Puerto Rico Police Department, Puerto Rico
End of Watch Sunday, August 16, 2009
Reflections for Sergeant Jorge Sanchez-Santiago
Descansa en Paz amigo.
Joel Torres
agent Police of Puerto Rico
August 20, 2009
Ayer te vi nacer, desarrollarte, crecer y abrirte como una flor que dio su mejor esplendor, nunca pense que la vida tuya fuera tan corta por lo tanto, expusiste tu belleza y tu flor comenzo a cerra a la vez que se marchito, no para ser olvidada sino para dejar tu semilla entre vosotros para ver el fruto en el futuro. Le doy gracias a Dios por ti amigo que nunca hubo un si o no siempre fuimos amigos de camaderia, eres especial para mi y tu partida hoy dejo una huella en mi corazon. Se que estas bien con el Dios de los cielos. Hoy se que patrullas las calles de oro de esa gran cuidad, pues el policia es un servidor del Dios todo poderoso. Dios ama al que mantiene la paz y no puede ver al hombre que aborrece la paz. Amigo te amo, Descansa en Paz. Eres el Mejor
Joel Torres Agente
August 20, 2009
There are time that you can explain the thing that happen, this was a great lost of a brother,friend that I will miss for the rest of my life, To you my friend I will always remember you in my heart with joy. A peace of my heart is misisng and you have it, I just now that someday it will come to me. goodbye my friend.
Agent Joel Torres
Police Dept. of Puerto Rico
August 20, 2009
RIP Brother....
Ptlm. M. Thomas
Foster Twp. Police Dept (PA)
August 20, 2009
August 20, 2009
Rest in peace....
August 20, 2009
Rest in peace brother. My thoughts are with your family and the members of the PRPD during this most difficult and tragic time.
Lt. Joseph Ward, Ret.
Jackson, NJ PD
August 20, 2009
Mi querido hermano Chiche. Nos vas a ser mucha falta, en especial tus chiste. Ese animo tuyo se quedara para siempre en nuestro corazon. Ha perdido un gran hermano! Dios te Bendiga siempre Chiche!
AGENT Jesus Mojica Bermudez
Division Vehiculos Hurtados Humacao PRPD
August 20, 2009
My great friend and partner. I will truly miss you. God bless you always! "Chiche"
AGENT Jesus Mojica Bermudez
Division Vehiculos Hurtados Humacao PRPD
August 20, 2009
How terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with Agent Sanchez-Santiago's family during this terrible time.
Rest in peace.
Sgt Jean Paul Rochat
Swiss Army, MP Service, Traffic & Escort Unit
August 20, 2009
Rest in peace, brother. May God be with the family of Agent Sanchez-Santiago during this time of mourning. We've got the watch from here.
BL Mitchell, Patrol
August 20, 2009
Dios estas contigo mi hermano... Gracias por tu servico.
New York State Police
August 19, 2009
Chief Dean Strzelecki and the entire Niles Police Department extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Agent Sanchez-Santiago.
Niles, Illinois Police Department
August 19, 2009
Session 47 of the Zone Five Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy in Schenectady, NY would like to send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Agent Jorge Sanchez-Santiago. Although we did not know him personally, he will always be our brother in law enforcement. Agent Sanchez-Santiago's 17 years of dedication and sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Session 47
Zone Five Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy
August 19, 2009
Hoy ha partido un excelente amigo, un gran ser humano que nos ha dejado un inmenso vacio en nuestros corazones. Su familia tiene que sentirse bien orgulloso de el al igual que me yo. Los senderos de los caminos de Dios son misteriosos, pero llenos de un gran mensaje y aprendizaje en la vida. Hoy mi amigo no te digo adios, sino hasta luego...
See you later my BLUE PARTNER...
Miguel Escalante
Ex-Puerto Rico Police Officer
August 19, 2009
Hermano fuistes un gran companero un excellente padre, esposo y se que estas al lado de papa Dios. Siempre viviras en nuestros corazones y nadie podra ocupar tu lugar, hasta pronto tu hermano siempre!!
Agent Norberto Ocasio Diaz 18417
Puerto Rico Police Dept
August 19, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones at this very difficult time. Please know that your dedication and sacrifice will never be forgotten, nor will law enforcement rest until your killer is found and brought to face justice.
Linda Lamm - LEO wife and sister of
Jay Balchunas EOW 11.05.04
August 19, 2009
My condolences to the family and the Puerto Rico Police Department. I know everybody will always be proud of you. By working with one of your subordinates and how well he was trained, I can proudly say you were one of the best. Thanks for your dedication.
From My family and all your Law Enforcement peers in Miami, FL., God bless you. RIP
D.O. Hector M. Gonzalez
August 19, 2009
Mi hermano fueron muchos los aƱos que laboramos de dia a dia, es tanto el efecto que siento hacia ti y a todos en la Division que los considero mi familia, quiero que sepas que seguiremos honrando tu trabajo aqui en la tierra, pues tu terminastes tu turno aqui y ahora estas cuidandonos desde el cielo y te pido que juntos a papa Dios desde el cielo nos des valor, valor para enfrentar y conquistar mis temores, valor para ir a donde muchos temen ir. Te pido fortaleza, fortaleza corporal para proteger a otros y fortaleza espiritual para lideral a otros. Te pido dedicacion. Dedicacion para hacer mi trabajo y hacerlo bien, dedicacarme a mi comunidad y protegerla. Dios dame compasion para ayudar a los que necesitan y Dios por favor mantente a mi lado. Descanses en paz mi hermano Agente Jorge Sanchez Santiago.
Special Agent
August 19, 2009
Rest In Peace Agent Sanchez
Officer K.Walker
August 19, 2009
What a sad, sad, tragic incident to take away a Hero Officer Agent Sanchez-Santiago. I was born in Puerto Rico and my dad and brother served in the FBI there. My heart hurts for your family. May the good Lord guide them and be with them. Thank you for your service. Blessings to your co-workers as well.
FBI family
August 19, 2009
God Bless you sir.
Rick F.
Ret. CO
August 19, 2009
On behalf of all Missouri law enforcement officers, dispatchers and the like, we extend our sincere sympathy to the family, fellow officers and friends of Agent Sanchez-Santiago. Thank you for your service. Rest in Peace our fallen hero.
Scott Barthelmass, Founder/Team Manager
Missouri Law Enforcement Funeral Assistance Team
August 18, 2009
Rest In Peace, Agent Sanchez-Santiago.
Lt T Carr
August 18, 2009
I pray that your family will find peace. It's still hard to understand why bad things happen to good people. Your family knows that you are a HERO. You laid down your own life and made the ultimate sacrifice. I will never forget you.
Sharon Atkins, Identical Twin Sister of Norfolk Police Officer killed in the line of duty January 16, 2003
Sharon Atkins
August 18, 2009