Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Grace can galvanize. While turmoil and torment can polarize a community you surely require many diligent and vital public servants angels here on this earth who walk beats of boldness while demonstrating their virtue, dignity and integrity. Dade County was your venue, Officer Cook, the hero in you who remains fondly within the hearts and minds of your family, colleagues of the past and all your close personal friends. The esteem, loyalty and humanely sacred trust and truth never departed from your badge and uniform. They are in heaven along side of you and your reverent spirit resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A foundation of distinction constructed for a safer and securer future. You just should have been allowed to retire on your terms and to witness your successes the vehicles of your dependability, accountability and reliability.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2022

Lightning strikes fast just as terror does. That fateful day a twenty year old man struck Dade County and took your young life and career, Officer Cook, right from under you. He robbed one soul of a man, a man gifted and skilled, a man poignant and passionate about his efforts and goals. Dade County saw honesty, intelligence and intuition making in roads and for seeing our peace come to fruition. When integrity, character and dignity are taken away without any warning you have to be alarmed. Your loved ones have carried on your heroic legacy with every ounce of heart and grace just as humility and politeness strolled the sidewalks of your neighborhood. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2022

As time passes us by you will always be honored and held in high regard, Officer Cook, for being the loyal and cherished hero that your family loved and misses very much. Your potent power of dignity, character and the heart and soul of integrity only endeavored to steer us free from harm here in Dade County. It's where you were raised with class, devoutness and virtue, where you married and began your law enforcement career that was tragically cut down by violence. A man of heinousness and a completely unlaw abiding coward who disrespected authority that you sincerely maintained. Our very tranquility and stability all brought about through your tireless and unselfish passions. God has angel of bravery patrolling His pearly gates above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2022

Officer DiGenova will always be a friend just like you to my family, Officer Cook. His struggles have been noted as we pray everyday that he lives his years as you should be still living them with faith, honesty, integrity and dignity. He and you formed the perfect team of partners where you had each other's backs while patrolling for the peace and freedom for all Dade County residents. No more troubles would be nice, yet society takes a deep breath and cringes when callousness comes calling unleashing its terror. Your tracks, trails and paths were decorated with wisdom. grit and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. He is a very genuine and congenial person, a wonderful human being who like yourself was soft spoken. God took you home because He needed your heroically angelic presence more I guess. Though, I know your family misses you, your smile and hope. Goodwill and resourcefulness that should be flowing by leaps and bounds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2022

To disturb the grave of a hero is grossly disrespectful. To do anything to usurp the honor, dignity and integrity of a lost loved one is both unthinkable and unspeakable. Thank God that patch but a replica of your badge would have been better was finally put back on the cross where your soul, heart and spirits rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. You were a man of intuition, intelligence and ingenuity making Dade County at ease once more. No one forgets the kindness, sincerity and chapters of humility, virtue and accountability driving your life and chosen career paths. Our Maker oversees and overlooks our routes to humble success. You sadly were not able to finish the jobs you started because of one evil man with no heart or truth whatsoever. You are remembered fondly and saluted solemnly. I was the person, Officer Cook, who wrote to the cemetery asking them to fix a severe problem, glad they listened and humanely complied.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2022

If you dwell on something at least try to accentuate a positive. Perpetuate a chain of honesty, dignity and integrity that stays sturdy and solid with Our Creator blessing it. You were devout and faithful, Officer Cook, to Dade County and its folks have not forgotten your life and career. One of stellar, stoic and sterling performance and not a soul can ever dispute these facts. Ferocity saw you through evil and your trails and paths were only created upon the foundations of truth and trust. Class, character and wisdom all looking to chip away at violence and replace it with stability and serenity for one and all. Humanity endeavors to cope as you their angel looks down from your perch of perfection, its shiny hero illuminating the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2022

A day that you were heroically decorated as a dignified servant, Officer Cook and this will never leave anyone's minds. Your beloved family members each day strive to carry on your legacy with the same vitally important effort and zeal, the integrity and dignity that faced evil and not allowed this to ruin the aspirations of all who dwelled in Dade County. To secure and to preserve are not always easy. The parts of this puzzles are quite fluid and your good name and treasured esteem and loyalty painted a picture that hopefully can stay guarded for generations to come. One with you here would have been better and yet God has your honored and humane heart, soul and spirit sheltered for eternity where you can walk your heavenly beat without any signs of trouble, pain or hurt. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2022

May 16, 1979 is certainly a day to cherish the kind, considerate and caring human being which you were, Officer Cook. To remember a most blessed man who gallantly gave something so precious and so dear. Honor seeks to humble you. Dignity serves to uplift your character, commitments and convictions as yours more than amply preserved the quality of life here in Dade County. It's where history has forevermore been written regarding a gentleman of both trustworthiness and the truth of your vehicles of vision, virtue and wisdom. You were mature beyond your years of expertise and consummate in both your embracing heart and soul. Now your spirit, Officer Cook, may fly higher than the tallest structures that mankind has put up. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. And by cherish I mean those who knew you, adored and loved you. Your past partners and comrades who fought those very same battles with boldness, security and bravery. Integrity is an essential part of the job and badge#1664 had that and vigilance only tenacious and only the most outstanding.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2022

You never allowed a situation or dilemma to deteriorate, Officer Cook, as you applied logic and a well trained body and mind to see your way through troubles. Police must steer and navigate themselves away from adversity and by being dignified and heroic, integrity, character and the truth turned out to be your greatest of partners. For this surely Dade County and its citizens can be thankful. A man so loyal, sharp and dedicated to his profession, your passions now serve and protect us as inspirations. To aspire to climb that ladder of yearning we should all be so diligent and inclined. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2022

Never redirect a humble reflection for that is man's way of honoring one's life and career. Yours, Officer Cook, were indeed cut short but none the less they were consummate in effort, heroic in heart and wise in virtue and character. For this Dade County can be thankful for your unwavering and unselfish life as a public servant of humility, respect and sincerity. A gentleman with a sweet disposition should not have been taken from this world with much more left to achieve. The skies above do hold dearly the spirit of esteem and loyalty as only you could muster my neighbor, friend and hero when circumstances became difficult and at times unglued. You faced adversity with a calming voice, a demeanor that instructed other colleagues and a driven desire to instill and to install hope and goodwill sharing faith's cloths of courage. Rest in peace. Commitment equals truth and trust in every conviction poured forth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

What was in the past sadly can't be undone. It cannot revive what you lost, Officer Cook. A life and career sacredly performed and cherished by all who teamed with a grateful fellow brother officer. They combined to make Dade County more augmented, more safer though a little less since you were robbed of your dignity, integrity and decencies by Mr. Pearsall, a man who had a dark and sinful heart filled with hatred and not even the slightest reverence for authority. You'll always be a large and vital part of your department and of course your family's reservoir of goodwill, good nature and the consideration you afforded society. The essence of effort never escaped your heart and soul, Officer Cook, heroism is that beacon of light, that beam of enrichment and embracing those who cared and loved you. Nothing wanes except for the years all forty-three just seemingly flying by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

You cherish your days, weeks, months and years. Enjoy them to the fullest. Never take for granted what the good Lord has given you. He gave you life, sustained your faith and validated persistence, perseverance and the preoccupation with precision, Officer Cook, always a hero whose service to Dade County and to its fine residents brought you humbleness and blessings. Faith, devoutness and integrity rang the bells of bravery, boldness and the everlasting dignity you had mounted on your patrol vehicle and consummate heart and soul with a refreshing spirit that soars and flies high every moment. Yet, every second since your tragic death while undertaking your prescribed duties and responsibilities the job of uplifting and enhancing your legacy of hope, goodwill and happiness continues onward for your adoring family. Certainly a humane man whose legacy will stay forever implanted in the hearts, minds and prayers of one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson families have much to be grateful and thankful even Karen, your beloved wife who had to mourn your loss and she has since remarried I believe in 2009 to a Mr. Bonidy. You were her revered and treasured husband, a devoted son, a loyal brother and doting uncle and great-uncle." Uncle Bo" is forevermore illuminating the stars up in the big sky.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

Your caring heart and soul was filled with joy and laughter. The bright smile says it all. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. Heroism did not pass that day. Honor, dignity and integrity were spiritually transferred to heaven to serve their angelic roles. Dade County was where you gave your life and character, their commitments to pride and excellence never wavered. Never derailed your pursuits of peace and prosperity for your beloved community who still pay homage to your memory. But then again never overlooked and never shelved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

A blanket keeps you warm by day and night. You maintained safety and stability, Officer Cook, by being reliable and resourceful. Dade County depended upon your logical mannerisms and the dedication of one fine and outstanding hero. Honor, dignity and integrity all exerting their rightful authority over an area to fortify its harmony, unity and liberty for all to move about freely. A gentleman who acted like that and was devoted to his parents and that is one reason, Officer cook, why your mom she should rent in peace lived for nearly forty years after your sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

Serenity and security set honesty and integrity's tables with dignity and heart. All character, class and decency, Officer Cook, Dade County was your location of aspiration and acumen so humanely heroic. A hero whose career and life set the cornerstones for a safer future. You were diligent, vigilant and a consummate source of grace and faithfulness, devotion and desire so loyal and special. An angel of bravery, virtue and wisdom, maturity beyond your years. Always saluted and forever remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect, resolve and resiliency all determined and thoughtfully caring and truthful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

You personified dignity, integrity, honor and all first class. A hero of Dade County who was loyal, esteemed and very much cherished, reverent and unselfish in all your roles and obligations of virtue and wisdom, Officer Cook. A humble and great young man gone too early with more left to acomplish. The lessons of life you learned, your aspirations are all inspirations for your family to live by and for as they carry forward a legacy so stellar and unique, what a special man with charisma, charm and a big caring heart and soul of humanity that is very sadly missed every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2022

Day after day, night after night, dignity, integrity and honesty are never lost. For we look up to the stars at night and your bright soul, heroic, loyal and adored, Officer Cook, lights the paths for your beloved family to follow in. They live on with your spirit watching over them for it gave its finest performance while carrying out your obligations on behalf of Dade County. They won't forget you and sincerely devote their own lives to the traditions you carried in your own sweet heart. A man of vision, valor and versatility all carrying their blessings of boldness and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2022

The pillows of precision, perseverance and principles were circling around you, Officer Cook, at all times. Six years of service never more meaningful and never more thoughtful. You certainly were a resourceful gentleman gallant and bold. Honesty and dignity all faced evil straight on. Dade County had a most compassionate human being protecting them for sure. Your family lives each day with you in their hearts and minds. A virtuous and a special man indeed. Such a loss that has served to inspire those who have dreams and aspirations to carry onward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2022

Blessings come from the palaces above are God's plans and blueprints sent from his eternal home. You were one of the many heroic servants who gave their life to try and uplift the spirits of the residents living in and round Dade County. Your badge, Officer Cook, is our daily reminder of just how warm and embracing you were. Dignity, integrity and reverence that were diligent and duly vigilant. You were a trusted warrior and a truthful man of distinct ingenuity and intuition. The sidewalks you patrol now and for eternity are perfectly made for heroes and heroines of heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A world that was catered for our happiness, health and peaceful prosperity made securer by you Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2022

Patrolling the roads, streets, corners and corridors does require acumen, astuteness and the awareness of every bone in your being, Yours, Officer Cook, were constructed faithfully, truthfully and with an honest heart and soul. Now for a man who made the ultimate sacrifice may God keep watching over your spirit as it flies higher each moment. For living a special and precious life snuffed out by evil may heaven keep safeguarding your treasured and most humanely dignified name. Your family has integrity and wisdom and so did "Uncle Bo." Cherished and greatly admired. May you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm fortunate to have spoken with Officer DiGenova. Now when I finally meet with him, what a survivor hero and with you, Officer Cook, looking down the memories will come flooding in. You enjoyed life, you relished being able to work a profession that id perilous yet has its humble rewards for those who give their all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2022

Your father and mother, Officer Cook, may you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero were honored and most humbly proud when they watched you being sworn in and putting on your badge and uniform for the very first time. How can the Cook Family now move forward carrying your heroic legacy of goodwill, faithfulness and resolve? The answer is for them to exemplify your ideals, virtues and values. Having integrity, respect and dignity already gave you a start, very humble yet they have personified your cherished and most blessed name here in Dade County where your service and smile went hand in hand. A man of principles so passionate and full of heart and soul sincere and well versed in tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A building needs one block at a time and your goodwill and good nature has been forever remembered for its unrelenting and unwavering service to mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2022

You displayed and demonstrated dedication, devotion and determination, Officer Cook, all throughout your life and public service career one cut way too short because of one nasty and violent young man. Heaven is not his reward it's your heroic home forevermore because God is blessing your honesty, dignity and integrity all solemnly given to Dade County citizens to allow them the freedom to be free and to pursue their chosen life endeavors. Our serenity and security all were created and brokered by your tireless esteem, loyalty and heart that was the class, decency and champion of character, reverence and virtue wiser than the field. We salute you and your sacred journeys all undertaken in Our Creator's compassionate name never losing sight of your accountability and versatility, morals and ideals embellished and forever leaving a noble impression upon humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2022

A man, a gentleman and a wonderfully engaging human being who gave his unique life and a career built on accentuating everything positive and upbeat with humanity. A superior individual and a noble warrior attuned with direction, desire and determination to uproot callousness from our midst. Your family, Officer Cook, along with Dade County citizens and a host of friends have never forgotten your sweet disposition and a calming voice of sense and purpose as they patrolled the community with unwavering dignity, integrity and character. A man whose life was lived and never a moment wasted. God certainly continues rewarding and blessing your soul and heart of virtue and wisdom as they combed for peace and unity for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The balloons have been released as your humble spirit is free now to roam and soar.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2022

The shield of justice all truth and trust flowing forth for your sincere, dignified and honest efforts, Officer Cook. The people of Dade County relied upon more than your basic instincts, intelligence and intuitive missions to carry them through when danger lurked. You kept your eyes, heart and soul affixed to your basic onuses where every semblance of goodwill, thoughtfulness and sincerity was counted on. A young man a hero with many good qualities. Morals, discipline and excellent conduct always shining through when the times got tough. You never shied away nor ran from peril confronting it head on and for this solemn salutes are a necessity. You gave your life at twenty-five to spell a sinister man carrying out his plot to kill public servants cherished, admired and deeply revered for their lives where common sense and compassion comprise their tenacity and fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2022

Today is a special day, Mother's Day and your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook may you rest in peace along with your beloved husband, Mr. Charles Cook and your heroically darling son, Officer William Coldman Cook, badge#1664. A Dade County legend signed, sealed and stamped with an abundance of heart, soul and the rhythm of outstanding character that created the bridges and doors to a sounder and a safer tomorrow. What you began nearly fifty years ago stands as the beacon of light, the pyramid of integrity, dignity and ingenuity that has guided your family and the very many other heroic angels who have succeeded you. Please look over them as we pray that they return safe and secure to their wonderful families. Humility and virtue working feverishly to combat violence which unfortunately ended a promising career and a life headed for surely more achievement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You always were caring, concerned and humbly loved your parents. That's why she survived all those decades later after you paid the ultimate price for our safety and serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2022

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