Plano Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Saturday, July 7, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Dayle Weston "Wes" Hardy
My friend it has been sometime since I have put anything on here. It's still hard to this day to write on here. I want you to know we are all thinking of you everyday and wishing you were here. Watch over us my friend!!! Until we meet again.
Motor officer Terry Pauley
Plano PD Plano,Tx
December 25, 2008
Wes, Ashlee the girls and I went Christmas shopping today the girls wanted to buy something for Mommy to open from you and them on Christmas morning we went to James Avery and pickout charms for the braclet that you bought Ashlee. One from each of the girls and one from you.They are growing up so fast and miss you so much!!!
December 18, 2008
Wes, I went to the memorial in Washington DC this past week. I took some pictures and located your name on the wall. I still can't believe it's on there. I used the paper and pencil and took the imprint of your name. For those that have never been, it's a memorial like no other.
M Gamble
Sugar Land PD Traffic Unit
December 3, 2008
The papers are signed and the house is finished. Wednesday the movers will come to get our stuff out of storage and move it to our new home. There's only one thing missing.......YOU!!!!! Since we began building this house....Doug and I have laughed and cried over stories told and memories shared. And there are somedays when Doug has to remind me that you would want this for me and the girls and you would be happy for us. I just wish you were here to share it with us. I Miss You so very much baby!!! To see your face, to hear your voice, to feel your arms around me...Oh what I would give for one more day.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and our life we shared together. It wasn't long enough....I was counting on Forever!!!
Until we meet again My Love!!!
Forever & Always,
November 14, 2008
On July 6, 2007, I met you when you stopped me for speeding @ the intersection of Russell Creek and Independence. You learned I was a dispatcher for Plano and that we had talked to each other several times on the phone when you were checking in for service or other times when you needed something from dispatch. We talked for several minutes about my dreams of being a police officer and about each other's lives. You showed me a kindness that I don't often see in Police Officer's anymore. You were a very good person who made a substantial impact on my life. On July 7, 2007 when I learned about your passing, I was extremely disheartened by this event. Than come to find out that night that I was your last traffic stop you had ever made, at the very same intersection you passed away at, truly made me feel like you were an angle sent to me from god. You made an impact that I will never forget. A year later after your passing, I enrolled into the police academy, which happened to start on July 7, 2008, another sign that you are still up there. Today, I am a Police Officer in a Fort Worth Suburb and there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you and the values that you instilled in me in that brief, but most memorable moment we had speaking to each other. I carry a picture of my family, along with a picture of you in my vest to remind me what you stood for and as a reminder that I do have a angle watching over me. I have said it a million times, and I will say it a million more, thank you for what you did and what you are doing. It goes to show that even though you have passed to a new life, you are still here helping the people who need you along. God bless you Wes, and Rest my friend, you are in heaven and can relax. I miss ya man. We are finally brothers in blue.
Rest easy my friend.
Officer Thomas Berrettini
November 13, 2008
Wes, Gotta tell you it doesn't get any easier, I think of our friendship often and can't wait to catch up with ya and tell some stories. You don't run across true friendship very often but when you lose a true friend it's hard to find another. Your enthusiasm is missed and memories of your friendship will always be remembered. God Bless you for your sacrifice to us all. Until we meet again!!
November 12, 2008
Wes, just wavin' a hand at ya. I'm still home recovering. I spoke to Terry the other day. We all miss you here my friend and think of you often. I'm sure you're up there laughin' about that school we went to--the PVC stick man with the toilet paper and overalls. Your compadres will know what I'm talkin' about too!! That's all for now...........until next time.
Michael Gamble
Motor Officer-Sugar Land PD
October 20, 2008
Hey Baby,
Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. We are going camping this weekend with the church but I think this will be the last time we go. I think I'm gonna sell the camper. It's just too hard to enjoy it without you!! We miss you so much baby! Watch over us and keep us safe!!
Forever & Always,
P.S. Hope you like my new license honor of you sweetheart!!
October 10, 2008
I was there that day, on 7 July 07. I was on "long five" just three blocks away when the call came out from dispatch. Details were limited, but, dispatch indicated the possibility of a PPD motors unit involved in a major. We threw down our sandwhiches and I ran code all the way there. Three or four units were on scene by the time we arrived. We set up traffic control in the immediate area just a few yards from the intersection. The smell of the helio fuel will stay with me forever.
On the day of the funeral I decided the best way I could honor your service and memory was to work the street so that others could participate in ceremony. I shut down an intersection in D sector and when the procession went by I was brought to tears, unable move my squad. Later that day a citizen walking on the sidewalk stopped, came to attention, and saluted me. Never have I felt such an honor in my life...all because of you.
You and I only spoke once...out at were out there for motors training and you shook the hands of some of the new guys filing in past your bike. I am grateful for the opportunity to have shaken hands with PPD's own hero.
I was working out of 801 for the first time that day and when I got to the locker room that morning I looked around at the names on the lockers...seeing your's I recall thinking "that was the motors officer who was so welcoming out at Tri-City a few months ago". Little did I know that your name would come to the forefront of every PPD officer's mind in just a few hours.
Former PPD Officer
August 11, 2008
Wes.....just wanted you to know we're all thinking about you and with you.....I went down on my motor July hit by a car that was making an unsafe lane change. I was able to put the bike in the grass after I jumped the curb.....which broke my ankle in 3 places and my leg. I just spoke to Pauley a few days ago, and it brought tears to my eyes when I got word that your men knew about it and when Terry called to check things out. I hope to be back on the motor by Christmas time.....We miss you Wes...just wavin' a hand at ya.
Mike Gamble
Sugar Land PD Motor Unit
August 1, 2008
Happy Birthday My Love!!! I must say that today was so much harder for me than the 7th. I'm not sure why, but it was. The girls insisted on making a cake and cupcakes for your birthday today. They told me your favorite cake was chocolate and insisted that was the flavor they would make. What I wanna know did they know that??
I still don't know how I am suppose to do this without you. I am hoping that you will show me the way as I do my best raising our daughters by myself. It's not really what I had in mind when we had the girls but I guess God saw differently. I Love You!! And my heart is heavy today as I remember the wonderful memories of all the birthdays we celebrated together.
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!
Forever & Always,
July 16, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! Keep the candles lit and we will soon celebrate together.
July 16, 2008
To Wes' friends, family, wife, and girls - today will be a hard day every year but I wanted to let you know that Wes is still thought of every day by someone and remembered with a smile. God Bless ya'll.
Cheryl - Friend
July 16, 2008
It's 3am and the first time I've been able to get on since shift started. I know that yesterday was hard for your family, your friends, and your brothers/sisters in blue (and brown)! I know that today will not be any easier. I pray for them often.
Just wanted to let ya know that we will never forget. Keep watching over us all!
July 8, 2008
A year has gone by since your passing to your new life in Heaven. Every time I see a motorcycle officer drive by me, it reminds me of you. You were part of my inspiration that got me where I am today, and I will forever respect you and carry on your values that you taught me in the brief, but beneficial meeting we had at the intersection of Russell Creek/Independence.
Today I began the police academy. I told my class mates about a brave man who went down in the line of duty, doing what he loved, serving and protecting the community he lived in. I told them how this brave man was kind and courteous and represented what an ideal "perfect officer" would be like. I told them the story of Wes Hardy.
July 7th has new significance to me. It's the day you passed and the day I started my new life. Thank you for everything you did and are still doing for everyone here. I know you are watching over all of us!
Ashlee & the girls... Hold your head up high. I'm sorry I could not be there today.... Know that I wanted to be there, and know that I took a moment of silence and said a prayer today, for all of you and for Wes. Ashlee, you have my email, don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything.
Thanks again Wes. You are a Hero to me.
Thomas Berrettini
Friend/Police Recruit
July 7, 2008
I remember a year ago today like it was yesterday. I remember hearing the tragic news while at work. I just wanted to let you know that you will never be forgotten. We are thinking about you and you will forever be in our hearts. Rest in peace brother.
S. Howell
Plano Police Department
July 7, 2008
Remembering your life and service, praying for peace and comfort for your precious family.
Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matt Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/2004
July 7, 2008
Today I said a prayer, a special prayer. You have and always will be in my prayers. I pray that wach day we will grow stronger and be a role model for someone just like you were for many. Not a day goes by that something I do or so reminds me of you, it's a good thing.
This day last year I received a call that will forever change my life and yours. I thought it was a joke at first and then I just broke down and cried, my family was not home and all I wanted was to hold my wife and kids. I thank BB for keeping me in mind and calling and not letting me hear this devistating news on the TV.
Last weekend one of your co-workers house caught fire and burned while they were on vacation. I met several of your partners that night into the early hours of the morning. I know you were there watching over us. I pray for him and his family that they to will overcome what has happened in their life.
I pray for your family, especially those precious little girls, they are forever dear to my heart.
You will forever be a friend of mine as I speak of you often. I know when we meet again we will have plenty of catching up to do.
Take Care,
Good Friend
July 7, 2008
A year ago we were all receiving the news of your accident and spending the day in shock and disbelief that you were truly gone. Ashlee and the girls have often been on my mind. Your girls are growing into little ladies and I know you are wishing you could be here with them but I also know you are watching over them. I still expect to hear your voice on the radio out working beside M8. When I'm working I run across your name on citations and reports and it brings both a smile, remembering your life but then sadness, thinking that you are no longer with us. Today will be a very difficult day for so many who loved you. Your loss has been felt deeply which speaks highly of the man you are. You will be thought of often today. We miss you. Rest easy, Wes.
Plano Dispatch
July 7, 2008
I remember, July 6, a year ago, you made your last traffic stop. The person you stopped was me. We spoke for many minutes about me working for Plano Dispatch and my dream of being a police officer. You spoke to me about how much your loved your job and you wouldn't change it for the world. You told me that I should never give up on my dream and that I will eventually reach my goal of being a cop and protecting my city, as you were. You'd be happy to know that I got accepted to the Police Academy and my start date is July 7, 2008.
The chat we had that day was extremely inspirational to me and I will forever remember it in my endeavor of my Police Career. I know you helped get me to where I am and I think that me starting the academy on July 7 (your anniversary) was with your help! I am dedicating the academy to you!
You paid the ultimate price and I can't tell you how much everybody misses you and appreciates what you did for them. This situation proves that you are not done helping the people here, it proves that you are still with us!
Rest is peace brother.
Thomas Berrettini
Ashlee, Email me please, I want to ask you a question. Thanks!
Thomas Berrettini
Police Trainee
June 26, 2008
Yesterday was our 8 year Anniversary. I missed having you around to bring me flowers and take me to Houston's for dinner. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!! I Love You and I Miss You every minute of every single day! Watch over me and keep us safe! Until we meet again in Heaven My Love.
Forever & Always,
June 18, 2008
I still think about you often and about the times we spent together with all the other guys at training. I recall how we both got on motors around the same time and were both the "rookie riders" on training day. We both progressed and as the months and years went by, we both became more proficient on the bikes. Being a motorjock became not only our passion, but second nature. We as motorcops think of ourselves as the "Best of the Best" in law enforcement. I can tell you Wes that you were, the Best of the Best!
I lost my best friend, Kevin Oblander, in an ATV accident in August of 2005 and I still can feel the huge hole in my heart because I miss him so much. I can tell you Ashlee, Terry and all of his other friends and family, that the hole never goes away. But one thing is for sure....If we continue to be great people...people that make an impact on others, that go out of the way to help others, then we are making Wes smile and making him proud....
Each day I get on my motor and go to work. Each day brings new calls, new people, and new challenges. Each day, I bring Wes to work with me. His professionalism, his work ethic, and a smile.
Paul Johnson
Rockwall PD
June 6, 2008
My Love,
It has been a few weeks since our trip to Washington, D.C. It was a good trip and we met so many wonderful people but it was also very difficult. At first I didn't want to attend any debriefings or seminars for spouses but I am now so glad that I did. I met a wonderful woman who is going thru the same things that I am. We became great friends and I plan to take the girls to East Texas and spend a weekend with her and her girls. We are so much alike it's a little scary!!!
The candlelight vigil and the Memorial Service at the Capitol were amazing!! But seeing your name on the National Law Enforcement Wall was surreal. The last day we were in D.C. I couldn't bring myself to leave the wall. It's not like you were there but it was hard for me to say goodbye. I didn't want to go!!
I miss you so much baby!! And there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you! We are going camping this weekend for the first time since you have been gone. The girls are looking forward to it and I am to but it will be hard too!
Please watch over us and keep us safe!! The girls still ask about you every day! Yesterday Caitlyn said she talked to you on the phone and she said you told her you were in heaven. She said "My Daddy, he's so silly!"
I Love You!! And I will never forget you!!!!
Forever & Always,
May 28, 2008
It seems like yesterday that I recieved the phone call about what happened. I still think about it everytime I see a motor unit, no matter where I am, and how it didn't matter what was going on you went out of your way to make me feel like I was important enough to stop what was going on to say hi. We were not close but when you said hello it seemed like we had been friends for years. The first time I had the pleasure and priveledge to meet you I remember how you shook my hand, there was a sense of calmness in your demeanor that made me feel like no matter what was going on that you would be there in a heart beat.
I came across this in a book and I thought about you. It is from the book "Gates of Fire" by Steven Pressfield. You wore your shield proud and understood what it meant to be a police officer and friend to all of those who you met.
"This is my shield.
I bear it before me into battle,
but it is not mine alone.
It protects my brother on my left.
It protects my city.
I will never let my brother
out of its shadow
nor my city out of its shelter.
I will die with my shield before me
facing the enemy."
May 25, 2008
Man I never thought I would be standing by the "wall" rubbing a name of someone who meant so much to so many of us. It was an honor brother.......We all miss you Wes, but we know you are in a better place. Keep watching over us buddy as we will never forget your sacrifice..
Thank you Wes!!
Sergeant Curd
Plano Police Department
May 20, 2008