Perrysburg City Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Monday, May 31, 1976
Reflections for Patrolman Kip E. Boulis
Hi Friend! I'll be staying home and cleaning over the 4th. Hope you have a nice 4th...
June 29, 2006
Hi Kathleen, How are you and "Little Girl" doing? Any plans for the 4th? I'll be thinking about you.
June 29, 2006
Thinking about you Kip....
June 28, 2006
Hi Kip: I rec'd photos of your resting place from a man and his family who was nice enough to email them to me. I plan on sending you flowers and will visit Ohio soon to place flowers on your grave myself. I wish I could see and talk to you. You're never far from my mind...
June 19, 2006
Friend in PA: Hi! Me and my cat (Little Girl) are doing fine. Hope you are too!
Friend & Alabama C.O.P.S.
June 19, 2006
Hi Kathleen, Just thinking about you today. Hope all is well.
Friend in Pa
June 15, 2006
Thinking about you, Kip...
June 13, 2006
Officer Boulis, your tour of duty ended 10 years before I was even born. I am a recipiant of your scholarship, and have come to pay my respects. My condolances to your family for their loss. Without you and your family, I could never even dream of affording the education necessairy to serve the public as you once did. I thank you very much, and may god bless you and your family.
Scholarship Recipiant
June 9, 2006
Friend in PA: I'm sorry, Kip was 29 years old. I hope you're doing well...Shalom
June 6, 2006
Connie: Thanks so much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. I hope to see you at the Picnic also. Will ask Deb about it, because I didn't know we were having one. Shalom Aleichem
June 6, 2006
Kathleen, hope you don't mind I've read all of Kip's reflections, he was very lucky to have you on his side as a friend. Ohio lost a very important person but Alabama has gained one. It was so nice to talk with you during our luncheon, at that time I had no idea that you had lost such a close friend. I know that Kip and the rest of our boys and girls are looking down and watching over all of us.
I hope to see you in July at the Family Picnic. And if you every need anything you know how to find me.
Connie Barker Fort Walton Beach, Fl
Mother of Clint Walker E.O.W. 1-14-04 Prattville, Al
June 2, 2006
Hi Kip: I've ordered some magnetic stickers with your name on it. Will keep 2 (one for my truck) and send the rest to the Chief, Perrysburg PD. I'm sure he'll offer one to each of your brothers. Don't want you to be forgotten...I miss you with Adonai...
June 1, 2006
Kip: this past weekend was very trying. A guy w/ gun tried to break down my door at 3am...luckily the police got there and caught him. These guys were great, just as you were....
Woke up this morning and remember 30 years ago today. Just want you to know your thought of...Rest with Adonai...
May 30, 2006
G-d's Will Hath no Why.One day he will make all clear to us.Until that time may He Bless and Keep the special people in Kip's life until the chain links again.
May 30, 2006
Kip: It's been 30 years since you left us...I miss you...
May 29, 2006
United in time...Divided in time...To be reunited, when time shall be no more...Thinking about you Kip...
Friend & Alabama C.O.P.S.
May 17, 2006
Hi Kathleen........ Sorry you had a bad day. Today is another day and I hope it gets better. How old was Kip when this happened? My heart is heavy today with thoughts of all the moms out there who won't spend Mother's Day with their sons. If you have children........HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Kathleen!
Friend in PA
May 12, 2006
Kip: Today's been a very bad day. The General wasn't happy and I got chewed out by my Commander. Sometimes I wonder what life is all about, and at 49 I just don't know, but I know it's not supposed to be like many things are hitting me all at once...a lot of stress and I'm so tired...wish I could talk to you...oh well, this too shall pass...Rest with Adonai...
May 11, 2006
Friend in PA: Thanks for writing. Kip was a very very nice guy committed to his profession. The first night I met him was when he pulled me over for speeding while on my way to my first night shift as a dispatcher. Once he found out I was the "New Dispatcher" he told me to have the coffee on and he'd stop by. When he arrived on station I had the coffee on and we talked. He smiled at me and said "I wasn't going to give you a was raining too hard." We laughed. I got to know him...he was very supportive of me going to the academy and becoming a law enforcement officer. If he'd of lived I would've gone ahead...after he passed away I left Ohio a short while later. He was a one-of-a-kind guy that you rarely meet in life. He was caring, giving and an all-round wonderful man who put others first. I think back on those days through life, and realize that few people/men with his attributes rarely pass your way. I'm 49 and realize his kind are rare. Only G-d knows why Kip passed away...he was trying to save a family. Kip was a brave man...he jumped into the river at night with the only thought of saving complete strangers. He was a remarkable man and I wish you could've met him. Law enforcement lost a friend and professional with 100% integrity...and I do miss him...his funeral was very sad...many cried openly, including me...Thanks for your input and desire to find out who he was. Shalom...
Friend & Alabama C.O.P.S.
May 11, 2006
Kathleen............. Please tell us more about Kip. It makes me sad to know that the only reason I know about this site is because I know someone who has died. I'm here everyday reading and crying about good men and women who try to protect us and lose their lives. I do visit Bryan Hurst (EOW 1/6/05)What a true hero this man was. His wife and friends write often and I feel like I know him. The officer that I knew was Brian Gregg EOW 9/29/05. I didn't know Brian that well, but his sister and I are very close friends. We were out of town when she got the call. My heart goes out to her and family everyday. I hope this reflection finds you in good health, and you'll write soon.
All my best to you and your family.
Friend in PA
May 9, 2006
Hi Kip: Attended the church service today that the Attorney General hosted. I was okay until the bagpipe player (a woman) played...then I cried thinking of you and the brave men and women we have lost. You were on my mind...I keep thinking of our first meeting which plays over and over in my mind ...if you'd have lived I don't know what my life would be like today, but I know I was blessed knowing goes on...I miss you Kip...Shalom friend...
May 7, 2006
Hi Kip: Getting ready to go to the memorial. Thinking about you....miss you...
Friend & Alabama C.O.P.S.
May 6, 2006
Hi Kip: I read what SGT Phil Abdoo wrote to you and it brought tears to my eyes. He wrote a beautiful message to you and I believe you were able to read it. He is a HERO like you are. My belief is all who wear a bullet-proof vest to work everyday are HEROs. This Friday we'll have a memorial at the Montgomery AL Capitol for those who sacrificed so much as you did, then Saturday at 7pm, we'll have a service on the Capitol steps with candles or light sticks. Mine as mentioned before will be for you. Sunday the Attorney General will attend (and all of us with C.O.P.S.) a church service dedicated to the brave men and women, such as you who gave their all/fallen officers, or should I say fallen HEROs. You'll be on my mind 100%. A HEARTFELT THANK YOU TO SGT PHIL ABDOO...I miss you Kip...
Alabama C.O.P.S. & Friend
May 3, 2006
Thank you does not cover how much we owe you, but Thank You for your dedicated service. You face a great challenge and took the challenge head on. You gave your life to help save another. The reason we became officers was to help others.. You gave your all for that belief and without hesitation. If my time and challenge ever comes, I can only hope that I can meet it as brave as you. I pray that you are there to guide me and help me.
When my children ask why I do what I do, I can point to you and tell them about how important it is to help as you did, regardless of personal sacrifices. I can tell them about HEROs like you and how we have to inspire to be like you and serve our fellow citizens.
Thank you Brother..... God Speed and may He bless your family and friends...
SGT Phil Abdoo
Macomb County Sheriff's Office (MI)
May 3, 2006
Hi...Just stopped by to add some reflections with 2 more profiles. It's heart breaking to see so many young and wonderful lives leave us, as you did. Today I spoke about you to my Commander and Exec. We were discussing the past. There's not a day that goes by you don't cross my mind...One day I hope we can sit down and talk again (in Heaven). It'll be nice to see your smile again...Rest with Adonai...I miss you Kip...
May 2, 2006