Toledo Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Reflections for Detective Keith Dressel
To a fellow Officer, even though I didn't know you. My prayers are with your family. My family that resides in Rossford informed me of the death of Det. Dressel. My Cousin, Sgt. Jon Paskowski is a Toledo Police Officer and I admired him growing up and became an Officer. I proudly worked in Ohio for six years as an Officer and transferred to Florida and have worked for my current Agency for 6 1/2 yrs. I am truly sorry for your loss and the family is in my prayers! God Bless Ofc. David James Filipiak #659
Ofc. David James Filipiak
Palmetto Police Department
April 5, 2007
April 3, 2007
I cannot thank you all for everything you have done for me and my family. This has been my worst nightmare come true and you have all been so supportive and caring. Without all of you, I would NEVER be able to get through this hell. I want to say the right things to you so that you know my sincerity and my gratitude to you. You have all told me that I am forever an extended member of the TPD family and I want you to know that you have made me feel that I most definately am. Thank you for involving me in your social functions. It means more to me then you will ever know because keeping that connection with you all makes me feel closer to Keith. Please know that I think of you all and pray for your safety everyday. People take for granted the dangerous job you do and don't appreciate the fact that you are all fighting the good fight. You are all heros. Thank you again for all you have done, for honoring my husband as he should be and for all your continued support. I love you all!
April 2, 2007
It's another night that I am missing you so much that I can't stand to breath. I keep asking myself, "why you?" I guess I will never know. I don't think I will ever be happy again and I hate these nights that are lonely without you. The one thing that I will never forget about you is how you always made me laugh. Even in our most serious arguements, we always ended up laughing because you couldn't be serious and you were so damn funny. But somehow I must learn to live my life without you and I hate it. I am crying and I want to cry on you. I want you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright as you always did when I thought my life was in crisis. Now my life is in crisis and the only person who made everything better is gone. I miss your attention, I miss your affection,..I miss you. Sydney was crying the other day because she said it wasn't fair that you got to be at Noah's birthday party but not hers. I can only hug her and tell her you would be there, she just wouldn't be able to see you. I love you Keith. I am so heartbroken over you.
Heartbroken wife
April 2, 2007
It saddens me again to read that we've lost another officer. To Detective Dressel's family and the Toledo Police Department I send my deepest sympathy on your loss. May God's abiding presence sustain you all through this time. This brother is watching over all of us. He is indeed a HERO and may the creep who did this spend the rest of his time behind bars!! I pray every night for my son and daughter in law who are LEO's and all officers for their safety. RIP
Mother of a LEO
Prince William County, Virginia
March 31, 2007
Today, the 29th... The day after your birthday... I thought about you all day yesterday, and, as you know, you were thought of by many of us. This year Easter will definetly be very different, as it is just the family's official first time without you there. I'm sure the uncles will have some speeches or at least a few very sincere prayers. I will miss you because I remember you helping me get the "high" eggs that were hidden up in the trees that I was too short to get to. I always thought of you when it came Easter time, because that was always your birthday party, also, as mine was Christmastime. We were some of the few that had our whole family at our birthday parties! How lucky we are! Just so you know, even though you are not there, we will still be celebrating your birthday at the Easter party. You will never be forgotten in this family, and we are still so proud of you. On your birthday, the 28th, my best friend had her first baby, so I will be able to celebrate 2 very important births every year on that day. I love and miss you, and hope that were able to celebrate your day with all of the relatives up there with you in Heaven.
Holly Dressel
March 29, 2007
Hey Keith, just wanted to let you know that I am still praying for you and your family. Not a day goes by that I dont think about the violence that took your life. I pray that justice will be served and maybe this kids mom will understand what her child has done and quit blaming everyone else. I didnt know you but my heart aches daily knowing the pain your family is going through. Please keep and eye on your fellow officers and all of us wives and family members worrying about them. Thank you again for your service and dedication, I just wish it didnt have to end this way.
wife of a police officer
March 28, 2007
Your mom sent us around an email this morning about how they plan to remember you today, your birthday. It sounds very special. I wish so much we could be there to participate and to support your folks, siblings and Danielle as they go through today, but I am so glad they have each other to lean on. I'm finding that each day closer to when we come home for Easter brings increasing pangs of sadness and pain - it's going to be so different at Dressel Easter this year. We miss you so much - I keep hoping that when I visit this website that when I go to put "Dressel" in the search engine that your name won't come up, like it never happened.
I wanted to wish you a Happy 36th Birthday, let you know we are thinking a lot about you today and wishing you were still here in person to celebrate......
Kimberly Dressel-Watson
March 28, 2007
Danelle and Family,
I have been reading your reflections and I feel your pain in your words. It took me alot longer to realize Billy wasn't comming home since I was his sister and I didn't see him everyday. I too called his cell phone to hear his voice, 7 years later I still watch home movies to hear his voice, it's somethen that I have to do. The pain is still there, sometimes it hits me like a brick wall, like it was just yesterday. I took your husband's funeral very hard, I think because alot of the same people were there and seeing the story, and you guys on the news, it was like it was us all over again. My brothers birthday was feb 20th and when he was killed it was foggy too. You all have a long road ahead with not only the pain of losing your Loved one but with the trials, I hope you seek out another survivor, one that has gone through the trial process to help you. I know that my brothers kids are what kept my sister in law going, she had a 6 month old at the time that she had to take care of so a lot of her grieving was put on hold, because she had no time to really think about what happened. I know it was hard for me to talk to my family about my brother because I didn't want to upset them anymore then what they were, it seemed like you all are a awesome supportive family and that you will all watch out for eachother. I think the one thing I learned through all this is that everyone grieves differently. What I went through even when you scrape away all the circumstances we lost someone we loved but the way that we did is very differently. Losing a brother is totally different then a husband and the same with a mother and father losing a son. I try and help the best I can, it is one of the better things I can do since Billy's death but sometimes I try to hard..I just wanted to be there for you all and if I could help out at all then I did somethen good in memory of Billy. I think its awesome the community has come out in such support of Officer Dressel, hopefully it keeps police and what they do in the minds of people as they see them doing their job. I know not a day goes by that you and your family does not cross my mind and hope things are starting to settle down for you so you can start to heal just a little bit. I can't help but think my brother and Officer Dressel are not up there sharing war stories and talking about who is who. Billy at one time was going to work for TPD. Well again I stress if anyone needs anything please don't hesistate to contact me, I will try and post my email but I don't know if they will allow it, and also I do have the yahoo support group for fallen officers families and friends. There are about 80 members all with different trials and tribulations they have been through. When you are ready I hope you look us up...
You are all in my heart,
Corrina Hetrick sibling survivor of William Hetrick
officers down survivors group yahoo
corrina hetrick
sibling survivor of William Hetrick
March 28, 2007
On your upcoming Birthday and as always, my heart and thoughts are with you and your family. I've wanted to say several things for quite some time, but the moment never seemed right.. so here it is. Thank you for taking Michael under your wing, for seeing him through his distress of transitioning into vice and continuing to support him after he went back to patrol, for letting him be your "secretary" (hehe) and the kind words of "harrassment" when we first met and everytime thereafter in the office. Thank you for seeing him home safe each night and buying my silly beaded jewelry during the holidays. Michael was proud to stand next to you during your final moments of goodbye in the church, as I know you were proud of him.
To Danielle, Sydney and Noah-
There are no real words, no one will ever know if the pain,sadness and hurt will ever move on. However, for what I knew of your Husband and Father... he will return to this world as a cartoon character, pure animation... his humanity was molded by his parents, his "adult" life was molded by you. Step-parent is nothing more than a title, having been there, he and Sydney are bonuses to each other, but you already knew that. Sydney and Noah have the pride of carrying with them forever that Daddy is an eternal hero. Most of their stories will be passed down to them, however all filled with love, pride and the excitement to tell the story.
Everyone who leaves a refelction wants to say the right thing, the perfect words of encouragement, I don't know if there are any, but whether we knew Keith, encountered him, or were just aquaintences, sadness becomes us all in different ways. Mortality to the "invinsable" reminds us we are in fact mortal, but Keith never wavered. We all have our reasons for these reflections, but most importantly they all reflect love for a man, a Husband, a Father, a Son, a Brother, our Hero who, known or unknown- feel a special place in our heart for him and his family.
GO BLUE!!! And Happy Birthday, Friend
March 27, 2007
Hey Keith,
I was asking your bother the other night if we are ever going to wake up from this terrible nightmare. Are we ever going to wake up and everything be back to the way it was. Of course the answer I get is not the one I want to hear. It is still so unbelievable. I remember as we were leaving the house after Noah's birthday party and you said lets get together again before the end of the month. Well the end of the month has come and gone and it didn't happen! Why? Because some "punk" chose to take you away from us. I try to make sense of it and I can for a little while but then it all comes back. When I read the cards, the poems, watch the DVD's, listen to the CD's and remember how you were honored it eases the pain for that moment. I try to understand why God took a good one from us and I realize He didn't take a good one He took a GREAT guy from us. I guess He needs help with GREAT things needing to be done. I guess He knows you can get the job done as you did here. And He is right! Great job Keith! Great Job! I don't have the words to help ease the pain all of us are feeling but I do know GREAT people only end up in a GREAT place. We are keeping Danielle, Noah, Syd, TPD Family and all those still feeling the pain from your loss in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers. By the way, you and the others you were with can still hang out at the house whenever you want. I just ask if you all decide to smoke that you please crack open the windows a little. Be sure to continue the pranks for us to let us know when you are around. We all miss you. Wishing you were still here with us. I can't wait to hear and see all the GREAT things you are doing. It has already begun. Keith please be close to all of us in the days and months to come. Especially facing your accuser. Help us and remind us why you are now doing GREAT things in Heaven. Although I am a Longhorn fan I will cheer on your Wolverines every chance I get (GO BLUE!!)
Thank you Keith for the wonderful memories!
Thank you God for blessing us with the time we had with Keith!!
You are GREATLY missed! Forever in our hearts!!
Grieving Sister-In-Law
March 25, 2007
Mrs. Dressel,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I am currently working through the TPD hiring process with Det. Carol Rankin, and it will be an honor to work with the same department your husband did.
My deepest condolences,
Ofc. Jonathan Walters
Castle Pines Emergency Services
Castle Rock, CO
Patrol Officer Jonathan Walters
Castle Pines Emergency Services
March 24, 2007
You are in my prayers.
Ofc. S.L. Coffman #15174
California Highway Patrol
March 23, 2007
Mrs. Danielle Dressel,
As I checked my reflection to see it posted on your husband's ODMP, I couldn't help read your reflection, just 5 reflections down from mine. I make it a habit never to read the reflections of others, because I become too emotional and I take EVERY fallen officer's "Incident Details" on the ODMP, personally as if they were a part of my own family, or in Hawaiian, my own `Ohana.
I read yours. I took it personally. I hope you will read what I am leaving for you. May it give you comfort in knowing that Keith is now with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and you and your son WILL see him again. One day, we will all be with him and our Lord Jesus Christ together, one family, one `Ohana.
Any partner of Keith's is extremely lucky. You could spend your whole life looking, and you would never find a man as devoted and attentive as Keith. He lives for his partner; indeed, he is driven by the desire to ensure the happiness of those close to him. Not only can Keith be incredibly affectionate and utterly loyal, he is one of the utmost accountable and social person you will ever meet. He thrives on intellectual interaction amongst people. He is vivacious and creative, always thinking on his feet. He is seldom bored and is able to invent opportunities for his creative self-expression.(This applies to his personal and professional life.)
This is what Keith's name means in a book I own called, "The Hidden Truth of Your Name."
I wish you Danielle, and your beautiful son, all the peace and love that only Jesus can give. May all those that leave tributes for you, your son, and your beloved Keith, fill your heart and soul with comfort and peace.
The Hawaiian prayer, "I am the I" represents God. I wish you love and peace beyond all understanding. God bless you and your son.
All my love, Moana xoxoxo
"I" AM THE "I"
"I" come forth from the void into light,
Pua mai au mai ka po iloko o ka malamalama,
"I" am the breath that nurtures life,
Owau no ka ha, ka mauli ola,
"I" am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness,
Owau no ka poho, ke ka'ele mawaho a'e o no ike apau.
The "I", the Id, the All.
Ka I, Ke Kino Iho, na Mea Apau.
"I" draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
Ka a'e au i ku'u pi'o o na anuenue mawaho a'e o na kai a pau,
The continuum of minds with matters.
Ka ho'omaumau o na mana'o ame na mea a pau.
"I" am the incoming and outgoing of breath,
Owau no ka "Ho", a me ka "Ha"
The invisible, untouchable breeze,
He huna ka makani nahenahe,
The undefinable atom of creation.
Ka "Hua" huna o Kumulipo.
"I" am the "I".
Owau no ka "I".
Moana V.C. Molale Private Citizen-Hawaii
Kahu La`a Kea (Keeper of the Sacred Light)
March 22, 2007
Its been one month today. It seems like and eternity and at the same time it seems like the blink of an eye. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and your sacrifice. You are sadly missed by your brothers and sisters of tpd. My thought and prayers go out to your family and friends Keith. Know that you will live forever in my heart. I take comfort in knowing that you are watching over the rest of us still on the beat. Your memory will never fade from me. You are my hero. I love you Keith. I miss you.
tom morelli
tpd officer
March 21, 2007
Aloha e Detective Keith Dressel,
I searched after a 3 week absence from the ODMP page to see if I left a reflection for you. I did, on page 8. There are now 22 pages of reflections left for you. I would like to add the following below which is now included in all of my reflections.
"As we read the many heartfelt tributes left behind, may we find solace as we give solace to the families who have lost a loved one. May we build upon love and faith knowing that this “bridge of tributes” will carry each and every one of us through the pain and sorrow until we meet with our beloved one again".
--“Your life is much more important than you can imagine.” -- Maya Angelou
I HONOR you today, tomorrow, forever. Aloha.
Moana V.C. Molale Private Citizen-Hawaii
Kahu La`a Kea (Keeper of the Sacred Light)
March 21, 2007's hard to believe it's been one month today! When it seems like just yesterday. Still the outpouring of support is unbelieveable! My heart still hurts and the tears are endless it seems. As for Danielle help me help her find comfort cause i don't know how to! The only thing that will make it better I can't do for her. And everytime i look at Noah i get angry that he was robbed of the one thing every child deserves to have a daddy. And Syd told me we can still talk to you but you can't talk back and said she talks to you all the time! They say time heals all wound's but this wound seem's so deep right now. Know that not a day goes by that everyone doesn't still tell story's and laugh! And everyday your in everyone's thoughts! Till next time my friend!
Forever Friend
March 21, 2007
Danielle is the strongest woman I ever met. I went to talk to her at the wake and she looked at me and said, you don't remember me, do you? She said that I met her through a mutual friend when she was 18 yrs. old.
I could not believe how she could remember this when her mind is going a million miles a minute. Danielle, you are a pillar of strength. Keith always had a joke or a sarcastic comment about someone. He will be missed. My Heart goes out to Danielle, the kids and the Dressel Family.
Off. Hany Youssef
March 20, 2007
Danielle and family,
Please know that Det. Dressel is now with our heavenly Father. Knowing this, I hope will bring you peace because he is in a far more better place than here. We're grateful for the many memories we've spent with our loved ones who have gone before us but we are all destined to meet with the Almighty. This was his time. I know the pain you feel because we've been thru it also. What helps the most is not thinking about how he died but how he lived and will continue to live in our hearts. Those special memories will always remain a part of us. We must not forget them for they are strength to us just as Jesus once lived among us and was taken from us but we know we will all meet again someday. God gave us stength and your husband is the same. He is giving you stength by living on in your heart. Take the love he gave you and share that with the kids and never forget he is in your heart. He is with you in spirit always. The flesh may be gone but the spirit lives on. I'm praying that you will receive strength daily and that your heart will begin to heal knowing that he looks down on you daily.
God bless.
New Mexico
March 20, 2007
I’ve been married to a Toledo cop (formerly vice) for 12 years. I’m astounded by how much I didn’t know. As a cop’s wife, the question you always get in one version or another is, “Aren’t you scared your husband has such a dangerous job? “ I’ve always thought it was a stupid question and borderline offensive. Bad things happen to everyone. That’s part of how I got through it. At least it was before 2/21/07. The other thing that got me through was the naive belief that nothing bad COULD happen…at least the chances were slim. I mean, we hadn’t had a line of duty death in this town since before I was born. Diane Miscannon could have told me how slippery a notion that was.
I didn’t know. I didn’t want to know. I still don’t.
I also didn’t know how strong and vast our TPD family is. Sitting on the sidelines, I have been overwhelmed at the outpouring of support the Dressel family has received. I hope, the Dressel family knows I am and will always be a part of that support, as will my husband, who was Keith’s good friend. I am part of the TPD family and am profoundly proud of that. I know that now and am glad for it.
I didn’t know Keith. After hearing about him from my husband, I deeply regret that I never got a chance to meet him. I think I would have liked him very much. I know that he was a hero. I know that my husband is a hero. I, of course, worry more now for him. I also worry so much for his friends that are still on Vice and in every other department. I know that we as a city were blessed to have had someone like Keith “out there” on our side. I’d like to think he still is.
For the Dressel family, I know that nothing can wipe away the pain and grief you have to face. I hope you know that your TPD family is out here on your side.
God bless.
Wife of a TPD Detective
March 18, 2007
Keith, it has been over three weeks that you have been gone and for some reason, yesterday was the first day that I realized that you were never coming home again. It was the worst day of my life. I don't know how I am going to go on without you. I needed to hear your voice so much yesterday so I called your cell phone, knowing you had not left a personal greeting, but hoping you had. I called your work desk hoping your voice recording was still there,... it was gone. I was so hysterical yesterday and I fear the days are just going to get worse. How do I live without you when I need you so much??? At this point, the only comfort I have is looking into our son's little face and seeing you there. Everyone tells me to remember the good times we had,... I do and it just makes me sadder and more angrier that you are gone. YOU SHOULDN'T BE GONE KEITH!! IT'S NOT FAIR THAT YOUR ARE GONE!! I love you Keith, I don't want to say goodbye because it hurts to bad. So I will say, I will see you again my love.
Heartbroken wife
March 17, 2007
Det. Dressel
Rest in peace my brother, Thinking of you and your family. God bless.
Officer Bob Swope #5609
Olmsted Falls Police Dept.
March 16, 2007
Danielle and the entire Dressel family,
I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better and take away your pain. Danielle, your reflection was heartbreaking! I grew up in the Temperance area but now live in Columbus. All I can do is wrap my arms around all of you in prayer and love.
March 15, 2007
Its been some weeks since your death. Not a day goes by that I do not think about you. You were more than an academy classmate. You were a friend. Know that you will always be remembered. You are a hero and I know that you are looking out for all of us. There are still Dressel stories that get passed around. We will always have that. My nephew sent me some pics of us when we went skydiving. I still can see you coming out of the plane and almost hitting the rear of it. You were doing some crazy barrel roll thing and spinning all around. I miss you Keith. You will always be in my heart.
Thomas Morelli
tpd officer
March 14, 2007
Rest in Peace Brother. Your spirit lives on forever. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Dressel family, his friends, and fellow officers.
Patrolman William Mays Jr. #428
Youngstown State University Police Department
March 14, 2007