Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jeremy Preston "Jay" Chambers

Cahokia Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Monday, April 24, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Jeremy Preston "Jay" Chambers

Jay just wanted to say hi to you today. Denise, Logan, Garrett, Hayden, and I think of you daily. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Just hope you know what a loss it has been since you were taken from us all so suddenly. I hope you are at peace up there in the clouds with family, friends, and other fallen public safety heros that made the ultimate sacrifice. Today is your mom's birthday and I know she wishes you were here to share her day. Take care and I will talk to you soon.


August 23, 2006

Jay I was just thinking about you alot today. I think things are finally becoming so real now, knowing that I can't just call you up and talk(whenever you would pick up). I will never forget Target!!!!You know what I am talking about. The kids really miss their Uncle Jay. I don't think we will ever stop crying. Every time I come on this site I see more and more police officers taken from us and I know you are in heaven welcoming them in. Nico is doing fine, she now follows me around just like she did you. I hope you truly know how much I love you and miss you.


August 17, 2006

Whats up Bro, I come on here alot to see what other people have to say about you. Its amazing how people think of you in the same way. A true Friend, never thought about yourself, just wanted to help people. I can not say its getting easier, but we think about you every day. Sarah ( Trailer) misses you to, we have the picture of me and you in our office. As we all say. " You will never be forgotten"

Cris Burch
Cahokia Fire Dept.

August 13, 2006

i didnt know jeremy well but when i talk to his family i get the picture of a hero. the way they talk about him is with such.... pride.i know now what he was like . and i know now why god put him on this touch the lives of many people.


August 11, 2006

Earl, Diane, Denise, Chris and all that loved Jeremy:

I just wanted to share something with all of you: The other day 8/3/06, I was in the ER @ Memorial Hospital for the 2nd time in 14 hours due to the absolute worst migraine I've ever suffered in my 32 years .. being told that I need to follow up w/ a neurologist very soon due to some things that were found on my CT that weren't there 3 years ago when I had my last CT ....
I am crying and writhing in pain, hoping to God that this round of Demerol will finally ease the intense pounding, will hopefully restore my ability to use my left arm/hand and will hopefully bring me back the eyesight that I've been sporadically losing throughout the ordeal, when in comes another, new nurse to administer the pain meds into the IV catheter. I feel the burn of the meds and w/in what seemed like moments, easing of the pain and swimming in my head. I am finally able to open my eyes (had been shut tightly due to light & pain) and the nurse that is standing there taking care of me looks at me and when she realizes that I'm coherent (to a degree!!), she reached over & put her hand on the left side of my chest .... and w/ her other hand, she was touching the left side of her chest. We're both wearing Jeremy's memorial shirts and she had her hand over his badge/emblem/number/EOW. She just smiled and said "What a great man he was" and all I could do was agree. We talked about him for a moment or two before she went on to her other patients.

It was just comforting to know that the nurse that was taking care of me was friends w/ Jeremy == that meant that I was in good, compassionate hands. Jeremy was all of those things and more and to know that the person that was taking care of me was good enough to have had Jeremy as a friend meant that she had to be a good person herself and that I was going to be ok.

I know that nothing that can ever be said can ease the hurt and the pain, but know that his memory is alive every single day and he still continues to touch so many lives. A trip to the emergency room, just like that, shows how many lives he truly touched with his goodness.

God Bless you all

Dana Westbrook-Waters

August 9, 2006

I walked down the isle at Holy Family for the first time since your funeral on Sunday. All I could think about was you and the funeral. It is still not real for me. I still expect to see you come in the door at the station. I see your picture and I just can't believe you are gone. I miss you being here with us.

Eric Stacy

August 8, 2006

Jeremy- We miss you so much, our extra bedroom is now in your memory. I am putting up so many pictures of you in the house. We are taking great care of Eyck. He is doing really good with the other dogs, I remember when you brought him over and said we had to keep our dogs inside. I guess you see that he is spoiled! Chris misses you so much and so do I. We love you !

sister in law

August 8, 2006

Jay everyday we start our day by coming to this website and reading the nice things everyone has written for you and about you. It brings me to tears every time. I have learned so much about you since you were taken from us. I always knew you were a great man, I just didn't know how many lives you touched in your 26 years. I can only imagine how much more you could have done if you were still with us. Life is still really hard without you and I can't imagine that it will ever get any easier. I try my hardest to stay strong for everyone, but somedays it is just to tough. I just wanted to let you know I was missing you and that I love you so much. You are my example on how I want to lead my life, you taught your big sister a very big lesson in life. I hope I make you proud just like you made me proud. Love you and miss you.


August 7, 2006

Jeremy, I am so proud of you and what you stand for. You are the model police officer. It is such a privilege to tell people I had the opportunity to watch you grow up from a young boy into the Man you are. You make this whole community proud to say they're from Cahokia. I miss you just like everyone does and I envy you because I know you are now with our Father in Heaven where he promises there is no more sickness or heart-ache and pain. C-101 how does it feel handling every call with each and every one of us now? and you thought you were out of rotation. Thanks for everything Jeremy.

Msgt. Dennis Plew
Cahokia P.D.

August 7, 2006

I remember you as a youngster, playing hockey and being one of my skate guards. You were such a happy soul. I miss you so much! Nothing in the world can ever replace you. EMS OFFICE scratched into the door at the rink.... LOL! You and Ernie! What a pair! and then there was...."I'll never be a Police Officer" then... all of sudden you were.. just like Dad and Chris! I knew ya had it in ya! You were born to be a public servant. Jer, I miss you Honey and I always will. Watch over my new skate guards this winter and all winters. Train them like you were. Make them the best they can be. You have it in you. I'll miss you forever. I cry everytime I get on the reflections page. You were loved by more than you will ever know. Please keep us in your heart and protect us from harm. We're depending on you just like we always have. We Love you Jeremy!
Love you forever!

Village of Cahokia

August 5, 2006

Too many Captains tonight!! Was out with your brother, Chris "bust-a-move" Chambers, watching him shake his groove thing on the dance floor this evening, which isn't a pretty sight by the way. Anyway, got me thinkin about you and I just wanted to check in. Everytime I get on here it tears me apart. It doesn't seem real. I can only imagine the pain Chris and the rest of your family feel, they're all so strong. I hope your'e up there watching over us, we need it. We miss seeing your silly ass come through the McDonald's drive through when we work midnights and are in there for a late night snack.

Sgt. Tony Flinn
Cahokia PD / Friend

August 4, 2006

I don't know why it's taken me so long to write my thoughts on here, too much anger, the denial of what happened, or maybe fear of my own mortality, but whatever the reason is, I don't know it. What I do know is that I feel it's time for me to share my memories of you. Sometimes I would swear the dispatchers would hold calls until I'm up and they would assign them to me. This is because I always seemed to get THE BIGGEST cluster f%@* calls in the history of Cahokia, and it wasn't just once in awhile, it was all the time! Jeremy and I worked on the same shift for about a year and a half. One day I had it easy. The calls I got were simple, nothing to 'em. Jeremy on the other hand was getting bombarded with cluster after cluster after cluster. I got off two hours before Jeremy did and I was in the squad room logging my traffic tickets when he walked in. It was obvious he was tired, stressed, and I don't think he had a chance to eat lunch that day because he was so busy. Jeremy flops down in Pat's chair and looks at me with this no expression stare on his face and says, "I've been Labbee'd!" Not meant to be but it was the funniest thing I've ever heard him say, I just couldn't stop laughing. New Years eve/just after midnight New Years day 2005. Jeremy gets a battery report at Quik Trip. We all get there thinking it's a fight and this drunk guy says he got beat up at a party somewhere in St Joe. He doesn't know the address but can show us how to get there. Jeremy takes the guy and leads the way. We stop off at the first house and determine it wasn't there. Then we stop at the second, the third, and finally the forth house and it's still not the right house. Now the guy just wants to forget about it and go back to Quik Trip so Jeremy takes him back. We all leave and Jeremy runs a warrant check on the guy and gets the hit tones. The next voice is Jeremy yelling "foot pursuit northbound on Range!" I was still pretty close so I'm the first one there. I see Jeremy running as fast as he can run down the sidewalk and the guy about 50 feet in front of him. I race passed and cut the guy off and we catch him (first tase of 2005!) Jeremy, trying to catch his breath, tells me he took the guy back to QT and the guy said he had to use the bathroom. He runs the guy for the warrants and gets the tones so he goes back inside QT to get him. Just then one of the QT employees tells him that the guy just ran out the back door, and there's Jeremy, a*% hole and elbows running after the guy and the expression on Jeremy's face as I'm passing him? Priceless. These are just two of the many memories I have of Jeremy, but I wanted to say one more thing. I don't know where I heard this but when I think of it, I think of Jeremy. The saying goes like this, "A MAN NEVER STANDS SO TALL THEN WHEN HE STOOPS TO HELP A CHILD" That's Jeremy. There's no question in my mind or anybody else's that ever said your name, you are far greater than 10 feet tall and you are so sadly missed because of it. You are forever in my memory. Thank you for being you, and may you rest in eternal peace.

Ron 88

August 3, 2006

Good morning son,

I am sure you know we all miss you and I know with the storm that hit Cahokia, everyone missed you helping them out. Yesterday, July 31, 2006, Chris and I flew to Chicago and met Chris McGinnis and Eric Stacey there. The IACP bestowed their highest award to you and six other officers who lost their life in the line of duty. All seven officers were awarded the the Police Cross. It was very hard sitting and listening to them tell how each officer was taken away from us. I am sure you were there watching. All of your family and friends still miss you very much and we still don't understand why you were taken away from us.

Son, we all love you and can only hope your life now is better than before and hopefully someday we will see you again. Love, Dad and Mom

Earl Chambers, retired Cap't.
Cahokia PD

August 1, 2006


It's been 3 months since you were taken from us and everyday is as hard as the first. During the last week as you know we had no power and most of us were stuck staying at the firehouse. We told so many wonderful Jeremy stories. Some of us laughed and some of us cried, but it was nice to sit with everyone and remember all the great times we had. Madison still dreams about you all the time. She wakes up and tells me and Chris that you said "hi" It was hard hearing her say that the first time but not we just tell her to tell you "we love you" Please keep watch over all these guys and your wonderful family. No one knows how to deal with all of this. Some days I will look at the pictures we have up in our house of you and smile cause I remember all the wonderful times we all had together, but there are other days when I just cry and get mad cause none of this makes sense to me and it's not fair. There are alot of people doing alot of great things in memory of you. You would be so proud. I miss and love you more than words can say. Until then ~ Rest In Peace.


July 30, 2006

Jeremy, I think about you every day. It is so sad that you arent here with us. Love you.


July 29, 2006

It has not got any easier brother. There is not a day that goes by that something doesn't remind me of you. Rather it is sitting in front of the firehouse, seeing a flat tire ( we could of been a Nascar pit crew that month) Terra Haute IN ( is not in IL ) or just the picture of me and you from the Halloween party - Mullets Rule. You will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN I promise that.

CPD #101
CFD #23

Cris Burch
Cahokia Fire Dept.

July 28, 2006


Everyone at the PD misses you brother. Every day we come into work one of the first things we see is your picture hanging on the wall. It reminds me of your dedication not only as a police officer and to the community, but in all the other fields you served in as well. I can honestly say that I have never met anyone with a servant's heart and attitude like yours.

It was truly an honor to know Jeremy P. Chambers. He was a dear friend to all who knew him and a dedicated public servant. We love and miss you Jeremy....

Jason Hergenroeder
Cahokia PD

July 28, 2006

Hey Brother,

I was at work today and I just thought about all the stuff that has happen this pass week. I realize how much you would of busted you back so everyone could be happy. It was funny there is a memorial hanging on the wall at house 2 and your firefighter doll outfit fell off and someone said you came down from heaven to help us. Well I beleave you did because as soon as they said that things started to turn around. I wish you was here and so does everyone else. I still can not beleave it has been 3 months and still does not seem real to me. Well keep on watching over all of us and we will see you soon.


Andrew T. Mcintyre
Cahokia Fire Department and Police Department

July 27, 2006

Jeremy everyday is still as hard as the first. I know you are watching over us. There is not a day that goes by that I wish you were here. I miss you.

your brother

July 26, 2006

Jeremy, I can't beleive it's been three months already. Everyone still misses you so much. I thought about you this past week during all the storm drama. I know you would have been working around the clock to help everyone -and loving it. I know you were watching over us and helping from Heaven. I hope you can put in a good word for nice weather on Saturday. I think about you everyday. Please watch over your family and all the rest of us who love you and miss you.

Heather Wagner

July 25, 2006

Dear Uncle Jay, I love you and I miss you very much. I always
Think about you. Nico is doing great.I have spolied that dog.
I always hug and kiss her when I get up in the morrning, and at night before bed. I always say to that you love her very much, watch out for her, she love you too.We are having a car warsh for you on Staurday, I love you and I miss you.
See you up there, Logan

Logan Schilli

July 24, 2006

It's been 3 months, and it still doesn't seem real. Time will never heal our loss we have in our hearts. We think about you everyday, I carry your handcuff case to work with me, now. You are always with me when I work. Give us some good weather on Saturday for your car wash!

sister in law

July 24, 2006

Jay I love you and miss you everyday. I never stop thinking of you. Life is so hard without you here.


July 23, 2006

Peace be with you always...

Mrs. Natalie Jensen
wife of Detective Jared Jensen EOW 2/22/06

July 15, 2006

Just wanted to say hi! I want to let you know that we love you and truly miss you everyday. Eyck is going great and I kiss him everyday for you.. please take good care of us down here- we need it right now!!!!


July 13, 2006

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