class 88-4)
Sergeant Christopher Emich
Baltimore Police Department
November 25, 2010
This is the 18th year since that dreadful day happened. I can remember seeing you at shiftchange on the parking lot of the Western District and the few quick words we said to each other in passing. I was in a hurry to get home and you in a hurry to hit the street like always. You have and will be missed by many. The Department is less of a Police Department since you were taken away from us. Rest in Peace.
All Told !
Retired Police Officer
Baltimore Police Department
September 4, 2010
While I have never met you, I had the great opportunity to learn quite a deal about you today. Today we were conducting a narcotics buy bust operation, the suspect in the case led us into a retirement community. The takedown drew some attention and naturally alot of the residents came outside to see what the commotion was.
While we were completing paperwork on scene, I noticed a man standing close by with his dog watching us. After a few minutes one of the detectives asked him if he needed something. The man proceeded to tell the detective his son was a police officer, I don't know why but for some reason I had a feeling this was not going to be the typical my son used to work for your agency conversation.
I walked over to the man and asked him where his son worked. He told me that his son was a Baltimore Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1992. The Sergeant and I spoke with your father for a while as he told us your story. As we got done speaking I asked your father if I could call him next time I was in the area to take him to lunch, I am sure I don't have to tell you he was more than happy to give it to me.
You made the ultimate sacrifice one can make and for that all of us that continue to fight the good fight are grateful. I just wanted to let you know that as you watch over us, I promise you I will watch over your father for you.
I am happy to say I made a great friend today and sad to say I never got to meet you.
Detective Passman
Broward Sheriffs Office/SID
April 28, 2010
To the family of Officer Weiner:
I wanted to extend my sympathies on your heinous murder in the line of duty. You are a true hero. whose courage and bravery will never be forgotten. My dad was one of NYCPDs finest for almost 40 years. You were taken from your family, community and fellow officers and you made the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace officer Weiner. Olav Hashalom
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2010
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