Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California
End of Watch Friday, July 7, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff David Stan Piquette
When I was little, I used to write letters to Dave, while he was in the USMC. He sent me back stickers with his letter. I told him how I wanted to be a grunt. I wanted to be like Dave. The few times we were able to visit, i'd sit in his room with him playing with his grenades and what not. He'd show me how to pull the pin and where the trigger was on the bazooka. Family is all we ever have. It's good to have a beautiful person like you in ours. I miss you. I love you. Take care cuz. You're still my hero.
Shaun San Agustin
August 15, 2006
For protecting this country!
For protecting Los Angeles County!
For being an outstanding father of two!
You became an outstanding hero by the nuturing and discipline of more heros, Your Father and Mother.
What terrific people they are. I am blessed to have met you. Your brother Rich, my best friend of many, is a member of a elite group of family. You "All" are making a difference in others lifes that are beneficial. This is the type of people we hopefully choose as our friends and want to be around us. I cannot say enough thanks for letting me be a part of your great family. I have been going to school for years to become one of the best nurses. During my struggles in life and setteling down and starting a family of my own i look up to you and say, "How can i make a difference to this world". Many people laugh but this is what separates heros from ordinary people. It takes many years to become an outstanding person. And you Dave became someone that i look up to. A hero. We are in the same field Dave, in the field of helping and making a difference. We have to sacrifice our personal lives so that others live no matter if we are on or off duty. You are a hero Dave and you surrounded yourself by them. To Bill, Lan, Lisa, and Rich Piquette, thank you for being who you are. You have changed the lives of many in the world of ugliness.
August 14, 2006
Deputy Piquette,
I really don't even know where to begin. I want to thank you for your dedication and strength that you showed us during our days of training. Although we didn't spend much time together your guidance gave us all inspiration to pull through and continue in our careers. I will hold what you told us close to my heart "When you go 10-8, you must be great!"
Rest in peace Deputy Piquette your strength and dedication will NEVER be forgotten.
Recruit LASD S/R Class 106
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept.
August 14, 2006
Several of us from Class 105 and 106 met Shawna, Jordan, Justin (face covered with dirt), your lovely mom, you dad and your brother Richard today at the BBQ. Those of us who only knew you as our force training instructor got a glimpse of who you are as a husband, father, son and brother. You have an incredible family. Shawna is being so strong for the babies, she is a beautiful person. It was truly an honor to meet her. Shawna pointed out your mom so we could meet her, too. She was serving food to everyone. We said hello and told her you taught our classes and she said she was glad we got to meet you. You could see the sadness in her eyes, but she was smiling - you could tell how proud she was of you. We told Shawna that you would never be forgotten. We are soon-to-be deputies and officers and we will always remember what you taught us about keeping oursleves safe. You would be proud to see how far we've come.
Rest in peace, sir.
Debbie Iketani
August 14, 2006
It is 12:00am and like so many nights lately I lay here thinking of you. It’s been a little over a month since you left us. Time has flown by quickly, but it has not lesson the pain our family is feeling. Kaitlyn your niece cried while watching a superman cartoon the other day, when I asked her why, she said “it made her think of you”. And she is right, you were a super guy. Mom tries to be strong , but cries everyday because she misses her baby boy. Rich went and got your tattoo on his arm in honor of you and Dad goes by the accident site everyday and puts fresh flowers and an American flag there for you. I miss you a lot and still can’t believe you’re gone. I sit and type as tears roll down my chin. I can’t express the emptiness I feel that our family is missing a piece to it. People say “that time heals all wounds”, but it’s not true. It might lesson the pain, but this is a wound our family can never be healed of. There will always be a piece missing. I miss your goofy smile and that look to get when you’re doing something wrong and waiting to be caught. All the complaints you would give me on your drive home about your day not letting me off the phone just because you wanted company while sitting in traffic. I miss you a lot bro. Every time I think of you I cry. I cry for the memories we’ve shared and for the ones that you will not be a part of. Knowing you will not be around to see my kids or yours grow up to be the best that they can be because of your influence. I always thought we would compare notes about which kid was driving us crazy. Remember how you tease about me going thru the teenage years with Leah and Kaitlyn first so that you would know what to expect from Jordan. Or all the trouble our two sons would get into together when they got older, they would have you to bail them out at 2: 00 in the morning.
I know we are not suppose to question God’s will, but I still ask every night. Why would God take such a great person who was sooo much needed still down here. It really does seem unfair that only the good die young. It hurts a lot to see the twins and have them tell me that you are in their hearts and that your in God’s house now. I have to try really hard not to break into tears in front of them. They are blessed that you’ve built such a network of friends that are there now to help them and Shawna in their hour of need. For that I am greatful, because we on your side cannot help as much as we like because the pain is too extreme for us still. We have known you all your life, have seen you grow to be the much respected man that you were. We knew of your dreams, your worries and your concerns. Be free of them now bro, we will always be there for the twins and Shawna. Although we didn’t always see eye to eye on everything and it was never said enough,
I LOVED YOU AND ALWAYS WILL. Peace be with you my brother.
Lisa Walsh
August 13, 2006
My dear sweet baby,
Today I write for the first time. It is August 12, over one month since this nightmare began. My heart aches as I sit and think of you. I have our son in my arms fast asleep at this very moment. The pain is so intense. This little boy snuggled on my chest..he is apart of us, our creation. Our baby girl is asleep in her bed. She misses her daddy so. She puts her soft, baby hands clutched tight together before bedtime every night. She talks to you, tells you about her day and how much she loves you. David.. I need you. The kids and I miss you so much. I often flash back to you coming home from work. You would pull into the drive, drop your bags and embrace our babies. I can see your strong arms holding them so tight. You would stand up and carry them into the house. I would get a kiss from you, God I miss that... then, you would begin your "ground-fighting" with the kids. You know how much they looked forward to that time with you, as I did watching all of you on the living room floor. No matter how your day was, you would always have that time with the kids. Never did I hear you tell them that you were too tired for them. You are so amazing baby. I am so honored to be your wife. I will forever adore you. Your strength will forever guide me in raising our beautiful babies. I see you through them in so many ways. Thank you my darling... thank you for 16 beautiful years. I will have you safe, here in my heart. You are in our babies hearts. Justin often puts his hand over his heart and says "mommy, daddy is in my heart". "Yes, he is baby... daddy will forever be in our hearts".
I will see you again David, just not yet, not yet my love. 16 years today... I LOVE YOU!!!!
Forever and Ever Amen,
Your Baby
August 12, 2006
My dearest son David,
I love you and miss you sooo very much and this terrible loss has broken my will to go on. My health has been failing since this has happened and I fear that I'm gettig worse not better. My deepest pain and suffering has not had enough time to heal and most likely will never heal.
Someone said to me that "the world will not stand still without David, that life must go." That might be true for some, but not for me. Our family's world has come to a complete stop without you in it. It is good that your wife and children are helped in their mourning for you, We do not have such a big group, but it is not needed. The strength that our family has has been inherited by you. The vaules that we have, have been instilled in you. You have followed in the family footstep of serving your country. Your grandpa served in the army and was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked. It was ironic that you were buried on Pearl Harbor Dr. very fitting. Your father served our country in the army in Vietnam and you my son served our country too as a marine.
I cannot tell you how many people walked up and thanked me and your father for raising such a fine man. That the qualities they like and the respect that you've earned with your peers started at home with us. You surely know how much we all loved you. Your in Gods hands now in heaven. You now have the ability to see all that is true down here. We've all had you and have been around you your whole life, all 34 years of it. and we have all come to your side whenever you needed us. We have never abandoned you, we've always been at your side through all of your adventures. The many walkes to the post office to mail you packages when you were overseas with the Marines.
David we are all(me, dad, Rich, Lisa and her family , Uncle Ed and his family, Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle Bobby and your cousin Melinda)so very proud of you and you have always been our hero. You must know how much grief and sorrow that we have for losing you so soon. No, the world doesn't stop, life doesn't cease with your death, but the impact of the love, values and ideals that we've inspire in you will live on in everybody that you've touched. No one will miss or loves you like our family.
Love forever, mom
Lan Piquette
August 12, 2006
We will still all laugh at the story of you putting numbers that you put on your socks. We will miss everything you did. Justin and jorden are young but still love you. We were a great Uncle and Dad.
August 12, 2006
Uncle Dave-
Since I was eight you always asked " So do you have any boyfriends yet? Because when you get one i will do a background check on his family." Boy do I miss that. It has been one month and i cry in my sleep. I remember when i lived with you for almost two months. I miss those days very much. Just know that i will always take care of justin and jorden and aunt shawna. what i miss the most is that i don't have anybody to share my birthday with. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU UNCLE DAVE.
Love your neice,
August 10, 2006
August 9, 2006
Piquette, I can't believe it's been a month already and I still don't want to believe that I won't see you again. Know that you are in my thoughts everyday and I pray for your wife, kids, and family all the time. Keep an eye on all us other folks down here and know that your smile and "Happy eyes" are missed!!!! God Bless your wife and your beautiul babies.
LASD/ Class 294
August 9, 2006
Shawna, Justin, Jordan,
We want to say how sorry we are and that you all have much to be proud of because your husband/father did more service to his community and country in his short life than most people do in a lifetime. The pain of losing him will less in time but the wonderful memories he left behind will remain forever in your hearts. We are proud to say that we knew Dave and we just want you to know that we are here for you if you need anything at all.
With Love, Leslie & Ray
Ray and Leslie Calvin
Friend of Family
August 7, 2006
The Badge
It is polished and shiny and looks so fine.
Once you earn it you have to tow the line.
The minute you wear it upon your chest
it becomes a symbol that you are the best.
It means honesty, integrity, and fairness to all.
Your life is never your own, but at the publics call.
Night or day, any hour, it makes you a mark.
It doesn't protect you from a shot in the dark.
Over the years the shine starts to fade,
but brighter still is the man its made.
It is often what separates you from the crowd.
It is a second family of which you are proud.
So now comes your time, you can't be denied.
When you pin on your badge, wear it with pride
The minute you wear it upon your chest
it becomes a symbol that you are the best.
....unknown author
RIP Brother
August 6, 2006
Thoughts and prayers go out to the family and co-workers to this fine officer who has paid the ulitimate price in keeping thier community safe and protecting those they serve.
May he rest in peace
Douglas W. Bennett
Juvenile probation Officer
Douglas W. Bennett
Ky. Dept. of Juvenile Justice
August 6, 2006
While we did not know you, we are truly grateful for your dedication, mourning your death; never forgetting your sacrifice! Not to worry, dear friend, your brothers and sisters in blue will carry on your watch for you ~ may you rest in peace.
Daniel & LaWanda Ross
August 6, 2006
Rest in peace brother, may God bless.
Sgt Ron Buchholz(EX- LASD-LKD)
Sandoval County Sheriff Rio Rancho NM
August 5, 2006
I cannot believe that this tragedy happened. David was a very good friend, Marine, and Deputy Sheriff. On July 6, 2006, he and I were grappling, talking about the Corps, and his future plans of S.E.B. The next day, he was taken from us. David was a dedicated cop who always enjoyed the hunt for the bad guy with a gun.
You will be missed by all of us. Rest in peace brother, David
Sergeant David Infante
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
August 4, 2006
To: Our beautiful Cinderellas & their LASD husbands
From: David in Heaven and Betty, Shawna's Mother
A family member asked me the other day with sadness in her face, "When is too much, too much?" I can't answer that question now, because for now, Shawna, Justin, Jordan, Papa and I are all floating on your Cinderella wings here on earth. David would be so proud of all of his friends giving this overwhelming amount of support. He would not have expected any less. I imagine he is looking down with those big brown eyes, long eyelashes & those adorable ears, knowing his family is safe, and in good hands. It all started the second he went to Heaven. The news was graciously broken to Shawna from Captain Sue and one of our Cinderellas. Greg and I raced to be by her side soon after she was told. You swept in taking over. You swept the twins out of the house to shield them, delivered food within an hour, cleaned, cleared, and cleaned again. You knew when you were wanted and needed and you knew when to leave. You were (are) our Angels. The three of you held us together for we couldn't just mourn. There were days of paperwork ahead, and all the arrangements that needed to be made. We had meetings after meetings with various agencies. Our Cinderellas were there to hold up the family and to get us through the grueling work ahead. Then there was what to wear? You asked Shawna and I, but that thought hadn't even crossed our minds. David's day was almost here so the family, friends and thousands of Sheriffs, Marines, Police and others could give their last good-bye's. David was going to look like God's Angel. And that he did. You went out shopping for Shawna and I and literally brought back dozens of dresses, shoes and accessories to choose from. We were in a daze as you helped us dress. You are our Cinderellas and David's Angels here on earth. David is watching you with his great smile. Thank you sweet David for looking after your family for the Cinderellas and all the hundreds of Angels that were sent, are working through you. Cinderellas, make sure to kiss your loved ones every opportunity you have. You never know when God will call us home. David kissed Shawna and his children and gave them all a hug and told them he loved them one last time that morning, just before he left for work. That kiss, those hugs, those words, will never be forgotten. Our hearts are broken but God has given us His blessings by sending us you. You have made the hardships more possible to endure and you've filled our broken hearts with love and hope. Our gratitude and deep affection for each and every one of you comes from the bottom of our hearts.
David in Heaven
Betty on Earth
It has been almost four weeks since David has gone Home. Every day, it is still so overwhelming to witness the support our daughter has received from hundreds of people supporting both her and the twins. There are the J&J Angels (her twin group), her Bunko group, churches, mother's groups, single mother's groups, the Sheriff Department, Marines, relatives, friends and people she doesn't even know. The list goes on and on. Shawna and her children have received so many thoughtful and considerate gifts. From season passes to Disneyland to house cleaning, gardening & pool services for months from friends. There have even been fund raisers for the twins and for her, including the neighborhood children raising funds by washing their dogs, and washing hers. Sentimental and beautiful cards by the dozens are received every day. Food has been donated by Grazianoes and food and coffee have been donated from It's A Grind to accommodate hundreds of people at the house for days. We have heard that donations have been made by celebrities and kind hearted individuals through the Sheriff Relief Association for Shawna and the twins. We cannot even begin to thank everyone for all their generous support and love.
And then there is my incredible husband Greg. Day after day after day of endless paperwork. Remaining strong on the outside for all of us. He is our rock. Figuring bills, searching through papers, doing what has to be done. Doing what Dave would have wanted him to do. Finishing one thing, then two more pop up. Some people say you marry someone like your father. Shawna did. David was so much like Greg in so many wonderful ways. Shawna had the best husband in the world. She also has the best father to whom I've been devoted and married to for over forty years.
Last night the "Dice" ladies came by. They showed up carrying picnic baskets of food and blankets. They spread their blankets out and sat down right in the front yard (all 16 of them). They shared stories with Shawna and cried happy tears. These incredible ladies presented Shawna with over a year and a half of paid "cleaning lady" services....and the list goes on and on.
David knows Shawna's family is very close. His death has made this bond even closer. Her wonderful brothers, Mike and Jason and their families continue to support Shawna, Justin and Jordan and will continue to support them through the most difficult holidays coming up. We will be with her to help her through, just as I know her extended family of Aunts, Uncles, her incredible friends, neighbors and church family will as well.
From the bottom of Shawna's heart, from the bottom of all our hearts, we are so thankful for all of you. Thank you for your reflections & memories, thank you for your kind words. We are so grateful for everyones's love and for your prayers. We are thankful for our church and Pastor Billy. Thank you God for all the blessings you continue to send.
David in Heaven
Betty on Earth
Betty Butler
Shawna's Mother
August 4, 2006
I just want to send my deepest sympathies to Officer Piquette's family. My uncle, David Powell, was also a LACS, and was killed back in Nov of 2001. Your husband will be greatly missed and the sheriff's dept has lost a great man and officer. Rest in Peace officer Piquette
Sonia Kettering
August 3, 2006
Rest in peace Deputy Piquette... Rest in peace
August 2, 2006
I went to High School with David and was very saddened in learning of his passing. My thoughts and prayers go to David's family and especially his children. From reading his reflections, it sounds like he made a wonderful life for himself and his family. Although I had not seen or spoken to him in many years, we can still remember his smile and laugh even from so many years ago. May you find comfort in knowing that even after 16 years, David is still very fondly remembered.
With sincere condolences,
August 2, 2006
I was unlucky in that I only knew you for a very short time. But from the beginning, you and Shawna made me feel like a part of the family. After all, we are the new generation of "out-laws"!!! I loved spending time at your home, getting to know you , Shawna and the kids better, and I am very proud to call you my brother-in-law.
Our wedding is only a few days away, and Jason and I know that your spirit will be standing right there, with the other groomsmen, blessing us with your presence.
Jason misses you sooo much, but he also will make you proud, by being strong for Shawna and the kids.
I saw Shawna on Saturday...you would be proud of her... she is being very strong... but I can tell..in her eyes..that she misses you soooo very much.
Shawna, my new sister... I am soo happy to be a part of your life, and I am soo lucky to have such wonderful (and cute!!) niece and nephew. I am here, always, for whatever you need me and I love you very very much.
Maria V. Butler
August 1, 2006
My heart breaks for you and your family. May God grant you peace and may your little ones always know that their father was a hero on earth and is now an angel in heaven. Please know my prayers are with you and I'm so very sorry for your loss. As a fellow LEO wife I search for the right words - I wish there was something I could to ease your pain. Rest in Peace Deputy Piquette.
Albuquerque, NM
July 31, 2006
July 31, 2006
I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Everytime I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Deputy Piquette, especially to his wife. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. You will be in my thoughts.
From reading the reflections left for David, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember David's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that David's life was about so much more than the way he died. David will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.
Deputy Piquette, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been three and a half years but we still miss him terribly.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Surviving Fiancee of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
July 31, 2006