Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Law Enforcement Division, Texas
End of Watch Saturday, March 17, 2007
Reflections for Game Warden Justin Phillip Hurst
You have given the ultimate sacrifce that one can give!! Now your reward will be eternity in heaven with God. We all thank you for your service to this state and country. Your family will remain in our prayers and may God bless your family.
Sergeant Moores
Bells PD
December 12, 2012
We have so much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving day. We are all thankful to have known you and been around you when you were here. I hope we can all take time to look at the stars, laugh with our children, and continue to live our lives with extra vigor to make up for your years that were taken away.
Thank you brother
November 23, 2012
Your single act five years ago may have saved many. Your single act 5 years ago have had an impact on many more. Not a day goes by where you are not remebered. We can all only hope to live our lives to the fullest in honor of the days that were taken from you that night. God speed brother.
September 30, 2012
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
August 2, 2012
Happy birthday brother.
March 17, 2012
Although I never knew you brother, I am touched and feel the pain from this incident. My son is only 1 year older than your boy as I am 1 year older than you. So I can relate and feel the sadness. My prayers go out to your son & family as you are greatly missed. Thank you for your service and dedication to law enforcment. You will never be forgotten Sir. A Hero may fall but will always be remembered. A Hero you were Sir.
James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)
March 17, 2012
Rest in peace, Warden Hurst. Your service, your commitment and your sacrifice to the citizens of the great State of Texas will never be forgotten.
Greater Houston C.O.P.S.
March 17, 2012
Justin, I stopped by the Lissie Cemetary the other day, cried and said a prayer... It is hard to believe it's been 5 years! I just wanted you to know that you have not been, nor will you ever be forgotten. You, Amanda, Kyle, your mom and dad, and Greg are never far from my thoughts. You are still missed by so many. I hope the sun is shining, the fish are biting, and the ducks and geese are flying up there! Happy early birthday!
Jamie Taylor Nelson
March 15, 2012
As the geese head south, their voices remind us of you. You are missed by many every day.
Our memories stay close to our souls and we do our best to live freely, love often, and smile at the rising sun.
November 29, 2011
Thank u for protecting all of gods creatures human an non. You will never be forgotten.
Civilian Tino
August 13, 2011
My sweet Justin, it has been 4 years and 2 months. Your son is growing beyond bounds. At age 4 1/2, he looks just like you! Acts like me! He is so tough, and yet so tender. God tells him when mommy needs that extra hug. He has his first school program this Friday. I'm sorry you will miss it. If you could just see him, you would be amazed at the blessing you left behind. He is starting to ask about you, and he tells me, "My daddy was a game warden, and he lives with Jesus, and I love him." Time is moving on. I miss being married- our 10-year would have been in April! You are always missed! Kisses to Heaven for you!
Amanda Hurst
May 16, 2011
I will never forget the sacrifice you made thank you.
March 19, 2011
You will not be forgotten, Brother.
NLC, Special Agent
March 18, 2011
Just remembering......
Game Warden
March 17, 2011
I was just thinking, 5yrs ago today we celebrated Michael's Birthday and my last meal for the night before having Madison the next day. We went back to our house to play "Aggie" opoly until 2 in the morning. Then woke up at 5am to goto the hospital to meet Madison, your neice. Then 11mths after I had Madi, ya'll had Kyle. They love playing and seeing each other. We miss you so much!
Amy Cruson
Sister Inlaw
December 29, 2010
I had read the outdoor life article about warden hurst and felt simpathy but while recently in texas on bisness i was lucky enough to go through the justin hurst wildlife area, i think it is wonderful that the state of texas honored his memory in such a wonderful way. they say it's not the way they died that made them heroes it's the way they lived, warden hurst was a fine testament to the truth of this. god bless
October 16, 2010
It has been a while since I have been to this site. I think of you often. Amanda and I have spent a lot of time together over the last six months or so...more than ever. She is such a wonderful woman and mother. She is just what you probably imagined she would be, if you were still here. Kyle is absolutely adorable. Still a spitting image, but unfortunately, took after his mother in attitude (haha). Seriously, he is a wonderful little man. While we are no longer together, he is still ready and willing to help show Kyle how to be an outdoorsman (not that Amanda can't). Justin, you are still so greatly missed and I wish you could be here in person to see how Amanda and Kyle have evolved. She loves that child with such intensity. She is truely amazing, as you obviously knew. And Kyle, he is such a blessing. I don't know what her life would have been like if she didn't have him to help her get through all of these hard times. Your presence is always felt, but the real you is so very missed. Hope the birds are flying and the fish are biting up there. I am sure they are.
Love you!!!!
Jamie Nelson
August 16, 2010
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today. I know all of them miss you every day and wonder what the future would have been like if you were here. So many lives affected because of one individual who could never compare to you in status. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones.
"The bitterist of tears shed over graves are for
words left unsaid and deeds left undone."
By: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
March 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Justin! We love and miss you!
Amy Cruson
Sister Inlaw
March 17, 2010
Thinking of you on this 3rd anniversary of your senseless death. Rest in peace brother and continue to watch over us as we protect our nations natural resources. Matthew 5:9
Gordon Hobbs
NC Game Warden
March 17, 2010
Another year has passed and you are still admired and respectfully remembered in the hearts and minds of so many. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
March 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Brother............I miss you and think of you so often...........Until we meet in Paradise!!
March 17, 2010
I just wanted to say thank you for your service! Not many people know what it means to be a Texas Game Warden, and I was one of them. One of my best friends is a Game Warden now, because of you, and because of him and other wardens I am friends with I know how special it is to be a Texas Game Warden. I wanted you to know you were an inspiration to many, especially Chris, and that he is a great Game Warden, thanks to you!
You will always be remembered!
Matt Abernathy
March 10, 2010
January 19, 2010
Santa brought Kyle the biggest train set on a train table. He wanted nothing to do with presents. All he wanted was his train table. Every day he looks more and more like you. Amanda misses you dearly. She smiles, but it still isn't the same. We miss you!
Sister In-law
December 28, 2009