Toledo Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Reflections for Detective Keith Dressel
Thank you angel!
May 22, 2008
Dearest Keith,
I had the privledge and honor to spend time with your family and friends in Wasington, DC as we honored you and the other fallen officers who have been taken from us. The wall is a reflection of the profession we have chosen and how fragile our lives are. Your parents, your brother, sister, niece, nephew and your wife showed such strength but I know how diffucult it was to see your name on the wall. The tons of momentos left by those that have loved and lost someone close to them was a collection of days gone by but through the tears there was also laughter and their stories were treasures I will always keep. The candle light vigil was so moving, thousands of candles and the thin blue line raising up to you in heaven. We toasted you several times Wednesday night as the bagpipes played in honor of "Dirty Boy" how cool was it of them to line the street and play for the members of the Toledo Police and thank goodness we have Carol and Bill Connelly to have set that up for us. Please continue to watch over and protect us. We love and miss you!!!
Detective Mary Jo Jaggers
Toledo Police Dept.
May 18, 2008
I met your family in Lansing and again in Washington DC. What special people they are, giving me an idea of how special you were and still are. Each time I heard your name in DC I said a prayer for your family, that they may find strength. I will keep them in my prayers as I know the devastation and heartbreak that they feel.
Although the time in Washington was so very emotional and brought back so many feelings of sadness, the honor and respect that was shown was truly like feeling the comforting hand of God. No one can ever take away our HOPE that we will all live in heavenly eternity together some day.
Your job on earth was completed far too early for our mortal minds to comprehend, but you did that job so well and your inspiration and spirit will live on always. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten and I will always remember the name of Detective Keith Thomas Dressel.
Please give my brother a hug from his big sis who misses him ever so much!
Sister of Bobby Kozminski EOW 7-8-07
Grand Rapids Police Department
May 17, 2008
Thanks for leading us to what the truths are and showing us what the reality is.
We love and miss you much!!
May 16, 2008
Hi bubba! Well you were honored this week at the national memorial and i'm sad we could not be there. Last week we went to our memorial i don't think i will ever get used to hearing your name read with the fallen officers. It still does not seem like it's true. I took Izzy with me to the memorial and she slept peacefully thru the whole thing but when they were reading the names she smiled up at me as if she knew at that moment i needed comfort. She is so sweet and loveable, but then i think you know that sure wouldn't of sent me an ornary child like her father:) We miss you! Till next time my friend!
May 15, 2008
Keith, I have just completed the first two legs of my journey with the 2008 Police Unity Tour. I have proudy worn your memorial bracelet, while bicycling almost 200 miles now. We will finish our quest tommorrow, arriving at the National Police Memorial in Washington D.C., where on tuesday, I will have the honor of presenting your family with your memorial bracelet. I have thought of you very often these past two days. Many people have come out to see our 227 officers from the Virginia Chapter, while we travel through the various communities, and wish us well on our journey to the Memorial. I will never forget the honor that was given to me this year, to be permitted to ride in your memory. Or the sacrifice that you made. Your family is indeed in my thoughts as well on this journey. I am looking foreward to meeting your family on tuesday. It is an honor to ride in your memory.
"All gave some, Some gave all" Police Unity Tour
Deputy David Moss
Mahoning Co, S.O
May 11, 2008
Hi Keith,
Was just fooling around on the computer and wanted to read some reflections. It's nice to see that people still write as often as they do. Obviously you are someone who will never be forgotten...I turn on the flickering candle Chase and I have for you every night, Chase has it in his mind now that he wants to be a DEA agent (been watching the show on tv) totally opposite of the baseball star I want him to be ha ha! I told him to follow his heart and his dreams...and I know if that's where he heads one day you will be there to watch over him! Keep smiling down and watching over all of your men and women in BLUE. Talk to you soon! Love you and miss you always.
Bestfriend to Sis
April 23, 2008
Hi Keith,
Today I went down to Columbus for the annual APCO awards ceremony that is put together for dispatchers and 911 Operators in the state of Ohio to receive acknowledgement and thanks to people who do our job in Communications. I was the only one there to receive the awards our shift was nominated for, for the night you were taken from us. It was extremely hard for me to stand there with the certificates for those of us working that night while listening to the presenter tell the audience which consisted of several of my peers and even Sheriff's from around the state about the night of February 21st,2007. I was sad to be there in the first place...quietly wishing that this had not happened to you so that I didn't have to be there at all. It's been over a year now - but the memory is there for me just like it had happened yesterday. I still think of your kids and family - saying prayers for them every day. Please continue to keep them safe and watching over your brothers and sisters in blue.
Tania Schneider-Civilian Dispatcher
TPD Commo
April 16, 2008
To the Dressel family,
I also am a member of The Police Unity Tour like the officer from Detroit. Last year was my first year riding in the Tour, and I am riding again this year. I have chosen to ride for Keith in this year's ride because like him I work in narcotics. Our motto is, "We ride for those who have died". It is a great honor for me to ride for Keith in this years Tour. I pray that God continues to give you comfort.
Detective Joseph Reid
Hernando County Sheriff's Office, Florida
April 16, 2008
Hi Keith,Its been a while since I have wrote you.I just wanted to say we think of you every day.We love and miss you terribly.
Love always Becky (Mother-In-Law
Becky Donbrosky
April 13, 2008
Hi bubba! I know i said this before but i need to tell you again thank you for our little girl you sent from heaven she is finally here and oh my she is just perfect! She looks just like her daddy! That little girl is the best thing that has ever happened to him he looks at her and you can just see the love. And i'm going to tell you i'm in love to ....every day i look at her and cry cause i just can't believe she's ours and we get to keep her! We miss you so much and not a day goes by that we don't think about you ...wish you could be here to share in our happiness but i know in my heart your not far:) We love you ...till next time my friend!
April 12, 2008
Hey Keith,
It's been a while since I've written, things get so busy but never enough that I don't think of you. Sis has been doing great, she's still so strong and brave. So many things have changed since you've been gone...the thing that hasn't is that everyone still loves you, talks about you and misses you everyday. I know you are up there looking down and please continue to do what you do...keep us safe. Talk to you soon. Love you and miss you.
Sissy's Bestfriend
April 8, 2008
We celebrated your birthday yesterday. Dad, Jen, Noah, Canyon, Riley and me. We went to your grave, took balloons, flowers, and candles. We sang happy birthday, lit the candels, and Noah blew them out. Noah also placed the happy birthday balloon stick into the ground with Poppa's help. We came home, had cake and ate pizza.
As usuall, you were watching over us. On Jen's way down from Jackson, she was almost hit in the rear by a drunk driver. The driver instead, hit his brakes, flipped his car over three times, and ended up in the deep ditch upside down. He was able to get out of his car, injured and bloody. Jen and the kids were safe. An old neighbor was at his mothers house. where it happened, helping her clean the ditch and tile of debree. They saw everything. The people that were along the side of the road, changing their flat tire, were almost hit too. Keith, you watched over Jen and the kids, as well as all of the other people.
Keith, thank you for watching over our family. We love you. It was so nice to have Noah stay two days with us and especially on your birthday. Neil and his family are going today to celebrate your birthday. They came last night too, but it was too late to make it to the cemetery.
Noah and I built a snowperson. We are not sure if it is a girl or boy. We did not have a hat for it, so we stuck a flower on top. We also had a snowball fight with dad. Noah thought that it was very funny to have one land in Poppa's sweatshirt pocket. We made pop up cards, things out of pipe cleaners, raced toy cars, learned to call grandma on the phone, and so much more. We had fun.
Love, MOM
Larraine Dressel
March 29, 2008
To the Dressel family,
I am a member of The Police Unity Tour. Last year was my first year riding in the Tour, and I am riding again this year. I have chosen to ride for Keith in this years ride. I would just like to give you a little information about the Tour. The Tour is a 300 mile bicycle ride from New Jersey to Washington D.C. in honor of all Officers killed in the line of duty. Our motto is, "We ride for those who have died". It would be an honor for me to ride for Keith in this years Tour.
P.O. James Looman
Detroit Police Dept.
March 21, 2008
Praying for your family, friends and co-workers. God Bless you all. Heros are never forgotten.
911 Dispatcher
March 16, 2008
Dear Keith,
I can't believe a year has passed by already. It seems like yesterday my wife woke me up onemorning and told me you had been shot and killed, and I just sat there saying to her, "What? What did you say?" I think of you often and know you are at peace, but also upset you are not home with your family. I had my own really close call at work 6 months ago, and you entered my thoughts then. I sat there thinking I was going to die, and thought to myself, Wow, Keith and I are both going to die in the line of duty 6 months apart. When that thought came to me, it wasn't one of fear, really. It's strange, it was almost an acceptance, a kind of inevitable thing that really didn't make me afraid. I like to think it was you. I got out and now have even more of an appreciation for how quickly things can go bad and everything can be taken away. Your family has been so inspirational to everyone, I don't know where they get the strength. You made them proud, and I am sure you are proud of them. Rest easy Keith. Keep watch over everyone from up there and I will see you eventually.
March 1, 2008
To the Dressel Family,
There's has been many times I've thought of reading through of all Keith's reflections and wanting to leave one of my own. For some reason, I could not find the words to say. Words are sometimes difficult to find. Today, I've spent the past few hours reading each and every reflection left for him. Naturally, tears came to my eyes many times. Keith was/is so loved and respected and always will be.
February 21, 2007 will be a date forever etched in my mind. I will always remember being at the funeral home for two days cutting and handing out/pinning on blue ribbons. I heard many wonderful stories of Keith (whom I've never met)being a big ole teddy bear, a jokester, a wonderful father and a dedicated detective. The turnout of mourners was beyond remarkable. It was a very difficult time for us all.
Tears are falling from my eyes as i write this now......
Keith will always be remembered for the hero he was and is.
I've come to learn what a close knit family you are and you can always look to each for strength and support. But keep in mind, there is the community too, and especially those at T.P.D.. We all know it has been and will continue to be difficult.
Larraine, Mike, Danielle and the Dressel family, don't hesitate to contact me for any have my info....some day(s) we can all cry and laugh together.
"Lest We Forget"
Diane Miscannon
Daughter of Fallen Officer William A. Miscannon
E.O.W. Sept. 18, 1970
diane miscannon
daughter of fallen officer william miscannon, e.o.w. 9-18-70
February 24, 2008
Dear Detective Keith Dressel Sir:
It is today, Saturday, February 23, 2008. I feel sad it has taken me so long to write this, but I have been reading those reflections that were written on the anniversary of your death. As I laid down in my bed to sleep on thursday night, I said another prayer for you, your family, your fellow TPD members, (I still think of you as a member of the TPD Vice/Narcotics division, were as you "used to walk your beat here on the streets of now walk your beat on the streets of heaven":-) and ALL "LEO's" nationwide. I pray the good lord blesses you all, your families, loved ones, and friends, with "comfort, guidance, and safety" as you perform your duties to "serve and protect".
It was "chilling" yet "heartwarming" to read in The Toledo Blade on friday, about those who attended the late-night "candlelight vigil" in your honor. (As you probably well remember it can be dangerous for an "undercover detective" to be seen at an announced ceremony like that, yet out of respect for you and what you stand for, many of your fellow detective "braved" the chances and did just that. Thank you "LEO's", thank you all!)
"Blessed be the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons (and Daughters) of God." - Psalms 5:9 KJV
Forever Grateful, "R.I.P. Sir",
Toledo, OH USA!!
William D. Bradner
February 23, 2008
Dear Detective Keith Dressel Sir:
It is today, Saturday, February 23rd, 2008. On Thursday night, just before I laid down in my bed to sleep for the night, I said another prayer for you, your family, your fellow TPD members (I will ALWAYS think of you as STILL being a member of the TPD Vice/Narcotics division - you just "walk your beat in heaven now, not here on earth like you used to..."), and LEO's nationwide! I pray the good Lord watches over all of you and your loved ones, providing comfort, guidance, and safety as you "serve and protect" us, the lucky citizens of the USA!! You would be so proud of your lovely widow Danielle, and your two fine children, they are truly amazing in the face of such "diversity" and "difficulty".
It was quite a thrill to read in The Blade, yesterday, on friday, of the "Candlelight Vigil" so many of your loved ones, family, friends and fellow police officers attended. (As I'm sure you remember, it can be very "dangerous" for an undercover detective to be at an announced service like that, yet out of respect for you Sir, many braved the challenge and did just that. (You all seem to always go "above and beyond" the call of duty....thank you all, LEO's, thank you.)
Bless you Sir. R.I.P.
"Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Sons (and daughters) of God" - Psalms 5:9 KJV
Gratefully yours,
Toledo, OH USA!!
William D. Bradner
February 23, 2008
Thank You Keith! May the Peace from God be with your family.
Ranger Aaron Leist
Wood County Park District
February 22, 2008
Today on the 1st anniversary of your death, we pause and say a prayer for those you left behind.
Rest in peace Detective, you are not forgotten.
Chief John Roelandts (retired)
Deborah Roelandts (911 retired)
Oconomowoc Wisconsin
Chief John Roelandts (retired)
Town of Oconomowoc
February 21, 2008
Keith, it was a year ago today I was an intern with TPD, and heard the news when I got up for class. Today, i'm on my FTO period with the Ft. Wayne, IN Police Dept. I often think of you when i'm out on the streets, and remember how dangerous they can be. I was amazed at how many people in my academy class here knew of your name, being almost 2 hours away. As I get ready for work now, I dedicate this shift to you, and will be praying for you and you family. Continue watching over us brother and rest in peace.
Ofc. Chris Felton
Fort Wayne Police Dept.
February 21, 2008
hi i didnt know the detective but but i feel for him and his family and his fellow officers im from the northend and it used to be a nice place kids didnt act like they do now i hope this wakes alot of people up i used to be involved in gangs and activity of the neighborhood but i know these guys are only doing there job and i can respect that and i respect this man that gave his life for us thank you ill never let you down r.i.p much love to you
from the north end
February 21, 2008
Detective Dressel, it's been an entire year since your passing, and you have been missed by so many - most of us that greive with your family and friends didn't even know you personally. We've watched your family as they've struggled to understand and accept the fact that you are gone - it's hard enough to greive the loss of someone that you love so much, but to do so in the public eye must have been excruciating for them. I'm sure there have been times when the last thing they've wanted to do is grant an interview, or be hugged by some stranger who may, or may not, have known you - but they've done so with a dignity and strength that we all admire. It makes us all care that much more. And, Danielle, as the wife of a police officer myself, you have lived my nightmare. . . I think of you so often, and I don't even know you. You have shown such strength and grace throughout your entire ordeal - from the initial interviews you did after your husband passed away, throughout Jobe's trial, and now, a year later - you're still inspiring all who have watched you go through your heartbreak. From the outside looking in, it is so easy to see why someone like Keith - who, as strangers, we've come to know as a most wonderful man - would have chosen to spend his life with you. You're an inspiration, and I hope that in the years that follow, you realize that not only is your husband a hero to us all, but you are as well. We'll never forget your husband or your family.
Jessica W.
Former Police Dispatcher, Toledo, Ohio
February 21, 2008
I thought of you last night as one of that cats ran across our deck. I think it was Jay. I think of you and Danielle and the kids as we drive past the house every day. I took a different route to work today recalling the mental race I played as I would spot you leaving for court at the same time I was leaving for work. You always won! There are still times one of the girls will wake up in the middle of the night, usually around 4am. The same time you would come home and close your truck door... it always woke up my Sydney. I know you are here watching over everyone.
It seems like yesterday that Ken and Marsha called me to tell me what had happened. It is still hard to believe, even for a neighbor.
I was telling my Sydney what today is and that you are up in heaven, an angel looking over everyone. She thinks that boys can't be angels. She says she is sad that you are gone and she is also sad that Noah and your Sydney have to live without you.
We will be at your memorial service tonight, not only to remember you but to pray for all of your brothers and sisters as they continue to keep the rest of us safe.
I will never forget, ever.
Diana Smith
February 21, 2008