Arkansas State Police, Arkansas
End of Watch Monday, February 4, 2008
Reflections for Sergeant Richard C. LeBow
It's hard to believe that two (02) years have passed since your tragic and untimely death. It's funny how I can remember little tings. Like your laugh and how you'd turn red in the face when I'd call you "Tricky Ricky" in jest. I know you are in good (God's) hands and pray that your family receives the comfort and peace that they so richly deserve. You will FOREVER be a hero and will NEVER be forgotten!
SGT Mark B. Hanna, Retired
Fayetteville, AR PD
February 4, 2010
It's been two years, and I can still hear that laugh in the hallways here. You are still very much grieved and missed, and always will be - no matter how many years go by.
Lori Withers
ASP CID Company D Admin
February 4, 2010
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones on this day. You have not been forgotten. Thank you for your long and dedicated career to law enforcement and the protection of others. You are a true hero and heroes never die.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 4, 2010
To Sgt. Richard LeBow, his family and his fellow officers with the Arkansas State Police:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Sgt. LeBow’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Sgt. LeBow and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff
February 4, 2010
s gt,leBow I have have never met you but im sure you are one of the best back in may I lost my dad Tom R. Wilson of the warren county serffices office. I think I have fanile decided to go into law enforcement. sir, you will never be forgotten . amen brouthers and sisters.
colin wilson son of fallen deputy tom w.
November 26, 2009
I was one of the first officers on scene that horrible day. I can still remember everything like it happened yesterday. I only had the honor of meeting Rick a couple of times. From everything I have heard and read about Rick he is a great man and surely missed. You will never be forgotten. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15, 13.
Sergeant Timothy Gushing
Arkansas Highway Police
September 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Rick
PTL Mike Jeffers
Paris Police Department / Friend
June 6, 2009
This year I have the honor and privilege of riding the Police Unity Tour from Chesapeake, VA to Washington, DC on May 10th-12th. This is an annual event where different chapters of the Police Unity Tour do a 250 mile bicycle ride to raise money for the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington, DC. Each year an officer gets to wear a bracelet in remembrance of a fallen officer and I have been chosen to wear the bracelet for Sgt. Lebow. I could tell by the other reflections left for Sgt. Lebow what a loyal and courageous officer he was. Once the ride has been finished, I would like to personally give the bracelet to a family member or fellow officer of Sgt. Lebow at the Police Memorial in Washington, DC. Please know that all the long training rides and suffering we do to get ready for the event is done with these brave officers in mind and we all grieve as a police family when we lose one of our own. If possible, I would like to make contact with someone with his department so I can make some arrangements to give the bracelet to them. For more information on the ride please go and my email at work is
God Bless Sgt. Lebow and his family
Isaiah 6:8
Sgt. Thomas S. Donati
Sgt. Thomas S. Donati
Pentagon Police Dept.
March 17, 2009
The wicked flee where no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion
Proverbs 28:1
God bless you and all who mourn you. May God give them the strength to carry on. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
February 28, 2009
Ode to Richard LeBow
A wonderful husband, father and son,
a friend and a brother, we could always count on.
A true man of honor, with devotion so real,
this Arkansas State Trooper, was a true man of steel!
His courage and dedication, was questioned by none,
one who could truly be trusted, with a badge and a gun.
With a love for his family, his neighbors, his friends,
he sacrificed his life daily, the innocent to defend!
He patrolled our State’s highways, with our safety in mind,
an ultimate professional, always courteous and kind.
With a chuckle and a grin, he would always come in,
and make our day brighter, this brother, this friend!
We were honored to know you, and we thank God on high,
For there’s no greater love, than a man lay down his life!
We’re all going to miss you, but this you must know,
we will never forget you, Sergeant Richard LeBow.
By: Boyd D. Hicks
Chief Boyd D. Hicks
Magazine Police Department
February 26, 2009
Forgive me for missing the anniversary of your E.O.W., but I felt as though I could not continue to read about so many tragedies. I now realize the visit each day to leave a word of encouragement and hope to the loved ones of others, helps me to remember that I am not alone with my pain and heartbreak. So may I say to your friends and loved ones that my thoughts and prayers are with them now and always. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol and may they know you will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 18, 2009
Hey Pal it's been a year and I still tremble when I hear the ring tone I had set for you, "The Good The Bad The Ugly". I'm sure you know but Caleb killed a deer this year. It wasn't that long ago when we were trying to fit him with a bow. Keep watching over us.
Cpl Mac Davis
Troop H Post 3
February 15, 2009
Seargent Rick LeBow,
Only You, God, and your family know about the true daily sacrafices you made throughout your law-enforcement career. It is an honor to have known you and I thank you for your law-enforcement services and your leadership.
"Prayer to Saint Michael"
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in the day of battle
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly
By the divine power of God, thrust
into hell Satan and all evil spirits
who wander through the world
Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Corporal Jeff W. Harris
Arkansas State Police, Troop L, Highway Patrol Divison
February 5, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. You have not been forgotten nor will that ever be the case as you are a true hero. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and let them feel your presence around them.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 4, 2009
Hey sarge...
Its already been a year and still I find myself thinking about the day that you left us. You were the first trooper that I ever met, and I looked up to you very much, and still do, as i was entering my career into the law enforcement aspect of life. Sarge, we miss you and always will.
Operater William A. Logsdon
Arkansas State Police Troop H
February 4, 2009
A year ago today our agency lost a great brother, co-worker and friend. It was a day that will always be embedded in my memory. I miss and think of he and his family him daily. I do find joy in the fact that Rick and I will meeet again someday. My prayers are with the family today as they are every day.
Vicki Lambert
ASP Troop Secretary
February 4, 2009
To Sgt. Richard LeBow, his loved ones, and his fellow officers:
On this the first anniversary week of your tragic death,ow please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is still with your family. You’re all in our thoughts and our prayers.
Richard, you rescued us, saved our lives and our families. You are one of the rare heroes among us. You were always there for us in the most traumatic moments of our lives. No matter when we called, we just expected that you would come and do whatever it took to help us, and you always met our expectations. Your selflessness and dedication are awe-inspiring.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Rest in Peace, Richard. I am so humbled by your valor, integrity, and leadership that is evident in reading the reflections of those you supervised and worked along side.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the 27 years of distinquished service Richard gave to his community and the citizens of Arkansas, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 4, 2008.
Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
February 4, 2009
I enjoyed our visit today and getting to see Caleb and Kathy. She is such a strong woman and Caleb is growing up to look like you when you and I were his age. My prayers are with them and your mom all the time. I remember our times in school together, with all the pranks and fun we had with our buddies, and it was remembered by those buddies at our reunion last November. You were my best friend growing up and we followed each other in just about everything we did. You were a very lucky man to find Kathy and your path with our Lord. You were very respected by your men, your superiors, and friends all over the area.
I miss you my friend.
Sgt. David "Elmer" Hyden
Sgt. David Hyden
ASP & Best Friend
February 3, 2009
To the family of trooper LeBow-
We lost our son Latimer County Deputy Sheriff Dustin Duncan the same morning you lost your loved one, and know that the pain of loss is still very fresh for you as it is for us. As the 1 year anniversary of our loss approaches, we would like you to know that you all have been in our thoughts and prayers continuously, and will always remain so.
I don't know if our loved ones ever met, (Dustin worked for many years with the LeFlore County Sheriff's Office and did many transports through Arkansas), but we feel they probably would have been good friends if they had. Dustin knew officers in many surrounding areas, and had many friends with the OHP.
We pray that you will find comfort in knowing that someone shares your pain. Dustin was engaged to be married-his fiancee has 2 children who adored him, and they know the loss of a father as well.
May God enfold you in His loving arms and help you through this rekindled time of sorrow. We will be thinking of you.
Randy and Ruth Duncan
Parents of Fallen Officer Latimer County Deputy Sheriff Dustin S. Duncan Retired Badge 3913
EOW 2/4/08
Ruth Duncan
Mother of fallen officer
January 28, 2009
May Jesus keep you in his armas until we meet in Heaven.
Corporal Donnie Manues
Arkansas State Capitol Police
January 27, 2009
Merry Christmas
December 25, 2008
I was thinking about you today. I guess because of the holidays. You will never be forgotten my friend. It seems like yesterday that we were sitting on the side of the road "pond creek" talking. I miss you.
Det. Matthew Holloway
Fort Smith Police Dept.
December 1, 2008
The holidays are here and with them come the sadness of your loss.The pain of your loss comes pouring back into our hearts,for some of us the pain never stops.On this day we can all give thanks for the time you spent in our lives and just how wonderful a friend you are.
November 27, 2008
September 28, 2008
Uncle Rick, you will never know how proud of you that I am. You were such an inspiration to so many people and I know that you are still looking out for all of us. Thank you so much for being who you were and going out there everyday. Mom, Dad, and I will always love you.
Jessica Morgan
Family Member
September 16, 2008