Gilbert Police Department, Arizona
End of Watch Sunday, April 30, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Robert Daniel Targosz
i didnt really know rob all that much.But i still knew him.How I remember him is a fun loving guy.All he was at the PD to do was to stop all the drunk drivers,but he ened being hit by one.My dad Benny fisher,is very upset.I dont blam him.I am upset too,and i barely knew rob.But all i know is,is that all my blessings all my prayers are to him for a long time.He will be in the hearts of everyone forever.
Son of Gilbert PD Officer
May 2, 2006
You always were larger than life, the voice on the radio that could and would grab everyones attention. You made us laugh, bang on the desk in frustration, pull our hair out, get our adreneline pounding, and always we stood in awe of your perserverence to catch the bad guy. Today we stand crying,laughing, and holding tight to each other as we recount the many stories and memories you leave us. It seems like yesterday you were talking about pastry's and hiking... You have left an indelible impression on all who you worked with. You will be missed, T22. Godspeed.
Allyna Bay, Communications Supervisor
Gilbert PD
May 2, 2006
The 108th academy class of the El Paso, TX Police Department extends deepest condolences to the family of Offr. Targosz and the Gilbert, AZ Police Department. Offr. Targosz bravely gave his life in performance of his duties.
108th Academy Class
El Paso, Texas Police Academy
May 2, 2006
Rest in peace and watch over us as we will carry on in your memory and honor.
Ofc. Aaron P. Sparks
Gilmanton NH Police Department
May 2, 2006
My most heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and fellow officers of Officer Targosz. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
To his wife - I share your agony. I lost my husband in the line of duty a little over a year ago and am left to raise 2 young children on my own. Our husbands were about the same age. This is a very difficult journey that none of us were prepared to take. Please take comfort in knowing that you do not walk this path alone, but with many others who have suffered similar losses. I know you may not believe it right now, but you will get through this. Take one day at a time, do the best you can - you will be alright. The pain in your heart will soften with time, I promise you that.
Thank you, Officer Targosz, for your service and ultimate sacrifice. May God bless you and may you continue to rest in eternal peace, forever safe in the arms of the angels.
Carin E. Sollman, surviving spouse
Officer Jesse E. Sollman, EOW 3/25/05
May 2, 2006
The UMD Police Department salutes Officer Targosz and his ultimate sacrifice. Our prayers go out to his loved ones and all those mourning the loss of this good man.
Sgt. Tim LeGarde
University of Minnesota Duluth Police Department
May 2, 2006
I just attended the Street Survival course here in Denver and was informed of this web page. The first thing I see was this story.
I attended ALETA in Tucson with Officer Targosz and was horrified to see he had been taken from us. He was always very enthusiastic while in the academy and was well liked.
I offer my condolences to his family and his fellow officers. This warrior will be missed!! God Bless.
Officer Conni Crook
Federal Reserve Police / Academy classmate
May 2, 2006
My last contact with you was certainly a memorable one! I now view it as "the hand-off of your torch" to carry out a battle which was obviously more than your job ... but your passion!
On the night of April 22, 2006 I approached you with intent of picking your brain reference my first DUI trial. When I walked into your office area seeking a few pointers, I left with two lengthy handouts and an overwhelming amount of knowledge reference court procedure/etiquette, traffic law, and DUI investigations. THANK YOU!!!
We will try our best to achieve the impossible of easing your family's pain. You have set a high standard as a true professional, mentor, and person.
Rest in peace ... you know you impacted the community when random Gilbert citizens approach your fellow officers expressing their condolences, sadness, and anger at the loss of a HERO!!!
Ofc. Redcay
Gilbert PD
May 2, 2006
ROB,its me again, on many occassions you always did say i talk alot and some of the things that came out of my mouth made you scratch your head.i had the privilge to get your uniform together one last time so that you were laid to rest in the uniform you wore so proudly!! i took that task to heart and put all my heart and love into this for you. you did always require extra special handling which i was always happy to do for you.It was always so nice to see and talk to you because you always had that big beautiful smile and were always to fun to have a conversation with,boy,you thought i could say some interesting things but you were always so eloquent with your words!! i will always remember our last conversation and that big cheesey smile as you waved good bye. well, my friend this is not good bye because i know that i will see you again, its see ya'later. R.I.P. ROBERT DANIEL.
senta eilola
May 2, 2006
The department has suffered an immeasurable loss and won't be the same without you Rob. I continue to keep your family in my prayers and wish them peace.
L. Phillips
Gilbert Police Department
May 2, 2006
As my husband's retirement is only weeks away, I breathe a sigh of relief that his tour of duty has been safe. My heart breaks for Rob's wife, family and for the Gilbert PD. His tour was cut short - by of all things, an underage drunk driver.
Although Rob's career ended pematurely, he left an everlasting impact on the community and all those he associated with.
Rest in peace, Rob. You've done your job. Please look down from above and guide every officer on the street.
Pat Taylor
Wife of Gilbert Sgt. Paul A. Taylor
Pat Taylor
Wife of Gilbert Sgt. Paul A. Taylor
May 2, 2006
Rest In Peace.
U.S. Marshals
May 2, 2006
To the family of Officer Targosz:
I just wanted to say that there are so many out here who know just what you are going through. Each day gets easier than the one before. Time goes by so fast. It has been over a year since we lost Drew. Next week we will go to DC to honor him and the others lost in '05. Through the sadness and darkness, see the light that shines in the memory of your hero. He will be with you always. We are so proud of him and his sacrifice as well as the sacrifice you have now made. Keep your head held up high. Always remember, no matter how far away he may seem, he is always right there beside you. Much love, Chrissy
Chrissy Henley, surviving spouse
William A Henley, EOW 3/19/05
May 2, 2006
Rob told me that "DUI enforcement is the most honorable thing you can do." Rob’s passion for taking drunks off the road was most evident by how many times I can remember Rob working a late night, only to make one more DUI arrest on his way home. The tragedy that it was a drunk that took Rob off the road and away from the rest of us still doesn’t seem real.
I only got to know Rob for a couple years. He was my DT instructor at the academy, my DUI training officer, and one of my HGN instructors. His candor and forthrightness in formal training settings caused me to ask him many more questions informally and Rob was always willing to take extra time to be a mentor and friend and help me be a better officer. Rob was always looking out for the best interest of his fellow officer. Rob was always looking for ways to help us do our jobs better and more safely, and he often saw those ideas come to fruition.
Rob’s passion, integrity, and intelligence was not only a gift to police work, but a gift to anyone who knew him. He will be sorely missed and I hope he knows how much I appreciated him and how much of an impact he had on me, professionally and personally.
I’ll see you again.
I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Officer J. Tetzlaff
Gilbert Police Department
May 2, 2006
To the Family of the Gilbert Police Department. As I heard about Rob last night at the Phoenix Memorial my heart ached for you all. I went back in time and remembered how when my husband Ray died in Sept. your dept. sent officers on their motorcycles and led our motorcade. I remember thinking how great your dept. was for coming all the way to help out..I can only say now that as hard as it is for you, you must know that Rob is now your hero and angel watching over you all the time as Ray is our dept.s hero and angel watching over them. It's nice to know that we had men like Ray and Rob here for too short a time however but now they patrol even bigger streets in heaven.Please send my condolences to your department and let them know they will always hold a special place in my heart, as will Rob...God Speed Rob and when you see Ray in heaven busy patroling streets will you just tell him I say hi...and we miss him so much..and we are proud of him. God Bless the Gilbert Police Dept.
Christy Rios, wife of fallen officer Ramon M. Rios D.P.D. badge # 520...E.O.W. 9/04/05.
Christy Rios
Wife of Fallen Officer Ramon Rios D.P.D. 520
May 2, 2006
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, your friends, and your colleagues. We grieve with them. Our gratitude for your sacrifice - and theirs - lives on. Rest well and know that you will never be forgotten.
Friends of GAC Beuf PPD 6896 eow 11-1-99
May 2, 2006
Go with God brother, Your work here is done.
Brother in Blue
Warner Robins PD
May 2, 2006
It sounds like thunder far away, but the skies are blue and bright...
And soon they crest the hill nearby, and ride into our sight.
They shake the ground with powerful sound, and they make some hearts beat fast...
They look so proud and noble, like Knights come from the past.
Side by side, they always ride, and seem to move as one...
From early in the morning light, to the setting of the sun.
And children point and wave to them, from cars that pass them by...
And young ones ask their parents, why the men have mirrors for eyes.
They ride the roads, and fight for good, and defend small ones like you...
They ask to ride, and do with pride, and sometimes they are few.
Like men of steel, on Silver Wings, they sparkle in the light...
then with a roar and rumble, they ride out of our sight.
Sometimes when one has fallen, never to ride again...
You can hear the others calling, like thunder on the wind.
Side by side, they slowly ride, and their thunder is a mournful sound...
And the mirrors hide their eyes from us, when teardrops fall to ground.
So if you see one riding, and you look into his face...
You see your reflection in his eyes, you know that you are safe.
For motormen are a special breed, they love to ride the wind...
And when you hear the thunder boom, the fallen ones ride again.
Author Unknown
May 2, 2006
Rob, May God bless you, your family and co-workers at this very tragic time. I was just at a funeral for another officer friend last week and it is the hardest thing to have to go through. Why do all the good guys have to be taken away by such senseless people.The Men and Women in blue are all with you in there hearts.There is noting in this world stronger than the police family. May your family and friends find the strenght through God to help you.
Thank you for your services. I know that my officer friends are waiting for you at those pearly gates to show you around.God bless
Friend of Corp. Scott Severns
EOW 4/23/2006 South Bend In
May 2, 2006
I can't express the saddness in words, so I find myself sitting here with tears rolling down my face. You've had such an impact on my life and I'm having great difficulty even walking into our office. I'm already missing the heated debates over the cubicle wall and you telling me to turn down my music. I also miss you talking to nobody as you read your department email, shouting, "That's ridiculous! What's wrong with people?"
I want you to know that I am proud to call you my close friend. I think I speak for Chad and Bob as well. We wore our friendship with you like a badge of honor. I miss you terribly and wish I had words to comfort you wife and family. But there aren't any.
Rob, rest now and know that your my hero. I will continue your relentless pursuit of impaired drivers. I will never forget you and until we meet again.....
J. Dana
Friend and fellow Gilbert DUI motor
May 2, 2006
Rob was hired shortly after I was and we worked together for the first two years. He always made it a point to tell me how to be better at catching bad guys. After a while, our paths went in different directions but after each promotion, Rob made it a point to tell me that I should always be as safe as the day we started. Just a few weeks ago, you took a DUI arrest from me after you were off duty and almost home. After you told the suspect he was dangerous, you treated him with respect and did you job because it is the right thing to do. You told me that if it was not for us, nobody will get these guys off the road.
He gave so much to the people and NEVER expected anything in return. He wanted to be the best and never settled for less. I will never forget the quote "Rodeo grounds...NOW" between Rob and his Sergeant. He was a great man, and will always be a hero in our hearts.
Your voice will never be forgotten and your spirit will live on in our hearts. Your spirit will live on in our every day efforts to make the world a safer place for everybody.
I know we will meet again...
Lt. Eric Shuhandler
Gilbert PD
May 2, 2006
God Speed Brother. Rest in Peace!
Cpl Kevin D. Lampe #27 K-9 Unit
Finney County Sheriff's Office (Kansas)
May 2, 2006
It grieves my heart to see another officer pay the ultimate price, but I hold a special spot in my soul for a fallen fellow motor. Rest in peace, sir. May God find a grand place for you in His kingdom.
Motor Sergeant
May 2, 2006
You will never be forgotten by those that spoke to you everday on the other end of your radio. We will all miss you and keep you in your hearts forever. God bless you.
Shana Effio
Dispatch Supervisor
May 2, 2006
May 2, 2006