Plano Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Saturday, July 7, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Dayle Weston "Wes" Hardy
Hi Sweetheart! Well, July is here and in 6 days it will have been 3 years since our lives were changed forever. We are on our way to Michigan for the Cottle family reunion, Road Trip with mom and dad. I will never forget how we were planning our road trip with our new camper up to Michigan with the girls. It would have been Great!!!! The girls still talk about our camper and want to know when mommy is going to get another camper. I wonder what our life would have been like today. What a great daddy you would have been and how much the girls would have been wrapped around your finger or how much you would have been wrapped around theirs. They miss you so much!!
Please watch over us as we travel and keep us safe. We Miss You my Love!!! Until we meet again!
Forever & Always,
July 1, 2010
Hey Wes, just having some down time and thought I would say Hi! You are missed and we think of you often. Keep on lookin out for us and we'll meet again soon.
June 15, 2010
I suddenly started thinking about you, and haven't the slightest idea why. Just thought I'd stop by and say hello and let you know you're never forgotten.
Former Co-Worker
May 12, 2010
Wes, I went to Arlington yesterday for Ofc. Craig Story's funeral. I saw your partner Terry and we talked for a while....I enjoyed seeing him, unfortunately it was at a funeral.....he's doing well. Keep the light on for us, and look out for Craig.
Motor Officer M. Gamble
Sugar Land PD
January 20, 2010
I Miss You Darlin!! It's just one of those days today! Wrap me in your arms and hold me tight! I Love You!!
Forever & Always,
Your Wife
December 1, 2009
I was thinking about you this evening. Ashlee is doing well and the girls are growing beautifully! We miss you down here, but we know you are in a better place. Continue to rest easy and continue to watch your brothers in blue.
Officer Thomas Berrettini
Azle Police Department/Friend
November 4, 2009
Wes, we're still here grindin' it out........just got back to work full time after the crash. I figured you're probably in need of a fresh can, so I thought I'd drop you a note and send one up to ya. Keep watching over us. Terry, I know you're on here from time to time.....Y'all stay safe. Until next time.....
Michael Gamble
Motor Officer-Sugar Land PD
October 9, 2009
It's been some time since I left a message, I visit this site often just to keep in mind the tragedies that happen throughout the world today. As hunting season approaches I hope you are keeping an eye out above for all of us below. Times like these we can use all teh help we can get. Take care and God Bless....
October 8, 2009
Happy Birthday!
July 16, 2009
I stop by here periodically but have never left a message. Just don't know what to say - never been too good at that. This time I wanted to at least say I've been thinking about you. Went to dinner w/other former co-workers on 07/07/09. Those of us that have them wore our "Wes" shirts, and we had a "Wes" toast. Although the time for mourning may have passed for some, the time for remembering never will. Just wanted to say that: We will never forget. Sleep peacefully, my friend.
Former Co-Worker
July 11, 2009
When you were taken from us you left a legacy of professionalism and integrity. The impact you made on your fellow officers and family was immense and no time shall pass when you are not a presence in our life. We feel your presence each day and know that you are watching over your brothers in blue - especially the motor jocks-I am sure you are laughing down on them in the 100+ weather and let's not forget the rain!
Wife of a motor
July 7, 2009
Wes, two years ago was one of the hardest days of my life. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you. I was not able to go back to the intersection where your accident occured. Several people went out there and placed flowers and gathered around to remember you. I miss you my friend and I know there are a lot of people who also miss you. One of the things that stick out in my mind about you was a certain name you would call people from time to time, you would call them " corn nut" . I have no idea where you came up with that but it always made me laugh. Take care my friend and watch over all of us. Until we meet again my friend. Terry
Motor officer Terry Pauley
Plano Pd Plano, TX
July 7, 2009
Wes, it's hard to believe it's been 2 years. Keep watching over us. I was just reminiscing about that school we went to with the crash test dummy made of PVC and toilet paper. Just wavin' a hand at ya Bro. I know your brothers at work miss you too.
Michael Gamble
Motor Officer Sugar Land PD
July 7, 2009
It's been two years and yet your presence is still so deeply felt. So many are thinking of you on this day and honoring the memory of the fine father, officer and man you were. Your girls are beautiful and I know you are watching over them and are so proud of the little women they are becoming. And Ashlee continues to be so strong but I know she misses you every day. You will forever be in our hearts and this day will never be the same for those who knew you and who miss you so much.
Plano PSC
July 7, 2009
To Officer Dayle Weston Hardy, his family and his fellow officers with the Plano Police Department:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Officer Hardy’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Officer Hardy and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff
July 7, 2009
Hey bud! Just stoppin by to let you know your still in my prayers everyday. I still catch myself remembering the good times we had and I speak of you often to my friends. You will always be an angel on my shoulder, I believe you are looking out for me and my family daily and keeping watch over my mother while your there. Keep looking out for us below as we strive to follow your leadership each and everyday. God Bless.....
July 7, 2009
Wes, just here sayin' hello.......I read a few other posts on here, and it's quite inspiring of your Brothers at home to read their posts. We think of you often. I finally got back to work,.....well, back on the motor working short weeks for a while. Richard, I read yours......I wish I could see that picture of Wes running over that "scientific dummy"!!!!! I remember Wes driving. Until next time......
Michael Gamble
Motor Officer Sugar Land PD
June 23, 2009
Hi Sweetheart!!
Well, as you know today is my birthday. Wonder what you would have done this year to surprise me!! I loved how you always made such a big deal out of my birthday every year. The girls woke me up this morning telling me Happy Birthday and Cora wrapped me a was some of her books, her piggy bank and some cash in the bottom of the bag. Still not quite sure where she got the cash!! Haha Today's like today make me miss you so much more and yet I'm so very thankful to have our beautiful girls to share the day with! I love you so much and I know that you are watching over me especially today on my birthday!
Til we meet again!!!
Forever & Always,
June 5, 2009
Not a day goes by that we don't think about you or mention you in some way. I only met you once, but the impact you have made on my life is amazing. I honor you for your sacrifice and pray that the PPD family stays safe and protected. I know you are watching over each and every one....
May 28, 2009
Hey Darlin!! It's been a tough day today and yesterday. Hearing about another officer killed intentionally in the line of duty and it being here in Wise County has affected me more than I ever thought it could. I know you have welcomed Officer White up there with open arms. It's gonna be a tough weekend and tough week ahead for your Brothers in Blue. Watch over your brothers down here and keep them safe. I love you baby!! And miss you so very much!!
Forever & Always,
April 3, 2009
Hey there buddy, it's been a while but I still think of you often. I know you were laughing a few weeks ago, Kenny wrecked G1, left the toolbox open and pulled it out of the station, well let's say that box is now scrap. Put a new one on and it's good as new.
I haven't found a new hunting spot yet, I'm sure nothing will replace the one I was on when you and I had the best spots on the lease. Oh well something will come up I just know it.
Keep on looking out for us down here as I know you are. See you on the other side.
March 23, 2009
Hey Darlin,
I conquered a fear this morning and went to try out for the National Anthem at the Texas Motor Speedway! When I got there I went to register and guess what my contestant number was?? 7 I couldn't hardly believe it!! I knew then you were with me and no matter what the outcome you were there by my side the whole time! I have felt your support from day one but now that you are gone I still feel it and somedays like today it's stronger than ever!! I love you so much baby and miss you every minute of every day.
Whatever the outcome today, I sing to honor you!! Take care of us and keep watch over me and the girls!!
I Love You Baby!!
Forever & Always
His Wife
March 14, 2009
The PSC family recently lost one of our staff members to an ATV accident. While we all feel the loss in different ways, we all feel the loss. I know your work family still misses you and although we in dispatch felt for them, we understand even more how your death affected all of them. You have been on my mind over the last few days during all of this and just wanted to let you know you are still missed by so many. Rest easy, Wes and show Jana around!
Plano PSC
January 30, 2009
Hi Sweetheart!
I know it's been awhile since I've left you a message on here but as you well know internet in Wise County is a joke!! I finally got my new computer working and high speed at the house.
Mom and I took Caitlyn to get her hair cut today!! She wanted it short like mommy's so she cut it all off!!! She looks so grown up now.....and JUST LIKE YOU!!!! She was a spittin' image of you before, but now.....Oh My!! It's scary how much she looks like you!
I have to take the girls to the doctor tomorrow in McKinney so we are gonna go have lunch and then go to 801 to see your motorcycle. It's now sitting in the lobby at 801 and the girls have been asking since they first moved it to go see it. So we are going to go tomorrow.
Please watch over us down here. I can't wait til we get to meet in heaven. I Love You So Very Much and Miss You Every Minute of Every Day!!
Forever & Always,
January 29, 2009
Hey Buddy,
I know it has been a LONG time since I've left anything on here, but know this, not a day goes by that I don't think about you and the friendship we had. I can not believe its been almost a year and a half since you left us for the better place. I was reading through the past few reflections and noticed Michael Gamble's....
"the PVC stick man with the toilet paper and overalls. Your compadres will know what I'm talkin' about too!!"
I had a heck of a laugh over that memory! Pushing that POS mustang with the explorer until you hit that "scientific" piece of equipment. Ha! I still have the picture of you hitting the dummy hanging up in the office. We had a lot of great times in a lot of "great" schools!
Times are not the same with out you here brother! I spoke with Ashlee the other day by phone, and the girls were chatting up a storm in the background. You'd be so impressed with how they are growing up, they are getting so big! They wanted to go out and ride their bikes.... It was 20 degrees outside at the time... They got your outdoorsy side! hahaha
It wont be as long till the next relfection my friend, I have not forgotten about you, heck, I talk to you every day when I walk in this office and see your portrait hanging on the wall.
Keep us safe Brother in Blue
Until we meet again.
Richard Smith Officer
Plano Police Traffic Unit Friend
January 7, 2009