Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Miracles happen from time to time. Mettle, morals and discipline must be demonstrated, displayed and dignified at all times and points during one's earthly pursuits. You showed Dade County why you were such an integral public servant, Officer Cook. A humble man with a heroic heart and soul of honor that was all character, reverence and integrity. You saved lives and that tragic day won't be forgotten. Humility and perfection joining forces to propel angels from place to place to guard the pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2021
Heaven is where all angels roam,soar and fly higher every second. Your journeys, Officer Cook, ended all too suddenly because of one man's violent tirades against authority. Dade County certainly was served by a most youthful trustworthy and yearning young man. So young and thoughtful with a charismatic heart and humbly heroic soul blessed with acumen and virtue. You'll be honored and richly saluted for your service and unselfish and undying inspiration. Society can really learn its lessons from your due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2021
The electricity continues to run let's pray those who now serve Dade County keep their hearts and souls charged with the conduits of courage, honesty and esteem. The experience of dignity and integrity that you possessed, Officer Cook, may it be truly blessed and rewarded for its heroic sacrifice that has benefitted mankind more in safety, security and serenity that carries our earthliest of missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2021
A vile of versatility is better than a pot of dishonor and disgrace. You gave your heroic life and career, Officer Cook, to secure the boundaries of Dade County. A gentleman of trust and conviction whose truth faith, goodwill and devotion will forevermore be solemnly honored and saluted for virtue is heart and soul, character and commitments to both excelling and making your family proud shall remain all heavenly blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 5, 2021
A story shared by the world and a career with a life so wise and sincere. Dade County was preserved by you, Officer Cook and badge#1664, all heart, honor and class. So decent and determined to eradicate terror from our midst. The heavens sing your praises and for building dignity,integrity and truth may God keep your trust and spirit alive eternally while you walk your sacred and solemn beat above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and faithfulness have located your everlasting resourcefulness it's safely tucked away for Our Lord to watch over His humanely patient angel.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 4, 2021
The piles of evil still burn on today and when they will be extinguished is anybody's guess. Grit, gallantry and gumption, Officer Cook, charted your most honorable and heroic life serving and protecting the people of Dade County. The State Farm Insurance commercial says like a good neighbor they are here. Well for six excellent years of loyalty, esteem and devotion you gave quality of life back to civilization. A smile and wise heart never overlooked, dignity and integrity intensifying your wars against violence. It should not have taken a man of vision and maturity who was performing his labors of love. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 4, 2021
Versatility is the wheel of virtue and its value is priceless. Your vim, vigor and heroic heart and soul, Officer Cook, made Dade County proud and humbly safe once more. Forever a crying shame your dignity,integrity and honesty was ripped from your bring you were still young and forever bold. Character, commitment and convictions not concessions were only truthful and trustworthy. They always be revered and respected by your adoring family and loyal peers of enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 4, 2021
Never a better human being who learned and taught us all the important lessons of life so vital. Your versatility and virtue handled task and more some so perilous and yet, Officer Cook, Dade County was always maintained and kept safe because of your unwavering and unselfish endeavors of honesty, integrity and dignity. Foundations of humility, heart and character constructed for a safer future and your spirit can see to that by God's perfect directions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 4, 2021
Blessings and rewards for heroism are reaped in the heavens above. It's where angels valiant and persevering forever soar. Your heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook, a trio of tenacity kept Dade County moving soundly forward and today those who have taken over your patrols are reminded to perform the same way. Class, decency and dedicated deliberation. Those sacred journeys have always been solemnly and most fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 4, 2021
Once again you were the consummate and ever ready public servant, Officer Cook, who lobbied for peace and safety within every stretch of road here in Dade County. Honor. Integrity. Dignity, respect and character shall one day defeat and eliminate evil from our corridors of blissful humbleness. Always beloved, adored and forevermore cherished by your wonderful family and very esteemed and loyal comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 4, 2021
Velcro sticks to your clothes like honey on a bush. Your dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, were a part of your professional reputation one that was deserved and one that was made heroic and very sincere. They all played a major role in the preservation of Dade County and its fair minded citizens. When character, commitment and conviction are all stoic and stellar then the results usually are for the better. Serenity and a caring heart, a sensitive soul of sanctity all patrolling the streets where life and enhancement were a part of the everyday life of those whom you loyally served. We salute your bravery and humility from your spirit that encircles us every waking second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
The oak trees are tall and sturdy just as your mighty heart and soul of humbleness, Officer Cook. Confidence is the sincerity by which we all try to function and navigate those long and winding roads where trouble, fate and destiny may lead us. Officer Cook, honor, heroism and hope gave dignity, integrity and intelligence that lesson, that opportunity to flourish. Your family misses you greatly, your smile, charm and charisma, virtue and valor always on hand to defeat the clutches of callousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A bond of affinity to last forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
A care and a clue will help. Some old fashioned honesty, reverence, dignity and integrity certain and confident, Officer Cook, all carrying your heroic legacy, it's for your peers now serving and your loved ones to cherish as they live their lives according to your creed. Dade County and its folks won't forget and neither will anyone else. Character, commitment to excellence and the support of truth and trust gave your intuitive convictions both the fiber and fabric to spread themselves far and wide to compose humanity the way you would have done. Badge#1664 constructed hope, freedom and the liberty to conduct your affairs in a stable of sense and direction, that goes to your maturity, vision and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
Your talents and gifted skills, Officer Cook, were showcased in a professional manner each day as you lived and breathed providing Dade County's residents a safe shelter for which their happiness, health and prosperity could blossom. The trees and their branches were given the moisture of your honesty, mettle and implementation of both dignity and integrity. a true and faithful hero and public servant never lost from his work ethics and not derailed by violence which you worked hard to eliminate from the pavements, roads and streets. Such a devoted heart and soul gone way too early yet never more saluted and honored for your savvy pursuits all humble fruition and total tireless energy and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
The pleasures and experiences of life are to be enjoyed yet tempered when one gives their own life and career to make peace a permanent bond of a community. You enriched, enhanced and most assuredly uplifted the values and ideals of life here in Dade County, Officer Cook. This in of itself has endeared you to your beloved family, your comrades of the past and to the multitude of friends you kept who have treasured your utmost sincerest of character and heart, a soul deeply appreciated for its responsibility in building bridges for a vitally safe future, a sad chapter that you could not be allowed to physically witness, yet, the blue skies above allow you to watch from the best area. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
Perseverance, outstanding, welcomed, class and courage some of the mottoes that must be adhered to if peace and any semblance of goodwill and hope is to fortify humanity. You certainly brought tranquility and your heart's labors of love and reverence to your profession and to Dade County, Officer Cook. A cherished human being, a friend to all, a dedicated colleague and your family's hero of both aspiration and inspiration. Nothing worse than a gentleman of virtue, honor and stability losing his life while performing your roles of dignity and integrity to bring about safe trails for all. Trust and truth belong where versatility and vigilance travel. Heaven has your sweet and special spirit to watch over us for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
A whole barrel of boldness and a nest of never ending relentlessness. You bared your heart and soul both heroic, Officer Cook, to shield Dade County and its people from harm and worse trouble than already existed that somber day. A life of humility and character all taken away needlessly by a desperate individual. Both your integrity, dignity and honesty will forever remain the cornerstones of your sacred life and its passions and the caliber of your work performances all deemed outstanding. So truthful, faithful and trusted to bring serenity and unity back where it rightfully belonged in the neighborhood and on the streets where you fought the battles over adversity and made the ultimate sacrifice to raise the level of life on behalf of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 3, 2021
Your relatives have grown up knowing that their great-uncle "Bo" was and always is a Dade County hero. History cannot ever say otherwise. Your colleagues, family and personal acquaintances all knew a true man to his faith and family. Integrity, dignity, vision and humility so identified with ingenuity and revered commitments to pride and excellence the reasons and basis for cornerstones being built up for a sounder and more serener future just better if you, Officer Cook, could have been permitted to live and see your life's work and career bettering mankind beyond all your tireless and unselfish labors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect and enlightenment surely embellished your feats of grace and gallantry beyond expectations. Now as an angel you can fly higher everyday. Just keep watch from the skies above. Badge #1664 had its humane persona.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2021
You and your beloved parents, Officer Cook, are all in heaven resting in peace my neighbors, friends and hero. Just that you should still be here living your retirement in the best of health, peace and happiness with Karen. Just why did things come apart and your honesty, integrity and dignity was robbed from your sweet heart and soul of refreshing goodwill, faith and trusted hope? The answers are locked away above and some day we will find those humble and succinct responses just as Dade County was your tender and gentle landing spot where you gave your life for tranquility and virtue to live on in your family's esteemed hearts.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2021
The compasses of courage direct the rudders of resiliency, resourcefulness and resolve. Better to encourage than to discourage. Better if a crack of honesty shines through the window than blatant untruths. You kept Dade County moving forward, Officer Cook, because of your heroic dignity, integrity and character all having the same amounts of wisdom, virtue and vision so inspiring and not overlooked. Humanity and your loved ones have certainly missed your smile, chipper personality and both a soul and a heart of concern and gold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2021
Live and learn today, yearn for tomorrow. Put all your resources into one basket where bravery, boldness and humble honor shall remain for eternity. You paid the ultimate price for Dade County to be free of harm and suffering, Officer Cook, God's hands steered your journeys of sacred integrity and dignity right where you heart and spirit belonged. Heaven is well protected with your angelic wings perfectly fitted to now and forever walk your proverbial beat. Truth, trust and virtue validating Our Creator's blessings down upon your revered soul. An impression of undertaking never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2021
The eyes appear droopy and one looks sleepy, yet, the wars and battles rage on. Those fires of violence and terror you controlled within Dade County streets, Officer Cook, so humbly, honorably and most heroically. Nothing finer than a man in control of his faculties of ferocity, vision and wisdom that has inspired all those who have taken over your watch. Their integrity, dignity and heart had better be as strong as yours with a soul of respect, trust, compassion and character that chartered your crusades of destiny and distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 2, 2021
The pavements were surely graced, blessed and treasured by every step and breath you took, Officer Cook. Dade County was solidified and fortified by your unselfish ferocity and dynamic energy straight from your unwavering and virtuous heart and soul. Forty-two years later a perspective of your life and career rich in a smile and gallant by your very deeds of nobility and heroism revered by all. We salute your piety and perseverance, persistency to achieve and to never let others down. A true and faithfully trusted Godsend now an angel soaring higher each moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 1, 2021
A full belly of bravery, vision and boldness composed itself with the greatest concern and consideration for all Dade County. You were a superior public servant and consummate right from your endearing heart, Officer Cook, a soul that enriched and uplifted the masses beyond their wildest expectations. You delivered serenity, peace and happiness to a community that dearly respected your onuses that were placed upon your broadest of shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment, convictions and character were all truthful and trusted. You will forever be missed by family, friends and a plethora of colleagues past and present.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 1, 2021
The trailers of tenacity continue full bore ahead. Full steam and full blast, Officer Cook and nothing less than one -hundred percent endeavor, virtue and valor. It's humility of your caring heart and soul, one that devoted dignity, integrity and the versatility of your career and life's campaigns. Courage summoned up to dispel disaster and Dade County is forever grateful to your resources of resolve and tireless energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 1, 2021