Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Keith Dressel

Toledo Police Department, Ohio

End of Watch Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Keith Dressel

Thank you Sir for you professionalism, bravery, courage and sacrifice. You are a true Hero. Godspeed.

Sgt. T. Henshaw
Bell Gardens Police Dept., CA.

June 22, 2007


I really enjoyed when you addressed the problems on the property I watched over and the friends you brought with you so they could use there toys.
You really cared about your job and you worked hard for your family.
Every time I saw you I remembered when you was working loss prevention and you got your letter from the Toledo Police Department telling you that you where accepted to the Police Academy. (Boy where you excited) You climbed the ladder and you made Detective.
I did not know that you made detective until I seen you at the safety building and we started talking a bit and you told me you made detective.
Even then you where happy at your work and you did what you loved to the moment, YOU WILL BE MISSED BY ALL!
God bless and we will keep your family in our prayers.

A Friend
Work related

June 22, 2007

Hey Keith,
Today is the first time that I was able to bring myself to this page and finally write something. I've talked to Sissy, watched the news and read the paper and still can't grasp the fact that you are gone. When I see Sis on the news I see this strong, courageous, wonderful wife and mother, a woman that I've known for so long that looks so different to me now...but in a good way. I've always known that Sis was a strong spit-fire, don't-mess-with-me-chic and that will never change, but through all of this she is amazing. Out of all of the things that I have been through in my life with Sis and Mick I would never be able to handle this without them. You are so lucky to have had time with a great friend, sister, mother and wife. If I could go back and let you have all the years I have had with her, I would let you take them in a second. All I can say is that I will help her with anything she needs and promise to watch over her and the kids for the rest of my life...thanks Keith for the laughs you brought into my life and for making my bestfriend so happy...I miss you Keith, I always will...

friend of Sissy

June 21, 2007


Today is four months that you are gone. I can't so many things have happened in your honor since Feb 21. I look back at those events and I smile because you have touched so many people. But the selfish part of me wants to give it all back so I can have you back. But I guess it doesn't work that way. Last weekend was not only father's Day, but it was our 2 year anniversary. How fair is that? Our two year anniversary and I had to take flowers to your grave. When I ordered the flowers and told the clerk I needed anniversary flowers for my husbands grave, you could see the pity in her face. I could only look down in hopes she would stop staring at me. I text your cell phone number (which I can't bare to remove from my phonebook), to tell you how much I miss you and love you and I got an actual text back. When I saw a new Message from Keith, my heart sunk into my stomach and for a second, I thought "I knew you weren't really gone!" The response said, "wrong num" Again, it seemed like I was reliving that night of Feb 21. I cried and cried. It was hard to believe that your phone number was reissued already. It makes me sad that life goes on without you. Just know, Im not going on without you.

I have read all the reflections left for you. People are so nice and have been so supportive. To all of them, thank you. Thank you for your kindness, support and prayers. It helps me so much to know that so many people loved Keith and that I get the pleasure of sharing your thoughts of my husband. God Bless you all!

As always Keith, I love and miss you so much it hurts!


June 21, 2007

Dear Keith,
Just wanted to wish you a happy Father's Day and let you know it seems your family is well taken-care of. With the deaths of 9 firefighters in S. Carolina I had another excuse to think about you, not that you don't enter my thoughts often since February. We perform dangerous work, and my hope is that everyone at least recognizes and acknowledges that risk we all take when we go to work every day. When I hear stories about people tiring of hearing about you and the court proceedings and the memorials given in your honor, I get angry and want to physically beat them. I promise I will not let these people distort what happened to you and will refocus exactly what it is they should be tired of: the crime and the need to stay strong and protective of all our brothers and sisters in uniform. You never know when it will happen, and it might happen to you, you know?
Anyway, I have been meaning to write again for a while, and thought this was a good time. God bless you Keith. You were such a great guy. We all miss you.

Jeff Schroeder
Toledo Firefighter/ friend

June 20, 2007

Happy Father's Day Keith! We miss you terribly and wish you were still with us to celebrate this very important day. I cant imagine how hard today is for you two precious children. I know how much your family must miss you. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family. Not a day goes by that we arent thinking about you and your sacrifice.

wife of tpd officer

June 17, 2007

First,let me say we miss you and still each day talk about you laugh about you and cry about you and more then anything wish we could have spent more time with you! I know you are aware of the outcome of today's hearing and I feel that now you may find peace and rest! Todays decision finally has given you the justice you deserve, i know we face a long road ahead of us ,but it brings some comfort to us knowing you did not sacrifice your life for a job you loved so much for nothing. We will be there each and every time for you during the proceedings that our yet to come! We love you!!!!!!!


June 11, 2007

Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and your family. A heavy weight has been lifted after hearing today's news. One victory, I hope many more are to follow. Keep your family and TPD brothers and sisters safe.

Tania Schneider
TPD Commo

June 11, 2007

This family (both the TPD family and the Dressel family...which I feel are synonymous now) needs peace and today's news was, I hope, one step toward achieving it.

God Bless and keep moving forward.


June 11, 2007

God Bless you all.

June 9, 2007

Keith - I have been keeping up with the trial of your killer via the internet and as I sat here at work reading what happened yesterday with the testimony of that psychiatrist who called Jobe a "regular kid", I felt crushing pain in my chest and saw R-E-D. We pray for justice for you every day, Keith - and we pray that Jobe never sets foot on another street where he could hurt anyone else. Please do what you can to comfort all of us as we struggle with this trial in our own ways - especially be there for your folks, silbings, Danielle and the kids. We have circled the wagons around the family, and the police have been amazing at insulating Danielle and the kids. I'm sure you're keeping busy watching over everyone - we need you to do that for us, kiddo. The pain of your loss is very real to so many people. Know how much we love and miss you -

Kimberly Dressel-Watson
Sad Cousin

June 8, 2007

rest in peace

June 8, 2007


Today is another day of courtroom testimony. Please be with Danielle, your mom and dad, brother and sister, and your police family and friends. Give them the strength to get through these prceedings and let them know that you are with them, now and always.

June 7, 2007

Keith, where do I begin? I have thought of you so much since that fateful night. I keep remembering all the good times we had on the job together when you wore the uniform. Backing you and Dave up at calls was always an adventure! Then you made it into Vice, and we saw less of each other, but everytime I saw you you would have the chesser cat grin that we all love so much. You became a father to Noah a few days apart from when my little one was born. I loved seeing you bring him to court. You looking the typical "dirty boy" we loved with such the adorable young man by your side. EVery time I see him, it brings tears to my eyes. I can't even imagine what he is going through; I just know I hope my little girl never has to go through that pain. Danielle and your family have been so strong for all of us. I just hope we have been just as strong for them.

I went to DC this year for the National Law Enforcement Memorial. I wore the shirts we made to honor you. To see the thousands of officers and family members there to honor those that gave the ultilmate sacrifice in 2006 was breathtaking. Though you will not be honored until next year, you were in my thoughts every minute I was there. I came back to Toledo in time for our memorial. I fought back the tears as they read your name, as the Chief retired your badge, and taps was played. It is so hard missing you.

My daughter wanted to see the memorial marker in the garden for you. Someone had given her a carnation. She told me she wanted to give it to you, so she laid it next to your marker. God, how that broke my heart!!! She had never met you, but your death, your sacrifice, she will never forget. She asks me questions about you every now and then. She tells me how "the bad guy is in jail, right Mommy?" I tell her "yes, baby, he is in jail". She says "good". We, your brothers and sisters in blue, will attend every court date to ensure that justice is served!! We will not rest, and we will be there to support your family.

Finally, let me tell you of the memorial ride!! What I site to see and be a part of! Looking at all those motorcycles and all those people who didn't even know you, come out to ride in support of you and your family was awesome!!!! I had not gone by Bush and Ontario since your death. When we drove by, the tears fell from my face. I miss you. I know we didn't hang out or work around each other much over the years, but you are and always will be a fellow 46er! I miss the good times we had, and the fact the chance to have more together was taken away from all of us.

God Speed Keith!!

Fellow 46er

June 2, 2007

Danielle , I still check this site every couple of days and I just want you to know that I hurt with you , not because I was close with Keith but because you are my cousin and I can see the pain in your eyes in all the news footage. I am very sorry that this happened in our city and our family and I hope that TRUE justice will be served one way or the other. I know its hard right now , but even though you may not realize it things will work out. Although , not perfect but , they will work out. Goodnight Danielle , Noah and Sydney. Todd.


May 24, 2007

Danielle -
Something keeps drawing me back to this website to read the reflections for your husband. As I sit here today I am still deeply affected by the sudden and awful departure of one of Toledo’s Finest. You, your children and family are consistently in my thoughts and prayers. My husband is not only a TPD officer, but he is in the National Guard as well. He will soon be heading on another Iraq. Since Keith's loss I seem to worry more about his safety and the safety of the other officers that I know. Reality struck on Feb 21--that it can happen. It will be a long road for you, many..many tears, on and off anger, and then some day you will find peace. From everything I have heard and read about Keith, he will guide you to that place of peace through the close friends and family left behind. I hope you know that those of us who have never met you or Keith are thinking and praying everyday for you, your entire family, Keith’s fellow officers, and all of the friends close to Keith. I wish there was something more that I could do for you other than to say that you were blessed to have such a wonderful person who will remain in your heart forever. You are an inspiration for the strength you have shown throughout these past three months. Take care.

TPD Wife

May 24, 2007

My heart aches for the family of Detective Dressel.
I wish I could take your pain away. He paid the ultimate sacrifice to make this world a better place to live.
To his wife- after reading your reflection I just wanted to cry. I can not imagine what you are going thru. May God continue to give you comfort. May your children know their father was a true hero. Heros are never forgotten.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

911 Dispatcher

May 23, 2007

Brother Keith - After I got hurt, I moved back to Toledo, the City of my birth. I listen to you and your Brother Officers on my scanner and feel safer to know I am being protected by those such as you. Our job will always remain dangerous but you gave your all for people like me, the Citizens of Toledo. I know your beat is safer now and that you continue to protect all of us doing the Lord's assignmrnt. God bless your soul and your family. Mike

Officer Mike Hague, Retired Disabled
Fremont Police Department

May 23, 2007


Another night without you. Tongiht I feel like I can barely go on without you. This was one of the toughest weeks of my life and I don't know how I am making it. Yes I do, your friends are helping me. Today I spent the day with Mick and Stacy and I was on their lap top computer outside while Mick and Stacy were playing with the kids. I heard Jack and Noah laughing and I was watching them all just being this beutiful family. It made me think of us and it took all I had to not break down completely because I didn't want them to feel bad for me.

Friday was the police memorial and award ceremony. I am so proud of you for all the honors you have received. It was so awful though being on that stage accepting them for you because you could not. I looked into the audience at the award ceremony and all I saw was pain in everyone's face. Your mom and dad miss you so much. Dave and Tori have been so solid for me, but they are starting to have such a hard time themselves. They have been sooo wonderful and they miss you so much Keith. So many people were there for you Keith. Jeremy Carey, Kevin Braun, Roy Kennedy, those guys are at every single event honoring you. I really think it shows how much you have touched certain peoples lives, and you didn't even know it. Your absense is killing me Keith and it's only getting worse. I love you Keith and I miss you so much. Please keep your brothers and sisters safe, they need you.


May 20, 2007

Keith, This week has been tough on all of us but I want you to know it's because we miss you sooo much. What a ride we took yesterday!! The memorial ride with hundreds and hundreds of bikes was definately an experience I'll never forget. The emotions were running as rampat as the roaring of the motorcycle engines. TPD lead the way and I'm sure there was not a dry eye as we passed that terrible sight were your life was taken from us. Your family gives us such strength, they attend all these functions with pride in their hearts and so much love shining on their faces. I love your Father's smile!!! I know you are keeping a watchful eye over all of us and be asssured a day doesn't go by when we don't think of you and your great family.

Detective Mary Jo Jaggers
Toledo Police Dept.

May 20, 2007

Yesterday was the memorial in Toledo. It was so touching. Actually is was another day of tears, some sobbing, pride, and oh my Keith, we were so and still are so proud of you. One of the St. Francis students played TAPS at the memorial. I know that you would have loved that.

Before the memorial service we were able to go to your office and see your desk, be with your vice brothers and sisters, hear stories, and feel the love for you. We hear how you would "Dresselize" and use the satellite to help you get information. We also heard all about your
organizational skills, especially your desktop and drawers. We got a preview of what will happen to one of the walls. There are fresh flowers on a table by one of the huge banners of you. We heard how good you were at your job. Oh, Keith, We and they miss you.

We went for lunch at the union hall. We met many of the retired officers. What a great bunch of people. When we left, the dash clock said: 3:33. We know that is our code from you and we knew that you were there with us. We all felt your love. I will never forget when I was on my way with one of the officers (Connie) to the hospital. There was a warm feeling that came over my whole body. I happened to look at the clock on the police car dash, and it was 3:33. 3:33 is when you have talked to me in the night since that day. It is the time you told me that you had Alex with you, your young cousin that was killed in a car accident just two days after your funeral. 3:33 is our special time.

Later last night, we went to Tyler's house to help fold shirts for the Bike Ride being held today. We had a very nice time and met some wonderful people from the Oregon Police Dept. Neil and Janie had Noah with them. Noah misses your romping and the way you would wrestle with him, but Neil did a great job of doing that with him for you. Noah was giggling and laughing the whole time. Before we went, when we got to Neil's house to pick them up, he was riding on Neil's back just like he used to do with you. Neil asked him who gave him horse rides and Noah said, "My daddy."

Noah is so much like you. I hope that he grows up to be such a wonderful man and father like you were. You were such an outstanding, loving, honest, and smart man. Dad and I have always wondered where you got your smarts. Of course we also have wondered where you got your height. I do not know, but let me bring that up on my satellite. Enhance, enhance there it is. It is because your were God's special person.

Many officers and command officers told us how everyone liked you. They have said that they did not know of anyone who did not. You were so respectful and caring to all. One officer, now retired, that worked with you in the past told us that he thought you were being mean to him, and then after a few minutes got it. It was your dry sense of humor. An Honor Guard member told that when you were a street cop, you were always so neat, shirt pressed, and a very good representation of the Toledo Police Dept. Then you went to vice, and she had not seen you in a couple of months. She stepped into an elevator and there was this long curley haired fellow with torn jeans, and a wadded shirt. He also had this "----" eating grin on his face. That is what gave you away. She said that you played the part of a good vice cop so well. She also said that she asked if your mother let you out of the house looking like that. I love hearing those stories.

We are making a memorial garden here at home. Your aunts and uncles are having a stone, from one of Aunt Janet's fields, engraved that just says "Keith". We have this garden by our lilac bush, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and beautiful flowers. I cannot wait for school to be out so that I can spend more time there making it perfect. I need to get a bench to sit at so that I can talk to you there. Remember that spot? It always had a wonderful breeze even on hot days because of the evergreen trees.

I know that you were visiting me last Saturday. I was on this site when I was typing my thoughts. Then anger hit and I was typing things that I never would have sent. I was not going to send it, but you took care of me. You knew that I could goof up and hit a wrong button and send it, so you shut down the computer on me. Just as amazing it came back on automatically and said re-start. it was all gone.

I ask you to not only look over your family, but your brother's and sister's on the police force too. Tell your Grandpa's and Grandma how much we miss them. Tell your Godmother Aunt Trudy we miss her too.

Love always,

Larraine Dressel

May 19, 2007

We miss you Keith. We think of you at all our raids. We thank you for all the NO KNOCK search warrants.We all enjoyed doing your raids because we got ot use all our toys. We Love and miss you so much.

Midnights DP (SWAT)

Toledo S.W.A.T (midnights)
Toledo Police Dept.

May 18, 2007

Keith...i just needed to talk to you today...we miss you so much! Yesterday and Today were two of the roughiest day's since the night they came to get us to tell us you had been shot! Yesterday we went to Harvard School and all these little kids wrote letters and sang songs and they were all crying and it was so heartbreaking. Today they presented Danielle with so many awards in your honor it was so hard to sit there and watch. Dave misses you so much when they retired your badge today the anguish i seen in his face was awful, it wasn't suppose to be like this you were his partner his best friend! I feel like this is an awful dream and today when they read your name at the memorial and rang the bell that dream became a reality and it sucks!!! We love you and miss you!!!


May 18, 2007

Keith, never had the honor of meeting you but your sacrifice is always at the top of my daily list as I prepare for work every day. thinking of your family and wish them the best.

Deputy Brian Ruckstuhl
Wood County Sheriffs Office

May 18, 2007

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you always. Not a day goes by, brother, that you don't pop into my head. I still miss you. We are trying down here. Watch over us. I love you.

Tom Morelli
TPD Brother

May 15, 2007

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