Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Our very sacred lives, projected paths and loyal trails of justice are preordained by God. He directs and steers our very patrols we make in the pursuits of happiness, good health and prosperity. The ventures you undertook, Officer Cook, were created to make that distinct impression upon your neighborhood, Dade County were unfortunately too many battles were fought and where violence and terror such obstruct our mirrors of hope, peace and goodwill. Only because of your tireless heart can the people enjoy serenity and some security today. You will be given poignant homage for humility and the accountability of being versatile and having virtue partner with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2021
If one is to stop evil you cannot be just ankle deep. You must be totally immersed in every aspect, every phase and every nuance of what is expected of you. Your heart, soul and dreams, Officer Cook, were heroically poured into your entire body of work, the sweat, toil, ferocity and the humbly measured honor, integrity and dignity. Seeing that you had outstanding character, were trusted and truthful the residents of Dade County believed in your intellect, intuitions and ingenuity to overcome any obstacles in your path of success. May Our Creator watch over your angelic soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2021
Callousness, heinousness and sheer evil is not to be tolerated. With your unwavering, unselfish and undying tenacity, Officer Cook, they were all tamed and aborted. As Dade County wakes up everyday they thank you for your honorable heroism, dignity and dedicated integrity all serving in the face of such adversity. A man born with passion and a heart of gold, your soul and its spirit of virtue will be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 21, 2021
The cars of courage, concern and class have always been revered and greatly admired. Never a problem nor any hesitations whatsoever. You prepared and did your utmost to shield, save and provide a quality of serenity for all Dade County to cherish, Officer Cook. A man, a gentleman whose brand of honor, integrity and dignity stood the tests of time and brought a renewed sense of goodwill, happiness and prosperity to our community. It was yours also and the sorrow, pain and grief should be relieved a bit by the healing process if that's possible. Your family, Officer Cook, carries your heroism and spirit within their hearts, souls and thoughts for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You will be saluted and fondly honored.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2021
Everything must be squared away and tied up before leaving one scene to attend to another. You showed your grit, gumption and sincerest of convictions, Officer Cook, going to that domestic scene to assist your fellow officers who were nearly killed by that young evil man. He robbed you of your life, career and happiness with Karen all because of his troubled life, no morals, honesty, dignity or integrity. Traits and humility you displayed allowed Dade County to continue this day even as time has moved forward. Nothing stops and your hope, inspirations and dreams have been perpetuated by your loving family as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The day to day rigors and challenges all remain now those who carry those mighty batons do so with heart, soul and the same vehicles of versatility and resolve that you shouldered.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2021
Police have to control their emotions at times even through the roughest and darkest of hours. You were a man of coordination, common sense and the concern you demonstrated while scouring the roads for evil while trying to maintain the articles of peace with your pronounced acumen, virtue, vision and wisdom. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where your honored hunts for tranquility took their genesis and where dignity, integrity and respectful character left an enduring and noble legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police work tests one's nerves of steel, resolve and humble due diligence. Yours, Officer Cook are forever to be honored by your family, friends and colleagues.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2021
Freedom shall ring. Violence does sting and its pain, anguish and suffering seems to never end. Sad your career and life ended so terribly, Officer Cook as you were just performing your assigned roles. Such respect and reverence, concern, class and consideration for your fellowman. Your comrades here in Dade County have not forgotten you. Not when a gallant man, young at heart lays down his virtue, dignity and humble integrity on the streets to aid and rescue those whose lives were in serious trouble. Badge#1664 was special and its owner was a special person, a human being with a high regard for life, a purpose shared by all who serve, by all who take a sacred oath to achieve a common means. Hope and goodwill spring eternally and forever now my neighbor, friend and hero will you be solemnly honored, remembered and etched within the walls of merit and memory for the citizens to pay bold homage to. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2021
Research is the author to gathering more information. The public servants know the better the outcomes of dilemmas and circumstances will be. You fought, Officer Cook, for Dade County to live more peacefully and gave the ultimate sacrifice to better society. A trusted and true warrior of wisdom, virtue and the backbones and heart of honor, dignity and integrity. They were amazing and unrelenting as was your outstanding character and personality. The smile and the hope all conceived in humility, resolve and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2021
Fairness, firmness and faithfulness must be relentless. You were the consummate public servant of Dade County, Officer Cook, a hero forevermore. A man diligent, devoted to your position, a gentleman with honesty and integrity patrolling your community for more than a semblance of harmony. You acquitted yourself very well and showed excellent character. Stellar commitment and sterling convictions all truth and trust. God has watched over your soul and spirit for these past forty-two years and for eternity you'll be saluted for bravery above and beyond. A man of virtue, resolve and wisdom now serving as an angel protecting the pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 20, 2021
Deliver not deliberate even though you must before acting. Heroism is a trait not each is born with. You must over time, shape,mold and polish these images if the finished product is to look believable and honest. You had a wise heart and honorable soul, Officer Cook. Sincere and serene they watched over Dade County with a fine tooth comb. Tireless, dedicated and full of countless energy, your undying, unselfish and unwavering politeness is serving a more humble and humane role now as an angel above to be fondly, solemnly and wisely honored and paid homage for a job well done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2021
Doom comes to those who are not upbeat and positive.You were a constant source of refreshing resolve, resiliency and a bounty of resourcefulness, Officer Cook, utilized to deliver the gentle sways of honor, dignity and integrity back into your community of Dade County. Badge#1664 was worn with nobility, distinction and excellent character, revered, remembered and gallant beyond the dispatches of duty. When onuses called you answered and completed your earthly assignments before being called back to heaven to usher in your eternal diligence over this land. It should never have concluded the manner it did for you scruples, ideals and values were treasured and remain a part of your heroic legacy. All eyes look up at the glowing lights coming from the stars at night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2021
The light bulbs need to be changed once in a while. What needs constant upgrading are one's own reserved honesty, character, integrity and virtue for if dignity alone could cast aside trouble nothing else would matter. Your daily business, Officer Cook, was to see the people of Dade County free from harm, living and thriving in a content way. Everything you learned, practiced and trained for was preached over and over. The messages are clear and as concise as versatility, vigilance and valor were to a consummate professional with a caring heart and pure soul of courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2021
Disappointment permeates when excellence and resourcefulness is neither given nor expected. Godgiven talent and honor alone helps to chip away at the roots of violence, but dignity, respect and integrity can do more than just their traits alone. You carried yourself, Officer Cook, with humbleness, a pure heart and a soul of virtue in order for Dade County residents to be free of harm and to be steered clear of confusion. With what confronts and confuses mankind today only The Lord Himself can assist those brave and bold women and men of law enforcement. Wickedness is the illness that faces humanity and you my neighbor, friend and hero had clues how to resolve situations. You won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2021
The day to day struggles continue for those honest, humble and brave public servants. All entrusted with a responsibility more than just slightly noble. It's gigantic in nature and one's own character and humility, heart and soul must fit the criterion. Yours, Officer Cook, was heroic and dependable, loyal and esteemed. The folks of Dade County received a good deal of integrity and principles from a young man superior in performance and so persevering. Devout and versatile, with your wisdom, heart and virtue, evil was going to be dealt with so that we could live lives of happiness and contentment never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2021
Justice is your weapon. Faithfulness is your shield. Hope and goodwill are your armor. Integrity, honesty and dignity were your fortitude and means, Officer Cook, for which you stood in there with danger to loyally protect the citizens of Dade County. Outstanding and superb, the superlatives of safe trails for society which misses you as much as your adoring family. Strong character, convictions trustworthy and clear,concise in commitment and courageous as ever. With your perfectly fitted angels' wings may you soar higher and higher each day. We salute your valor, vision and virtue my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 19, 2021
Serenity, safety and security must be anchored down securely if communities are going to last. The people must have lives of happiness, health and prosperity that can be carried out. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, is always going to be the badge of reason and purpose. Practicality is just that. You were the shining source of faithfulness and devotion that Dade County has never once overlooked.A sincere gentleman with a smile that lit up a room. Now heaven is where your soul and spirit sleep in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2021
The air we breathe, the yokes of responsibility, stability and peace were realized. Nothing can be taken for granted and your life embellished your endeavors, efficiency and tireless energy, Officer Cook. Forever remembered as a Dade County hero who gave his life of substance, honor and dignity. Integrity of an angel so bold and brave, virtue and versatility to be carried on by your family and peers. The baton is heavy yet life goes on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2021
Every scene is different and nothing is scripted. God's gifts were given to you, Officer Cook, a hero for all Dade County and the entire police nation. Integrity, dignity, humility, heart and honor exercised to the fullest each day and no one was let down. The sadness of your family losing you so young with more to give, accomplish and they remain cherished and greatly admired. You gave mankind, your folks reverence and now it's up to us to return that to them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2021
The verses of scripture were honored and respected by your unassuming devoutness and piety for the Lord's work which you steadfastly maintained, Officer Cook. Heroism and humbleness flying high as an eagle in God's summit of perfection where your integrity, commitment and dignity reflected your humane mannerisms. Dade County has not forgotten your life, career and convictions are trustworthy and all virtuous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2021
Acumen, wisdom, and vision can magnify a man's honesty, dignity and integrity when they walk those paths of perseverance. Your trails of youthful enthusiasm, Officer Cook, were heroically paved by truth and trust that was important in defending Dade County's citizens. Years and days of sacrifice all undertaken on behalf of society never to be forgotten. Character stands atop that mountain where your morals, values and scruples remain tall and humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2021
The air is starting to feel a bit cooler and soon the leaves will be changing color. What never seems to go away is evil and the thoughts of your family, Officer Cook, missing you just terribly. So bitter and tragic, you gave your life for Dade County, the ultimate of heart, soul and character replete with humility, honor and dignity they all faced adversity head to head and toe to toe. Integrity must be worn at all times otherwise the uniform all public servants don cannot be able to follow through on its sacred and earthly objectives. To stop crime before it gets out of its pen. You are to be saluted fondly, warmly and solemnly my neighbor, friend and hero. It's heaven that has your angelic spirit soaring over this world where your years and life all were very essential. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 18, 2021
The streets are for everyone to savor. So when evil hits the pavements perseverance, mettle and proficiency need to fortify their resources in order for that semblance of tranquility, unity and liberty to make strides. You brought honesty, dignity and unassuming integrity to your all important position, Officer Cook. The residents whom you loyally served with esteem, character and humility will not forget you. Heroism to be embraced and treasured for eternity as you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are filled with love and virtue and nothing but affection as your beloved family continues living their dreams and sharing your legacy with all who listen closely.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021
The dice are rolled and no one knows what numbers will come up. What arose every morning,afternoon and evening was your compassion, inspirations, passions, goodwill, aspirations and happiness, Officer Cook, as you chose to become a policeman. Always respected, honorable, decent and dignified, you carried your authority on integrity's shoulders, the broadest of all and being able to lead other comrades through the very same roads where obstacles needed clearing so tranquility could rightfully take those trails where justice needed to be meted out. calm, fair and composed during a crisis, you'll be saluted for versatile patrols and never ending resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County has never forgotten their loyal friend and warrior.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021
Don't overstate nor under estimate the obvious.Violence dances, weaves and wanders through communities leaving more than a wake of devious and diabolical bedlam to clean up after. Every watch, Officer Cook, a smile came from your face and yet honor, dignity and integrity were all central parts to your professional character and its reverent makeup. Your heroic actions will not be shelved nor forgotten because of your unwavering, undying and most tireless heart and soul. God has your angelic spirit tucked away in heaven where it is cradled and preserved for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County always has a most venerable and cherished gentleman, a young man who embraced responsibility and its humbled vehicles of faith, trustworthiness and the simple truth that you and Nancy were raised with.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021
To embrace change is a challenge for some. For routine is a normal way of habit for most. Yet, one can't relax and take it easy when every second of mayhem and serious chaos runs rampant on those streets where safety and happiness all must avail. Dade County is not a sleeping giant and surely, Officer Cook, when that tiger of terror unfurled his wickedness on May 16, 1979, your superior wisdom, vision and maturity tried their utmost to save lives which you did and by making the ultimate sacrifice will your career and youth, all truthful and trustworthy be stoically remembered for their virtue, vitality and sacred vehicles of vigilance, faith and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 17, 2021