Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Steven E. Cox

King County Sheriff's Office, Washington

End of Watch Saturday, December 2, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Steven E. Cox

Dear Steve,
Every once in a while, a law enforcement officer comes along who shines as an example for others who choose this profession. Your tireless work has had an immeasurable impact on the community of White Center, which will be felt for years to come. You have raised the bar for us all. Thank you and Rest in Peace.

Sergeant Pat Harasek
King County Sheriffs Office

December 12, 2006

It was a honor to have met you, and known you, my friend.
R.I.P. my Brother, for I know you are in a far better place at this time. God Bless -
E D Brown -

Deputy Brown

December 12, 2006

It was a honor to have met you, and known you, my friend.
R.I.P. my Brother, for I know you are in a far better place at this time. God Bless -
E D Brown -

Deputy Brown

December 12, 2006

I remember the first time I actually worked with you it was during the WTO riots. I heard about your history as a prosecutor and your reputation as a hard working deputy. When I transfered to Precinct Four I immediately asked to ride with you a night in White Center so you could show me the ropes and introduce me to some of the players. It was very educational and informative. You were a wealth of information. You worked hard non-stop for 8hrs.

Since then I have been constantly impressed with your work ethic, and your keen ability to find bad guys no matter where they were hiding. I have gotten pretty used to hearing your voice and assisting you in your arrests, foot chases etc.

I just took for granted you would always be here. Your life was cut short too soon my friend. I am just happy I had the last three years to get to know you. You were my go to guy for any legal questions I might have had. I enjoyed chatting with you about not only police work, but purchasing investment property, family, kids etc.

I miss you so much Steve, I know you are up there watching over the rest of us. I strive to be half the Deputy you were.

God Bless

Deputy Melissa Deer
King County Sheriff's Office

December 12, 2006

I will never forget the first time I met you. I was still fairly new to the department and you asked me if I was a dispatcher. After I replied "No", you said "Good, then you don't hate me yet!". Well, I never did and I never will. While you certainly kept us busy on the air, we really did appreciate the hard work you did. Even if it meant having to run numerous two part hyphenated last names on Tac while main air was closed because you were certain there was a warrant in there somewhere. You never ceased to amaze me as to how many in custody's you could get at a time. I am sure you had them stacked up in the trunk of your vehicle or tied to the hood! And no matter how many you had in the back of your patrol car, we learned very quickly that we could still hear "I41...I'm in foot pursuit! SW Rox and 16, southbound!". Southwest air will certainly never be the same without you. I learned a lot from you. You will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace.


December 11, 2006

An angel in the sky must leave his place of rest,
gently tucking his wings beneath his armored vest.

For duty has called, there is much work to do.
Little did he know, this one is dressed in blue.

Arriving on the scene, he knows just what to say.
Follow me, fallen brother, I will show you the way.

Your duty has ended, your work is through.
Come hand your hat beside mine, I'm a cop, too

North Providence Police Dept. (RI)

December 11, 2006


Imagine how our world would be
If every police officer quit
Turned in their gun, turned in their badge,
Just finally had enough of it.

No respect, no loyalty,
No appreciation of all they do,
They’d give their lives for all of us,
These wonderful officers of “Blue”.

Kicked at, spit on,
Punched, stabbed and shot,
Everyday assaults on officers,
Done…without thinking a second thought!

Our laws are in favor of criminals,
There’s always some loophole in their case,
Out again to commit more crimes and murders
…creates pain, that we, the family and friends
…in time will never erase.

Why should they do it?
Why take the risk?
Why put their life on the line?
Subject their loved ones to endless suffering,
When their precious life is lost while fighting crime.

More murders, more kidnappings, more robberies and rapes,
Just to mention a few,
Please ask yourself how life would be,
If there were NO officers in Blue!

Would you do it? Could you do it?
And for how many…would YOU give it all?
Rewards are a 21 gun salute, a Medal of Honor,
And your name gets added to the Wall.

Think about it. Why are they here?
And why do some hate them so?
Because they enforce the laws that put convicts and murderers
In jail serving time, or on “Death Row”.

All give some and some give all,
It’s a risk they chose to take:
To put their heart and soul in it,
To put their lives at stake.

So, please take a moment,
Please give it deep thought,
Think of what “you can do”…

To help show respect,
To help follow the laws,
So we’d quit losing our Heroes in Blue!

Written by Jaclyn Pocceschi Mosley
Sister of Fallen Officer Rodney F. Pocceschi EOW 6/23/03
Fallen Officers Remembered, Founder & President

Fallen Officers Remembered

December 11, 2006

I was your FTO in your third month of training, then your Partner on the streets of White Center where we became friends. I started out teaching you, turned out you taught me even more. I'm still in shock that you are gone, I will miss you tremendously and will keep in contact with your family.

I have so many stories and memories of our times together. The bad guys would always ask " Is Cox working?" Deputies learned to Always say "Yes." The word would then spread that you were working and they would cross over Roxbury to do their crimes. I saw your tough and compassionate sides, people respected you and honored you. We will fill your position in the storefront but we will never be able to replace you, the hardest working of us all. We must all pick up where you left off so your vision for White Center is not forgotten.

I will never forget you I-41 watch over us now my friend I will see you again. Sincerely,
Deputy Mary B. Syson

Deputy Mary B. Syson
King Co. Sheriff's Dept.

December 11, 2006


It's impossible to imagine the Center without your foot pursuits, carloads of arrestee's for the jail and the voice of I-41 on the air. I have never seen anyone with such a keenly honed sense for finding criminals. Early in my time at precinct 4 you taught me the importance of keeping track of the bad guys and knowing them by name, something that has stuck with me and served me well.

Even having been working with you the night that is forever etched in my memory I can't believe you're gone. One week later and after your funeral I still am in shock. You truely are bigger than life. I remember being in dope houses or at gang fights with you and while there was chaos all around I felt like it was OK if you were there. I hope some of your courage and work ethic rubbed off on me. No one will ever replace you brother and I will never forget you. Fair winds and following seas Steve,

Deputy Aaron Thompson KCSO

Deputy Aaron Thompson
King County Sheriffs Office

December 10, 2006

You went to work on december 2nd like any other day. but you never made it home, thanks to people like you we are allowed to leave the dream and be safe in our communities. Though it sadens me everytime i here of a police officer dying. Probably because you never got to say good bye..but thank you for your years of service. You will never never be forgotten you made the ultimate sacrifice. RIP Officer Cox


December 10, 2006

I met Steve when we were assigned to the DEA MET Deployment in White Center in early 2004. My first impression of him was that he was a super-hard charger, and totally into the community of White Center. I'd never seen anything like it.

The deployment ended in mid-2004 and I didn't run into
Steve until early 2006 when I was re-assigned to SPD's Southwest Precinct. We got together every now and then to do proactive patrol. I would try to keep our time evenly split between King County Sheriff's jurisdiction and Seattle Police jurisdiction. One night for some reason we spent most of the shift in Seattle and I apologized to Steve about this. His response was, "I don't care, just as long as we're doing work."

When it was time to work, Steve worked. I remember one night we were just running and gunning, Steve was driving, and like five hours into the shift he pulls into a 7-11 Store. I was thinking "Finally we're taking a break!" I made a bee-line for the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I figured that Steve would be milling around the store. He wasn't in the store. I bought a bag of chips and a soda and walked out to the car. Steve was already in the car, the engine was running, and he'd already finished most of his bag of chips! I got into the car and Steve asked me if I had fallen into the toilet or something and he was getting ready to go back inside to check on me. I said, "Dude I had to go number two, I had to sit down!" Steve said, "Oh okay" with a funny grin. Then we headed back out. Like I said, when it was time to work, Steve worked!

Steve was a hero and an inspiration to me. I will really miss him. May he Rest in Peace. But I know he's busy guarding the streets of heaven now.

Officer Darin Chinn
Seattle Police Department

December 10, 2006

Steve was a relentless in his duties. Steve was my friend and will be missed. God bless him and his family...

Deputy Todd D. Miller
King County Sheriff

December 10, 2006

Though I never knew you, sitting at your memorial yesterday I got to know something about you. The way in which you conducted yourself is an inspiration for all of us in law enforcement. Your brothers and sister in law enforcement lost and collegue and a friend and the people of White Center lost their champion. Rest in peace Deputy Cox, knowing that others will carry on your vision.

A Brother in Law Enforcement

December 9, 2006


When I watched the footage of you doing a investigative report on warrants with the media something you said struck me.

"If you want to solve crime problems in a community, proactive police work is the way to do it."
Steve Cox 05-2005

You knew what it meant to be a police officer

God Bless

Detective Douglas Laird
Federal Way Police

December 9, 2006

Rest in peace, Sir. You are not forgotten.

Police Officer

December 9, 2006

Rest In Peace.

D. Paul

December 9, 2006

I will always remember our times together at the Criminal Justice Training Center. I will see you again someday, but not yet.

Matt Virata
Academy Class #472

December 9, 2006

My husband Dave who joined the citizens patrol for city of burien and myself want to send our love and thoughts to you all during this sad time.

I, Nancy, worked for 3 years as assistance to Lee Adams who was the Storefront Officer to the Housing Authority,

I also in the past worked at Precient4 in Burien and had the pleasure of knowing Steve. I would run into him occasionaly at both locations.
I was priviledged to know him and he always had a smile.
You all will be in our thoughts and prayers.
nanc kyes-Wickenburg, AZ

Nancy & Dave Kyes
Burien Citizens Patrol and Park Lake Homes Storefront assistance

December 9, 2006

I'm not going to say "God be with you," for I know you are with him.


December 9, 2006

I am not a police officer, nor do I work in public service. However, I am a friend of many who are... and I have been to too many funerals these past years for fallen officers.

I remember the night my father called me a few years ago to tell me about a Federal Way officer who had been killed in the line of duty - At that moment my heart stopped and I thought of my many friends and old co-workers who work for Federal Way. I didn't know Ofc Maher well, but I attended his memorial to support my friends in their time of grief. Then a few months ago, a friend and old co-worker, Ofc. Lito Barber was killed in the line of duty. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him, or pray that god will help his family through this tragic loss. Memories of that tragic day were brought to light a few weeks ago when another officer from Lito's precinct was killed on her way to work.

I was not able to attend the memorial service for Ofc. Cox, but I was able to watch it as it was broadcast. My heart broke when I saw the picture of his son, Bronson, sitting on his lap in the video memorial... and as I wiped the tears from my eyes I looked over and noticed my friend crying too.

My heart goes out to the community that lost a great officer, father, husband, son, brother, friend and community leader.

~May you rest in peace and continue to be a guardian angel to those who need you~


December 9, 2006

Thank you Deputy Cox for your Honor, Integrity, and Devotions to Duties.

May God provide PEACE to your family and friends.

Officer Paul Werth (USCG Retired)
US Customs and Border Protection Blaine, WA.

December 9, 2006

R.I.P. Brother. Watch over us up there, and bless your family throughout the holidays.....

Officer Marc A. Sweeney #136
Denton Tx. Police Department

Officer Marc Sweeney
Denton Texas Police Department

December 9, 2006

It's been a long 21 years since I last saw you Steve. My memories are so vivid. You were 25ish and I was 26ish. We shared great times..I was impressed at how you were able to work and continue college as I was a mom of two at the time. It seemed so hard to me. You were there to take my mind off my divorce and gave me some hope that in the future my turn would come. It did Steve. I met the love of my life and I lost him to the battle of cancer. Now you have gone on to a better place and I will think of you often. Of how you found the love of your life and the precious son that you recieved so much later in life. I heard so many wonderful stories today of how you have made a difference in so many peoples lives. It's an inspiration to me and so many more. I must say although your life was short..You made a difference and Well Done..One day we shall meet again. God Bless you my friend.

Melodie Garcia

December 9, 2006

Though I have never met you, your voice echoes in my ears. To me you have been a never ending wonder, a tornado of energy, a man with radar for every kind of criminal imaginable. If you didn't onview it, you were always one of the first on scene. You could run names, one after another, at the speed of light. You could make a trip to town with a car full and be back again for more before the bad guys knew you were gone. God has other plans for you now, and even though we do not understand and our hearts ache, I trust Him. He loaned you to us for a time and now it's time for you to rest. I pray for peace for your beautiful wife and son, their sacrafice is unspeakable.Thank you for the life you lived and the legacy you left. It has been an honor to work with you, and I would give anything to hear you say again "I41 oview suspicious, 15 & Rox"...your voice echoes in my ears...

Kelli #54, Dispatcher

December 9, 2006

I only met you once and knew I was in the company of a good cop. I cannot begin to describe the roller coaster of feelings. You will be missed. Say "Hi" to Rich for me. I truely believe Rich saved my life many times after his passing. Steve, there is no doubt you will save the lives of many deputies as your memory guides us. I know in some way your memory and enfluence will serve as a silent cover officer. Until we meet again, take care.


December 9, 2006

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