Toledo Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Reflections for Detective Keith Dressel
It's been two years since you left us but memories of you stay the same. Your sense of humor and fun-loving spirit remain irreplaceable. I know you are keeping watch over us. We miss you dearly.
March 2, 2009
Officer Keith Dressel,
I just wanted your family to know that you, nor your sacrifice will be forgotten. Hopefully the reflections left by so many will remind your family that you are in the thoughts of many.
When your son, Noah, can read these hopefully it will help him deal with this tragedy. Hopefully it will help him know how important you were to people and that his dad is a true HERO to many. God Bless you and your family.
Officer Shane Gadoury
Tampa Police Department,Fl
February 26, 2009
Keith, What was I thinking? I must have had a MOMENT when I last wrote in here. In the second paragraph of that writing, It was dad that went to the hospital and lost his phone, and I was used the word you instead of dad. You were already there. I guess I have been stressed taking care of your grandma. It made no sense to others.
Yesterday, we were in your old neighborhood. We went to a craft store and ran into a new friend; the daughter of the last TPD officer killed. We went for gas after, and the song "Tears in Heaven" was playing. That was a song that you wanted played at the funeral home. Whenever we hear that song, that day rushes back. In the next store we ran into you old partner, his wife, and daughter. When we ran to get a fish sandwich, the sign out front said $3.33. We had so many signs that remind us of you and that day. You are always on our mind and loved. We miss you so much.
Larraine Dressel
February 26, 2009
Keith, I thought about you all day Saturday...Chase wrestled at Bedford saturday and took 1st place, must of had you on his side! We miss you very much! Chase turned 14 on Sunday, he asks me about you all the time and is now set on becoming a policeman like you were, thinks its something he would be great at!! well, ill quit rambling! miss you and love you! keep em' safe!
Erin Westfall
Bestfriend to Sissy
February 23, 2009
Keith, two years of grieving for you. Each as hard as the other. There was a memorial for you yesterday at the tree that Noah helped plant for you. We had a terrible snow storm. We were cold and wet. Noah came home with us, but before we went home, we placed flowers at your grave, and then a Mass was said for you at St. Anthony's. Jen and Neil and families went to the site to place flowers. Dad and I did not go because we didn't think that Noah needed to see that place yet. He is so young. What a sweetheart he is. Just love him. He is so much like you. He doesn't like raisins either.
On the night you were killed, Danielle called and said that you were shot, and could we come and watch the kids. We thought that you were injured, and it never occured to us that it was fatal. When we got to your house, Danielle had already been taken to the hospital. An officer was there with the kids. She took you to the hospital, while I stayed at the house. So much time and worry went by. I tried to call you on your cell phone, but nothing. Little did I know that your phone was outside Keith's house in the snow. It had fallen off of your belt. When we went to the cemetery yesterday, we were walking back to the car. Noah bent down, pick up your phone that was in the snow. He yelled, "Poppa, I found your phone in the snow." Isn't that strange? Same phone, fallen off, in the snow, on the second anniversary. But this time our little guy found it.
We had the biggest snow ball fight in the cemetery. Dad put one on top of your stone. You would have been the biggest snow ball thrower and instigator there.
I forgot to tell you. When we left the union hall after a hot cup of coffee, after the memorial, we looked at the clock in the car. It was 3:33. Your sign to us.
Today, we took Noah home, but first stopped to see grandma. She is terminal and will be with you very soon. I wanted to make sure that Noah got to see his GG before she too is gone. That little boy is one BIG blessing. We love him so much.
So much more to say, but I cannot stop crying.
You will always be close to me, at 3:33, by special songs, or through the eyes of your son, my Keith.
Larraine Dressel
February 22, 2009
It's been two years now and I still can't believe your not with us. I think of you and say a prayer for your family, every day. They did last call on the radio in your memory this morning, again tears flowed. I love you brother and miss you very much. Keep on protecting us and will talk to you again soon
Bill Noon
February 21, 2009
Eventhough I didn't know you personally, not a day goes by where I dont think about you or you're family, when I pass by Ontario and Bush I always think of that horrible night. Rest in Peace, we continue to do you're work in Toledo.
Toledo Police
February 21, 2009
February 21, 2009
To Detective Keith Dressel, his loved ones, and his fellow officers:
On this the second anniversary of your tragic death, please know that your memory is honored and revered today.
My heart is with all family members and friends who call you beloved. They are all in my thoughts and prayers today. I can see from the loving reflections left by your loyal family and friends that you were an amazing man who is loved and missed by all those whose lives you touched.
This world, this country, your community truly are better places because of you. To have lost you is a great tragedy, an irreplaceable, immeasurable loss for society. We are grateful for and to you, and honor you for all you did for us day in and day out whether you received a word of thanks or praise.
Larraine, I share your anquish in losing a cherished son and know the meaning of lives forever altered. You are in my heart's embrace today.
Rest in Peace, Keith. I am so humbled by your valor and service.
This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinquished service Keith gave to his community and the citizens of Ohio, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on February 21, 2007.
Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, PPD, eow 4/24/05
Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater
February 21, 2009
It's been 2 years since the night you were taken from your loved ones. The sadness is still here with me like it had just happened. Spot and I think of you everyday and we continue to pray for your family. You will never be forgotten in our family.
Tania Schneider
February 21, 2009
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
February 21, 2009
Rest in peace brother, you are never forgotten!
February 21, 2009
Hey bubba..i cannot believe it has been 2 years! When it seems like yesterday! I've tried to type so many times this week but i just don't know what to say! You know we will never forget and you know we love you! And i hate this date i hate what this night brought to just sucks! People have moved on lives have changed but in the end i truly believe some things will never change and that's how much everyone loves, respects and misses you! I know tonight will bring lots of sadness and alot of heart ache to so many people just watch out for everyone as i know you alway's do! I love you!
February 20, 2009
2 years and it seems like will never be forgotten!
February 15, 2009
always thinking of you and your family. even though i never met you, i still feel that our paths are intertwined through the actions of that night. can't believe it's been 2 years.
February 13, 2009
Hey Keith,
Just thinking of you today for some reason, Sis and Noah came by the other day. It was nice to see them, as we are both very busy! Few more weeks and the two year mark will be here, there isn't a day that we all don't think of you in some way (just like I am today). Chase and I still have our candle lit for you and the others every night since you've been gone. Hope you know how glad I am that you were watching down on your boys a few weeks ago. Its hard not to worry but we do. Talk to you soon. You are missed and never far from our thoughts.
Bestfriend to Sissy
February 12, 2009
A Policeman's Prayer
Lord, I ask for courage;
Courage to face and conquer my own fears...
Courage to take me where others will not go.
I ask for strength;
Strength of body to protect others...
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask dedication;
Dedication to my job to do it well...
Dedication to my community to keep it safe.
Give me, Lord, concern;
For all those who trust me...
And compassion for those who need me
And, please, Lord, through it all; be at my side.
Ofc. Rob Trevino
Clinton Police Department, Clinton, MI
February 9, 2009
Hey Keith,
Just sitting here at school working on my computer while my students are at Music and you just came to mind. Its hard to belive that another year has almost passed, I miss you and the nonsense we used to give each other when I would call for Sis. Chase talks about you and how he wants to be a policeman someday, says there is no way he could sit at a desk all, he has to have a job where he is busy and possibly chasing people (thank J for that and the stories he shared with him). Chase is going to be in high school next year, can you believe it? Guess we will see if he pursues the blue uniform. I see Sis and the kids as much as I can, she is busy just like the rest of us. She is very happy, but misses you. Hopefully people will trust her judgement in the decisions she has made. I know her better than anyone and she is still the strong, beautiful woman that you left here. I tell her that she is the only one who knows whats best and you know she will always make the right choices. Well, gotta run. Just wanted to say hello and let you know you are never far from my thoughts.
Bestfriend to Danielle
January 21, 2009
The death of Det Dressel was horrible and tragic. His wife was left without a husband his children without a father, this was not his choice nor was it theirs. Danielle, if others judge you for possibly finding love again smile at them and tell them it is because you had a good marriage, full of love that you were able to open your heart and allow love in again. To find love once is wonderful to be able to find it twice is amazing, you must be a great woman. My thoughts are with you and your children may your life be full of love.
January 13, 2009
Many people believe that we have moved on, but we haven't. There isn't a day that goes by that you aren't thought about. Your death was a stark reminder of how dark and ugly our job can be, but the memory of you reminds of how laughter-filled it can be also.
I pray for peace for your family during the holidays and the upcoming months. We still miss ya' and have not forgotten.
Officer M. Roush (ret.)
Toledo Police Department
December 28, 2008
Keith, I just want to say Merry Christmas! I thought it would get easier, but it is hard without you here and not hearing your laugh. You are in my thoughts all the time. Love ya.
December 24, 2008
Hi Keith,
It's a second Christmas without you. It is so hard to not have you there to see the kids face and what Santa has brought them. It seems so unfair that Noah doesn't get to spend anymore Christmas's without his daddy. I miss you. I think of you all the time. I have found a way to move on and although some people may judge me for my decisions, you are the only one who knows what is in my heart. I love you.
December 23, 2008
Hi there Bubba can't let a holiday go by without thinking of you and typing! I know Christmas in heaven must be beautiful but everyone wishes you were here spending it with your loved ones! We miss you and are thinking of you and love you!
December 23, 2008
Another Dressel Christmas party without you. Just isn't right. There is still emptiness but it was nice to see YOUR family there. Love and Miss You Much!!
December 21, 2008
Hi it's a sad day it would of been your 15th year anniversary with the department today! Not fair that your not spending it with your class mates! Know that we will never ever forget! We love you!
December 10, 2008