Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia
End of Watch Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Reflections for Master Police Officer Michael E. Garbarino
It has taken me awhile to get to this point;
I learned more about selflessness, sacrifice, duty and honor on May 8th in those minutes of horror realizing that it was happening to us, our family, our band of brothers... listening to you on the radio telling us what was happening than I have in my entire 43 years on this earth. You continue to be a mentor now, for I resolve to be a better person, a better cop in your and Vic's honor until my last day when I hope to see you again. Thank you for your service, your comradeship and the love you showed us all that day. Sic Semper Tyranus, we serve so that others may cherish the great freedoms of this country. Sleep well my brother.
Fairfax County Police Department
June 14, 2006
June 12, 2006
I'm so proud of my brother and proud of the community and officers of Fairfax county. The support and words from fellow officers, friends and people who care leaves me in awe. Thank you to all who have shared their thoughts on these pages and to those who stood along the road with their hands on their hearts and signs saying "thank you Mr.officer."
June 8, 2006
It hard to believe all of this started one month ago. You fought long and hard. You are my hero. God bless you and take care of Vicky.
June 8, 2006
June 6, 2006
Rest in Peace
Chief George Yaccich
Rochester Township Police, PA
June 6, 2006
How tragic to lose two officers in this manner! Thank you for serving and protecting. R.I.P.
Shirley Roberts
Aunt of Fallen Hero John Logan EOW-3-14-04
June 5, 2006
Officer Garbarino
On that horrible Monday many lives changed forever. I am the fiance of a police officer as well as soon to be sister in law to one as well. I am a nurse so I see police officers all the time and am quite close to some of them. That day was so scary seeing that their was a shooting seeing the total terror of everyone. I was so impressed on how even though your brother and sister police officers were hurting and scared they show so much courage to protect those around them before thinking of themselves. God Bless and Thank you
Future Wife of a Police Officer
June 3, 2006
My prayers go out to the Garbarino family. His beat will go on as he walks the streets of gold.Sorry for your loss!!
Beth Anderson
Wife of Alcoa TN. police officer
June 2, 2006
Again we mourn as another hero is taken from us. My deepest sympathy to the family, friends and co-workers of MPO Garbarino. May the Lord give you strength and bless each of you during this time.
Rest in peace for your watch here is over; walk in heavens beat and guide us to protect and serve others safely.
US Ranger Catroppa
National Park Service GA
June 1, 2006
Sir, Im not sure if I am even worthy of leaving a reflection for you. Wow. Sometimes I read these reflections and get very emotional just thinking of the familes involved. I can honestly say, that I have now read a HERO's reflection. You sir are nothing short of what a hero is. You stepped up to the plate knowing what could happen but did it anyway. God's army got two stronger on May 17, 2006.
Rest easy sir, we have the watch from here.
Friends of Larry R Cox EOW 4/21/05
Chillicothe Ohio Police Department
June 1, 2006
Gabby,I thanked you in the hospital for saving those of us running out to help you - unbeknownst that we were running into gunfire. You saved many lives on May 8 - including mine. You were always a dear friend to me, and I miss our talks in my office. You never passed my doorway without saying hello and asking me how I was doing. That's just who you were. True friends are hard to find and I miss you. May God bless you and may we all live our lives with you and Vicky as reminders to us always. Take care of each other up there.
PFC Mary Hulse
Sully District Police Station
May 31, 2006
Officer Garbarino, Family, Friends and Co-Workers, our prayers are with you. May your love one rest in peace.
D. Jones
Officer Ron Jones
EOW 12/26/02
May 31, 2006
We appreciate all the officers in Fairfax County, Virginia. Living here in Northern Virginia, we never would suspect such a violent act so close to home. We salute you and thank you for your years of dedication. May God bless you and your family.
Sandra Michelle Farr
Fellow Citizen of Virginia
May 30, 2006
Though it has been nearly 3 decades since I left Wanaque, I have thought often about the good people in my old neighborhood, more so about the supportive family that occupied 3 homes on my street, the Garbarino's. Mike was my next door neighbor growing up and was always the guy you wanted to be most like, the big brother I never had (and surely could have used). Always a smile, a helping hand, never a bad word or mood. His folks, who I called Uncle Ed and Aunt Grace, were the ideal parents, though I had my moments as a sometimes troubled child.
To Uncle Ed and Aunt Grace, please accept my condolences and prayers, as I sit here with tears over the loss of a great young man that I looked up to, that continued to be a great example to all those fortunate enough to have been touched by him.
To Mike's wife and daughters, heart-felt condolences. May all your memories be happy ones and your strength grow from your loss.
The world is an empties place.
Bruce Specter
Former Neighbor
May 30, 2006
On May 7 I went to Church like millions of others worldwide. The Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Easter, for the second of three Liturgical Years in the Catholic Church is from John 10:11-18.
“I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, the wolf catches and scatters them. This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd. This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have power to lay it down and power to take it up again. This command I have received from my Father.”
At the time I thought this a fitting tribute to Officers who, “Go down in the Line of Duty.” Little did I know that a mere 24 hours later it would apply to two of our own.
Rest now Good Shepherd with the knowledge that in Cities, States, Counties and Municipalities across the land, others are ready to pick up your staff and protect the flock from the wolf, regardless the price, out of a love for mankind.
Lt. Victor LoPreto
Fx. Co. P.D.
May 30, 2006
Words cannot express our gratitude for your sacrafice. Rest in peace my brother.
US Secret Service/ Former FCPD
May 30, 2006
Mike -
May you rest in peace. I enjoyed working with you as a VIPS at the Sully Station. You were an outstanding cop and person and our county and district will be at a loss without you. Thanks for your service and dedication to all of us in Fairfax County and the Sully District. You will not be forgotten.
Steve Rutledge
Sully resident
Steve Rutledge
FCPD VIPS/ Sully District Resident
May 30, 2006
May you rest in peace, Gabby. When my son told me that you had not made it, I just couldn't believe it. I was so sure you'd pull through. I remember talking with you when you worked the Labor Day Picnic with my son.
Thank you so much for your sacrifice and the lives you saved on May 8th. You are a real HERO and will be greatly missed. My prayers go out to your family.
mother of two Fairfax Co Police Officers
wife of a retired Fairfax Co Officer(now Deputy Sheriff)
Carol Coulter
mother of FFX CO POLICE OFFICERS. wife of retired FFX CO Officer
May 29, 2006
My thoughts are with your wife and children as they struggle through this time. Your extreme sacrifice will always be remembered. Thank you for your many years keeping citizins like myself and my children safe.
Rest in Peace, God Bless
Lee Anne Sorto
prior citizin of Fairfax County
May 29, 2006
Mike, I wanted to leave one more final reflection; to honor your years of service, I thought the world deserved to know what you accomplished through your years of service.
We ran so many calls together and I remember all the stuff you would get into at McLean Station. You are truly one of my heroes, long before May 8 2006 occurred!
I miss you and will think of you always, I do miss the old McLean days and you were definately part of that group.
Farewell my friend
with great sadness Perry Knicely
Biography of Officer Michael E. Garbarino
Survived by his wife, Sue, and two daughters, Katie and Natalie
Was a Police Officer at William Patterson College in
Wayne, NJ between November ’81 and December ‘82
Hired as Fairfax County Police Officer on March 7, 1983
Assigned to the McLean District Station
Promoted to Police Officer First Class on August 30, 1986
Promoted to Master Police Officer on December 9, 1995
Had the following position while assigned to the McLean District Station:
Detective in the Criminal Investigation Section (CIS)
He investigated numerous burglaries, grand larceny cases, and an assortment of other criminal cases. Often uncovering more than the original complaint or issue at hand.
Field Training Instructor (FTI) – trained 8 newly assigned officers
He was also a School Resource Officer (SRO) at: Marshall High School
Langley High School
Pimmit Hills Alternative High School.
Mike used his passion of revolutionary war re-enactment to motivate and effect positive change with the students he mentored.
Worked a temporary assignment at the Victim / Witness Assistance Program in 1990. He brought the program to several roll-call training sessions, providing validation of the program for many officers.
He transferred to Sully District Station in May of 2003.
He was a founding member of the
Fairfax Coalition of Police, Local 5000
Mike enjoyed the following recreational activities;
He collected model trains
At one point got into carpentry and built his mother a piece of furniture
Before joining the police department, Mike worked for Ford Motor Company in New Jersey.
MPO Perry L Knicely - Retired
Fairfax County Police Department
May 29, 2006
To my friend, one who backed me up many times during our careers, who gave his all at everything he did, my final tribute to you is to post your history. The world deserves to see your dedication and devotion to your career.
I think of you often Mike and when I do I always find that a smile comes to my face. You brought out the best in me and you certainly did in the Department you represented.
Farewell my friend
Perry Knicely
Biography of Officer Michael E. Garbarino
Survived by his wife, Sue, and two daughters, Katie and Natalie
Was a Police Officer at William Patterson College in
Wayne, NJ between November ’81 and December ‘82
Hired as Fairfax County Police Officer on March 7, 1983
Assigned to the McLean District Station
Promoted to Police Officer First Class on August 30, 1986
Promoted to Master Police Officer on December 9, 1995
Had the following position while assigned to the McLean District Station:
Detective in the Criminal Investigation Section (CIS)
He investigated numerous burglaries, grand larceny cases, and an assortment of other criminal cases. Often uncovering more than the original complaint or issue at hand.
Field Training Instructor (FTI) – trained 8 newly assigned officers
He was also a School Resource Officer (SRO) at: Marshall High School
Langley High School
Pimmit Hills Alternative High School.
Mike used his passion of revolutionary war re-enactment to motivate and effect positive change with the students he mentored.
Worked a temporary assignment at the Victim / Witness Assistance Program in 1990. He brought the program to several roll-call training sessions, providing validation of the program for many officers.
He transferred to Sully District Station in May of 2003.
He was a founding member of the
Fairfax Coalition of Police, Local 5000
Mike enjoyed the following recreational activities;
He collected model trains
At one point got into carpentry and built his mother a piece of furniture
Before joining the police department, Mike worked for Ford Motor Company in New Jersey.
Perry L Knicely
Fairfax County Police Department - Retired
May 29, 2006
(From a Policeman's Prayer) "...And when we lay down our night sticks, enroll us in your Heavenly Force, where we will be as proud to guard the throne of God, as we have been to guard the city of men."
A new assignment waits for you in heaven. My condolences and heartfelt prayers to your family and department. God Bless.
Neart, Gra agus Onior (Strength, love and honor)
Crime Scene Specialist K. Martin B1162
Scottsdale P.D. (AZ)
May 29, 2006
May 28, 2006
My prayers are with the friends and family of Officer Garbarino. Never forget your fallen heros.
Mike Bradford
Tallahassee Police Dept.(ret)
Invest(Ret) Mike Bradford
Tallahassee (Fl) Police Dept
May 28, 2006