Perrysburg City Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Monday, May 31, 1976
Reflections for Patrolman Kip E. Boulis
Hi Kip: Just checking in to let you know I'm thinking about you. Too many law enforcement personnel are losing their lives. How my heart bleeds for their families, friends, and co-workers left behind. I miss you Kip...
Alabama C.O.P.S. & Friend
April 27, 2006
Hi Kip: Tomorrow am going to Selma AL for C.O.P.S. Will remember you again as if it were yesterday. I only have memories of you...I want the living to remember you and the other brave law enforcement personnel who gave their all. In May C.O.P.S. & the AL Attorney General are going to remember all law enforcement personnel who have died in the line of duty on the Alabama capitol steps. My burning candle will be for you...
Alabama C.O.P.S. & Friend
April 21, 2006
Kip: you and all law enforcement officers are in my prayers. O'seh Shalom b'im'ramov
hu Ya'seh Shalom aleynu v'al kol Yisrael,
v'imru O'mein.
April 18, 2006
Just wanted to stop by and say Happy're in Heaven with the One it's celebrated for. I didn't attend a Passover Seder this year for the first time in years. Thinking of you Kip...
Alabama C.O.P.S. & Friend
April 16, 2006
"and the sun comes up each just doesn't know you're gone." Thinking about you Kip...
Alabama C.O.P.S. & friend...
April 14, 2006
Hi Kip: Was searching the web and found that Perrysburg conducts an annual run in your name!! I'm so happy they remember you...I think of you everyday....Shalom Aleichem friend...
Alabama C.O.P.S.
April 10, 2006
Hi Kip: When I leave reflections for others, I always stop by to see you. It grieves me to think no one else has left any messages for you. I'm so grateful to the owners of this site...allowing those left behind the priviledge of honoring brave ones like you. Also, in some way it comforts me...talking to you like this...Goodnight...
Alabama C.O.P.S.
April 5, 2006
Birmingham trip went well Kip, I told others about you...and others told me about their loved ones who've served and gone on to Glory; a day of remembrance...I miss you Kip...
"And the sun comes up without you; it just doesn't know you're gone." Forever young and forever missed...
Previous (PB Twp)
April 2, 2006
Hi Kip...going thru a tough time right now. Believe it or not it helps me when I remember your bright smile and positive attitude. Tomorrow I'm traveling to Birmingham with a group from C.O.P.S. We're meeting with surviving families of officers who gave their all. You'll be on my mind. I pray you're at peace and with G-d in Heaven. Thanks for the memories friend...
March 31, 2006
Kip: I still think about you all the time; when I Volunteer with C.O.P.S. and various activities with MPD and on the board of a group that assists crime victims. Even Want to reenter the law enforcement career field. If wishes could come true, I'd give anything to go back in time and talk to you again. I'll never forget you, our first meeting, your BRAVERY and INTEGRITY. You were a fine policeman who gave your all for the lives of others. Shalom Aleichem Kip. The law enforcement family is one less wonderful officer and friend.
Kathleen Roberts
March 29, 2006
Kip: Many years ago I met you during my first shift at the Perrysburg Twp PD. You were an honorable/outstanding policeman. Many honored you at your funeral; there were no dry were and are still missed. Through the years I've looked back and remember you with respect. You're with G-d & His a]Angels..Shalom Aleichem...
Kathleen Roberts
October 22, 2004