Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Law Enforcement Division, Texas
End of Watch Saturday, March 17, 2007
Reflections for Game Warden Justin Phillip Hurst
To a true brother in blue. May you rest in peace now we have you watch. To your understanding wife who put up with all the late night calls and late night where you were late getting home or working when everyone else was out enjoying the wilderness. Don't dwell on the sadness just remember the wondrfull times. To you lovely little be proud of your father and keep him alive in your heart and actions. Remember he will allways be watching over you all. And i know i speak for all the members of your Dept. Don't hesatate to call if anything is needed you will ALLWAYS be family no matter how much time goes by. God Bless and stay safe and never forget.
Cpl. John Atkins
Maryland Natural Resources police
May 19, 2007
You have given the ultimate sacrifice in honor of your profession and the public that you served. The State of Texas was blessed to have you serve them with such honor and courage. Our prayers are with you and your family.
The Maine Warden Service
Captain Joel Wilkinson
May 16, 2007
Rest in Peace brother! Heart felt condolence to your family!
Officer Matt Lyons
Oceanside, CA PD
May 13, 2007
I had known Justin through his parents for some 20 years and recruited him in his early years for the FM 1960 Ducks Unlimited Green Wing Chapter. Justin readily and enthusiastically agreed to help hold the first D.U. Green Wing Event administered and held by youth in the State of Texas. Justin, along with my son and another youngster held one the Best Green Wing Events I ever had the pleasure of attending. There was no doubt in my mind that Justin was headed for a career in wildlife conservation!
Justin, you were an outstanding young person who had an impeccable career where you were honored and repected beyond reproach. I am going to miss you son.
Bob Emison
Bob Emison
May 9, 2007
You gave the ultimate sacrafice while you were serving and protecting the community. Watch over the rest of us as we work to make this world a safer place to live. God bless you and you family, you will never be forgotten.
Deputy Mary B. Syson
King County Sheriffs Department
May 8, 2007
Last evening in Missouri at a dinner for the National Conservation Leadership Institute, you were brought to our attention at dinner by a gentleman from Texas. The man who spoke about you stated you were a right fine young man. There was silence about the table. Every person there involved with Conservation. That your life was given in the line of duty, performing your duty, what a remarkable example you have left for all of us who cherish the outdoors. We are honored by your sacrifice and hope that our conduct & stewardship of our outdoors heritage & traditions will do right proud by your memory.
May Providence's peace be with you and your family in this time of tribulation & bereavement.
With the highest order of respect,
Case Hicks
citizen, outdoorsman
C.N. 'Case' Hicks
Theodore Roosevelt living historian
May 1, 2007
Justin and I met when he was guiding duck hunts at the Jordan Farm. That was nearly twenty years ago. He was a shy kid when he starting guiding goose hunts with us in Midfield.
He had a quiet and sharp sense of humor. Once one of the hunters asked,” What kind of choke should we use for these geese?” A smirky smile came to Justin’s face and he responded “Well, if they get close enough to choke ‘em you can save your shells”. I’ll never forget that, and I still respond the same way to the question.
He and Mark became good friends and Justin used to pull practical jokes on Mark that were hysterical. One day we were dove hunting near Palacios one September and the ragweed was giving Mark fits. That evening he went to bed early complaining of sinus headache. As he pulled back the covers of his bed, he found a nice pile of ragweed on his pillow that Justin had picked just for him. Of course we all screamed hysterically.
One evening when we were hanging around waiting for the guide meeting, there was an old purse lying near the dumpster that gave Justin an idea of how to pass the time.
He took the old purse and placed some big rocks in it from the parking lot out back, and carried it over to the beer joint just across the street from the lodge placing it on the ground out front. We watched from the front of the lodge to see what would happen. One truck stopped and picked up the purse. He drove about 100 yards and stopped and the purse came flying out of the window. We laughed over and over again as people would pick up the purse and go with it for a while before discovering the rocks. I guess you had to be there..it was so funny.
Of course you remember all the good times spent with the guides at Justin’s house in Clemville. I was too old for all that foolishness, but I know that Byford, Clint, Brent, Justin and the rest all have great memories of those days.
Last summer my wife and I were coming in from fishing at Port O’Connor and as we were on the Intercoastal, a TP&W wildlife boat waved us to stop. Not paying attention to who was on the boat, I asked “ Do you guys know Justin Hurst?” The guy on the bow said “ Yeah, I don’t think much of him though”. “ Shocked, I looked up at the guy in amazement, and Justin yelled at me from behind the wheel. “Warren, what are you doing out here?” We all had a good laugh. My wife got to meet Justin and I am happy for that.
I remember one evening while I was out scouting, I came upon Justin as he sat in his truck beside a field full of geese using his spotting scope to log neck collars. That was when he worked as a game biologist for the state. As I approach the truck Justin let out a big yawn and I said “ Hey man have you had a long day?” He replied that the geese were beginning to yawn as it was late in the evening, and they were making him yawn. I’ll never forget that as it told how focused Justin was on watching wildlife. I’m sure he studied their habits loving each for their great example of nature.
Justin was always my hero. He did everything the right way, and so success was almost always a given with Justin. I will always love him and think of him. I hope you and Kyle remain nearby, because ole Boudreaux may pay a visit there sometime.
May God be with you and Kyle; I know Justin is with Him.
May 1, 2007
Rest in Peace. Prayers for your family.
Tracey DeLitta Tousley
Daughter of David DeLitta EOW 10-28-88
Tracey Tousley
Daughter of fallen officer -Special Agent David R DeLitta
April 29, 2007
Dear Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Game Warden Justin Hurst,
We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of Justin. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support during this very difficult time. We know that sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement for support. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten. Game Warden Justin Hurst is a hero.
Alissa Scott
Widow of Beryl Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02
Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-04
April 27, 2007
There are heroes who walk among us
never looking for glory or praise
They don't seek recognition
for their thoughtful, caring ways.
Living lives of deep commitment
providing for those they hold dear
Steadfast with a quiet strength
through times of laughter and tears.
You are a person like that to me
the most selfless man by far.
So Justin, I'd like to thank you
for being the HERO that you are.
Justin, you are truly missed in our neighborhood. We miss your smiling face, your heartfelt wave and you, Amanda and Kyle walking down the street with your "four legged kid" trailing right beside you. God bless you and everything you did for us. Your legacy will always live on in Kyle. And we know if we ever want to see a glimps of you, we can go over to see Amanda and take a look at Kyle. You marked him well. You will always be a hero to us and live on forever in our hearts.
Misty Elliott
Neighbor/Friend/Wife of a Wharton County Sheriff's Deputy
April 26, 2007
I was one county away when I heard the chaos on the radio the night you were taken from us. Please rest in peace Justin Hurst as you will be missed.
Trooper Jeff Davis
Texas Department of Public Safety
April 25, 2007
"Justin Hurst, Class of 1995" was called at Aggie Muster in Freestone County. I answered "HERE" for you Buddy. You will never be forgotten.
Softly call the Muster,
Let comrade answer, “Here!”
Their spirits hover ‘round us
As if to bring us cheer!
Mark them ‘present’ in our hearts.
We’ll meet some other day
There is no death, but life eternal
For our old friends such as they!
John Thorne - Texas Game Warden
48th Academy Class Mate / Texas A&M Class Mate / Friend
April 22, 2007
To the Hurst family, from a fellow game warden, I deeply regret your loss. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Sgt. Chad Hebert
Louisiana Dept. Of Wildife & Fisheries
April 18, 2007
Its true to the law enforcement community that we are all brother's whether we know each other or not. We are all there as back-up for whoever needs us and whenever we are needed, regardless. I send my thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Warden Justin Hurst from myself and the rest of the Phoenix Police Dept. God Bless.
Officer Finkelstein #8222
Phoenix Police Department
April 13, 2007
Warden Hurst gave the "ultimate sacrifice"...I want to express my sincere appreciation for his sacrifice and my condolences to his family for their loss. You are in our prayers daily. May God wrap His comforting arms around you and your family during this difficult time.
To Warden Hurst's fellow officers, thank you all for daily placing your lives in harms way for the sake of others and for the natural resources of the great State of Texas! You are appreciated and prayed for. May God richly bless each of you for your efforts.
Dennis Harrell
April 13, 2007
To the Hurst Family, Words can"t say what you need to "Hear". Our family has walked in your shoes,and Justin was a Officer that was on top of his Job. From our Family to yours, in the next few years, we are here with you,Allways,Because we "Know", how "Hard" Life is...If you need anything at all contact us.......Bob & Connie Clark
Charlie Clark EOW 04-03-2003
Bob L. Clark
HPD Family
April 12, 2007
Peach Point was where I met Justin on my first public hunt. He was relativly new to his job but impressed me then and grew in stature each time I was around him after that. When he told me he was going to Game Warden School I knew he would graduate at the top of his class. Justin was the epitome of the best that ethical hunting and Texas Parks and Wildlife stands for.
Amanda, I met you once briefly before you and Justin were married; and now, realize that after watching you at Justion's funeral what a privilege it was. You and Kyle had a great guy as a husband and father.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurst you had to be wonderful parents to produce the man you did.
God Bless Each of You.
Walt Chapman
Just another hunter
April 12, 2007
May God bless you and your family
Bryce Gilcrease, 7 years old
son of Corporal at Alvin Police Department
April 8, 2007
You will be missed by all. I would like to give my condolences to the family of Justin, especially his wife Amanda and 4 month old son, Kyle. My heart goes out to all Game Wardens. We lost a fellow brother and that can never be replaced. Gone but never forgotten.
Corporal Shawn Gilcrease
Alvin Police Department
April 8, 2007
It is three weeks to the day since I received the call about the incident that took you from us. The time has been a blur and my memories of our 34 years together have been flooding through my soul.
You would not believe the amount of love and support that has poured into El Campo and our family since your heroic night. I never knew that my baby brother was so loved and respected for everything you had accomplished in your brief time.
Anyone reading this memorial page or any of the articles written about you can clearly understand what a loss we are working through and what a gain heaven has received.
My story for this week is about our time when we built the bridge in Leona with Dad. Somehow you and I were nominated to man the posts while swimming in the pond that had not received fresh water for several weeks. We held the poles while dad swung a large sledge hammer over our heads, knocking the pole into the mud and splinters into our hands. Occasionally someone would drop a hammer and or tool in the pond. You and I would take turns dropping to the bottom, feeling around in the muck, and having a pseudo-competition to find the missing article. We were in that water for longer than I can remember. What I do remember, was looking over at you, laughing, and having fun.
I miss the bear hugs we would give each other at random times when we were together. I love you with all my heart.
Greg Hurst
April 6, 2007
To a true friend and fellow officer: Your dedication, preparation, and devotion to your family, God, TPWD, and the people of this fine state is unmatched by any other. Due to the selfish act of another you have made the utimate sacrafice and for that we shall remember you forever, Thank you Brother! The 48th and all the men wearing the blue badge will ensure the safety and securtity of your family!
Quint Balkcom Game Warden II
Fellow Warden/Academy Mate
April 6, 2007
Justin is my best friend from the age of nine years old. He and I loved the outdoors very much. I will miss him so very much. I have been in Iraq now for four years and just wish that I kept in touch a lot more often than I have. He taught me about the outdoors. As kids we spent our childhood in the woods cathing animals and saving them sometimes if they needed. You could always find us at the river fishing or just seeing what animals we could catch and bring home. I will always think of him daily and all the times at Dear Lake fishing as kids. I have always looked up to Justin even though I am older. He is a great guy and will be missed very much. I just know that when I am out in the woods that he will be there with me always. I will look at the ducks in a differnt way for the rest of my life knowing that he is there with them.
God Bless to all the Officers and stay safe.
Dennis Campbell
Best Friend
April 4, 2007
Thank you for everything. You guys are out there protecting our national resources. Without you, I would not be able to do what I love. Thank you. Mrs. Hurst, may God look after you and your baby. The next time I am out in the woods, I will think of your husband. God Bless.
Jason Janacek, A Texas Hunter
April 4, 2007
He was a great man. Very kind. I'll never forget him.
Brandon Hurst
April 3, 2007
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
It is not 'goodbye,' but 'until we meet again.'
Rest in peace my friend.
Wharton County, Texas
April 2, 2007