Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Bradley Alan Moody

Richmond Police Department, California

End of Watch Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Bradley Alan Moody

Happy thanksgiving babe!!! I sat here for about 30 minutes thinking about what to say! Half of the time… I felt I like I was being ungrateful- as I was feeling that I have nothing to be thankful of today! I mean, how can I be thankful of anything when I don’t have you by my side?? How can I be thankful of anything when you were taken from me so suddenly?? How can I be thankful of anything when I feel completely numb??? Well, guess what Bradley—I will tell you how I can be thankful. Thank you Bradley for picking me to spend the rest of your life with—the past 6 ½ years were absolutely wonderful!! Thank you for giving me the two most precious things I will ever have—our daughters!!! Thank you for sharing your life with me. Thank you for making me want to be a better person like you!! And as I sit here and write…baby I can tell you I have SOOOO much to be thankful of!!! You wouldn’t believe all the support that has been shown in the past almost 8 weeks!!!! People EVERYWHERE near and far have honored you in a way that I can’t even begin to thank!
Bradley, I am so thankful for your department!!! They are truly taking care of us!!! It’s awesome to see most everyone put their differences aside and be kind to one another! I think in a time like this—they realize that life is so precious and we sometimes take it for granted!!
I am so very thankful for your family! They have been a huge support system for me. They have been there for me day in and day out! One second we will be telling a story about you—laughing away, and then in the very next breath…break down into tears of sadness!!! I know that I couldn’t get through this without them babe!
Babe, I am thankful for my family as well…the ones that have supported me through this horrible time in my life have been wonderful. Same goes---I don’t know what I would do without them all, and again, I am not sure that I would be able to make it without having them by my side!!
It goes without saying baby---we both have great friends!! So, I am honored to say that I am thankful for all of our friends!!! Without their love and support—I’m not sure how well I would be doing right now!!! Bradley, there are even people who barely knew you---or didn’t know us at all that are reaching out trying to find a way to help!!! It’s so amazing!!! You touched so many lives Brad---You are a true hero!!!
So, as we all spend the first thanksgiving without you, I know that it goes without saying that everyone is thankful for having the honor of being a part of your life. I am thankful that I was your wife—and I know that your daughters are thankful that they had the best daddy that ever lived!!! Thank you Bradley Alan—for everything!!!! You will be ‘forever in my heart’!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Susan Moody

November 27, 2008

hey baby,
So, today my boys beat the niners!!! I know that you would have been proud!!! I wanted to call you every time they scored!!! Unfortunately your seahawks didnt do so well. I'm sorry. I just think to myself all the time that I just wish that this wasnt happening. I miss you so much Bradley!!! I love you with all my heart!!! Now and always! Love your wifey :)

Susan Moody

November 24, 2008

Ofc. Moody,

Thank you for your dedicated service. You will never be forgotten even by the ones not lucky enough to have met you. You will forever be in our hearts and thoughts, and watching over us each time we go 10-8.

Your beautiful wife and girls will forever be a part of the LE Family, and your memory lives on through their beautiful smiles. I know you are with them each and every second, and please know that they will be taken care of.

I never had the pleasure of meeting you or your family but still feel close, as I would do anything for my fellow brothers and sisters in LE. The words that your wife has spoken of you, speak even higher of what kind of man you were.

Once again, thank you Officer Brad Moody! Rest in peace brother.

Deputy Sheriff

November 19, 2008

Ofc. Moody,

Rest in peace. You are a greater man than I could ever dream of being; Though you inspire me (and many others) to keep improving, to be even half the man that you are.

My prayers are with your family...


November 18, 2008

Yesterday was a good day babe. The department planted a tree in honor of you. You have your own tree baby!!! How cool is that?! They also put a plaque down that says your name, so anyone that walks by will know that its YOUR tree!! You were such a great guy Bradley--that everyone, everywhere has honored you in a way that I can't even begin to thank!!!
Last night was great too. A bunch of the guys from the pd and their families--and all of your family, some of my family and a couple friends got together at Jesse's and Kim's to look at your star in the sky!!! It was good to get everyone together, I just wish that you could have been there!!! I miss you very much!!! There isnt a second in the day that goes by that I dont think about you!!!! I just wish this would all go away and I would wake up, and you would be here!!!!! I think to myself, why did you have to go so soon---you are needed here more than anywhere else!!!! My heart hurts more and more as the days pass. I'm really not sure how to do all of this--how I'm supposed to live without you. I feel so very lost without you by my side.
The department misses you so much--they have suffered a BIG were truely one of the their best!!! I can see it in their faces when they talk about you. It's hard to see them hurting...them crying...them suffering for their loss of you!!! You affected them in a way that you will NEVER be forgotten.
Your family is struggling so much too--Bradley they miss you A LOT!!! They love you so much, and it breaks my heart to see them in pain like this!!! It breaks my heart to watch your mom and dad cry---I can't imagine what they are going through...losing a child has got to hurt on a level that I cant even begin to understand! Seeing your brother and sister cry is also so very hard--that too is a pain that I dont unerstand! I want to be there for them in any way I can. I wish that I could take their pain away from them.
I hurt for Madison and Emma so much! Our baby girls were robbed of ever truely knowing their daddy!!! They ask about you all the time and we look at pictures several times throughout the day. I dont want them to foget you baby. The department, our family and friends has promised me that they will help me keep your memory alive. Our little girls have gained sooo many unlces and aunties it's comforting! I only want the best for them, so knowing that they have all this support, really gives me hope that they will be okay!
Bradley, I can tell you one thing--Everyone, and I mean everyone that counts has became so close because of your passing. You were such an honorable man, that you are makeing people want to be like you!!! Now how many people can say are a true hero Bradley! I love you with all my heart--forever and always!! XOXOXO Love, your wifey :)

Susan Moody

November 16, 2008

Brad- today and yesterday they did all the search warrants for Deep-C. I know how hard you have worked on creating intelligence and information over the years on this gang and it saddens me to think that you were not here to see it come to fruition. I faithfully feel you were with all the guys as they hit the doors and felt proud. Miss you...



November 14, 2008

Hey baby....So, Emma and I picked up Maddy cakes from preschool today and the three of us went to the park. We sat down and the girls started eating lunch, and I thought to myself---"God I miss you soooo much and I wish you were here with us"....just as said that a lady bug landed on Madisons head!!!!!!!! I couldnt believe it. I took it off her head and let it crawl all over my hand and arms. The girls got a kick out of it. They were laughing soo much. I tried to get maddy to hold it, but you know her---little miss princess wouldn't. Of course our little bruiser Emma wanted apart of it....She let the lady bug crawl alll over her, it was sooo sweet. Then I put it back on my hand kissed it, and said " I love you Bradley...and miss you sooooo much!!!!" and it flew off into the sky!!! WOW, I am getting the chills thinking about it again. Thank you for coming to visit us---I felt you there---Thank you!!! I love you Bradley Alan!!!!! XOXOXOXO

Susan Moody
Bradley's Wife

November 13, 2008

I still can't believe it! I don't think I would have got past the academy without you always quizzing me. My daughter will miss playing with yours. All of us at work, Dave, Donna, and Randy are still in shock. I haven't gained the strength to talk to your wife yet but I will sooner or later.

Rest in peace brother
The Simpson Family

Garrett Simpson

November 11, 2008

One month ago today... I got the phone call that I prayed I would never get....

One month ago today... I sat in the emergency trauma room as the nurse handed me my husbands bloody wedding ring.

One month ago today... I was sitting in the hospital just learing the fact that I would have to say goodbye to my husband forever.

One month ago today...I sat in his room and watched the machines make his chest rise up and down.

One month ago today... I realized that I was living my nightmare..The nightmare that every cops wife has thought about.

One month ago today I watched all of our family and close friend come in and out to see Bradley for the first time---and stare at him in disbelief.

One month ago today... I sat by his bed side begging him not to leave me, begging him not to leave his baby girls...begging him to come back to us!

One month ago today.... I watched nurse after nurse and doctor after doctor come in his room every 20 minutes and check to make sure that he was getting all the medicine he needed to keep his oragns healhy.

One month ago today... I signed papers to decide which oragns and tissues I would give to save another life.

One month ago today... I sat there rubbing his head.... and resting the palm of his hand on my check---to make it like he was caressing my face.

One month ago today... I had to tell my babies that they're daddy was in an accident and wouldnt be coming home again.

One month ago today.. I promised Bradley that I would tell our daughters what a hero, what an honorable man they had as their dadddy... I promised Bradley that I would tell them every day that passes how much he loved them!

One month ago today... I prayed every second that I would just wake up---and this would all just go away!!!

One month ago today.... My whole entire world was turned upside down in a matter of seconds.

Bradley month ago today, I lost my best friend, my lover, my rock.... my world!!! One month ago today was the worst day of my entire life---seeing you in that hospital bed was turture. In this last month, I have missed you more and more with each second that passes. I hope to God, that I can find the strength somewhere, somehow to keep moving with time. There are many times throughout the day that I dont even want to exsist. But---I know that two lives depned on me more now than ever before. So Bradley, it's my promise to you... to raise Madison and Emma with the pride and honor that you possessed. If our daughters turn out to be half as great as you were... I will feel like I have accomplised my role as a mommy. Even though your heart is beating in another person right now... Thank you for giving it to me first. I will always hold it close and I will never, never---for as long as I live, let it go. I love you Bradley.... always will!!! You will be "forever in my heart"!!!!

Susan Moody
Bradley's Wife

November 4, 2008

So we did it!!! It was a hard night, but we all got through it together. Danette came up and brough tons of black and orange ballons. We wrote on them with a little message---then we went outside and let them go for you. We watched them sail through the sky towards the clouds for a long time!! Then Maddy, Emma, both moms, Jen, Jamie, Tanner,Jaiden, Sean, John, his kids and myself went out trick or treating while Michelle and dad stayed home to pass out candy. It was really rough seeing our girls sooo happy running door to door. I wanted you here soooooo badly!!! I hope that you were able to see them soo happy on your favorite holiday. You were missed sooo much tonight!!! I love you baby!!!

Susan Moody
Bradleys wife

November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween Baby. I know today was your most favorite day out of the year!!!! Today---Madison, Emma and I carved pumpkins. They had a lot of fun getting messy. It seems like just yesterday we were doing this last year. I hope I made you proud---I think they turned out pretty good, but nothing like you used to do! We are going to go out tonight about 630 ish so the girls can go get some yummy candy. I wish you were here to see them in there seahawks cheerleader uniforms...We all miss you so very much. I love you Bradley!

Susan Moody
Bradleys wife

October 31, 2008


And if I go,
While you’re still here---
Know that I live on,
Vibrating to a different measure
--behind a thin veil you cannot see through.
You will not see me,
So you must have faith.
I wait for the time when we can soar together again,
--both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to its fullest,
And when you need me,
Just whisper my name in your heart,
…I will be there.

By Colleen Hitchcock

Lisa Schultz
wife of Don Schultz, Phx. P.D., E.O.W. 5-12-2004

October 30, 2008

Hi...well, tonight I finally got the strength to do it. We pulled the halloween stuff down from the attic, and decorated outside. Sean, Joe, Jen and I (well I couldnt do a lot...cause I just cried the whole time) did a great job. I hope your looking down---it's really "scary". I have decided not to do the inside this year, just the outside. It's soooo soon, and too fresh. But I had to get in the "spirt" for you. I hope your proud baby. I love you Bradley Alan....Miss you

Susan Moody

October 28, 2008

Hey baby--
well, your boys won today over the niners---BY A LOT!!!! 34-14...I thought about you the whole time that I was watching it....and I wanted to pick up the phone and call you everytime the seahawks scored. I miss you so very much baby!!!! (ps....the cowboys won too!!! You hearted the cowboys, so I thought I should tell you that...) Love you with all my heart Bradley!!! XOXOXO

Susan Moody
Bradleys wife

October 27, 2008

May God be with your family during this time. I'd also like to thank you for your lasting gift through Organ Donation.


October 26, 2008



October 21, 2008


I dont even know where to begin to tell you how much I miss you. I cant even describe to you the pain that I am feeling. I miss you so much already and it's only been 2 1/2 weeks---HOW AM I GOING TO LIVE THE REST OF MY LIFE WITHOUT YOU BY MY SIDE??? There isnt a second in the day that I haven't thought about you. I just feel so very lost with you. You have made such an impact on everyone's lives---it's truely amazing.

Maddy and Emma have asked about you everyday, and they kiss your pictures that are all over the house a 100 times a day. A couple of days ago at lunch Madison said to me "Mommy....daddy is right here huh??" (as she pointed to her heart). And I said to her, "yes baby...daddy will always be with you in your heart." And then she said as she looked up at the sky "And my daddy is up there watching down on me". Bradley---I just lost it. How does our three year old baby comprehend that. It just broke my heart. It breaks my heart that our babies are never going to see you again or really know you like we all did. But like I said in the hospital to you---I promise you, each and every day---I will let them know what a wonderful, caring man you were. Every night before bed, we go outside and look up at the starts...and our babies blow you a kiss and say good night to you.

Baby--I am still so confussed about all this. I can't grasp the fact that I will never see you again. My heart feels empty without you. Why did this have to happen to such a great person---you didnt deserve this. Our babies didnt deserve to have their daddy ripped away from their lives... and I didnt deserve to have the love of my life taken so soon from me.

Please Bradley, I need your strength to make it through this. I want to make you proud of me....I want you to be proud of our beautiful daughters. I promise you I will teach our daughters to be honorable just like you were. They will know what a true hero their daddy was.

I love you with all of my heart---even though it's in a million peices. Thank you for picking me to share your life with... thank you for giving me the two most precious little girls anyone could ever ask for....thank you for teaching me how to be a better person. I love you Bradley---and I ALWAYS will.

Susan Moody
Bradleys Wife

October 21, 2008

May God bless the family in this time of strife. They can take solice in knowing there is a special place in heaven for those that are angels on earth. I know they are very proud of him.

deputy sheriff
Buckingham SO Virginia

October 19, 2008

You are missed so much...K27 you may be gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten.

Joanna Grivetti
Richmond Police Department

October 18, 2008

I am so very truly sorry. Two in a month in the East Bay just isn't right, fair, or tolerable. God Bless your family.


October 18, 2008

May God lay his healing hand upon the family of Officer Moody and may they know he will never be forgotten. Thank you Officer Moody for your dedicated service to the people of California and the United States.

James Sheppard
Father of Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

October 17, 2008

My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Officer Bradley Moody at this most tragic time. Brother Moody you made the ultimate sacrifice and you are a “Hero“. Officer Moody thank you for your Dedication to your job and to your Community in keeping it safe. Brother Moody may you rest in peace. “You will never be forgotten.” God will take care of you now. “God Bless you and your Family”.

Deputy John Williamson K-9 unit
Fairfield County Sheriff's Office, Ohio

October 16, 2008

Dear Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Police Officer Bradley Moody,

We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of Police Officer Bradley Moody. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support during this very difficult time. We know that sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement for support. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten. Police Officer Bradley Moody is a hero.


Alissa Scott
Widow of Beryl Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02

Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-04

Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network


October 15, 2008

My thoughts & prayers are with you. Rest Easy.

Cindy, Arkansas
Sister of slain Officer Randy Basnett, EOW 9-24-1976

October 15, 2008

This is my poem for Brad. Thank you for allowing me to know you.

to do you justice (In memory of Officer Brad Moody)

I tried to write words
that could do you justice
but they have failed me

my arsenal is empty
the syllables
the punctuation
the vocabulary lists
all frozen in perpetuity

Simple characters won't do.

I tried to write you words,
words that could explain
could hug, and heal
but with lackluster
they've been arraigned
and acquitted.

Simple characters won't do.

all the dazzling metaphors
falling flakes of new snow
and the sizzling similes
searing like hot hopes
the lovely languid images of lighter days
of a man whom the uniform did not wear
he wore the uniform

I could write about your kind smile
that darkly funny sense of humor
that twinkled in your eyes
that brazenly defiant attitude
that refused to be convinced
by the unconvincing
if only because
you were your own man.

I could write about your
kind heart
the many days that you gave that heart
to others in need of one
the sweetness of a kind act
giving up a day off in the sunshine so that
kids in the Barretts might catch a ray

I could write about your conviction
your passion for
the dreams you carried so tenderly
like a small frog in the pocket of a child
who just discovered its greenness
the pages and pages of notes
taken copiously
as you envisioned Iron Tracks
free of "C' hats, full of basketball games
and old men talking longingly
shooting the breeze about days long gone

But these words, wouldn't do you justice.

Simple characters never do.

What can kind of character can make a word like:

Father, faithful?
friend, fierce?
officer, exceptional?
brother, bonded?

What kind of a word can
warm the hearts of so many just at the mere

And what kind of word is the word brother, really?
Seven short, unceremonious letters
used to describe a man
of simple heart,
but great character.

Michelle Milam
Richmond Police Department, Crime Prevention Specialist

October 15, 2008

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