Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Joshua Daniel Miller

Pennsylvania State Police, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Sunday, June 7, 2009

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Reflections for Trooper Joshua Daniel Miller

My family walked in the Josh Miller 5K today. It was so nice to see everyone out there to support a hero.

Angie, I was good to see you and the girls.

Forever in our hearts,


Kristen Shutkufski Kepner
Pennsylvania State Police Family Member

June 13, 2010

Happy Birthday in heaven to the love of my life. Even though were are further apart than we have even been before, the bond of our souls keeps you close to my heart. I miss you more than one could imagine, every thought I think of you, with all that I am I honor you, and I love you with every ounce of my everything. Waiting to see you again.......

Angela Miller

June 13, 2010

This week has been every bit and more challenging than I expected it to be. I am struggling with the fact that I still cannot change what has been done. The strength that is usually my rock has seemed to coming and going throughout this week. I love you with all debts of my heart and soul, I miss you, I miss us, and I miss our life. You were an amazing person and such a loving soul, you and your memory have left a lasting effect on so many different people. I could use you here now more than ever. I could use your comforting words and your loving, safe embrace to reassure me that, things will be okay. I was so very blessed to have been given the experience of such an amazing life to share with you, and although our time was cut so very short, you will continue this journey on earth through me now. As I now approach the next year I will still be holding my head up, looking forward and forcing one foot in front of the other. On the days that seems impossible to do, I will envision you to be carrying me through that time as you had done so many other times. I love you with breath that I take and dream of the day that I will see you again.

“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.”
Ben Okri quote

Angela Miller

June 10, 2010

On the first anniversary of Trooper Miller's death, we honored his service in our patrol briefing by reading his entry from ODMP. Each day, we honor one fallen officer on the anniversary of their death so as to keep them in our thoughts, and also to remind us of the dangers inherent in our job. Trooper Miller is not forgotten.

Sergeant Zach Perron
Palo Alto (CA) Police Department

June 7, 2010

It has been one year since you were taken from your family. It seems like yesterday when I attended your funeral and was able able to meet your wife Angela and so many of your brother Troopers. Although time will continue to go by, your memory will remain just as strong. I know I will never forget your funeral. As your procession was about to leave, Angela spotted me amongst the hundreds of varying police uniforms and called me over to the NJSP patrol vehicle she was sitting in. She thanked me for coming such a long distance to attend your funeral. Even in her time of deepest sorrow, she went out of her way to thank me and squeezed my hand with such emotion. This showed me what a caring person she truly is and I know she misses your greatly. Rest peacefully Trooper Miller and please keep an eye on us. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Trooper Chris Conrad
Florida Highway Patrol

June 7, 2010

Dearest Angie, I know it is so hard to one year since Josh was taken. But please take heart; we are all still with you, for you and your family. I never stop thinking about you and I pray constantly for you. God bless you and your family always.


June 7, 2010

Josh and Angie,
I think of both of you today. It has been a year since you gave your life so bravely to save the lives of others. You are missed and loved everyday.
Scott,Mitchell,Halle and I will be there on Sunday with Mark and Lisa for the 5K in your memory.

I can't imagine how hard today must be for you and the girls, Angie. I hold you all in my thoughts and prayers and will be there for you if you need anything.


Kristen Shutkufski Kepner
PSP family member

June 7, 2010

We are thinking of you today, brother, just like we do each and every day. Your memory will be carried with us forever. Angie and the girls will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as well. I know you contiue to watch over us, thank you.


June 7, 2010

You did a job well done Trooper. You are now in a good place with Saint Michael now.


Rocky Geppert

June 7, 2010


I can't possibly imagine how you feel. I know that today is the one year anniversary of Josh's death, and I just wanted to leave you a quick note that Josh's brothers and sisters in law enforcement are thinking of you and your girls today. We are, and will always be, your extended family.

Brian Kelly
Allentown Police Department

June 7, 2010

As I sit here not able to sleep, once again I find myself paralyzed with fear of what feelings this week is going to bring. I can already feel deep rooted emotions flooding to the top of an already full barrel. I am trying to find comfort that you will be here with me somehow, showing me the way through this yet again horrible time. I can’t seem to get the fact that it will be a year; I am still waiting for you to walk through that door. We are here doing the best we can to make you proud, and trying to stay strong. Carry me this week, I need it. I love you so very much, until we meet again my love I will be thinking of you.

Angela Miller

June 3, 2010


My heart goes out to you. If you are going to police week, you will be overwhelm with everything going on. No one has a clue what a family goes through, unless you lost your loved one in the line of duty, and attend this event in Washington D.C. They take good care of you, and have a lot of events going on for your taking. The candlelight vigil is beautiful and touching to the soul. The days you are there, you will realize how many people REALLY DO CARE for your loss. May God bless you all, if you go or don't go. I just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you. Still missing my son-in-law so much. Please all take care.


May 11, 2010

Our journery begins Sunday...The Police Unity Tour departs Portsmith VA and begins the journey to Washington DC.

I am honored and privileged to be riding for you Trooper Miller. What a courageous and honorable man you must have been. God Bless..


SCSO, Louisiana

May 7, 2010

God bless your family..


May 3, 2010

Dear Angela ,I have written many posts as well as you have done.Josh was a good guy to talk to when I went the Police Acadamey in 1997-1998.When I last saw him at a accident he had that smile and was glad to see me.I know it is coming up soon of that frightfull night.Just remember that Josh is watching down on your family and the rest of us.I will always remember the sacrifice Josh made.

Deputy Jason Dunlap
Monroe County Sheriffs Office PA

May 1, 2010

I seen this quote today and of course thought of you!
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"-- thank you Josh for all of those breathtaking moments you gave to me ♥ ♥ ♥
Easter was so very hard without you, we still did carry on the traditions though just as you would want us too. Although I must say I don't hide the easter eggs as well as you, we didn't have to play hot and cold at all!? Jossie was so excited to see that the easter bunny ate the bunny trail but she was upset that he left her some in the shape of a 'J' in front of her basket--she thought he should eat them all. We had to go throught the line twice to visit the bunny this year, first time with her dress and to get her picture, the second was later after I changed her--she said she forgot to tell him to bring moon sand so she needed to talk to him---lol! Breana is really enjoying softball and has her first JV game tommorrow night and she is also decided to get involved in the drama club. Jossie dancing her heart out getting ready for her recital in June. Justine's 17th birthday is comming up so fast, I don't know where the time went.

I miss you so very much, I love you with every ounce of my heart.
Your loving wife, Angie

Angela Miller

April 7, 2010

To my love....I miss you with every breath that I take, I think of you with every thought in my head, and I dream of being in your arms every second. You were the most amazing husband and best friend that I could ask for. I have read over your letters you have given me over the years and I will tell you again-- you did it--always made me feel like a princess. Without you I am not whole, you are the piece that I need to be perfect. I promise to continue with our plan for life and make our dreams come true while you are watching from above. I love you so very much.
Love, Your princess Angie

Angela Miller

March 20, 2010

Just sitting here wishing (again) that you would walk through the door and come home to us. We miss you so very much, and nothing seems to be the same without you. Every moment of my day seems to be a thought of you. I replay our wonderful life we had together over and over in my mind all day long. I am getting your signs that you are still here with us, watching over and protecting us as always. I would do anything just to be with you again, I know when you asked me to marry you; you asked if I would make you the luckiest man in the world by being your wife—well I have to tell you it was just the same for me. You made me the luckiest woman in the world. No one has ever loved me the way that you did, you took such pride in just seeing a smile on my face which happened all the time when I was with you. I miss you so much it physically hurts; it seems like every day almost that I go into that shoebox of letters you have written me and pull one out just to hear your words again. I try my hardest to hear your voice reading them to me. The girls miss you like crazy and we are constantly telling each other stories to keep your spirit alive with us. Joslyn is keeping us on our toes she is so much fun, it is so hard for her to understand we do the best we can, but it is not easy she is just so little. It’s just not fair that you were taken from us; we had so much more to do. I just don’t understand why!!! WHY!! I dream of the day that I will see you and I can run into your arms once again. Until then I will be here waiting……

You have my heart and soul forever and always

Angela Miller

March 6, 2010

The dedication of the Memorial Highway was today. It's official the Trooper Joshua D Miller Memorial Highway is now posted for all to see. I hope that now when people travel that section of road they think of you and the sacrifice that you made that day. That you gave your life to save another without hesitation. There were close to 100 people attending the ceremony today. Of course I didn’t step on the road only but a minute and heard the train whistle blowing… and then again during the speeches…funny how that keeps happening. The girls and I were pulling off the cover and it got stuck on the top and we were saying how much that was your humor!! I tried to remain strong for the girls but I was crumbling inside, and it was Justine and Breana who had the strength today- they were so honored. Breana spoke to the local paper and Justine gave an interview to the news. Joslyn just hung around looking cute…lol. I was so SO proud of them for having the courage to speak, and the grace they did it with was remarkable. The speeches given today were so heartfelt and I know you would have found them to be touching as well. The support of everyone standing in the cold to honor you was amazing- you have always been my hero, but I could today that you were a hero to them too. I love you and miss you, think of you constantly and still wish there was a way to bring you back home. Waiting to see you again..........

Love, Angie

Angela Miller
Wife of Trooper Joshua Miller

February 4, 2010

Just saw the news Josh.The area of Rt 611 was named in your honor for your heroism today.I saw your family in front of the sign.They along with everyone you touched miss you so much and are proud of the sacrifice you made.Keep watching down on us.R.I.P Brother

Deputy Sheriff Jason Dunlap

February 4, 2010

What a beautiful tribute to your husband displayed at the ball last night by RPD Officer Phillips. Your husband was a hero. God Bless you and your 3 daughters. You are in our thoughts and prayers

The DelNagro Family
NYSP SP Rochester

January 24, 2010

hi angie - i'm not sure if u got the newspapaer clip i sent u of my daughter hanging blue ribbons in honor of your husband. i have been thinking of you with all the sadness of the latest tregedy - so soon - it hasn't even been a year since your brave husband was lost - i don't even want my husband to go into work anymore - anyhow, i just wanted u to know that i was thimking about u. keep a smile in your heart.
chrissy wise


January 22, 2010

Everyday when I get into a patrol car I see the memorial stickers placed on the windows. Josh inspires me to be a better person, a better police officer. I was only able to work with him a short time before he transferred but it was a time that I will always treaure. A day doesn't go by that he is not in my thoughts and his family is in my prayers.

Pennsylvania State Police

January 22, 2010

Dear Mrs. Miller,
Thinking of you with sadness in my heart. I just wanted to share with you my genuine appreciation for the sacrifices your husband and family have made on the behalf of Pennsylvania. As a mother of 4 young children, I do not take it for granted that there are people who are willing to sacrifice their lives in order for us to be safe. Thank you,
Madhavi Ravi

Madhavi Ravi
citizen of Pa

January 14, 2010

We lost another today, Trooper Paul Richey may he be resting with you.
As I am thinking of his wife Carrie and their children today’s tragedy is forcing me to re-live June 7th as I know and feel the pain they are having. I don’t reflect often on that day, there were so many days in our lives with joyous memories that there is no need to think of that one. I have cried all day since hearing the tragic news and it feels like this has tore open that deep wound again. I keep going over the day again and again; going to Lehigh, being at Lehigh, leaving Lehigh without you. Remembering that you went to work that day and everything was fine then; just like Paul today I’m sure. You kissed me goodbye, hugged me and say I love you like always- how was I to know that was the last time. Should I have known somehow? I miss you so much, the girls miss you so much, I can’t be right without you. You were everything to me, and I can’t seem to get how that is gonna work without you here. It breaks my heart that you are not here to enjoy the kids with me. Justine is going to get her permit soon, Breana is getting great grades- plus being her goofy self. Joslyn is really coming off with some funny sayings and gestures I wish I could hear you laughing at them- and blaming them on me ;)
I know Carrie is heading for some of the same experiences that I have had, she and Paul have 2 children a son and daughter. My heart is breaking for them all, and I wish I had the answers to make it easier for her.
You, Daddy and now Paul watch over us from up above and help guide us with your knowledge please.

I love you with every breath that I take until we meet again I will be here waiting.
Love, Angie

Angela Miller
Wife of Trooper Joshua Miller

January 13, 2010

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