Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Raging like a fire, terror shoots up and its flames of evil scorch many who conspire to perpetrate such actions. You and your colleagues, Officer Cook, had many fires to put out in the Dade County area. Remembering your fighting spirit sparked by integrity, dignity and honesty, the peace and preservation now burns as our torch of freedom precisely by your endeavor. Enhancement has stayed as the foundations of the cornerstones of your good character, charming persona and the quality commitment to excellence that is demanded from all public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your career was blessed by humility, outstanding bravery and heroism to be forever honored. Dade County has many humble heroes and heroines who served the cause, you all will be saluted for caring and loyalty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

Hitting the pavement running, police have to take advantage of their inner knowledge, skills of superior tactics and whatever is at their disposal to tear terror from its rule. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you were leaned on and counted upon to reliably and most ably take hold of violence and to attempt to ward off its negativity. You were a most loving and caring person. A compassionate gentleman with a humble soul that keeps soaring the heights of superiority. You were a noble and brave man whose dignity, integrity and honor placed within our beings and souls, peace and freedom for all. Unity depends upon a man or woman's decent character, conviction and commitment to sensibly handle rugged assignments. Yours, Officer Cook, were of a heroic stature, there was never a doubt about your success. There was more sharing and caring. God's amazing grace shed His upon you and your family and colleagues. Truly a very blessed Godsend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your foundations were the aspirations and dreams that are now foundations by which enhancement remains. It will be your legacy, Officer Cook, it's etched and inscribed in Dade County Police History. You're not forgotten. You're fondly remembered as wise and prudent leader of others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

Distraction requires one's mind to be free of clutter. One must filter out the less important matters and to focus on the relevant. Police officers need clear minds and level heads of vision and instincts to be able to function soundly while sorting out various information. They receive from all sides. Still one must be available to stay open, honest and updated on any pertinent leads that can have the greatest affect in solving and resolving. Dade County as I've said many times was most fortunate to have you, Officer Cook, in its midst. When you display tact and a tenacious fighting heart as you humbly had, the citizens knew they would be taken care of. A man places his dignity and integrity on the line and gives more heroism than we could ever imagine, salutes should be forth coming for your desire, devotion and determination to see things through clearly and concisely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy is there close to those who call upon it for reference. Your character and its morals and ideals are forever. God when He takes His most beloved heroes and heroines takes their affections and affirmations to His shelters utilizing them for eternal protection. All the soul searching can be located just above us. Just imagine over twenty-two-thousand gallant and dignified professional guiding and watching over us. Violence sure as a sun coming up in the morning should pause and cease commission. Those who witnessed and committed are there to take notice. You are listening to us, Officer Cook. I'll pray for you Mrs. Cook. I still walk and drive by your old North Miami Beach home on NE 170th Street.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

The pieces to the puzzle fit perfectly when they are outfitted with honor, dignity and the integrity to steer one's desires to accomplish. You were a big part of your department's success, Officer Cook. Dade County's patience was rewarded with quality service when you policed. The commitments and job demands were fulfilled, Officer Cook, though, there was more left to tackle. Public service protecting all people never ends even after one retires voluntarily or is sadly taken from this earth by the very evil they are sworn to eliminate. You were a humble man, Officer Cook. A hero of bravery and gallantry to be certain. Your life and the sacrifice you made is the very heroism that only enhances one's legacy. The uniform and badge you donned in fitting character, Officer Cook ,will be something your family and comrades and cherish and share with each other forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sounds of silence can surely be deafening. The spirit of your valiant soul can be seen flying high each and every moment of the day, afternoon and evening.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

Sadly, violence preys on lots of good hard working and honest folks. It does not discriminate. The rich, the poor, the oppressed tragically see its clutches as it ensnares them. That is why we need faithful and loyal men and women who are brave and unafraid to tackle whatever issues are placed their way even involuntarily. Officer Cook, you sought to heal the wounds of this very violence, the pain and anguish left in its wake. When tensions ran high, it was your knowledge and honesty that was put to the test in resolving and putting the peace back rightly where it belonged. Those salutes of honor attesting to your dignity and integrity are still coming your way, Officer Cook. They are as gentle as a morning rain. Your legacy and its refined character and commitment keep finding their ways down from the heavens above. You won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

Police officers leave no doubt as to their convictions to honesty and bravery. They need resourcefulness and justice following them every step of their journeys. You travels, Officer Cook, were dedicated to prudence which in turn lead to the credence of you being so dignified. Dade County like any other large metropolis relies on the skills and connections forged by all its heroes, devoted public servants who serve and protect the same causes of the public interest. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was the shining example of integrity, wisdom and the exact leadership that was needed to provide citizens with the very peace and unity they have come to expect. Always treasured. Always the humane and humbly respected gentleman with a kindness to match. God's gentleness rests within your family members and colleagues who now strive to serve and dignify their uniforms and badges of distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

Quiet, yet one who goes about their daily life humbly is assured of some reward by Our Creator. A man who dreamed, a man who worked and a man who explored, you captivated the hearts and minds of all folks who worked or befriended , Officer Cook. Nothing like getting information and vision from a wonderful gentleman and an outstanding public servant who made Dade County that much more peaceful, though you paid the ultimate price as heroes may have to do for our enhancements to continue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A source of refreshing resolve with a touch of humane courage all from your giving heart. Your soul still and forever will serve as our inspiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

All occupations require in one shape or another a penchant for success. And police work which requires diligence and honesty sis no different. Your exploits, Officer Cook, took you around Dade County and its area making people feel safer and at peace. The unity that is much needed is because of your unselfish heroism and unwavering humility. You will never be forgotten for your dignity and integrity. It serves as a lesson to all. If one is to persevere accordingly, you must stay the paths of truth and fairness, justice is for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Yesterday is gone. Today has arrived. Tomorrow we shall look at it as a gift from God.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2016

A person's life and career are those enriched by their effort. Safety and peace demanded a unique protocol and surely those fortunate to be living in Dade County at the time were very blessed by your service to them, Officer Cook. Nothing in life is a sure thing or for that matter guaranteed. You gave supreme effort marked with dignity and honor. Integrity is a word not foreign people. Police must have this within their being when protecting and maintaining calm over situations. Your class and determination shall be fondly remembered and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who perform admirably will be rewarded humbly as you were, Officer Cook. Those whose character has blemishes and flaws will be weeded out. The streets must be patrolled with instinctual intelligence and an unwavering respect and resolve to do right the first time. One does not get too many do overs. Enhancement shall live on as your legacy of optimism, hope and faith, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that those who pay homage to your memory, do so with the high esteem. An eye doctor dilates our pupils to examine the back of our eyes. Your diligence in Dade County was dilated by dignity and devotion to all. When that call came out on the radio that afternoon of May 16, 1979, there was no thought of you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your partner that day, Officer Cook. of you going back to your station to finish your shift. God took you there my neighbor, friend and hero, so too your commitment to pride, character and achievement. Rest in peace. A treasured man. A legacy secure in Dade County police history rich in courage and nobleness to all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2016

A sound mind is the bond and sense of protection and security beyond the letter. Being a humble gentleman, Officer Cook, your role was to think on the run at times and to stay level headed while patrolling Dade County streets. Its citizens depended on your resources of integrity to carry them through their very pursuits in and of life. Seeing that life is not forever, we must channel our emotions properly in order to produce the best response. That what you exceeded in faithfully fairly and fondly. Always the caring and consummate servant who backed up his efforts with bravery, valor and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A mission accomplished and now left for others to fulfill as wisely and as valiantly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2016

Pounding the pavement to gain momentum in solving crime is one of the many objectives of any duly sworn officer. And it was with your sense of pride and purpose, Officer cook, that you were most proficient. Your honesty and dignity carried your career and a life led by the shining examples of integrity made for much brighter days ahead. Dade County and its residents can rest assured you won't be forgotten for your bravery, class and character. All professional commitments are based on this premise of hope and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who be homage to your memory do so with the highest esteem for a job well done.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2016

Peace of mind in order for us to enjoy our pleasures, so much of your endeavors, Officer Cook, entered into the very quietness and calm that Dade County and its residents experience today. It was your humility that when combined with your honesty and decency it made all the difference in the safety of all. Today, etched in your family's heart and in the hearts of your former comrades rests the credence of a devoted and respected public servant. Legacies of those faithful and desirable heroes rest solidly in the foundations of God's enchanted firmament. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You patrolled and protected so that our peace and serenity may keep moving forward. One humble man. One genuinely Godsend of a gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2016

Unwavering and unselfish, police have to fight their way through bedlam and trouble that most ordinary people do not have to deal with. We leave our unity and peace to the good hands of the courageous honorable men and women. You were a good man, Officer Cook. You were the humble embodiment of integrity and dignity. Dade County was in excellent hands, because of your preservation and service, you will never be forgotten. Character and commitment breed success. Contentment leads at times to resting on one's laurels, you were composed of morals and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2016

Discretion is the better part of valor. Valor is expressed in many different ways. Virtuous. Astute. Learned. Outstanding. Resourceful. Many a person, Officer Cook, can be most thankful for your feats of faith. Sometimes a leap of faith is all it takes to get the ball rolling. Dade County recognized and still does acknowledge its heroes and heroines who willingly expose themselves in the name of preservation and conservation for all mankind. You were our humble hero, compassion filled and driven to achieve. Violence and its evil vigor should one day be vanquished. Wanton mischief and its throngs of kayos shall cease to be heard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are safe with God watching over your beloved and brave soul, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

The eyes and ears see and hear things we somehow or another don't comprehend. Thank God for your vision and inspiring wisdom and intellect, Officer Cook. During your regime, one constructed upon the cornerstones of righteousness, resolve and reverence, it was your honorable actions of integrity and dignity that sealed the peace and security of all Dade County. Blessed with a talent and skill not everyone has you kept your cool and calm during stressful ordeals. It is with that hope and prayer that those who have succeeded you, Officer Cook, that the stark realization of what is expected from them sinks in. Bravery and courage can drive a person's motivations whatever they may want to go. Never forgotten. Always the consummate professional public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

The wings of eagles soar. The souls of beloved officers, heroes to their families also soar, yet the spirit of which God created within them flies higher each day. God gave you all the resources to fight crime here in Dade County, Officer Cook. All orchestrated by dignity, respect and the integrity needed to persevere through good and bad times. Those good old days can still be experienced due to your service and diligence. Good habits can be taken long and far. The trails of the warriors can be surely paved with goodness and mercy for all. You were a brave soul my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, nothing would deter you from your professional missions. Rest in peace. A Godsend then. A hero yesterday, today and forever. Blessed is the righteous who do what is expected and go above and beyond. Character converses. Our ears listen to the message. Our eyes witness the heart and soul of commitment and conviction from your heart's strength of inner grace and nobility. It takes a humble and humane public servant to stand and fight for our dreams and ideals to take shape. You were the go to officer, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

The sacred peace and serenity that we live by must be forged by the supreme efforts of our most diligent heroes and heroines. Justice belongs to all who what to grab it. before grabbing just make certain that those defending you are straight and honest themselves. You were a decent and dignified man, Officer Cook. You gave the residents in Dade County a fair and fighting chance to live safely without any doubt or hesitation. When that day of reckoning comes about, your family and colleagues will be ready to answer that yes you were ready. Always so professional and ideal oriented, now we can understand your commitment to pride and success in character, courage and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

Doctors make us feel better. Police make us seem safer. Today, the way our world is functioning both working in unison make all the sense in the world. Seeing that you were a common sense man, who imbued values of honesty and dignity it is fairly plain to witness why you were such a gifted Godsend whose humbleness won't be forgotten. Here in Dade County we have come to count on our heroes and their access and accountability. When one is responsible is usually shows in their work ethic. yours, Officer Cook, produced peace and serenity for everyone. A righteous man being given his just salutes for bravery and courage unwavering and unselfish. Service and preservation depends on the legs of resolve and faith standing together. You stood for patience, diligence and sound leadership, Officer Cook, they all looked up to you. And still do for your brilliance and boldness that was committed to doing the right thing. Legends are always part of our history. Being a hero and humane is what counts the most. Number one you were true to yourself and possessed the inner confidence to professionally act according to department rules. That's how tasks get done and foundations are righteously designed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

The stars in God's heavenly skies are aligned with one another. So too are the souls of our beloved and honorable heroes and heroines. God has you, Officer Cook and your fellow heroic angels in rows reserved for your gallantry and resolve. Those seats are now for you to rest with your integrity and dignity still and forever a vital part of your eternal spirit. It was a kind and benevolent part of what assisted you on your patrols of Dade County and its residents. The people spoke, you answered your dispatches valiantly and with a fearless determination to see things through. No more vital role, than for your personality to preserve the unity and dignity we, the ordinary people count on from our devoted public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy is etched in our hearts and minds. it was your mind, Officer Cook, working in sync to keep peace with us and the violence away from those who wish to prosper and survive. The times are very much different now, your outstanding police work, professional in all matters is the living example of what enhancement means to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

Signed and sealed with liberty, your patrols of the citizens, Officer Cook, left Dade County in good stead. The vigilance, the valor of a dignified young gentleman who was serving His Creator. Those colleagues who served with you have saluted your kindness and generosity. It would take a thousand lifetimes to repay your honorable and humane acts of heroism. That taste of unity sure feels good these days and we have you to thank, Officer Cook. Your faith, unwavering, your convictions convinced your comrades you had the proper temper to carry out your professional roles prudently and most profoundly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

Kindness and compliments go together as does honesty and its central core of integrity. You were a devoted man, Officer Cook, its causes and concerns were protected by your cunning, your diligence and optimism. When Dade County needed consideration and care it was placed gently in your palms, Officer Cook. Any police officer must work under the umbrellas of resourcefulness and salvation. For those who commit wanton violence we have very special brave people who walk the face of this Earth serving and preserving. back in your day, Officer Cook, that was your humanity honoring us, it was a mission with more left to accomplish. God decides our assignments and gives us just what we can handle. Nothing was too small or large for your stellar character, no conceit, only fairness to creating peace and liberty for all. Your legacy is of sound leadership, vision wisdom and knowledge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your parents raised you with morals and values to last a lifetime. The tragedy is that you are not here today, Officer Cook, to speak to us. Though, your beloved spirit continues its travels in God's enchanted kingdom of mercy and truth. Nothing will harm you ever again. Violence is something that police have to perpetually deal with. All any brave servant can do is their job earnestly and with the desired effort.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

Tonight we begin the twenty-four hour period known as The Day Of Atonement, Yom Kippur. It is a solemn time in which the Jewish people fast and abstain from certain pleasures. Prayer marks this solemn occasion. What marked Dade County and its steps forward to unity and peace was your perseverance, Officer Cook. Your humility always are your uniform as was your integrity, dignity and honesty. A cherished and admired gentleman, you took your directives from superiors as God steered your journeys far and wide. It made us gladder. Your family could not have been any happier and prouder. You left your missions fulfilled with faith and hope for other comrades who now take that proverbial baton and march forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I respectfully leave these reflections for you, Officer Cook, for the sake of God and for your heroic actions of resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 11, 2016

O God Our Heavenly Father cause healing upon those loved ones who have lost their brave and honorable family members at violence's hands. My the heels and soles of their shoes that run to pursue evil stay together enabling them to quash this enemy before it gets worse. Your feet carried you, Officer Cook. They took you to newer heights in Dade County where peace and unity was taught its greatest lesson by you. No one can forget a courageous and humble man who went after peace and waged the toughest battle of them all, over evil. Dignity and integrity work in sanctity when dispelling wickedness. The fight continues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroic to all humanity. Your legacy is what become sof outstanding public service to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2016

This was the venue, North Miami Beach, Florida where you called home, Officer Cook. You were raised and grew up to become a hero forever. Though, your family, colleagues and friends did not want to lose you at such a young age with more left to accomplish. Life gives us demands on our time, as does God when He brings us into this world through our parents. You were the personification of a beloved son, very beloved. A darling brother and wonderful husband. Fatherhood would have been one of amazing journeys, the warmth and love shared by two devoted individuals. Your devotion to the the calls of duty left Dade County marveling at your honesty, hope and dignity for all. A mutual respect, Officer Cook, you brought to your official position and one in which you delivered sincerity and character, commitment to excellence that won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A cornerstone in life is how you perform. Do you understand your role? Do you go over and beyond to assist? You and Karen would have made great parents. Our Creator determines our lots in life as we pursue diligently our dreams, goals and aspirations. They are ours for now to continue on with by virtue of your unselfishness and unwavering courage. Heroism has found its righteous place in your home forever. It is eternal as your soul now belongs with God among the other brave souls of the law enforcement community.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2016

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