Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

When it comes time to do your own life, you either perpetrate your childhood or you stand on it and finally kick it out from under. A little laugh, a little silliness growing up can be good for one's soul. But it all speaks to growing up and into maturing as a young man or woman. One tries to do what is right, what is proper and prudent because of their family upbringing. You exemplified this in so many ways, Officer Cook. You made amends, you forgave if someone wronged you and moved on to bigger and brighter tomorrows. The epitome of how to live and lead a most notable and venerable life while staying humble and composed. if God had given you more time in terms of years, there would have been a proper time to say goodbye to your police family. Unfortunately,it was your family and police family that gathered that Saturday afternoon of May 19, 1979, to pay their respects, celebrate though I'm sure with a very poignant and touching eulogy delivered at your Inspector's Funeral at St. Mary's Cathedral. It was there where those close to you from all around the country said their goodbyes to a man of wit with a gregarious sense of humor. You were a genuinely articulate human being who took care of whatever needed to get done. You were Charles and Julia Cook's darling son, a devoted brother to Nancy and a beloved husband to Karen, most importantly you were a true hero in life and in how you carried yourself professionally during your career as well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The righteous always find their proper shelter in God's home, they don't need to go searching, it is those of us who seek the proper solace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2014

Life is an adventure in forgiveness. Life can be one of happiness and in gladness if shared with the right partner. One thing for sure, Officer Cook, you made your young life and police career count as much as you cared for your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, after your beloved father, Charles, passed on. The road you took to start your promising career was not one of the high road. But then neither was the road in which your beloved wife, Karen, traveled upon to become a registered nurse. Hard work and patience usually rewards a person's endeavors and nobody toiled harder and with more honor and integrity than did you , Officer Cook and Karen. I guess if there is forgiveness to be requested, it's that we should have been there that day to help you in any way, shape or form. So please forgive us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. None of us shall ever forget the ultimate sacrifice you made on behalf of Dade County and its citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 22, 2014

People don't change their careers, they are engulfed in them. They live on the edge. They are no longer kind and giving because they have forgotten how to be. They hide and pretend nothing is wrong. But now we all have to take stock and an inventory of ourselves to witness what we control and how this can control us. You were a man of vision, Officer Cook, you perceived what needed fixing and tried your utmost to see this through. You and Karen were giving and forgiving. Your lives as a married couple were based on honor and integrity, a virtue we all would like to share. Your professional career was incorporated on the principles of honor and dignity. Now in heaven where your soul can travel to protect those who have taken over your watch, valor and virtue are the validity of why you made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County citizens whom you served and protected with a devout sense of faithfulness, devotion, determination, desire and a passionate sense of intellectual diligence. All very meaningful lessons we can sure use a basic review of. Sometimes you just cannot teach this to everyone. Not everybody can have this drummed into their heads. But you were there at all times and at all costs and will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2014

When you talk real fast and never come up for air long enough for anyone else to cram in a word or a thought edgewise, you can sure get lost in your own rhetoric. This happens with great regularity to those of us who feel that others depend on us for guidance, indeed for their existence. We have carefully constructed our self-myths that sometimes we believe them. The only trouble is we are one thing one day, another the next. We need to slow down a bit, listen to what we are saying. We need to be present at our own podiums, our own speeches. Everyday we need to think about what we utter as opposed to how much we want to say. Officer Cook, you were a thinking person's police officer, who could demonstrate you points without many words or much fanfare. From the moment of our births, until our last breaths, every word we use is measured and one only gets to say so many words. People listened to you, your logic, your calming and intellectual voice of reason. You would never lead anyone astray. If only that day, had God let your voice have more influence in getting this man to surrender, as much as you tried to simmer down a serious situation between yourselves, the police, a troubled young man and his girlfriend. Believe it or not, your voice can still be heard from the heavens above eminating from your beloved soul all these years later. The message is to keep up the fight, the battle against evil,one day real soon,the war will end. Let us pray. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your podium stood as your mantle of honor and dignity. In God's shelter it continues its flight on the pathways of valor and virtue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 21, 2014

Some of us like to hide out. I'm sure as a young boy, Officer Cook, you liked playing hide and seek. Hiding-getting away from the stress can actually be healthy. But it can be bad for us if we utilize too much camouflage. Those that truly care about us, sometimes cannot locate us. Today, people hide out on their boats, planes, cellular phones, the last two were not around during your time. This preoccupation with hiding can cause one bi negative, it can stunt your personal growth. Instead of doing this, try to be more approachable, more forthcoming, more present for those who love and cherish you. You were always a friendly fellow, Officer Cook, an engaging personally, with a vivid sense of humor, very approachable, very forthright, someone who spoke only the truth and your colleagues, your beloved family and friends outside your profession, knew this was exactly how you lived life and were able to maintain a very well managed and respectable persona as a loyal public servant who went over and beyond the calls of duty. When something needed to be rehashed, you were able to get your point across, succinctly, sincerely and compassionately. This was how you operated on good discipline and following rules and the principles that were associated with those rules. Wherever you were placed, you got the most out of your effort, because you knew how to react and in turn, this was why the citizens loved and respected you. You had their concern on your badge and uniform as their number one priority. The valor you displayed on not only that day, but everyday is why you'll never be forgotten. That badge and uniform you wore to work is the most important thing along with the person wearing it with honor and humility called for in your position. You never hid from duty, you never shirked responsibility and deserting your comrades in time of need never crept into your mind. Until the end you fought and never gave up. God bless you as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were richly blessed in how you comported yourself and affairs. This came from your beloved parents, sometimes in today's youth this is sadly missing. You are missed beyond words. Your actions, your speech, they are very much absent from society. You could give a long and basic lesson on how to behave if you were here. May 16, 1979, just like forty-one other times this lesson has been given and it never grows old. These were you forty-one colleagues past and present who stood on the front line preaching this lesson and giving their all for a better and a safer mankind. When one departs this world, they are imparting in all of us something pretty special. That one gem that made them so unique.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2014

The two hardest things in life are failure and success. But it is those failures that can lead us down the pathways to success. We need to stop thinking in absolutes. Is there absolute failure, absolute success? Just trying your best to become all that Our Creator imbued in each of His creatures I believe is what life is about. Our lives and our work are an interrelated chain of events and performances. As we live life, a mosaic is created. There are modulations in color, in line, in texture, nuances in coincidence of edge and perspective. There is no absolute failure, no absolute success. if you live your life and the days, afternoons, evenings and each moment of them, one can enjoy a rather pleasing and fulfilling day. if you race against an imaginary clock, for an imaginary prize, toward an imaginary end zone, you will never be fulfilled. Officer Cook, this was not how you led your humble life and carried out and carved out a solid career for six wonderful years of achievement with the Metro-Dade Police Department. You never lived on the edge, as you brought a freshly new perspective to your division and to your department. I think most of us, particularly your colleagues look at May 16, 1979, as a tragedy within and all around the country in what occurred that day to you. It definitely was not a failure, how could it be when an officer answers a call they have gone to many times, a block away and yet you and your partner, Officer Lincoln, were not dispatched. You went to assist your fellow officers and in doing so saved their lives and those three civilians. Success and failure are not and should never be mistaken for your unselfish bravery, courage and the commitment to act in a heroic fashion with decency, dignity and the honor and respect that is called upon all police officers to act this way. The watch continues as you, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, rest in peace. Your declaration to act, your resolve to get involved is what is going to be how you are forever remembered. Preoccupation versus procrastination, neither of which filtered into your stellar career. Police nowadays have to modulate their lives and careers to the changing times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 20, 2014

Nice guys may finish last. Life to some is comparable to a race. too many of us mix up sports with our chosen professions of endeavor. Competition in life, in all aspects of it can be totally draining. We are left without any emotional or intellectual reserves. What is the deal with speed? does everything need to be measured or calibrated? Whether at home or at work, you want to finish everything and not leave something for someone else to finish. We work and do things at our own pace. You did this, Officer Cook, when in your quiet times. While you were on duty, you made sure to complete all of your assignments to the best of your ability and with the respect and honor that police work beckons all its officers to try and do. In police work, it's not who comes in first or last, it is rather the pattern by which our heroes and heroines conduct their lives in private and when seen out in public serving its citizens and making sure things in the community stay safe and calm according to the letter of the law. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, the stopwatch God has never takes a break, all its hands are constantly on the move as He moves you from place to place, point A to point B to watch over those comrades who have taken over your watch with the proper calibrations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2014

No person can think clearly when our fists are clenched. So many of us are constantly uptight, afraid, angry, ready for anything, poised on the brink of a fight. We view everything as an impediment, or worse, an enemy. There are real enemies and those we imagine. Today we will attempt to untie the binds of our anxiety and unclench our fists of rage. You were a very special person, Officer Cook, a man of honor, a person of passion, concerned and compassionate. A man poised to let his life and career reflect your excellent upbringing from your two loving, doting and beloved parents. A uniquely humble gentleman, literally, whose dignity and visions of integrity were the sparks of which assisted you in your fight against evil. The war you waged against wickedness in Dade County in an effort, a stellar one succinctly put that helped bridge gaps between its citizens and its devoted, desirable and determined officers, heroes and heroines who like yourself, Officer Cook, risked your existence, so that the bonds of peace, liberty and unity could continue co-existing today, without anyone feeling restrained. Your calm and method of taking care of your official business, made you now and for all time a "hero," whose eternal legacy shall stand forever between your colleagues and the people of which you took a solemn oath to defend, serve and protect. A pen maybe mightier than the sword, you my neighbor, friend and hero which humanely mightier for your soothing and gentle professional demeanor. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 19, 2014

I'm sure as a kid, Officer Cook, you relished participating in kid games with your friends. You worked very hard for your salary, which back in your day was not anything like the salaries of today's police officers. Maybe there times when you had not noticed the calendar or clock. But you were just enjoying your life and when you got a bit older, you knew responsibilities would come with the profession, the position you were attending the police academy in an effort to become. Police officers just try to carve out some off-time to be with their spouses, their families, whatever they endeavor to do to relax and get away from the rigors of their job. You performed your job admirably and courageously, I guess it would have been nice if officers in your day had those sidepanels for added protection. But, you were a valued and loving member of your police family, who will forever be remembered for your determination and heroic actions on May 16, 1979. We all wish we could rollback the clock, hoping you would still be here and enjoying the marvelously quiet times with Karen and the rest of your beloved family. I'll always keep your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, in my thoughts and prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The great outdoors has missed your beautiful photos of her majestic regal in all her splendor. When it came time to react, you were the consummate professional in reacting and not procrastinating. This cannot ever be tolerated in any position, much less in police work.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2014

People who do too much sometimes speak a little too much. Many of us are poor listeners. We need to hear what others think, what others need, what is it that others want from us. It can be a bit difficult to act humble when one is overloaded with responsibility. We need to be humble and better listeners. That is why, Officer Cook, you became the loving and highly respected police officer who was able to accomplish quite a bit in your six years of loyal, faithful and devoted service to the Metro-Dade Police Department and its citizens of which you certainly helped to maintain a calming and positive influence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were an excellent listener, whose humble approaches worked wonders.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 18, 2014

It's hard work to make others happy. We certainly don't have the time, nor do we deserve to be happy ourselves. When something is about to gain on us, the fear can control us totally. It's said that people who do too much need to kick back and laugh. If we are fortunate we can share the laughter with a significant other. There were times Officer Cook, when you could laugh as loud as the next person, possessing a sharp sense of humor. When the moment called for seriousness, your eyes and ears could be counted on for proper assessment of the dilemma at hand. Your calming voice of reason, there to help calm and defuse any situation. A police officer needs to have a certain air of confidence and compassion to successfully handles those duties laid before them. You were the best at this. To assess, access and achieve were the parameters around which your career was able to be carried out for the most part. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. let us hope today's officers have their ABC's down pat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2014

There is value in quiet contemplation. It is rejuvenating. It's an act of self-respect and finally, an act of respect for those whose lives we touched. While racing to situations that call for a police officer's immediate attention, there are moments when I would imagine you may be thinking about what needs to get done in order to accomplish the goal of solving the problem. and since you respected everything about life and your career, Officer Cook, making sure you achieved a means to a satisfactory conclusion meant giving every ounce of effort in an earnest, honest and dignified manner. You did touch not only your parents, sister, wife and your extended family, but those colleagues so near and dear to you that you gave up your life saving them and those civilians whose lives you were responsible and the onus you had for their safety. No one should ever take these onuses for granted something you my neighbor, friend and hero never did. Rest in peace. Family values and your extended police family members were your priorities and you treasured them without any shadow of a doubt.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 17, 2014

When Neil Armstrong, the former Apollo astronaut landed on the moon, stating the words, "The Eagle Has landed," this was in the course of our history an important step for all mankind. I'm sure in high school, you remembered this, Officer Cook. How could one forget one small step, but a huge imprint on the future of mankind? Well, you had one small dream and this dream through inspiration, aspiration and quite a lot of perspiration, hard work and diligence became a reality one day. It does not become something that happens overnight with the flick of a switch. Becoming a police officer is sought of like applying to NASA to become an astronaut or a scientist. You go through a system of checks and balances, go through physicals and mental testing to first see if you even qualify. They look into your background, character, personal and professional references to see if everything squares. But make no mistake, you had all the right essentials for your chosen profession, Karen, too with her nursing career had to go through the same process, though back in the 1970s things were a bit different than they are now. The Metro-Dade Police Department knew the quality of the individual they were about to employ and it's our heroes and heroines who exemplify this in their lives and in character who usually come out on top. And Officer Cook, this was yourself. A stellar character who comported himself at all times with this vivid reminder of how we all should carry ourselves. This is how we can best make this world a safer and a more serene venue for all to accomplish. Your humane feats in life and in your career were the motor that made this happen. Your solid disposition and a unique passion enabled you to tackle whatever assignment was placed in your direction. Not all police officers are good at everything, though it's necessary to excel in the basics. Domestic issues were your forte. You left no stone, so to speak unturned and tried your hardest to succeed that day of May 16, 1979, when some troubled young man breached the bounds of silence in a community that you took personal care of in service, protection, devotion, desire and determination to make it right for all to live in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You one humble step as a duly sworn police officer caused positive events to take off in leaps an din bounds. If honor and dignity are left on your front doorstep when you leave for work, your day could possibly be headed for trouble and this is why men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice as you did, never did this, compliance is only a positive tool of reinforcement and should be utilized at all times no matter the circumstances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2014

The simplest person who in his integrity worships God, becomes God. No one can be God unless you are writing a make believe play. But your life and career as a police officer, Officer Cook, took on many turns. You imbued all the necessary values so common in individuals that it made both your life of twenty-five years and your six years, all too brief with the Metro-Dade Police Department take on a distinct meaning. You allowed Our Creator who you worshiped regularly steer your pathway. Your faith, Karen's faith, allowed the two of you to function with a sense of togetherness in both of your chosen professions. Family life was as important to both of you as were the friends you made from your fields of endeavor. Your loving parents were proud, very proud of both you and Nancy. Thank God your father was able to witness you reaching the pinnacle of success. We all can be very thankful and mindful of why you chosen a career that has many risks, can be very dangerous and yet if one sets their mind to achieve and has a stellar character, they can withdraw that which they put in hard work and all the ingredients that make up an honest and intelligent public servant. Your heroism stays with us as your cherished soul floats above in God's heavens above. You are very much missed by all and will never be without remembrance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was the humblest of your life and the humble abode where you grew up to become the quality person that is never to be forgotten for your valor and compassion to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 16, 2014

Cost is the father and compensation is the mother of progress. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your beloved and darling son, Bill, Billy, William, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664, was the epitome of virtue and valor. Two words that are hard to come by for ordinary people. He brought joy and pleasure to anyone he met, he was a loyal friend to one in need. His discipline and demeanor were essential qualities to doing his job with the utmost honor one needs in order to accomplish the goals that a police officer must achieve. God now has one great servant helping Him legislate with all His daily affairs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2014

You shall have joy, or you shall have power, God said, but, you shall not have both. Power is the first good. The power to do good is also the power to do harm; those who control the power today may not tomorrow; and more important, what one man regards as good, another may regard as harm. You certainly enjoyed your life, Officer Cook, though it was cut too short by violence and yet you served God with a devoutness, a resolve. a resounding firmness to commitment based on the principles of honor and integrity, which are our laws of the land, a place you roamed from day to day on patrol to make us safe and secure, so that no harm would ever come our way. This was your passion, your inspiration, your boyhood dream to live life as you preached. Only truer words to come from your heart and the air you breathed from your lungs that took a tragic bullet in your effort until your last moment to save your fellow officers and civilians from further harm. That day will be etched on my mind forever. You were everything we dream to be, humble and honorable each moment. Proud and full of pride, hard to believe when I look at your picture of you smiling, wearing your uniform, boy, forty years ago and forty years later, we all can now see the big picture of why you were placed on this Earth, to do good deeds and perform a profession at an optimal level. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2014

I reckon, when I count all, first poets-than the Sun-then summer-then the heaven of God-and then the list is done. But looking back-the first so seems to comprehend the whole-the others look like a needless show, so I write poets-All. The truth be said. Heroes and heroines they serve and protect, they do their jobs with honor and respect , they try to go by the book, if only today some would act like you, Officer Cook. No suspensions, no fines, no speeding. Take a look around and discover your surroundings, you can think back to some of the poundings. The wars you fought to maintain fairness and goodness, let us hope one day these battles conclude, so as not to be rude. It's respect and responsibility that needs to be paid, if all citizens can just stand under a tree and sip a lemonade. I wished we could have shared a drink and many a story of your days with Metro-Dade. You summoned the courage, it is and was plain to see, sweet liberty for those to live and prosper the righteous way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today is Father's Day and I would have liked to wish each other a great day, and because of your actions, dads and their sons can enjoy the warm summer air of baseballs being belted everywhere.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2014

But every house where love abides and friendship is a guest, is surely home and home sweet home: For there the heart can rest. Man is stumbling and fumbling blindly through a spiritual darkness while toying with the precarious secrets of life and death. The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. As I've reflected many times, Officer Cook, your humble abode, your parents home, where you and your sister, Nancy were raised was a loving environment where honesty and happiness always reflected the mood and even the home you shared with your loving wife, Karen set this tone. I passed your home where you and Karen lived this morning, boy, there much have been plenty of warm and wonderful times spent there. My parents' friends lived near you there and my sister, Michele and I spent some good times with my parents friends, one of whom was also a New York City Police Officer. The Malkin's and the Bloch's, I believe Mrs. Malkin is still alive. A sad sorry there, their oldest daughter passed from illness in 1999 and their younger daughter, Tamara has severe Downs Syndrome, we should never know and thank God, your family members are fine and although Justin is in a wheelchair because of an auto accident, he does not let his disability keep him from doing anything. he sure looks like you, his "Uncle Bo." I think part of the stumbling is now because the world we live in is exposed to a saturation of different media including the Internet. Television intoxication among young children and adults contributes to this problem and the violence perpetrated could be directly linked to this medium. I'm sure, Officer Cook, you and Nancy enjoyed television and listening to the radio, but you did this in a sensible way. You were that shining star, my neighbor, friend and hero, who delivered sunshine amid the darkness. The rays of opportunity and hope are solely based upon heroic actions of the fine brave men and women in the law enforcement community. Your comrades and yourself waged these daily battles in an effort to unify, you were so to speak the lightning rods of liberty and joy for all residents to relish in and you'll never ever be forgotten. Rest in peace. Mrs. Malkin, I believe still resides at 430 NW 184th Terrace, a few blocks down the road from where you lived with Karen. The Bloch's also lived close by, not sure but near Mrs. Malkin. Her husband, Leonard, a New York City Police officer like my dad, Owen, your dad, Charles and yourself, Officer Cook, are probably really getting acquainted with each other. Julius Bloch like your dad, served in the war. All great people just like the Cook's.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 15, 2014

For the many brave and valiant police officers, the past, at least, is secure. Stay, stay at home, my heart and rest; home-keeping hearts are happiest, for those that wander they know not where are full of trouble and full of care; to stay at home is best. Your home with Karen, Officer Cook, was also where your heart lied. It was also at your station house where you maintained a second home with those men and women who stood unified with you in life's daily battles. Dade County's streets could not have been placed in finer hands. The past will be safe and sound because of your genuine concern for all mankind, Officer Cook, as will your soul and your father, Charles' too. They can travel wherever God needs you to watch over those who expose their souls through bravery, dignity and integrity to keep safety forever flowing through people's blood. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There is no place like home, home sweet home.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2014

With the loss of tradition we have lost the thread which safely guided us through the vast realms of the past, but this thread was also the chain fettering such successive generation to a predetermined aspect of the past. It could be that only now will the past open up to us with unexpected freshness and tell us things that no one as yet had ears to hear. Well with the tragic loss of two police officers the other day in Las Vegas, Nevada, that fine line of tradition has been temporarily broken. Heroes such as Officers Beck and Soldo who were gunned down execution style while having lunch together in a restaurant when in walked two strangers, husband and wife from Indiana who disliked police and were looking to harm or in this case the ultimate, taking two brave souls who left families and young children behind. Terribly tragic and yet not totally shocking. What I'm trying to say is that we have evil all around the country and the world and you, Officer Cook, had your young life taken, leaving behind a wife, Karen, your sister, Nancy and your loving mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. We cling to reality and the hope and prayers that our police officers of the present stay safe and remain honorable in all their pursuits of evil and just keep up the good fight as they wage war against this albatross that threatens at times to erode our values within our modern day society. There is a fine line obviously between good and bad and it takes an entire nation, a community to come together, come to grips with what takes place everyday. You and those courageous officers in Las Vegas, Officer Cook, stood your ground, though they never had a chance to defend themselves as this nightmare unfolded rather quickly, plus a civilian at a nearby Walmart who saved the lives of the patrons was killed, just as you did on May 16, 1979, except you were able to defend yourself, your comrades and those three civilians. nAs stated in "Forgotten Heroes," people mortally wounded can still take a life within a matter of seconds. Your intellectual influences will forever be felt in the Dade County community where you were one of many faithful and loyal public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2014

A morsel of genuine history, a thing so rare as to be always valuable. And a valued team member of the Metro-Dade Police Department you were Officer Cook. If one were to read a morsel of your life and career story, it certainly would enhance the knowledge of the ordinary citizen who may not know what transpires behind the scenes of crime work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy is now and forever written the history of all men and women who have served their communities with distinction, courage and nobility. Through your family members, your legacy does march on as time and the decades keeping coming.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 14, 2014

History fades into fable, facts become clouded with doubt and controversy, the inscription molders from the tablet, the statue falls from the pedestal. Columns, arches, pyramids-what are they but heaps of sand? And their epitaphs, but characters written in the dust. A page of history is worth a volume of logic. Nothing cloudy about what transpired to you, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979. The etching on the marble wall at Tropical Park in Miami, Florida, the writing-the inscription on your gravestone says it all. The heroism and bravery you exhibited now stands forever as your legacy along with other Dade County police heroines and heroes. Fables are just that, courage and valor are more than utilizing and employing logic and factual instincts. The book "Forgotten Heroes" is a factual accounting of all the brave men and women of law enforcement who sadly were placed in a "forced retirement" circumstance by their loyal actions meant to eradicate wickedness from our society of which you were a valued member and a faithful contributor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 13, 2014

Happiness to some elation; is to others, mere stagnation. You brought joy, pride and honor to your family, friends and colleagues, Officer Cook, your personality lit up a room and in some way brought laughter to those a bit downtrodden. A stagnant person you weren't, a strong warrior who was not afraid to get down in the pits to supplant the evil that still grows. You took on whatever came your way with the same seriousness and passion as anything you ever had to deal with. Your grit and determination would have taken you if you were still with us to even greater heights and I'll safely say this. The gem in you was never to abandon your colleagues in times of trouble, something the date of May 16, 1979, will always be fresh in our minds and in the memories of a purely wonderful individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2014

I have a rendezvous with death at some disputed barricade, when spring comes around with rustling shade and apple blossoms fill the air. Police officers are always reminded of the risks that are associated with their chosen profession and you readily accepted all challenges that were placed before you. All the bitterness, all the tears shed at your service as you were being laid to rest with so much more to fulfill, deeds still remaining, it is now up to us to accept these challenges and to utilize our strengths in life to help us to overcome our weaknesses in good health, peace and prosperity. To make the legitimacy of your legacy a sterling bond where in which all people shall prosper. "We Shall Be One" now takes on a more deeper meaning and from now on all of our destinies should always be for the sake of heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism helped make one community liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 12, 2014

So live when thy summons comes to join the innumerable caravan that moves to the pale realm of shade, where each shall take his chamber in the silent halls of death, thou go not like the quarry-slave at night, scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams. When it comes time for all of us to receive that eternal subpoena, one cannot refuse that as God determines our destinies. Your journey in life and in your career as a police officer, Officer Cook, was based on solid principles of faith to God, along with your beloved wife, Karen. It was brought into focus by being loyal, devoted, dedicated and devoted to duty. The day of May 16, 1979, was a day of remembrance and reflection as one of Metro-Dade County Police Department's humble and a most revered public servant, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664, through careful collaboration helped to assist in the emancipation of those residents who had been shackled by hardships. You helped to remove these roadblocks and were a steady and most deserving influence on other officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, hard work and honesty go hand in hand in helping develop a plan of action. Something you always had in mind when attacking a problem that could arise from time to time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 11, 2014

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