Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Rudeness and rogue behavior has no role in resolve and in any other way, shape or manner in fighting violence. Your lessons you learned from your folks, Officer Cook, were vitally important in that it shaped your life of sacrifice and devotion as a well regarded public servant. Dade County and its people were the receivers of your God given talents, tenacity and sure fire honesty. Dignity and integrity make those mountains that our beloved and brave must climb to ward off evil a little less challenging. Your principles, values, morals and character have remained endearing. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Sick and tired of this very infamy, we the people must take a stand and speak up for our rights. The opportunities to live more freely and to be able to passively follow our hearts to whatever make sus happy and wiser. What made you most proud, Officer Cook, was in having the composure and character to dedicate yourself to the problems that still confront our society. One that greatly misses your undaunted humanity, its humility focused on doing the will of the people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We relive, remember and retell in order to relate to the moments held very precious by all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
I don't know if politics was your hobby, Officer Cook. I do know as popular as you were, you probably would have made a great leader because of your dedication and inspiration. You see dignity, honesty and integrity deserve special attention from those brave and just who were and are devoted to a cause. Uniting those facing adversity you brought the hords of people back into the fold, Officer Cook, simply by staying calm and cool, while collecting your thoughts. The sounds of silence really do have a ring about them. Violence was kept away from us as much as possible when you patrolled around our community. The very same area that so honors your life, Officer Cook and a plethora of good memories. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Years from now you will still be gallantly remembered for heroism beyond the calls of duty.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Your gravesite, Officer Cook, is made more humbler with the flowers that someone leaves for you. A token of your humility and its humble heroic honor. You left an indelible impression upon your family, colleagues and those folks whom you served in Dade County with diligence and devoted distinction. The turmoil that followed the terror was promptly and professionally dealt with by your unquestionable integrity and dignity. The hearts and minds of our loving heroes and heroines of trust rest soundly in God's greenest of firmaments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you lived for peace and did your utmost to restore calm amid the kayos.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Science is our way to evolution. Your way to safety and security, Officer Cook, was to solemnly and most mastefully guard the gates of Dade County and its fine folks. Your boldness and intelligence helped to ward off violence. Your fairness and character helped to bond those bridges where loyalty and dedication were needed. Always the man on a mission, Our Creator took you on destinies of legendary proportions where your undivided perseverance and knowledge would make all the difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I wished you could have witnessed all these changes in Dade Count and other venues, Officer Cook, where your inspiration has done its proper motivating.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Birthdays are moments to be shared. Memories of a young man's life and righteousness are to be fondly and humanely honored by salutes. Saluted and revered, Officer Cook, for providing the affects of loyalty, integrity and the dignity that deserves its recognition in squaring up against terror. It runs rampant over liberty and deprives us of capturing the moments and our dreams and aspirations. You made peace and unity your firm realization and only through devotion, faith and the courage that resolve has left to offer did you undo an even more terrible situation that day on May 16, 1979. You were a spirited fellow, Officer Cook and that spirit of humility floats gently above in God's treasured terraces of eternal and serenity. The same service you afforded Dade County. Fruitiful and gallant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Glimpses of a well lived life, though cut way too short by evil. Your good graces will be remembered for genarations to come.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Loyalty is the ace that all women and men hold up their sleeves of service. You acquitted yourself smartly and prudently, Officer Cook, upholding your word and bond of boldness to commitment and the honesty and integrity that fighting for peace calls for. Dade County called upon your morals, values and character to imbue goodwill among all. Never one to take it easy when conquering violence, you were a happy and healthy man on a mission and journey where locating justice was just what God wanted you to do. You did excellently and forever may your name be tied to thos epearly gates that you now patrol. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You answered your calling, Officer Cook and tragically God called you home where no more harm would ever cross paths with you again. A blessed man and an even more devoted hero of caring and consideration.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Breakfast, lunch or dinner you were there serving us, Officer Cook. Your integrity and dignity so humbly honored you in all your travels and pursuits. Dade County shined when you went out in your patrol car and circled the corners of our locations where prosperity and safety were needed. Officers need meal breaks to fill their tanks of teracity in order to keep up with the daily expectations we the citizens have for our bravest and most promising servants who proudly don the armor to take the pressure off of us. Character and courage deliver that formidable knockout blow we hope to utilize in wiping out evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God supplies all the necessary eternal energy to His brave and humbled of servants.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Shine on, Officer Cook. May your honorable and humbly loving soul continue lighting up our skies of darkness and may evil be destroyed one day real soon. Dade County's beloved hero of heroism and its dazzling humility. You gave the lessons out and may we follow in your patterns of pristine resolve, wisdom and the intuition to faithfully devote ourselves to the righteous causes that enable us to lively peacefully and freely. Your loyal and unwavering commitment to sacrifice your career of trust, truth and the dignity and integrity necessary to battle the corruptions of callousness that threatens to erode the goodwill of all, this shall never be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Police officers are the table setters for justice and its fairness to be distributed equally among all individuals. You did your job, Officer Cook, quite well and for being the epitome of humbly loyal and treasured may you be so honored for humane honor, enhanced dignity and the integrity that was imbedded in all your life pursuits, the happy and not so happy ones. Dade County has cherished your memory as its hero of humility and the civil manners by which you functioned as a public servant. Character, clarity and the crystal clear vision to perceive what needed solving and to calmly face evil face to face never shying away from protecting our interests. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who expose their souls of safety and serenity should be forever honored for this prowess and accomplishments in the fields of their communities. You were admired and greatly respected in Dade County, you did your parents and family proud donning a uniform and badge with esteem and excellence in effort and in efficiency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Devotion and determination are the colleagues to the many honest and faithful men and women who protect us from evil and instill the beauty of boldness among their peaceful pursuits in life. We all desire happiness and at times not everything comes up smelling like roses. You came arounds the corners of Dade County, Officer Cook, with all the resources of dignity and integrity that any humane and superb human being could have. The residents could not have been kept more secure and safer than to have you smiling and delivering outstanding service. With commitment, class and wisdom like yours, Officer Cook, it is no wonder why you were a man whose character revealed your true personality. Your indentity was of a gentleman of gallantry, nobility and the ingenuity to move things along properly and never will we forget the hero in you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You brought those foundations of relief and togetherness and now your soul is nestled among the many angelic heroes and heroines of mercy and motivation, two compelling reasons why wickedness will soon be vanquished. Our world needs comfort and takes solace in the many brave souls who now serve and are loyal to those dangerous tasks that accompany them on their everyday patrols.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Ferocity is as formidable as is honor, integrity and humility. Because those brave and valiant need every ounce of power from those directions of desire and devotion as possible. It's in the dignity and character that evil can be overcome. You were successful, Officer Cook, in making peace and its cover of unity possible for all Dade County folks. You deserve hearty salutes of heroism for your unwavering resolve and the faithfulness that remains treasured today among your family, comrades and those friends of whom you and Karen shared many happy moments. Sad that violence ended your dreams, hopes of many more navigations within our society. It had you as their public servant of humility toward all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tenacity needs to be harnested at times, you knew when, Officer Cook, to turn that pilot light on higher, to amp up the awareness and astuteness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2017
Disgrace, denegration, disrespect, they all can signify lack of morals and character, something public servants must shun and avoid like the plague if they are going to be successful in the fight over crime and violence. You were a very humble, grateful and loyal colleague, Officer Cook, its Dade County and its residents who should be most appreciative for your humility and heroism. Honor breeds dignity and the core of integrity central to saving and serving those whom rely upon your common sense instincts to install the proper peace, unity and the safety we all look to pursue happiness by. You'll be so solemnly honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for the rationale, the courtesies, the fundamental ferocity and the unbridled tenacity to commit to the causes of boldness and transparency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A blessed man and one gallant gentleman. Truly a warrior and savior who laid down his life for enhancements to continue marching forward.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2017
In police work depending on the event there can be no revisions or do overs. Officers must do their tasks as assigned to them with the humblest of valor, courage and bravery. Their honor, dignity and integrity speak loud and clear, as righteously as their humanity and humility all in the name of Our lord. All for heaven's name were you Dade County's protector and shield of perseverance and common sense, Officer Cook. The eyes, ears, lips, feet and vivid bright smile told of your convictions, character and the boldness needed to assess the situation. And with any issue particularly with a domestic dispute you were said to be among the finest to handle such matters professionally. Your comrades, friends and family have taken note and solemnly remembered your fruitful missions and their journeys of justice. The folks and your partners were spared much further harm at your sacrifice. Unwavering. Undaunted and humbly speaking unselfish. Your legacy is sealed and as you serve Our Creator patrolling His sacred and golden venues, just keep observing the traffic flow of tenacity within the souls and hearts of those who now protect and preserve our integrity, happiness and peaceful prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2017
Defunct and defeated that is finally how the wars over wickedness shall cease. It is all up to the many virtuous men and women in law enforcement, honorable and courageous, dignified and stellar in integrity. It can carry one's professional acumen or if one strays from the paths of perseverance and resolve that alone can bring them down. Your intense loyalty and esteem, Officer Cook, made all the difference in battling adversity and the character of a humbly consummate young man with the God given gifts of nobility and humility all suited for sheltering security and peace here in Dade County. Its citizens can relax and stay happy and calm. You were their hero, your family's savior and your department's warrior of wisdom and the virtues of clear vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Charisma and charm, commitment to excellence and pride were implemented in your daily routines, Officer Cook, making you a better person, you already were and a more superb public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2017
Terminated and put of business is how violence and evil shall be dealt with. All respected and honorable public servants must ascribe to these values or otherwise the world at large is in for a rocky and troublesome road ahead. Your calming demeanor and integrity made all the difference in moving peace, unity and their dignity along the same trails of tenacity as you pursued happiness and a profession you chose to become as a young man. A cherished gentleman of gallantry and character that will remain an anchor of your heroic legacy here in Dade County where you patrolled, Officer Cook, with unwavering wisdom and boldness and the fairness and firmness that justice demands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage to champion a cause of values, the virtues to right the ships of sanity with your loving soul of serenity. Humanity's warrior and humility's humanely loyal and faithful partner in combating crime from our midst.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2017
Stamp collecting is a neat hobby. So is admiring our fallen heroes and heroines, names known and unknown etched on walls of bravery, honor and the dignity needed to continue fighting on through turmoil and atrocity. You kept up the war on violence, Officer Cook, here in Dade County for six fantastic and fruitful years of effort and integrity. You were raised with class, decency and the fabric of character essential to all your dreams, aspirations now and forever a loving and fond inspiration to all who knew you to be their comrade of wisdom and maturity beyond your twenty-five years of life. Cut way too short by the very wickedness you took an affirmation to eliminate keeping us tied by the very foundations of faith, hope and mercy. The dignity of life is spelled out for every individual who shall walk the face of humanity. Your noble and civil gestures our behalf shall remain a cornerstone of your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If devotion and dedication could replace lost lives then God's gardens would have no one patrolling those pearly gates up above. Keep looking down on us Officer Cook. This world sure has changed since you left us thirty-eight and a half years ago. It has gotten more crazier and violent very, very sad.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
Glues keeps things together as does gallantry and morals when working to secure peace and its everlasting serenity. Your honor and character, Officer Cook, along with your myriad of values and ideals meant all the difference in the lives of Dade County's residents. Peace and courage came straight from your heart of gold, its humility gave back more than humanity could ever know. What a hero, humble and beloved not only by your family, peers and friends from around our country paid their respects to your family. Your undying loyalty and sacrifice made wisdom and vision a welcome sight for all mankind. Terror and evil was dealt with a by a young man of ingenuity and the noblest of heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
Day by day newer doors open. The old ones close and so what is left? Well, we arise every morning ready to serve Our Creator who plans the grandest of days. His schemes can never go wrong unless violence interrupts that traffic pattern. Nothing can keep good servants from overcoming adversity. Nothing deterred you, Officer Cook, from rescuing Dade County and its citizens from the bonds of brutality. Never more compassion, honor and reverence for an all important position where justice and fairness must be the rule. It's dignity and integrity, vision and wisdom, your incorporating intellect that helped make a dent in the fight over evil. Character and courage went along on those rides of humility and thoughtfulness daily. You continue to be missed, yet you are saluted and fondly cherished for having a soul of peace and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who toiled sleep soundly in God's cradle of courage. Those who ran off to commit mischief and bedlam had better be aware. The good men and women are arriving any moment to seize your hands and feet from committing more trouble. God's doors always swing open awaiting new heroes and heroines to His enclave of effort, efficiency and honor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
Resolve and faithfulness increase the humility of those men and women who stay the courses of honor and integrity. Their boldness, bravery and dignity do direct their movements when protecting and serving the public interest. You served with humility and loads of desire, Officer Cook and it was Dade County's people who were left safe and sound by your proud and treasured character. The conclusion of your tasks on this earth was very sad and tragic, no matter the hero in you has been uplifted as has your wonderful spirit of peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Soundly and comfortably do you reside in God's celestial chambers of courage and charisma. You patrol with the very best and fondest of men and women who humility can never be questioned.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
There is no such thing as ditching and running away from crime. Its evil as bad as it is, needs to be stopped for its fleetness of terror. Your tenacity and swiftness, Officer Cook on May 16, 1979 and on all other times left Dade County and its citizens well cared for and being able to live in serenity and together as one. When violence and evil disrupts the lives of those who are valiant, honorable and composed of integrity risk life and limb, we must remember them. And your hopes, dreams and character, Officer Cook, spelled all the difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility stands for humanity and your outstanding and cherished service made a humble and humane mark upon our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
Swimming in a sea of violence, police just try their hands at calming and in comforting the public, those persons who justify their lives by living peacefully and in pursuing happiness. Chanukah and Christmas will soon be around the corner and with it goes the warmest of holiday wishes to your family, Officer Cook. The Tidwell's and the Wilkerson's and last but not least, your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. Your personal touch of tenacity complimented by concern, care and determination all blossoming from boldness, wisdom and the visions of integrity, honesty and dignity. Dade County saw the hero of humility and the humane actions of bravery that day on May 16, 1979, which further set in stone your heroic legacy. Never forgotten and always saluted for unselfish understanding and the incorporation of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's eyes and ears gently assist your serene soul to travel to a higher level of protection and endearment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
Yesterday, Officer Cook, I attended a funeral mass for a priest I worked for at St. John's Nursing and Rehab Center in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. Father Ethel Iwu Ifeanyi was a fine man and his sister was obviously overcome with emotion. I was thinking that May 19, 1979, too was a very sad and yet a poignant moment. The emotions your beloved wife, your widow, Karen was feeling, your sister, Nancy and of course your dearly beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, all feeling the gaping hole of your absence, the stinging loss of a brave and gallant hero of all Dade County residents who served his duties with loyalty, faithfulness, honesty and dignity all because of your unwavering integrity essential in battling a foe as large and as wide as violence and its mayhem can bring. I though about you as I walked into St. Helen's Catholic Church, you were brought into the humble and blessed confines of St. Mary's Cathedral for your Inspector's Funeral where thousands paid their respects and homage to a man of conviction, character and humility all delivered for humanity's heavenly sakes. You were a mighty hero, Officer Cook, I did not cry, yet my eyes started to moisten a bit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Father Ifeanyi was just like yourself, humble. loyal and composed with morals and character as you both served the causes of our society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2017
The daily regimen calls for officers to give their lives for a cause and to extinguish evil by means of humble resolve and faithfulness. Exactly, what you did your entire life and for six years as a public servant, Officer Cook. Your morals, values and principles were as your honesty, integrity and dignity, they helped to steer you around Dade Count where terror had to be stricken from our peace and the quality of life we expect to lead. You were a loyal and devoted colleague, Officer Cook, never any qualms regarding your humble and humane endeavors.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2017
The air of boldness breathes from the spirit of bravery and humility. And it was your humble and humane honesty, Officer Cook, that brought forth peace and the quality that unity brings for all Dade County residents. Heroes and heroines distinguish themselves from others by how well they compose their dignity and integrity. It comes from the vitally important character and the morals that go into the fights over violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did everyone proud and for humanity's sake may you serenity be well received as we know it is in God's loving embrace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 5, 2017