Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California
End of Watch Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Reflections for Sergeant Steven C. Owen
It was an honor being able to stand watch at your memorial. You will always be remembered and will always be an impact in so many peoples lives. Prayers to all your family and continue to Rest In Peace .
Recruit Zelaya
October 7, 2019
Thank you for all you did and for touching so many people. You will always be remembered. It was an honor to stand post at your vigil this past Saturday. May you rest in peace and prayers go out to your family. Thanks again.
DST Solares
October 6, 2019
Thank you for your service and dedication to your community. You are an inspiration for those to follow in your foot steps. We will never forget our fallen.
Recruit Vitela
October 6, 2019
May your legacy live on. Rest In Peace Sgt Owen.
Recruit Lopez
October 6, 2019
Although I didn’t have the pleasure to know you personally, my heart goes out to you. In class, we learned about how much you meant, not only to the department, but to the many individuals that you’ve touched. You always were, and now always will be, someone that inspires LEOs to be better than what they are. My sincere condolences to your family and friends.
Recruit, Jacelyn Kong
Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department
October 6, 2019
Sergeant Steven Owen, who laid his life down for the safety and protection of others is an example to all those who aspire to walk in the shoes of Peace Officers. Though he did not seek to be honored, especially in these horrid circumstances, he deserves the highest honor to his title, his department, his family, and to the community. This honor came at a high cost, that is not taken lightly, or easily grieved. My thoughts and prayers are with the many impacted by the great loss of a loved deputy, community member, and family man.
We hope for a world of peace, where such sacrifice and pain can be avoided. Sergeant Owen admirably fought for this type of peace and empowers us all to follow in his selfless footsteps.
Recruit Campbell
October 6, 2019
Sergeant Owen is a constant reminder to all of us to be the best that we can be. To always improve ourselves for the better and to give 100 percent to everything you do. Steven Owen lived his life like this and inspired others to do the same. This is apparent though the people that knew Steven Owen and how he impacted them in meaningful ways. As I progress through the LASD academy, I will remember the impact of Steven Owen and I will tell myself to keep pushing forward. This is what Steven Owen would have wanted from all of us.
Rest in peace Sergeant Steven C. Owen.
Recruit Seelhorst, William
October 6, 2019
Thank you for your outstanding service and the hearts you touched on the department. You will never be forgotten. Rest easy sir.
DST Recruit Garcia
October 6, 2019
One of the most inspiring men I've ever heard of. Learning about who he was and how he was as a person brought happiness and tears to me. I wish I had the chance to meet Sgt. Steve Owen just for a second.
Recruit Hanley
Los Angeles Sheriff's Department
October 6, 2019
After learning of the type of person Sergeant Owen was, I can only strive to be the type of Deputy he was in the future. I feel honored to be training to become a Deputy Sheriff and I know the best way to pay tribute to Sergeant Owen's memory is to work as hard as I possibly can while trying to assist as many people and partners as I can. My condolences go out to his family and friends and I thank him for his service. May he continue to rest in peace.
Recruit Farmer
LASD Class 442
October 6, 2019
Thank you for always being the best and most respectful person for your community and for helping those in need!
October 6, 2019
I did not have the pleasure to meet sergeant Owen personally. But just learning about him and listening to deputies who he mentored and influenced makes me understand that he was an outstanding, one of a kind sergeant and friend. It was a great honor for me and my fellow recruit partners to be part of sergeant Owen’s Vigil and stand post yesterday. Thank you sergeant Owen and your family for paying the ultimate sacrifice protecting the community. God Bless your family.
Recruit Class 442 Bertha Perez
October 6, 2019
Rest In Peace Sgt. Owens. Thank you for your service and for the positive impact you left in the law enforcement community and in the local community as well. Your work and good deeds will never be forgotten.
Eder Robles
Los Angeles school police department
October 6, 2019
This wasn't easy for his family ,which my condolences goes to them.In law enforcement you always go into work with the possibility of not coming back home which is important to appreciate your family and be always grateful for all the blessings you have. Sgt Steven Owen made a commitment to his neighborhood and community which he will always be remembered. I want to thank him for his service and dedication in the department.
Rest in peace sgt Owen
Lasd recruit brian Martinez
Lasd sheriff department
October 6, 2019
As a member of Class 442 i was made aware of Sergeant Owen by our Drill Instructors. I did some research on Sergeant Owen and found a man that i believe every one of us should try to be. Sergeant Owen gave everything for his community,his friends and family, and his fellow Law Enforcement brothers and sisters. I had the honor and privilege to stand post during Sergeant Owen's memorial. Rest in peace knowing you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you Sir
DST Shields
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
October 6, 2019
Sargent Owen,
Thank you for your exemplary service to your community. My condolences to your family. You are a true inspiration to all in law enforcement.
Recruit Brooks #442
October 6, 2019
Rest in peace Sergeant Owen. Thank you for your service.
Recruit West Class 442
Glendale PD
October 6, 2019
He served his community and was loved by friends and family alike. My goal is to be the deputy that sgt Owen would have wanted me to be. support those who need you the most and never give up on what you desire the most. God bless sgt owen.
Recruit Matthews
October 6, 2019
Throughout my short time on the department, I’ve heard multiple stories about Sgt. Owen. From what he did for his community to how he treated others. But the ones that I remember the most are the ones about his incredible work ethic.
It's heroes like you that inspire me to work hard every single day.
Thank you.
Recruit Ibarra
LASD Class 442
October 6, 2019
Keeping you in my prayers and asking the lord to bless those family members and relatives who have lost somebody in the line of duty.
October 5, 2019
Your legacy continues on. Thank you for all you did for my home. Your impact is still being felt today and stretches father than you could possibly know.
Recruit Williams
Class #442
October 5, 2019
Sergeant Owen is everything that I hope to become as a Deputy Sheriff. He cared deeply for his family, partners, and community. Listening and reading stories about Sgt. Owen motivates me to work harder and become an overall better person. My prayers go out to the Owens family and friends. Thank you for your service sir.
Recruit Ramos
Class 442
October 5, 2019
It was an honor to stand post at your vigil today sir. Your legacy will never be forgotten. Forever in our memories.
David Smith
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
October 5, 2019
You were called to God's throne in a tragic way. Though you are no longer physically here, you live on forever in our thoughts and memories. RIP
Deputy Sheriff Los Angeles
County Sheriff
October 5, 2019
For your endless hard work and commitment to law enforcement, I thank you. Everything I have heard about Sergeant Owen is amazing. May he rest in peace. Class 442 looks up to you as a role model and admires all the work you put in for the department and your community! Such a great legacy you left behind.
Recruit Verduzco
October 4, 2019