Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The serenity that silence and peace offers can at times be deafening. Those who dare and go out and commit violence had better be aware. Those brave, humble and honorable souls of security are out in force looking for you and you will be brought to justice. No doubts. You navigated those corners in Dade County, Officer Cook, looking for the opportunity to make resolve and resourcefulness an enhancement of our future. The character and class never left your side or uniform worn very proudly and quite humbly. It stays today here in a community that salutes your integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, a man of mettle and the values so valuable in pursuing happiness and prosperity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The pillars in heaven where our bravest and mightiest rest are lined with the gentleness of God's heavenly hands as His palms protect more than twenty-two thousand angelic heroes and heroines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
I truly hope I'll receive a humble letter from your sister, Nancy. And I do hope your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, at one-hundred and two is doing well these days. Your hobbies were hunting, photography and playing tennis, Officer Cook. Your occupation was in protecting those lives in Dade County where peace and quiet mattered. truly a gentleman of grace, a hero and a stellar human being whose integrity, honor and dignity are inscribed upon several walls of honor showcasing your humane exploits for our nation to witness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your morals and character were the concern by which you led a life of piety and respect for mankind. If only you could have made that crime scene squad as a photographer lessening your danger, Officer Cook. Nevertheless, you never disappointed anyone, your peers, family and associates with your talent and outstanding job practices.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
Diabolical and devious calls for decency and dignity to quash its advances of violence. That and a humble measure of integrity and humane honor will too go a long way down those trails of tenacity. You were destined and devoted, Officer Cook, with more on your horizon, God plans our destinies and those important missions of faith, endurance and accountability. Dade County was well prepared when you went out to patrol its streets helping and saving lives where peace and unity had to be front and center. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a humble servant whose agenda went to the heart of heroism and the acumen to battle wickedness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
The tours of duty continue marching along in reverence and in dignity. Those filled with honor, humility and integrity stand ready to step in and fight evil. Their perilous jobs engulf their spirits of serenity like no other. No officer obviously performs the same some go over and beyond those calls of gallantry. Just like everyday, Officer Cook, you left your home said goodbye to Karen and went about your daily professional business patrolling the fates of those who trusted in your instincts. Dade County trusted in you and no one was let down. If just there was more done to bring you back to life, Officer Cook. You deserved more life, your commitments and destinies were for a very valid reason and that was to serve, save and to afford safety and security for all. Only your family's angel and our hero. I passed your old home last night and it looks like someone is residing there, wished it was my wife Holly and I of course for sentimental reasons. You'll always be the friend and neighbor I deeply regret never meeting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's echoes call us to do better and to just act respectfully and to stay the courses of concern and fairness with ferocity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
Construction means placing a new edifice to either replace and old existing one or adding to what is there. You added new meaning, Officer Cook, to the words dignity, integrity and honesty. You provided joy and the pleasure your family had in seeing you work and in keeping peace and prosperity rightly positioned. It was the residents of Dade County who lived to view enhancement smartly and functionally brought to fruition. Your journeys, Officer Cook, were made by Our Creator steering your everlasting character and commitment around a vast community, the very same venue that so salutes your resolve and humility that humbly made a dent in this mad world of mayhem and kayos. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
Some of us gather our eggs in one basket and yet we never really know the outcome that comes about in life. We live life as freely as we can and are able to choose to pursue our happiness without any interference. Dade County was freed of its bondages of violence in large part because of your unwavering honor, integrity and the dignity, Officer Cook, that is supposed to measure up to department standards. A man of character and courage combining his courage and effort to rejuvanate those in trouble. Your calmness and precision were humbly respected as was your passion to details. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
Since our Constitution was written and conceived our great nation has undergone many changes, been through many wars, shared unimaginable sorrow and the burdens of grief that it has left behind. Lives lost. Families humiliated and torn apart at the seams. Whatever else could go haywire has. And yet for all the travesties, tragedies and violence we seem to overcome some great obstacles. Police officers all fine women and men of honor and the highest regard for morals and characters fighting our wars, our battles with boldness and dignity, you did well in your endeavors for those whom you served faithfully, Officer Cook, living in and around the corridors of Dade County. Their prosperity, their peace of mind, their sanity and liberty all came at the ultimate sacrifice of your life and career. Along with character and conviction came resolve, tenacity and the fight in you so tough and determined, you never gave in as all officers are taught the ropes of humility when humanity's virtues are indeed on the line. There never seems to be a moment to stop and wonder why all the terror? Why do men and women have to give their most cherished lives for a cause we think is so plausible? We are better for your wisdom, your vision, your intellect, Officer Cook and the maturity beyond your years of experience. I'm still here and can never forget your labors of endless efficiency, perseverance and persistence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
Courage beckons no curtain calls for its honor and bravery are concealed humbly from within the hearts of its many heroes and heroines. You fortitude and strength, Officer Cook, helped to make the people of Dade County stand up and take notice, it made them feel optimistic and hopeful of a future. One that would have been much brighter if your physical presence was felt. Your valiant spirit is felt as it and your commitment and character have lovingly touched so many of us who shared your dreams and aspirations. You were a humble and loyal public servant who won't ever be forgotten. Peace, unity resolve, resourcefulness along with the dignity and integrity were all a part of Our Lord's master plans for your guiding life, that light of your serene soul still humanely burns brilliantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives and He takes, yet no one wants to see a loved one, a friend and colleague go before their time.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 24, 2017
Progress is the unstoppable force caused by a hopefully positive action. It's doing rather than talking that produces the best outcomes. Here in our community of Dade County where you have been honored and solemnly respected and saluted for courage, Officer Cook, it shall be made known that you were our hero and your family's warrior whose modest dignity, integrity and honesty served and protected the preservation of our peace, freedom and unity. When a man or woman goes beyond the dangerous calls of duty we must revere their character, commitment to a challenge of a tall order and the convictions of undoubted wisdom, vision and the intelligence through intuition that saw your designed destinies through until their conclusion, Officer Cook. God now shelters your soul of serenity and humility which was instrumental in humanity being safe and sound. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is enhancement and your endearing smile and personality that will be forever remembered for generations to come.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 23, 2017
You probably played tennis with Officer Keith DiGenova with as much physical tenacity as you did, Officer Cook, when you performed your professional roles of responsibility. Honorable and generous, forgiving and caring, devoted and dignified, humble and humane. They all lend credence as to why you have been duly saluted and smartly remembered for having the gumption, morals and character to fight for our peace of mind here in Dade County and no one forgets heroism of the highest standard towards humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Acumen, vision and ingenuity all factor into why you were such a great human being and a classy gentleman. All in the Cook Genes. You should be very proud of "Billy," Mrs. Cook. Stay well and God bless you!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 23, 2017
Today is Thanksgiving Day as is everyday a time to reflect and be thankful for all that you and the many heroes and heroines of the many police communities have given us, Officer Cook. You assured Dade County and its residents of peaceful pursuits in life all by your humble and esteemed honesty, dignity and integrity. Your life and career helped to catapult calmness and vision within those whom you served loyally and quite faithfully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment to both God and your family, your colleagues who went to battle evil with you have never forgotten your grace, gallantry and nobly heroic actions. We should sit down today and count our many blessings in life and remember you unsung leadership, unwavering reverence, resolve and perseverance and most of all your unselfish devotion and dedication as a public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 23, 2017
You don't have to be the most handsome and good looking man to conquer evil. You just need brains and wisdom along with some fairness, ferocity and the honesty, integrity and dignity to repel violence and its evil affects. You protected and preserved the lives of all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, as if they were one of your own. Your flesh and blood boldly and calmly prevented more serious repercussions on that fateful day of May 16, 1979 as it did with character, class, decency and desire all other times. Never will your heroically noble spirit be shelved. The archives and walls of honor have your blessed and humbly humane name and legacy etched eternally for positive posterity for having the unselfish perseverance and resolve to see your life's destinies and journeys to completion. Well done! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2017
By the light of the sun's rays or by the beams of the moon's light, police risk their very lives full of promise in order for our pursuits in life to be healthy and happy. You wanted to become a public servant, Officer Cook, ever since you were a young man and so you devoted all your resources to the causes of battling wickedness. And it is the citizens of Dade County who could not be more pleased. Your professional exploits of effort and endearment were answered by the calls of diligence, dignity and the devotion to faith, honor and integrity. You lived it and breathed it everyday. Your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, should live and be well by the very virtue of her son's fine character, courage and the living proof that intuition, wisdom and vision deliver to us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's legion of legacies launch their very souls into action protecting those sacred and golden paved streets above. Officer Cook, you brought civility, sanctity and nobility through humility top our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2017
I seem to be always told that my memory and voice are very good. Well how about your dignity, honesty and integrity, Officer Cook? It spared us from more wanton evil busting its terror upon us. Dade County and its residents were you occupation, your professional pursuits during your career and life. One lived day by day full of faith , hope and the devotion that peace and prosperity bring. They too bring security and the sense of trust in one another. A fine gentleman with character, conviction and the will to make goodwill a lasting reality through your humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2017
Time keeps churning forward no matter the time, place or conditions. Those who were served and loyally protected by your unwavering honor, dignity and commitment, Officer Cook, they shall not forget. Not to overlook the crusades of a young man so vibrant and full of life and inspirational wisdom, vision and the passion to learn and do whatever was needed to battle wickedness. The very violence that calls upon the character of all public servants in this battle over infamy. Better to be bold and brave than scared and crazy. It can leave the taste of terror in the mouths of good men and women of humility. peace, unity and stability all need that anchor and through your thoughtful destinies, Officer Cook, enhancement become a staunch supporter of your heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cherished, respected and admired for giving your spirit in the name of humanity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2017
Dear Mr. Cosgriff: Where would this world be if not for your brainstorm in creating this website to leave a reflection for our fallen brave men and women? Their poise, honor, decency and desires have brought them full circle. Just not when you wanted them to depart this land of liberty, vibrant and supposedly full of opportunities to pursue in happiness and the best of good health. I believe you attended Georgia Tech. My friend and neighbor, a humble man and friend to all, Officer William C. Cook, of the Metro-Dade Police Department lived around the corner from my family. His sense of loss cannot be expressed in anymore way than to say that his complete honesty, dignity and integrity was ultimately vital in conquering evil. He believed in values, ethics, morals and principles as taught to him by his beloved folks. His mother, Mrs. Julia Cook might still be alive at the tender age of one-hundred and two. So devout and faithful was her darling heroic "Billy," and for what he pursued in life and during his career, so shall he be humbly honored and deservedly saluted for gallantry, grace and the wisdom and vision to see his missions and their journeys through. Rest in peace Officer Cook. Your unwavering resolve and affection for your family, peers and friends will never be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2017
A beverage quenches our thirsts. Our stomachs are nourished by the aroma of a good meal. Violence is taken apart by the many humble, honest and brave heroes and heroines that reside in their dignified resolve. Its missions of hope, devotion and faith rest in us and in the hands of this world's chief architect, God. Yes, the Almighty Creator of creation who places fruitfulness in our very souls, hands and feet. But, nothing can be rightly accomplished unless relevance, honor and integrity spill out from our lips like honey. To maintain a passion, you first must have some compassion, after all you fought evil on a daily basis, Officer Cook, proudly and humanely incorporating all that you learned at home in a loving environment, at school and from the friends you met. You then transferred that knowledge, refined and outstanding character and commitment to the police academy where your instructors drill into the recruits the need to be aware, vigilant and focused on those dangerously perilous circumstances that may lie ahead. Make no mistake, Dade County and its people were in humbly heroic and excellent hands when you patrolled and helped to secure their peace of mind and sacred unity for all mankind. You dedicated your life and cherished spirit to fight terror which tragically ended your future hopes, dreams and aspirations as you now have become one of God's angelic heroes. Those wings, Officer Cook, fit as smoothly as the white gloves that are forever covering your hands peacefully at your side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One needs energy and the zest by which to succeed mightily in their endeavors and you, Officer Cook and delivered on your solemn affirmation which is to be saluted for bravery and humility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 22, 2017
The prince of perseverance speaks, her queen answers humbly. Where do we go, where and who we meet and next what is our role in life? God has those and many more questions with their answers locked away for eternal safekeeping as He has your humble soul, Officer Cook, so clean and pure, refined and quiet, loving and dignified. Those whom you protected and served with loyal distinction can only pray when that day of reckoning arrives and terror, torment and turmoil no longer have a spot picked out to pursue their crafty crusade, only decency, courage and valor can stamp out their fiercest of missions. Yours, Officer Cook, were where no man may stand and you my neighbor, friend and hero fought the good fight as only you knew how to, face to face. The pious run to comfort and shelter us, the wicked commit their souls to evil, running to perpetrate whatever they can get a hold of. Your sheer will helped dominate this terribly awful foe. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 21, 2017
We solemnly salute the gallant and by the eyes of God do we honor and pay respect to those brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the causes of justice and its unwavering equality. The scales of fate must balance out properly in order for wickedness to be fiercely dealt with. Dade County had your affirmative actions, Officer Cook, honest, dignified and a man of unquestionable integrity. To have grit and gumption there has to be no reservation, only sheer determination and the optimistic dedication and motivation to be available to hold our safety and security close to one's heart. Your heart, Officer Cook, gave and gave, an unending supply of reliance, resolve and resourcefulness to meet the daily grind of going after violence and its unappreciated terror and mayhem. We won't forget you for your humane and sincerest of effort in this battle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 21, 2017
Though you left your family, friends and peers of honesty and justice much too soon, Officer Cook, Dade County and its citizens have plenty of memories of one devoted and loyal servant. To turn away evil from us, your integrity, dignity and humility was placed squarely on the front lines of ferocity and the tenacity of your stellar character and class in committing to keep quiet and serenity in the same circles. Comfort and being able to live freely and to pursue our dreams of fruition, those journeys and missions of hope and faith keep our aspirations alive and well so long as your treasured soul, Officer Cook, keeps tabs on us from heaven where those duly humane heroes and heroines go when careers and lives are sadly deemed complete. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You complimented enhancement with your engaging personality, smile and humbleness that made you a righteous gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 21, 2017
Police work is not about grasping at straws nor is it about throwing caution to the wind. The sands of time tell us plenty. They speak loud and clearly of ordinary and honest heroes and heroines who devote their lives and passions to serving and protecting the many eclectic and various venues in our land. The true and humane, those whose integrity and dignity allows them the privilege of keeping serenity right in the hearts of humanity. Your bravery and valor, Officer Cook, were those notes of nobility that kept things moving along here in Dade County and for its residents. The outstanding character, commitment and achievements in your life and during your career will be so forever honored gallantly and saluted for the wisdom, vision and intellect that helped take away the violence and evil that lurked like an ugly storm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Glasses help one to see things clearly. Hearing aids awaken our ears to hear better. Clearly you have been and are missed terribly by your family and comrades with whom you loyally dedicated your life, Officer Cook, to battling terror.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 20, 2017
Unity can only bring the best of honesty, humility and bravery from within a humble and loyal servant's heart. You brought versatility and honesty to a position of reverence enhancing the lives of all Dade County, Officer Cook. The finest humble and humane character, class, decency and devotion as a faithful servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 20, 2017
Conviction takes earnest effort through desire to face those arduous and dangerous tasks associated with public safety. Your respect and admiration for Dade County, Officer Cook, was felt far and wide. You kept your honor and integrity along with dignity intact. The residents whom you served and protected never forgot the character and the humbleness that allowed you the opportunity to complete your destinies in this world. Humanity will forever staple your serenity and commitment in their hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 19, 2017
Be bold as a lion. Be ferocious as a tiger. Be tenacious as ever and if honor, integrity and dignity last long enough accomplishment will fill your badge and uniform of humility until the brim. It's humanity's way of gently touching our very souls of security and peace the way you touched Dade County and its folks with your heart, Officer Cook. Your humble and outstanding character now and forever resides in God's heavenly abode as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing like tackling wickedness with all your might, you can never go wrong. If not for a troubled young man, Officer Cook, we will never know if you would have been here to see retirement. Just keep looking after your family, friends and comrades who continue their occupation in stopping violence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 18, 2017
The criteria for success as a police officer is as follows: they must be physically able to handle the rigors of the position. Two, they must possess an acumen of awareness, access and accountability while maintaining their humble and humane honesty, dignity and integrity. Courage from within, valor from morals and proper courtesies and the bravery of being bold, having a vision of commitment and the conviction to right the ship from evil something you accomplished very well, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County residents. You allowed peace and unity the chance to fortify our very lives of serenity and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a well respected and admired public servant who championed the causes of why we live decently and that enhancement can fruitfully travel throughout mankind, its journeys of hope and faith stronger than ever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 18, 2017