Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Uintah County Sheriff's Office, Utah

End of Watch Wednesday, November 22, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Kevin Shumway Orr

Happy Anniversary my love. 30 years ago we were married and sealed for eternity. I think of you everyday and love you so much. Thank you for sending Jerry to me. I can’t believe how much he loves, honors and respects you. He is celebrating our anniversary with me today. I love you my sweet Kevin.


August 12, 2023

My dear Kevin
I haven’t wrote on here for a long time.
Someone sent me a quote today that said “We honor the dead by treating the living well”
I know you know exactly what happens here. I know you love me. I know you treated me with the upmost respect and struggle that I’m not treated right by the ones that should treat me right.
I know you love and respect Jerry for the way he treats me and adores me.
I know you are so proud of Kaylee for the hard work she has put in to help herself. She was only 5 when you died and she needed you so much. She missed out on you being there for her.
I can’t even begin to thank you for the hand you had in getting Tyler, Sierra and my little angel baby Lila to Arizona. It’s unbelievable how much Lila has helped Ashlee. She loves her so much. It just melts my heart.
Arizona truly has become our home now.
As I look back, I know you have been guiding me all along. You knew where we needed to be. I met the man that loves me as much as you love me. I’m so blessed to be loved by the 2 best.
I’m so thankful for your family and how supportive and happy that they have been for me in finding someone to love and share life with.
My dad and Kathy care about us so much. They let us know through words and actions.
Gaylene has been there for me since day one.
Kolson is a little sweetheart. Please watch over him and let him know that I love him.
Please watch over all our family.
When Lila looks at your picture and says bom pa. There is nothing cuter in the world.
I have so much to be grateful for.
You are always in my heart.
I love you my sweet Kevin.

Your loving wife- Holley

Holley Orr Boales

August 9, 2023

This 16th year has felt very different than the previous 15 years.
I can't help but be sad that 16 years ago we were sitting down as a family to eat dinner, then have family home evening and play a game. After the game was the last time I saw you. It doesn't seem real that it could be so long, but yet it seems like so much longer. So much has changed. And I'm sure things will continue to change.
As I've snuggled, played with, taken care of Kolson, watched Donovan do the same and make us food today, I've had so many mixed emotions.
I'm in the stage of life that you were in. I'm closer to your age when you passed than I am my age when you passed. I'm a parent, not a carefree child. I wish you could be here for me, but I wish he could be here for Kolson. I wish I could see you thrive being grandpa. Mom, Tyler, Kaylee, Ashlee and I were your pride and joy. (And we all know that you're humble like me.) I'm sure you'd be even more prideful and proud of your grandbabies.
I'm sure you aren't far, and have very much been a part of Kolson's life. There are times I wonder if Kolson is looking at you, knows you and recognizes you.
For now, we will continue to keep your memory alive and teach Kolson about his namesake- until I see the day you can meet, and I can hug you again.


November 21, 2022

Happy Father's Day!
This year has been different. It's been bittersweet, but different than all of the other years. I'm thankful that you are my dad. I'm thankful for the example you set for me. I'm thankful for the standard that you set for me.
Love you


June 19, 2022

Donovan is blessing Kolson today. I’ve known you wouldn’t be here, and I’ve tried not to think about it, but it really hit me yesterday. It’s just bittersweet. I wish you were here so I could see you absolutely loving your new role of being grandpa.
Miss you lots.


June 5, 2022

I'm a mom. Your grandson is absolutely perfect. I know you have spent time with him before he was born, but I wish more than anything I could see you meet him. I wish I could see you in your grandpa role. I can only imagine how much you'd brag about him (and of course little Miss Orr) considering how much you bragged about your kids. Mom isn't near as humble as you and I are(: and even she brags about her grandbabies.
Daddy, his middle name is after you. I want him to grow up knowing you, and knowing why his middle name is so special.
I love you dad.


May 1, 2022

Wow Kevin.
I devoted my life to our kids. It sure did a lot of good. I wish I would’ve done everything differently. I miss you. I did the best I knew how. I love you my eternal companion. We will be together again someday. I don’t understand how others think it’s going to be. Because you chose me. We will be with each other. They can’t just treat me terrible and think they can justify it. You are NOT okay with it.


October 9, 2021

Happy Birthday Kevin. I love you so much. I miss you every single day. Please be with Kaylee.


March 18, 2021

My Dear Kevin
Words don’t even come close to what I feel. I gave everything to our children. I sacrificed my happiness for them. I know you love and appreciate me for all my devotion. I hope someday everyone can accept that you loved me the most. My happiness was your biggest concern. We are eternal companions and WILL be together for all eternity. So believing that, I’m shocked at the way I have been treated. I know you don’t support it. You stood up for me and I know that it is the same today. I deserve to be loved and adored. Jerry does that. I love you always and forever. Eternally yours. Holley


January 5, 2021

I love you Kevin. I know you love me too.
Thank you for your example and influence in my life.
Please bless and watch over our children.
I know you are happy to have your dad join you. I know he gave you the hug and message I sent to you.
Always and Forever in my heart.


November 21, 2020

Thinking of you my sweet Kevin. Please bless, help and watch over Tyler. He is the most amazing son. He is so good to me. I know you are so proud of him. He just gave me the most beautiful roses like you always did. Also please help Ashlee. She did enjoy video games but has nobody to play with. I feel so bad for her. She is being neglected by those she shouldn’t be neglected by. She was hurt by her 2 friends and now again. She has had more trials than anyone I know. I don’t understand why. She is the sweetest little girl and deserves so much more. She is so much like you. She is non judgmental, kind and a heart of gold.
Thank you for always loving me so deeply. I know death didn’t change that.
I’m so thankful to your family who have been so supportive of me remarrying because they know you didn’t want me to be alone. I love you my sweetheart. Always and Forever


September 9, 2020

What a crazy couple months it's been. We decided to run our business full-time, sold our house and moved to Texas. I'd say I'm sure you're excited and proud of us, but I know that you are. Thank you for that.
Thank you for letting me know you are near.
Saying good-bye to you the other day was hard. But, the times I've felt you closest weren't in Utah- it was on the other side of the US. I know wherever I am doesn't matter.
I love you much.


September 3, 2020

My Dear Kevin,
I’m so sorry the ways things are with our family. I know it must devastate you. Thank you for sending me the message you did in my blessing from Danny. Thank you for letting me know how much you love me and want me to be happy regardless of how everyone else is. I know you love me so much and want me to be happy and have someone to share my life with. I know that you are so happy that he takes such good care of me and respects and adores me. I love you always and forever.


August 30, 2020

Happy Fathers Day, daddy.
I love you.


June 22, 2020

My Dear Sweet Kevin.
I think of you always. I know you know all the changes in my life. The good and bad. I know you love Jerry for the way he treats and respects me. He honors and respects you as well. He has brought so much love and happiness into my life. I look forward to the future now. Before we met I dreaded the future. Thank you for letting me know how happy you are for me. Thank you for leading me to Jerry. Thank you for always loving me and letting me know how I should be treated.
I know you are as sad and shocked as I am that somethings are the way they are.
I will love you forever and always. Eternally Yours.


June 13, 2020

What a week it's been. I know you already know, so I don't need to say anything.
I'm terrified but excited.
I'm sad but I'm happy.
I can't wait, but I also don't want time to pass too quickly.
I never thought that this day would ever come, but it has and I'm so ready for it. Guidance over the next while would be much appreciated.
I love you Dad. Thanks for all you've taught me. You'll forever my hero, and I'll forever be your little girl.


June 10, 2020

As I sit here on the grass alone at the cemetery like I have many times before, I cant help but feel such great sadness. I miss you. So much. I've been told so many times that "you're in a better place" and it's always upset me. What better place than raising your children is such an awful world? But, as I sit in the peace and quiet and shut the world out... I know it is a better place. I just wish it wasn't true. The more time that passes, the more I need you. Tyler needs you. Kaylee needs you. Ashlee needs you. We were cheated, and it's not fair. But, I'm grateful for the tender mercies I receive. Those moments are sacred to me, and will remain with me.
I love you Dad. Continue to watch over us in the coming days, weeks and months. Years too, but I don't think we have many of those left(:

Your little girl...


March 16, 2020

Wow. So much has changed in my life. I know without a doubt you had a hand in it. You love me so much and I know I am your top priority and you want me to be happy. I am SO happy. Jerry is SO amazing. He loves and respects me like you did and still do. He loves that I love you so much. He has no jealousy only respect and love for you. He is so perfect for me. Please bless our children always. I love you Kevin. I always will. Forever and Always. Love Holley.


March 13, 2020

2020 is here, and I'm kind of glad. 2019 was I think the hardest year for me since you've been gone. I had some really good highs, but some pretty terrible lows. I told Donovan the other day that I don't think my heart can take much more. But, I know if I'm asked too, I will. I don't have any other choice.
I love you Dad. I'm excited for the day I get to see you again. I think it's closer than most people realize.
Love you..


January 1, 2020

I'm not quite sure how it's been so long. So many things have changed. Not only with us, but around us. I'll forever remember my last memory of you. The last time I saw you. The last time you told me you loved me.
I'm grateful for the few, and you are well aware of who they are.
Love you Dad. Watch over us a little extra this week, especially mom.


November 20, 2019

Life isn't quite fair, but I've know that for longer than this week...
My heart is just hurting and aching for what could have been. I'm grateful for the knowledge of eternal families and the peace that brings. I've been replaying in my mind something Donovan's boss said to him 2 weeks ago. I'm grateful he said it.
I'm grateful we were able to go see Mom, Kaylee and Ashlee over the weekend. I wish you could have been there. But if you were, we probably would have just been going to Lapoint.
Please watch over me, and our family a little extra in the coming months.
Love you Dad


September 26, 2019

So many times I need you. I always want you. Life without you here is not how I ever thought it would be. I know you were guiding Kaylee on Sunday to help. When others go through trials they have their companion to help. I feel so cheated that I don’t have you. If Only I could see you, or hear you. I know you would have taken such care of me, cooked for me, bought flowers and been to my every need. I still don’t understand why? I love you and miss you daily.


July 19, 2019

Hi Kevin, I was looking at some of the fallen officers that have passed recently and wonder if there is a special place they go and get to be taught about the Savior by you. I was just wondering what your assignments were and what you are doing. I am so grateful each time I am able to feel your presence or hear your voice. It is those times that get me through the time that you are not here in mortal form. Thank you for letting me talk to you every day. Thank you for the life you led on earth. You are still an influence in my life. You were a wonder son and brother. You were a wonderful husband and father. You were a wonderful friend. You were a wonderful officer. You where a wonderful loving caring person. I appreciate that I can remember so many of our conversations. I just wish I had all the emails you would send telling stories of your kids. You were so proud of all of them. Thank you for calling me when you were at work at the dam. We got to talk about many things that I have now to reflect on. Of course it was mostly about your dear sweet Holley and the kids. My goodness they could do no wrong lol. You did think they were all the best ever. I know that you know I don't come here very often and you know why but like I said I was visiting and reflecting and thought I would write. I will continue to talk to you every day. I will picture your beautiful smile that you presented to me the day you left this mortal life. I can not begin to express how grateful I am to have that vision when I am missing you or just wishing you were still here to be a wife to your precious Holley and a father to your beautiful children. I appreciate hearing your voice when I was feeling down. I thank Heavenly Father for allowing me to know with out a doubt that you are near your family. As fast as the past 55 years have gone it will be soon that we will all be together in the same place again. (45yrs) for me lol. Until then I will be grateful to have had you in my life for a short 34 years. NOT LONG ENOUGH!!! I love you sweet brother

Lisa Howe

January 19, 2019

Merry Christmas Kevin. Thinking of you always. I hope you enjoy Arizona too. I love you with every breath I take.


December 26, 2018

The twelfth year of ‘lasts’ is coming to an end.
I’ve been feeling sorry for myself more this year than any other. I have Donovan with me, so I’m not alone, but I am. He wasn’t part of our family 12 years ago. He doesn’t and can’t comprehend what it’s like. And this year, those people that do...aren’t here. I’m home. I’m here. I get why mom and the girls moved. I fully support that decision. But, they are together. And Tyler’s going to visit them. It’s just hard knowing I’m not. So I feel alone.
This year has just snuck up and it doesn’t really seem like it should already be this time of year. It doesn’t make sense how another year has come and gone.
3 week’s ago was my 1/2. Each day that passes is one more day extra that I didn’t have with you.
We decided to go to the temple tonight. I’m thankful we were able too.
Tomorrow we are decorating our twelfth tree. It’s for 6 kids that lost their daddy earlier this year.
I love you dad


November 21, 2018

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