Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
A young man dwelling in devotion, living with humble dignity, battling the forces of evil with pure desire and always being determined and dedicated never once being derailed from your dangerous and yet heroically challenging assignments. Yes, Officer Cook, you persevered, you went through that ring of fire more than once to protect, to serve diligently all Dade County, all mankind and all humanity with a heart and soul of constant care, concern and giving. Today, as the wars rage on you are remembered as one of the many outstanding heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to benefit your community. The evidence is as clear as day. Integrity and ingenuity worked in a most unwavering, unselfish and tireless manner to promote the hope, faith and goodwill that humility breeds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 12, 2021
You cannot camouflage honesty, integrity and dignity. These key elements are a part of your life story, career and the humble memories of your fruitful being and its passions. Compassionate and collected, Dade County was calmed and restored by virtue of your versatility, vigor and vitality, Officer Cook. All humility and heart that was the stronghold of a man born with truth, trust and valued convictions. We the people appreciated your goodwill and faithfulness being utilized to take down terror and evil. Always a sad day whenever someone losses their life. Your sacrifice my neighbor, friend and hero traveled above and beyond the dispatches of duty. An obligation that permeated the streets and many corners where you took your beat. Rest in peace. Class forever marks the calendars of courage and your journeys.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2021
The memory of a truly devout and honored hero shall always be for a blessing. It's the sustenance that directs your loved ones' crusades as they carry the torch of your legacy, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 served the community and neighborhood of Dade County, with pride, with passion and with proficiency. What was said at your Inspector's funeral only embellished what the whole world and your family already knew. Patience is a virtue and dignity, integrity and reverence will forevermore be treasured and never placed on a shelf to gather dust. The air were take in our lungs is because of your courage and boldness. As you put yourself between us the people and peril coming from one violent and nasty man. God is watching us with your sweet soul and spirit glancing over His shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2021
You are born with a heart and mind. As you grow and mature those important and essential parts help to diffuse conflict. So unselfish, undying and unwavering, Officer Cook, as your unassuming personality, honesty, dignity and integrity. Resolving, resilient and ever so dependable as the residents of Dade County relied upon your saddles of responsibility. Cracking that whip of tenacity and laying the ground for the crucial work ahead. Such a terrible loss of life of a truly hard working human being who deserved a better fate. Our Maker must have needed a fierce leader to take charge up in the blue clouds above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2021
Faith and due diligence are the body's prime healers while hesitation and reluctance only create the doubt that lessen the hope of things turning out properly in the end. That fateful day, Officer Cook, it forever has stuck within Dade County's people. Its chords were of conviction, truth and trust. Integrity, dignity and honesty leading the paths and trails of justice for all society. A man so wonderful so humble and humane and a public servant who excellence now is angelic as your wings of heroism carry your spirit through heaven's streets where danger will never harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That you were replete with ideals, values and scruples.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2021
Virtue has vision's eyes and versatility's heart. Well God gave you a most courageous soul to compliment honor, dignity and integrity. Every detail of your stoic life and outstanding career all be it cut way too short and too young because of violence was humility and respect scripted from day one of your birth. Your family, your parents, department and a whole assortment of friends was glad to have known you, worked with you as every ounce of tireless character was poured and accentuated within all your endeavors. Always solemnly and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2021
You create and continue banding the masses together. Goodwill, hope and faithfulness are shared your heart and soul, Officer Cook, heroically with the eyes and ears of mankind as you persevered in serving and in protecting life here in Dade County. A gentleman of character, commitment with boundless energy and one who was humbled by honesty, integrity and dignity which patrolled every inch of ground to search for serenity and stability. Our very lives depended upon your virtue, values and resourcefulness to complete those difficult earthly missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 11, 2021
Our Lord's kingdom is humble, safe and where perfection patrols the nests above where heroic angels, God's flock of ferocity walks their beat without so much as violence nor pain constricting their every movement. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where your protection and vigilance lied. Dignity, integrity and humility from a heart esteemed, loyal and cherished will never be forgotten. Your family carries your legacy as the citizens, your colleagues of the past and present salute vision, wisdom and virtue so versatile and full of reverent character and truthful morals, trusted convictions and prideful commitments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 10, 2021
Humanity is the bookshelf that dignity, integrity and honesty lie. They too lied within your beloved heart and soul, Officer Cook, so heroic and meticulous. For a young man your wisdom, vision and maturity were way beyond the others. Dade County was served, protected and enriched by your earthly missions of faith, truth, trust and hope we can only share and hope that those who have taken over your watch do so with the same outstanding character, commitment to excellence and pride, the convictions were loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 10, 2021
Distinction rests in the facts of pure and humble dedication. Your desire to become a law enforcement officer, Officer Cook, demonstrates beyond a shadow of doubt your willingness to serve the public knowing full well the very dangers that make your position of heart and humility, trust, respect and character all the more tough and at times stressful and demanding. Dade County was where your pulse of proficiency, perseverance and principles lied. You never gave your values, ideals nor honor and dignity. Such commitment and conviction were always faithfully true to form and your bond shall be forevermore upheld for future men and women who protect to admire and reflect upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2021
Dedication must always be one-hundred percent true and trustworthy. Its adversaries are looking to trap those brave servants whose intellect, intuition and ingenuity match up with their cores of dignity, integrity and honor. Your badge and uniform, Officer Cook, was donned with humble purpose, passion as your career and life began and sadly was ended by violence in Dade County. A venue where your vehicles of valor, versatility and virtue stoked the hearts and souls of each person. You are remembered for heroic actions and living a very diversified life of substance and meaning. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2021
The powers of heaven are passed to those immortal hearts,souls and spirits of bravery, intuitive drive and the motivation of integrity,dignity and honesty. Your consummate persona, Officer Cook, heroically made its daily journeys in and around Dade County where its service and protection was rendered in unassuming, tireless and unselfish determination and steadfast dedication to preserve the vitality, value and virtue of life that sometimes hangs by a thread. Never overlooked for character,charm and the charisma of a beautiful smile. An angel whose wings fit perfectly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2021
Thoughts and best wishes are going to be what fixes some of the serious troubles that humanity faces. It leaves us in a quandary and your wisdom, vision and maturity, Officer Cook, all stellar, stoic and sterling provided Dade County and its citizens safer than ever. Today maybe a little less safer because of your sacrifice. Honor, integrity and dignity all facing adversity straight up and your heroism won't be forgotten. Heaven holds your heart and soul of humbleness close to its palms forevermore. Character, commitment, truth and trust, your sincerest of convictions loyal and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 9, 2021
Nothing better for any location to both share and to enjoy tranquilty. Its prosperity is endless so long as crime of any type is kept away. Your hands, feet, eyes and ears, Officer Cook, saw to that notion. Your pathways of truth and trust were kept safe mostly because of Our Lord watching over you. May 16, 1979 was a day your family, department and the entire nation shall not forget, shall never overlook and certainly will honor your heroic memory all filled with loving and humble virtue, dignity and integrity that faced violence head on. No ducking, dodging and no running away. If everything happens for a reason then the goodwill, resiliency and faithfulness all came about for a sacred occurence. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. The corridors of your unending and unwavering character and perseverance have truly unlocked many doors of salvation,comfort and consulation. We and your loved ones could all use some. A trustworthy warrior gone way before his time. Always in our hearts,thoughts and prayers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2021
Education is a powerful and a most useful tool in understanding and in comprehending the serious matters, tasks and assignments at hand. All who serve,protect and wear a shiny badge and a crisply pristine uniform know what they signed up for. The missions, journeys and trails, Officer Cook, took you to many different spots within your community of Dade County. Its residents are very grateful and humbled by your cherished loyalty and dignity which supported and composed your very instrumental integrity, honor and humbleness. A bond and an affirmation shared by sisters and brothers going all in to combat crime and alleviate the affects of wickedness that can steamroll over the roads of mankind. It's safe to say your vigilance, virtue and reliability carried your career and life where accountability is vital to everyone surviving this wave of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2021
Evil envelops a community unhinging the doors of peace and prosperity. You know it's time to call for assistance. You were nearby with your last partner that day, Officer Cook and for this Dade County can be so indebted to you. Heroic, honorable and esteemed. All loyalty displayed toward your peers as you carried out your sacred duties to patrol and police the streets of Dade County. A man of his word always held in high regard. Ingenuity that ran along the tracks and trails of integrity. A young man steeped in dignity and upholding every letter, vowel of the law. They all respected you Officer Cook and have never once forgotten your sweet and special heart, soul and spirit. Heaven sadly has seen roughly 25,000 heroes and heroines of crusading character and accomplishment passing the doors of gallantry and virtue.Perfection and vision are just so wise and thoughtful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2021
A noble young man fortified with uniqueness, uncompromising intellect and the resources geared to safety, serenity and security of all Dade County and its people. You were and still continue to be a gentleman who was caring, concerned and consummate in all your endeavors poured forth, Officer Cook, to make your neighborhood safer. Integrity that was unyielding. Dignity that was humanely unassuming. Honesty that was implanted within every core of your being. In other words a superior individual gifted,skilled and talented beyond your years. Maturity unmatched and civility as humble as it gets. We salute and offer your soul the homage it demands for your life and service to your nation, community and to your loving family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2021
A web we weave to deceive, a very telling and noteworthy phrase that catches our eyes. What caught Dade County's was your astuteness, alertness and total awareness, Officer Cook. And those foundations were built and inspired by your unselfish, tireless and unassuming honor, dignity, integrity and the humility of a heart and soul filled with vials of versatility and virtue that will be revered for heroism. Eternity is where your spirit rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's flock of character, commitment to pride and excellence and all trustworthy and truthful convictions stays in His humble palms for safekeeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2021
Cowards are those heinous and scoundrel individuals who perpetrate mayhem and chaos. Their actions must be stopped immediately if mankind is to pursue its dreams and aspirations. Dade County was where your integrity, honesty and dignity serve as heroic inspirations, Officer Cook. Never forgotten and saluted for having the acumen, wisdom and vision that fortified your valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2021
Those who commit actions that are not lawful must pay the freight and the price. You make your bed and must lie on it. You left an impression, Officer Cook, that through the decades remains as sturdy as ever. Ingenuity, intelligence, integrity and dignity that was prepared to deal with any obstacle that came your direction.Peril is not for most people except those resourceful, faithful men and women whose virtue and versatility is unmatched. Fighting crime is not a contest nor a game. Serious trouble requires and demands the quickest of answers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A cornerstone built for a safer future.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2021
The shells of safety, serenity and security are all up in sacred venues where God stands watch over them. You looked after Dade County and its residents very well, Officer Cook, very heroically, very humbly and always with more honor and humane dignity,integrity and heartwarming character and the class of your devoted and loyal commitments. Our world, your family and your comrades were sadly robbed of your persona, handsome face and a smile that just scratched the surface. The top servant whose civility and nobility made you a worthwhile and trusted man. Truth talks but you acted as a responsible and wise colleague. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2021
The darts of dignity, decency, desire and devotion all landed on those humble targets, bull eyes of your faith, hope and goodwill, Officer Cook. Heroism, honesty and humility all heartfelt along with your serenely gentle soul. They worked tirelessly to provide the basis for peace and stability for all Dade County and its folks. You made the supreme sacrifice for our development to continue forward though you had more left to accomplish. God saw your years as full, rich and uplifted and He took you back to heaven to serve a more angelic role watching over His pearly gates of bravery and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2021
Violence and evil have no rivals and their ruination must be stopped because any further advances can jeopardize our very principles, ideals and values that mankind has and yearns for each day. Your life and career, Officer Cook, are still very much remembered and honored for having just that humble essential. And along with your unassuming integrity,dignity and character the streets of Dade County might not have been as safe because of your passionate heart, soul and caring. Your family takes hold of that heroic baton the mettle and morals of a loving public servant. Their hearts are sad filled with tears even as they live their lives the way you would have wanted them to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2021
Courage, conviction and commitment are not simplicity awaiting at the doors. Just the opposite it's the complexities that create obstacles to peace, freedom for all humanity. And with your understanding, diligence and dignity, Officer Cook, Dade County and its citizens had cherished care and quality of integrity, honor and your refined and reverent character for six loyal and esteemed years of service and protection. The past forever links you to our very future as your heroic actions that day warranted attention and salutes forevermore. A great human being with a tireless heart and soul, unselfish dedication and grit beyond accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2021
Continuity is always going to make missions and journeys progress in a much more hopeful manner. Seeing your goodwill, good nature and good cheer, Officer Cook, all making their humble, heroic and determined patrols of Dade County left its folks hopeful. They expect and demand freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness all to be cherished and never to be taken lightly nor for granted. A man of virtue with wings of compassion, dignity and integrity sheltering us during times of evil surely never to be forgotten. Character,commitment and convictions all first class, top notch, loyal and trustworthy. The truth of an angel so beloved, adored and admired by not only your family, friends and professional colleagues as well. The battles, wars and wickedness still rages,just look down and keep watching those brave souls serving as you so solemnly did for six years of effort, efficiency and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2021