Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana
End of Watch Thursday, July 5, 2007
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Joshua Everett Norris
I just watched the episode of Rookies where Josh received his patrol car. His FTO described the incident. So young and gone to soon. Rest in peace brother
Former aux. deputy sheriff
September 9, 2012
Rest In Peace Brother...
Deputy Wes McGullion
August 25, 2012
As you did, due to today's events, I too reflexes on those who gave all while protecting others in the line of duty. I could never compose such a compassionate letter to her son, asking for him to look out for the 2 deceased, as well as the 2 injured St John Parish Deputies. I am so sorry for the loss of your son 5 years ago. I was blessed to survive 4 gunshot wounds on 6/17/88 at a bank robbery in Kenner. Days like these effect me even after 24 years. Continue to remember Joshua by speaking of his incident as often as you can have someone to listen to your story of Joshua's unfortunate night, because Johua IS a hero.
God Bless your family, and especially you for giving birth to 2 brave public servants. Your letter above just made my evening a little less distressed.
Former Captain Peter .Pelitire, III
Kenner Police Department (Reserve)
August 17, 2012
Well Son
Looks like we have lost two from St John, please welcome them. Listening to the news report my heart went out to the families of those deputies and what they will be facing. Also two other are in critical condition, so please ask God to send his angles to stand beside them and all the families. Did the head check and all accounted for. Looks like Kenny is on the scene with St Charles SWAT, I know he is strong and a great cop, but watch over him and all there as they look for the shooter. Son news like this brings the day we lose you screaming back and all the emotions with it.
John Latour
August 16, 2012
Hey Kid
Just on my mind. Someone has asked me to write a letter of recommendation to go into law enforcement. After we lose you said I would not ever do it again, since a part of me feels I did not give you enough warning of the dangers of the job. Funny thing as I was debating it , I was coping Marine motto stuff on my laptop and some way your pic was saved under something I copied. I guess it is your way of giving me a thumbs up and ever thing will be ok. Take care boy
John Latour
August 14, 2012
I just finished watching your episode of "Rookies". I had never heard your story before, but I was saddened to hear. Thank you for your service to your community, you are a true hero. Rest In Peace Officer Norris.
Law Enforcement Supporter
August 4, 2012
Josh, thanks for your service.. You are a real inspiration to a lot of children and adults.. both Civilian and Officer.. Thank You and rest in peace.
Matt D.
July 28, 2012
Hey Boy
Just on my mind and today a little more reading Deputy Mast's write up, since it is very similar to yours. As much as I wanted you to be part of the family, I guess it is a blessing that you did not leave behind a wife and child. Well kid still having a difficult time with changes that happen with your death, but asking God to help me with them.
John Latour
July 27, 2012
Josh i cant say more than u have inspired me to become a police officer like most of the people that have left u a reflection they saw the show rookies bam like that u where gone killed in the line of duty just doing ur job.May u rest in peace and God bless all of the police officers.
July 5, 2012
He will always watch from above for his family, brothers, and sisters in blue. The department defiently lost a great hero this day and he will never be forgotten. God has a great soldier in his army.
Staci Faucetta CO
July 5, 2012
Hope we all know he's protecting us from above. Although I'm no longer with the department, I'll always be a cop in my heart, and Joshua's death at 22 was especially tragic. I pray for him and all the other officers who lost their lives while protecting us, as well as my brothers (cause I still consider them my brothers) who are out there today. RIP Josh, and you will always be a hero.
Mike Newell
Former JPSO deputy
July 5, 2012
Well Kid
Getting close to that awful date again, face book is lighting up with those remembering the date. I know it is done by all out of honor to you, but I would rather forget that day. It is day which just brings up the feeling of lose, of wondering what could have been and that a single day will adjust the lives of so many with one single act. Was think back in 2007 and how we were planning the trip to DC and how everyone was pumped up since it was the first trip you would be going with is, as part of the family. It was like a rite of passage, Matt came with us on a trip to Cancun before they were married. It was like the welcome aboard ceremony. Still thing back how at the table you were right in there with everyone else discussing what we would do. Actual the day before the 4th was getting access passes to Pentagon for us all and when your name came up life you as my son in-law. Amazing what a day makes and changes that can happen. Now when I go up there for work I stop to see your name on a wall.
John Latour
June 29, 2012
My Name on a Plaque
i saw your story... im not a police officer but i admire you in every way
after you died
the seconds kept ticking
by and by
wish i could of met you
just to say hello and just to say
RIP Josh Norris
June 20, 2012
Well kid
Taking a ethic class and death penalty was a such, which made we discuss you. Still hurts when talking about you. Again cannot say it enough wish you had a chance to be my son in-law. I know in my heart you would have been a hell'uve husband and Dad. Boy I'm proud of you and feel grateful to have known you and be part of my family's life.
June 20, 2012
Well boy we are getting close to the date in the year which I hate. This year it will fall on the same day of the week as when we lose you Visited Tara, Matt and the kids, in the way home Beth and I was talking and she asked how the 96 would run since it was in the middle of the week, which reminded of the day we lost you, but more so the day prior. Kid you still have place in our family and wish the only memoir associate with the 5th was it was the day after you asked to marry Jess. Five years, where has the time gone, still think of what it would have been like. Figure you and Jess would have at least two years of marriage under the belt and at least one rug rat running around.
John Latour
June 13, 2012
Well Son just want to tell you that was thinking of you today. Who ever bougth your old houe is doing some major work on it. Hope it is a nice young couple starting a family. Kid you would have made a good husband and Dad.
Retired Deputy John Latour
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's office
June 5, 2012
I still watch Rookies and remember you every time I do. I stop by your page every few months and am always glad to see the family, friends and strangers that write. You inspired a lot of us in law enforcement. Many of us in our 20s and 30s think we're invincible. Your story reminds us how precious life is and how thankful we need to be for the gifts God has given us. Please keep smiling down on all of us.
June 3, 2012
Josh Norris,
Like most I learned about you from the Show Rookies. Ive been with the Sheriff's department in KY for 6 years now as a dispatcher, In the next couple months I will start the Police academy and soon will be on the street also. Its crazy how much someone you have never even met can touch your heart and soul. I wish your brothers the best and safety until they see you again. Thank you for your service and rest in peace
Soon to be Deputy
June 3, 2012
I know you stood by Eric's side as he made his trip to heaven. You and Kevin welcome him home. It breaks my heart another one of the 7 have left this life. Make sure you watch over Will, Mickey, Eon, and Lance
John Latour
May 14, 2012
I feel like I can be on a first name basis since I first watched your episode a few years ago. I continue to think of your story & of the sacrifice you made. I am starting another shift now & I often visit ODMP to reflect on others lost. I like to think it keeps me grounded at work.
Your still in my thoughts & prayers. God Speed Brother.
Ofc. D. Abbott
Peterborough Police Dept. (NH)
May 13, 2012
Well my brutha, another year without you here. A long 5 years is rapidly approaching, but there are many of us gathered in Portsmouth, VA gearing up to ride to DC in your honor. I am here this year and I will be thinking of you during the Unity Tour. When they call out your name on Sunday, I know you're up there watching over us. I won't be saddened by your death anymore, but I'll be proud to celebrate your life.
Sgt. D. Gros
Sgt. Darren Gros
May 9, 2012
Well Boy Looks like Harrison got the thumbs up to head home, you kids give me more gray hair and if not gray you make it fall out more. Visited Eric the other day, he has lost allot weight and to most who have visited him regularly it may seem like little improvement in his condition. When I got to his room no one was there, so when I started talking to him he turned to the sound of my voice, probably not recognizing it. But as I talked you could see he was trying to communicate back. You know me, not one that beats around the bush or tip toes around a question, so I told him if he can understand me to give me a sign. Since he still has really no reflect controls, I just ask to give me a smile, which he did. We talked about his new son and you could tell that affected him. I know he is still fighting to get back and time will be the only thing which will allow that. As I told Beth, he is in the worst type of fire fight, alone and out gunned and no way to communicate that he is still in the fight, but still fighting. We had a good 20 minutes before his Dad came in and we talked about a number of things, mostly to hang in there and keeping fighting even if it drives him crazy that he cannot communicate now, it will come and keep the faith. Told him I had no clue why God chose him to have this fight, but he has a reason, as with you leaving us still not sure why. But as Eric and I talked I did realize something, I use to wonder why did God let this happen to you, at the start of a long life with everything in front of you. To be taken the day after you got engaged, then something clicked, which I want to say it was God tell me something. Much like the day when I got the phone call from Kenny that you were in being sent to the hospital. God's plan had you coming to him, but before you left he would give you that happiness of at least asking Jess, to finish that act which you wanted to do. In that 20 minutes with Eric we talked of you and again you could see reaction, so I know that he is still there and fighting. I just need to make sure I impart that to others, mostly Kristen, but also Jess. She has been spending allot of time with her and the baby. Son I know God gave you a pair of wings, need you to stand by Eric's side during his dark periods, as you did when he initial went in the hospital. But also touch those close to him as well, so they can see he is on the road to recovery, just it is on God's timeline and not ours. Well kid have to go, passed by the other day , see your brothers left you a couple of beers and a smoke for you birthday. Miss you kid and keep watching over everyone and like I told you when you were with us, take the time and tell those around you are thinking of them. You have a whole lot of people down here still missing you, give them a visit and strength in their day to day trials.
John Latour
May 8, 2012
Just watched the episode of Rookies about Deputy Josh Norris. I was completely shocked and saddened about this. My prayers go out to the Norris family. RIP Deputy Norris thank you for your service and making the ultimate sacrifice....
Police Dispatcher
Albuquerque NM
May 8, 2012
This weekend I was watching an episode of "Rookies" and saw you on the show. A brave young man, aspiring to pursue one of the hardest jobs there is. While you have left behind many friends and family, you have left us all with a definition of what it is to make the ultimate sacrifice. Your bravery helped to make sure one more bad guy isn't around to harm anybody anymore. Thank you Officer Norris, you are truly a hero in my mind.
May 7, 2012
You showed great promise as i watched you on "Rookies". I am so very sorry. My condolences go out to your, family, friends and loved ones.
May 6, 2012