Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Gladeview in Liberty City was certainly greeted by your gallantry, Officer Cook and everything you lived for was expended to provide the peace, quality and comforts of life for those desiring hope and dignity at their front doors. Dade County was where integrity, ingenuity and respect all stared serious problems face to face. A man blessed with humbleness, virtue and duly valiant versatility that keeps being rewarded by Our Master of this universe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021
The past can only be the hope, goodwill and springboard to somehow a more sounder, safer and harmonious future. Tomorrow just like today, Officer Cook, you will still be honored, revered and greatly admired for heroism and fruitful trails paved by the gentle breezes of trust and truth. Dade County has lost too many heroes and heroines, you my neighbor, friend and hero won't be forgotten. Heart, soul, spirit and virtuous character all tireless and very humble. Rest in peace. Perfection in heaven is the perseverance of your bold missions of faith and relevance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021
Public servants must craft, concoct ways to stop callousness' advances. Their dignity, honesty, integrity and sincerity must be comported and supportive of the citizens of whom they solemnly protect and serve with heart, soul, character and the eyes and ears of humility as you so performed in this manner toward Dade County, Officer Cook. Consummate, brave and very noble. Our harmony and serenity was delivered by your unassuming and unselfish virtue and constitution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021
If you miss your train you'll have to wait even longer for the next one to arrive. Police must always be punctual and never tardy unless you've got a very good reason. Excuses only lessen the affects that all public servants have when they patrol their areas of onus and virtue. You surely were a great man, Officer Cook,more than a legendary Dade County police hero. You were a duly organized individual who was pinpoint focused on your missions of hope, faith and substance. Honor, dignity and integrity can make or break a career. Yours because of violence against you was sadly and tragically shortened but you won't be forgotten. You are your department and family's brightest star, their inspiration who continues to be greatly admired for serving and for heroism above and beyond the calls of courage and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All class and all humility that is how we remember you. You built foundations and cornerstones for our future of which you should have been allowed to live and to see. No one who worked with you unless they passed has overlooked a man of perpetual motion evolving within your bloodlines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
It pays dividends and humbly rewards those who are most versatile as apposed to being aloof. Something, Officer Cook, you never were. Your whole life and career was the epitome of sheer dedication, instincts smart and right down those trails where life and time mattered the most. Dade County was observed and patrolled by a man of morals and those traits of honor,integrity and dignity surely navigated your directional signals where they were most essentially needed. Heaven has a most precious and beloved angel who braved peril and looked danger in the eyes to summon peace and unity for we know serenity is important for our faithful journeys to keep moving forward. Your family, Officer Cook, keeps you in their thoughts,hearts and prayers. "Uncle Bo" is being cradled for eternal safekeeping by the Lord Himself who you worshiped devoutly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
Wait no more. Time can't stand still when serious issues, dilemmas and situations arise. When you preserved,protected and served Dade County, Officer Cook, you were there to support your brothers and sisters in arms. Our tranquility, harmony and liberty was restored because of your unassuming,unwavering and unselfish honesty, integrity and dignity all vitally important and remain so today. You wore effort, humility and gave your heart and soul to save lives. Your six years of sacred missions won't go overlooked nor has their trust and truth faded into oblivion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
Perpetuate don't postulate or postpone your life and its reasons. Function as normally as you can and achieve a purpose that validates your creativity. You toiled, worked doggedly all for your family and for Dade County's citizens, Officer Cook, to reach a lasting harmony between all mankind. If dignity, honor and integrity cannot at least end evil then it must somehow slowdown its awful movements. You certainly accomplished that during your all too short twenty-five years, six of which were meaningful, full of scruples,morals and mettle. A very disciplined man of consideration, character and heart patrolling the areas for a census of proper conduct. Such courage that remains cherished, admired and well blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
A shard of glass breaks and its contents are scattered all about. Violence is that element that destroys and shatters lives forever. Once you've gone to eternity there is no turning the clocks back. Families, friends, spouses and departments must plan ahead accordingly. Your loved ones. Officer Cook, hailed your heroic honor, passion journeys and dignity with integrity accentuating your everyday life and chosen profession. Dade County has continued moving forward as your heart, soul and spirit of serenity all soar high each second in the skies above. Unassuming grand character, classic commitment and the truest of noble convictions that prioritized your dedication, fearless devotion to responsibility and rugged determination to uproot the seeds of serious trouble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
You fulfilled the will of Our Maker and He must have needed your sweet, special and handsome soul, heart and spirit back in His heavenly home to watch over your beloved family, esteemed and humble colleagues and friends from around our country who gathered that sad day, Officer Cook, to pay their reverence to you and your family. May 19, 1979 lives on just as May 16,1979 will forever be etched in our hearts,prayers and thoughts. Dade County was blessed and rewarded as you continue to be for heroism, honesty, civility and the dignity that carries the gems of gallantry and integrity. It's class, decency and pure desire magnified. It's virtue and valor multiplied. You'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
Thousands of years from now you will still be noted, etched and duly saluted, Officer Cook, for living and breathing a humble life of existence. For unwavering compassion, for trust and truth all located within the heart and soul of your implanted dignity, integrity and wholesome character it is the residents of Dade County who have gained a new lease on life, their happiness,peace of mind and good health. That's your wealth and you had better not let them down. Badge#1664 was worn with bravery and an unassuming humility that captured mankind's eyes and ears. Our serenity, safe harbors and shelters of security were humbly guarded by you my neighbor, friend and hero. Effort expelled. Energy ingrained. The impression left behind for your family members to assume and with it comes great onus. Rest in peace. A truly wise young man filled with the percolators of inspiration.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
Just dastardly, plain disrespectful, utterly evil and society just cringes whenever something sinister is lurking out there. You were an angel, a hero for the people of Dade County, your family and peers, Officer Cook. Honesty, dignity and integrity were never going to bend, snap,break nor be delayed, detoured or derailed by one man. Police just try and author a humble day when they can seize the opportunity to create that bond between themselves and the public of whom they take an affirmation to serve and preserve the quality of life. It's certainly a passion that not everybody has nor desires. You chose this kind of profession, Officer Cook, because you had a tireless heart and soul and undying loyalty to the community at large. You gave them nothing less than a supreme effort and by making the ultimate sacrifice you will be remembered forevermore. The strength of character, commitment and conviction was its trust and truth, they steered your virtue,vigilance and validated all that was humble within your sacred spirit now resting in peace along with you my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
The grim reaper rears its ugly head. The heinousness, wanton callousness and just plain violence just makes you sad and bitter. Believe me mankind was served by a gentleman superior in conduct, consideration, caring and concern because you had a truthful and trusted heart of humility and humane honesty, Officer Cook. It's what Dade County and its folks yearned for. Dignity, reverence, integrity and intuitiveness all facing terror and never backing away. God's cradling your spirit of adventure, acumen and awareness as He and you my neighbor, friend and hero look down on those who have taken over your watch. We all pray for their safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
Crime is more than adverse. Its authenticity cannot eliminate the basic honor, goodwill, hope and trustworthiness of mankind. simple calculations require a man or a woman devout and determined to reach out without fear, unselfishly giving their humbleness, esteem and loyalty back to their neighborhood. Created within badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, was the very due diligence of a hero so vibrant with a career just reaching the top rungs of that ladder where resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency spread their angel wings far and wide to protect Dade County from undue wickedness. Never forgotten and saluted for boldness, bravery and the wisdom so essential to the fulfillment of humanity's lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
The front and back of terror are real bad. Communities just shutter and seem to lose hope. Dade County never lost theirs when you patrolled their very streets, Officer Cook, where your honored, humbled and heroic name, blessed, dignified and cherished made all the difference. Integrity and humility the very vehicles of your vision,virtue and versatility all to be saluted poignantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 16, 2021
Rest in peace Officer Cook. Your legacy of honor was so humble and heroic. You were the consummate gentleman of bravery, character, dignity and integrity which faced evil with class and fearlessness. Sacred passion, missions all undertaken with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 15, 2021
Sweet and sincere, open and up front. Honesty is always the best policy in any line of endeavor. Dade County was and always will be enhanced and uplifted by your heart, dignity and driving integrity, Officer Cook. All heroic and all humility. Our stability and harmony came from your sources of serenity and sacred missions that have left mankind better suited to carry out its future plans. You will forever be fondly, solemnly and mightily saluted for virtue, wisdom and trusted character respected and greatly treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 15, 2021
A man with a backbone of brilliance, a heart of humbleness, a soul of virtue and a spirit so courageous and honored. We pay our duly noted reverence to you, Officer Cook, always a well rounded and highly thought of hero of distinction. Valor does not brag and character that never lost track, time or sight of your principle obligations to give safety and security back to Dade County. Commitments to excelling and by being mindful of your blessed journeys and their opportunities to right the ships of sanctity and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Adored, beloved and cherished forevermore by your loving family, esteemed comrades and loyal friends. You had more left to give,Officer Cook. Our Lord gave you this world for twenty-five years of productive and prideful toil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2021
Dissect and discover. Observe and don't waver. Catch violence before it gets a running start. You led others, Officer Cook, by being superior in honesty, heart, humility and by most of all listening to others giving you direction. You were never careless just a tireless gentleman outfitted with faithfulness and dignified dedication. Dade County caught more than a glimpse of your unassuming integrity and fortitude. The skies above have an angel so warm and engaging. A smile never to be forgotten as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2021
Guesswork does not always solve the perplexing problems plaguing society. One unwavering and unrelenting young man always came through in the clutch. Your boldness, courtesies saved more people from serious danger that day, Officer Cook, than anyone could comprehend. Dade County,its folks and your comrades when in serious peril when you arrived and gave your life to wrest the wickedness away from Mr.Pearsall. You tried with your heart of gold and a soul of great reference all dignified and all integrity all so vital to the tasks at hand. Saluted and so honored for humility and its resounding strength. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2021
Research is the reservoir to knowledge. To think and to act professionally are two different points but every man and woman serving their given venues must be honest, devoted and as diligent as you were, Officer Cook, A humble and blessed hero of your time whose life and career was delegated to the good citizens of Dade County. Badge#1664 and your name are forever undying, all character and heart, respectful and admired for virtue and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2021
Dedicated, determined and all the soul, heart and ingenuity of a humbly beloved public servant. Dade County was protected beyond the calls of destiny, fate and responsibility. Your blessed name, Officer Cook, will be remembered and paid homage for having the essential dignity, honesty and the integrity that face evil straight on. Your family carries forward your legacy of virtue, resourcefulness and the truth of being trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2021
Sweet and sincere, open and up front. Honesty is always the best policy in any line of endeavor. Dade County was and always will be enhanced and uplifted by your heart, dignity and driving integrity, Officer Cook. All heroic and all humility. Our stability and harmony came from your sources of serenity and sacred missions that have left mankind better suited to carry out its future plans. You will forever be fondly, solemnly and mightily saluted for virtue, wisdom and trusted character respected and greatly treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 14, 2021
Neighbors helping neighbors. Human beings going above and beyond their capabilities.Just what Dade County and its people got from you, Officer Cook. Forever etched as a hero of esteem, loyalty and the honesty that lends itself to the credences of both integrity and dignity. One sure gentleman giving heart and soul for the goodwill, hope and faithfulness of his community. Commitments were made and carried out. Convictions are trusted and true. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero may your angel wings fitted to perfection soar higher and higher each second.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 13, 2021
Your ability is hoisted to humble levels by being available and accountable. Where honor, dignity and integrity battle against the evil threatens to destroy our streets and the stability of civilization your exploits surely came in handy, Officer Cook. Dade County was your community and home where you learned, trained, practiced and underwent a thorough preparation for a professional career of serious consequences. Life and death hanging thinly at times, thank God you answered that all important domestic call that sorrowful day my neighbor, friend and hero. The polished diamonds of heroism, bravery, class and character all succeeded. You'll always be humbly remembered for your tireless, undying and unselfish sacrifice, sacred and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 13, 2021
Police sometimes need suggestions after all they participate in the actions that are demonstrated and displayed to invoke harmony, unity and liberty for all mankind. Dade County was not the exception, it was the rule of thought,the preparation, the diligence put forth by your undying efforts, Officer Cook, summoned from the clouds above. Integrity is that ingredient that the soul searches for when chasing after peace and stopping wickedness from undermining the cornerstones of mankind. Rest in peace my nneighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 13, 2021