Rio Rancho Police Department, New Mexico
End of Watch Monday, May 25, 2015
Reflections for Police Officer Gregg Anthony "Nigel" Benner
„Proszę przyjmijcie wyrazy najszczerszego
współczucia i żalu.
Wiem że nikt i nic nie wypełni już tej luki
w Waszych sercach,
lecz pamiętajcie że nie umiera ten
kto trwa w pamięci bliskich.
Przeznaczenie odebrało Cię
zbyt szybko rodzinie i przyjaciołom,
ale nigdy nie odbierze Cię
naszej pamięci i naszym sercom.”..Spoczywaj w spokoju.
Emerytowany Sierżant Policji J.Oleszczuk
Wydział Kryminalny Polska
May 25, 2023
Here we are on the eve of 8 years since you gave your life protecting the people of Rio Rancho. It was said at your funeral, and Anthony’s just 7 months before yours, but I know in my heart and soul that you didn’t lose your life, you gave it willingly with your servant’s heart! You, barely a rookie in the profession, yet a veteran in life, have had the most profound influence on my almost 20 years of wearing a badge and gun. I know I remember how you treated the residents, and visitors of Rio Rancho, but most importantly how you treated the people you arrested! You treated people like people no matter what they did to end upon your custody,l. A practice which I have strove to emulate every day in your honor. I have drilled it into the student officers I have trained and I try to show my brothers and sisters by example. Recently one of my squad mates and I encountered a subject we were going to arrest. The guy started fighting us and we get him into custody, after having to deploy a taser. Upon searching him after he was handcuffed I located a loaded handgun in a holster inside his waistband. That encounter could have ended much worse for all of us. As soon as the fight was over and we took the gun off of him I immediately switched into “Nigel mode” and asked him if he was hurt and got him upright off the ground. I told him what I tell everyone I encounter, “I treat people like people. It’s not my lot in life to judge you. I will do what I have to do to go home at the end of my shift, but once the fight is over, it’s over. I have no ill will towards you, I just have a job to do.”
Thank you Nigel! Thank you for leaving that legacy in me, and hopefully I’ve passed it on to a new generation of officers! You legacy will live on, one that is immensely kind and generous and pure. If only people all over this country and the world could switch into “Nigel mode”, this world we be an amazing place! I miss you bro!
As always, we will pray for Julie and the girls! Watch over us as we continue the fight against evil on earth brother!
Until we meet again,
Police Officer
Washington State
May 24, 2023
It's been a long time since we talked. I knew Greg when he was a Recruiter in Grand Forks, ND and I was the Kennel Master at Grand Forks AFB, ND. We would help each other out conducting K-9 demos and after Greg left, I became a Recruiter in that same office. It saddens me to know that you are gone but thanks for leaving it a better place. You are missed.
Police Officer Archie Maggard
Montgomery Police Department
July 5, 2021
Nigel bloke,
6 years! It’s been 6 years since you were taken away. I often reflect on you, how you were taken, but lost importantly how you impacted me while you were here. I believe in my soul that “It’s not how these officers died that made them heroes, it’s how they lived.” You exemplify that statement exponentially. You were good and kind and you showed that you truly cared for your fellow man.
Nigel, you quietly led by example how to be a police officer, by showing compassion and decency for everyone you encountered no matter what the circumstances that brought you to interact with them. My daughter has taken to a song that I also like, but I could t put my finger on why I liked it so much. It’s called Light Shine Bright by the artist TobyMac. It hit me like a ton of bricks the other day as my daughter was listening to it for the billionth time and I was thinking about you. There’s a verse in the song that goes:
I wanna magnify your light
I wanna reflect the sun
Cut like precious diamonds
With the colors by the millions
This is the only world we know
And for now this rental's our home
If we gonna be a reflection
Gotta make this third rock glow
You reflected the good in the world, you were a light for many people in their darkest moments. Whether consoling a family at a tragedy that you were sent to, or treating someone you arrested with dignity and respect, or just stoping to talk to a small child and show them the lights and siren on your patrol car. The world lost a great magnifier of light and goodness when you were taken, but everyone that got to experience your light was made better for having had you in this world.
As always, we pray for Julie and ask you to keep watch over us as we continue the fight for goodness down here on earth. I miss you my friend...until we meet again.
Police Officer
Washington State
May 25, 2021
Today marks the grim reminder of what sacrifice is all about. (EOW May 25 2015) Nigel I will never forget that day, that you laid down your life for the safety of others. Brother you were a "true friend" and warrior in BLUE. Rest easy Brother, and give Joe a big HUG up there from me.
Deputy Ron Buchholz
Santa Fe County Sheriff NM. Retired 10-2017
May 25, 2021
Rest in heavenly peace
Mark Mottola
May 25, 2020
Damn bro,
It’s been 5 years! Where has the time gone? I still tell people about you and your story, how you were not only a decent cop but how you were a really good person. I still continue to try to emulate you in my professional life. I always treat people like people and it has served me well. Nigel on the anniversary of the day you were taken from this earth to your eternal home I always try to remember the good times and not dwell on the horrible day you were taken. We continue to pray for Julie, that she continues to have strength and courage every day.
I miss ya buddy! Keep watching over us while we keep up the fight down here. Until we meet again...
Police Officer
Washington State
May 25, 2020
Four years have passed since Officer Gregg Benner was taken from us. A great friend and a great man that always went above and beyond to help others and share knowledge. A true law enforcement professional that touched the lives of so many people.
Forever in our hearts, RIP my brother, we will ride together one day.
Security Officer Stephen Parry
May 25, 2019
Man. Miss riding dirt bikes and hanging out in Tucson with The TRS boys. Still thinking about ya.
Bill hendricks
Trail riders of southern Arizona
May 2, 2019
It’s been a while since I left a note. I still think about you all the time. Seems like I don’t ever get tired of telling people, especially new officers, about you. Julie seems to be doing great, surrounded by grandkids, which makes me smile. Keep watching over us down here as we keep up the fight.
Miss ya bro!
Police Officer
Washington State
February 25, 2019
John 5:28, 29 - "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". I pray that everyone can find peace in knowing that we will see this officer as well as many others again in Paradise soon. Until then, please accept my condolences.
A.W. Montgomery
Concerned Citizen
September 6, 2018
It's always awful for me when I read of any of my U.S colleagues killed on duty, yours is a more deadly beat than mine. This story touched me a little more when I heard Officer Benner's wife is English.
Nigel, you were a true copper, still stopping people even though you were going off duty. God bless you mate, as we say here "dismissed with thanks"
Metropolitan police London, England
May 11, 2018
It's always awful for me when I read of any of my U.S colleagues killed on duty, yours is a more deadly beat than mine. This story touched me a little more when I heard Officer Benner's wife is English.
Nigel, you were a true copper, still stopping people even though you were going off duty. God bless you mate, as we say here "dismissed with thanks"
Metropolitan police London, England
May 11, 2018
Well brother we never have a shortage of amazing LEOs that pay the ultimate sacrifice. Another one has started your way, Deputy Daniel McCartney from Pierce County Washington. Welcome him to paradise bro, show him around and let him know his family will be taken care of.
I miss you brother. I think about you and talk about almost daily. You are constantly on my mind and I like to picture you in heaven riding your bikes and constantly smiling. Until we meet again bro!
Seattle Police Department
January 17, 2018
It's 16 years after the terrorist attacks on 9-11-01 and I was thinking about you today bro. I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for serving to protect our freedoms, thank you for serving the citizens of Rio Rancho and thank you for serving beside me being a friend. I miss ya bro and think about you almost daily. Keep watch over us as we keep up the good fight down here!
Seattle Police Department
September 11, 2017
Well bro here we are. Two years...I can't believe it's been two years! I still look at the sticker with the American and Great Britain flags crossed with your badge on it every day. It's on my locker door. Every day I take a second to remember you and remember what an aw some person you were. It helps me to realize what is important and to not sweat the small stuff. It's a constant reminder to strive to be the kind of Officer you were and a reminder to treat people with dignity and respect like you treated people. I miss you bro.
Keep watching over us down here that are keeping up the good fight. Until we 87 again bro!
Seattle Police Department
May 25, 2017
Rest well my brother. You have accomplished the ultimate sacrifice. May you continue to have peace and watch over your loving family. As for that xxxx bag,he will meet his maker and be judged, and go to hell. You are a true hero and mentioning your name will show that your memory is alive.
Lieutenant Ray Flores
N.Y.P.D. (retired)
May 25, 2017
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you. Julie seems to be doing ok, she misses you like crazy. She's such a strong, amazing woman! Every day at work when I get to my locker I see your sticker and it causes me to pause and reflect on what is important in my life. I can't thank you enough for that little pause to think about you and my family. Every time I hear a call tones out on the radio I think of you, which makes me think of how I can respond to high risk calls more safely. I honestly feel you sitting next to me when I drive code to a call, guiding me and keeping me safe. I know you're looking down and guiding us to do our job as safely as we can. Thank you brother!
Seattle Police Department
May 4, 2017
Today was a good day bro! The POS that took you from this world was found guilty on all 7 counts connected with your murder. I hope you can rest in peace knowing Julie fought so hard to bring that scum to justice. There will be appeals and other bs but today confirmed what we all already knew...that you were taken by the embodiment of pure evil and he was brought to justice. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you Nigel. You were a good cop, great brother and one hell of s human being. Thank you for making this immeasurable sacrifice to keep the people of Rio Rancho safe. Rest in peace and keep watching over us, yes I still feel you sometimes looking out for me!
Seattle Police Department
September 23, 2016
Nigel worked on my squad for three of his four years at the Rio Rancho Police Department. He was always the hardest working, most dedicated and motivated officer I had ever work for me. He blessed us with his humor and commitment to his fellow officer. I cannot go a day without thinking of him and what he meant to me and my guys. I retire now with a heavy heart, a feeling that will remain to my last day on this earth. That's the impact Nigel had on me and to those he touched. I miss you my friend!
Master Sergeant Sal Gonzalez (Retired)
Rio Rancho Police Department
July 12, 2016
Officer Benner was a dedicated Police Officer & loved serving his community. Every time we spoke I learned something new from you. One day we will ride together brother and lunch will be on me. Until we meet again, RIP buddy we have the next watch. You are forever in our hearts Gregg, one year on since you were taken from us but your legacy lives on in all of us. R.I.P.
Security Officer Jay Tanner
Private Security Officer
May 25, 2016
Well bro it's been a year.
I can't believe a year has passed since you were taken. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I wear the thin blue remembrance bracelet with you name and EOW on it every day on patrol, it has become a part of my uniform. I often think of you and am flooded with amazing memories of joking around or working together. I miss you Nigel! I know you watch over us while we're patrolling, on a call or traffic stop. I hope you're having a good time watching us brother.
Rest in Peace Bro!
Seattle Police Department
May 25, 2016
While stationed at Kirtland AFB (1992-1996) with the 377th Security Police Squadron, Greg was our neighbor on Gerris Ave. He was always very helpful and I enjoyed talking police "stuff" with him. It was nice to see he was able to fulfill his wish to become a police officer, but sad to see that it ended so shortly. Greg, you are dearly missed.
Jeffrey Michalke, MSgt, USAF (ret)
Shiloh, IL
April 27, 2016
I had the honor of serving with Nigel in Afghanistan in 2009, he was a friend to all and it breaks my heart the hear of his senseless death.
March 21, 2016
After reading the obituary of Officer Benner, it's just sad that many in the world have no respect for life, especially the ones who put their own lives on the line to keep order in their respective communities. Romans 13:1 states "Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." God has promised those who have fallen asleep in death have a wonderful prospect ahead... Revelation 21:3,4 states "he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither sill mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." My deepest condolences to Officer Benner's family, friends, and all that knew him.
ECS II Lem Toatley
Orlando Police Department
December 2, 2015