Cahokia Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Monday, April 24, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Jeremy Preston "Jay" Chambers
It is strange to drive through Cahokia and not see you. I will never forget when you and Timmy dressed as kiss for halloween. That was a fun time. There was always fun times around you. From you calling me "crack" and every time seeing me on the streets you where always lighting me up just to say hello. This time of the year is very hard for family. I understand it is hard for ur family and friends. Noone can say I know what your going through, because each person is different and there feelings are there own. I do miss you and love you, and I hope you visit me sometime. Merry Christmas Jeremy and may you rest in peace.
December 24, 2006
Jay, well it is Christmas Eve and the kids are participating in the mass. The girls are singing(Logan has a solo) and Garrett your god son has the honor of bringing up baby Jesus and placing him in the crib. He is so nervous he is begging me to get him out of it. I told him we couldn't buy you gifts this year and that would be your gift from us, to watch from heaven Garrett putting Jesus in the crib. We are all having the roughest time right now. I know so are lot's of other people who have lost someone. We are burning a blue light in the window to honor you. Someone had said something about that so I put a light in the window. You know we don't put lights on the outside of the house. I know how much you loved Christmas, so I put a tree out at the cemetery. Sorry it was the best I could do. Next year I will think ahead a little more and be better prepared. I made chocolate chip cookies minus the nuts in honor of you. That was your favorite. Every year you made sure you took those cookies home. I remember you saying last year Nico ate all the cookies you made. I didn't let her get them this year. That is a loyal dog, every move I make she is right next to me. I am so glad we have her. Well we love you and miss. Be with Garrett and the girls in mass tonight. I hope they do you proud. Merry Christmas!!!!!! I will try and hold it together down here with the family.....
December 24, 2006
I am really not sure what to post on here today, I know thats hard to believe that I have nothing to say. Telling you that you are missed is something that will be said for ever. The Holidays are a time to see family and to look back on the last year. This year alot of people have a void in there hearts and there life. Where you use to be in person is now a very big hole. But just having you in our lives for the time we did, has given us a life time of memories. I think of you daily, most of my thoughts are of something that we did that was funny and sometimes stupid. But I know that you are watching over use every minute of every day. Sarah got me and Dwayne the picture of us 3 on the steps of the house burn on church street, in a very nice frame. You may of been right about her, she is a great person. Take care brother, Merry Christmas. As always " You will never be forgotten"
Cris Burch
December 23, 2006
Hi son,
This is your favorite holiday throughout the entire year and yet we are all so sorry you are not here to celebrate it. We had a meeting and have a very special memorial tribute planned in Cahokia for you out of your memorial fund money. This is the most difficult time in my entire life without you. I stll cannot believe you have been taken away from us. We will try our best to make it through as we know that is what you want. I still remember the year you made the Christmas tree for the front yard out of conduit pipe. I love you so much and miss you son, I hope your Christmas with God is the best Christmas ever.
Love Dad
Earl Chambers
Cahokia PD Retired
December 20, 2006
My thoughts are with your loved ones during this holiday season. Every day is tough to get through because of their loss of you, but holidays are even harder. I have decorated the exterior of my home in all blue lights. One of those lights will be lit in your honor every night until after New Years as you are a true hero and you will not be forgotten. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
December 19, 2006
Jay, Guess what is on tv????? Christmas Vacation. We all watched as a family tonight. I know that was your favorite Christmas movie. The holiday season wasn't officially started until you watched that movie. Thinking of you always.....
December 17, 2006
As I am shopping for christmas presents at the mall, i ran into some candles that u used to burn. I was so sad thinking about you not being here. Its so weird not getting u a present this year. God i wish this was a dream, jeremy please be with chris during the holidays he is not himself. We all miss you more than u will ever know.
sister in law
December 16, 2006
The other day i was leaving for work and trying to fight back the tears and a breese touch my face it was like you kiss my cheek and you were comforting me I miss you so much son
We love you mom
Diane Chambers
December 12, 2006
To the parents, sister, brother, extended family, friends and fellow officers who loved and valued Officer Jeremy Chambers, I offer my sincere condolences.
I pray that God will grant you all the graces needed to cope with your untimely loss of this handsome young officer who has been called back home much too soon.
I will keep him and your family in my prayers as you all face this holiday season without his physical presence but remember those we love and hold in heart and memory are never truly lost to us.
I am both a survivor and victim family member.
I lost a wonderful state trooper brother forty-five years ago, and he will always be in my thoughts, memories prayers and heart. So to your siblings, feel blessed that you had the privilege of having such a fine brother to be proud of and although he is in that far better place, he will always be here with you in spirit.
I share your parents grief...I recently lost a very loving son, named after my brother, to a very tragic and unjust circumstance. I read your mother's reflections and I have the same heartaches she feels as we all face the "firsts" without our sons. We are afterall mothers, and not unlike one another in our love for our children. I will pray for both your parents; I don't believe God intended for parents to have to suffer this type of loss. It is devastatingly painful.
May God's perpetual light shine upon Officer Chambers and may he rest in His eternal peace for having made the ultimate sacrifice in serving and protecting his community.
God's blessings on all of you and know that your loved one will not be forgotten.
With my deepest sympathy.
Anita L. Culosi
sister of NYS Tpr. S.J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
December 7, 2006
It has been a long time since I have been here and wrote anything. For some reson in the shower yesterday I looked at the black braclet I am wearing and I think to myself. I have never taken this off since the day I got it. Then I think, this thing is going to fall off of my dead arm before I take it off.
The braclet and your picture in my squad car keeps me motivated on the street in doing what you loved to do the best!
Godspeed brother.
Chris McGinnis
Cahokia PD
December 7, 2006
I just wanted to say how much we all love you and miss you the pain is so unbearable for all of us and i can't help Denise or Chris.I keep hoping your going to call me,I love you son
Diane Chambers
December 6, 2006
Jeremy, I just wanted to check in and say hi. I can't believe Christmas is coming up so fast. I am not really into it this year. It just won't be the same. I miss the phone calls from you asking what to get everyone. I have to still put a tree up and decorate a little bit for the kids. It just would not be fair to them if I didn't. They said they would understand if I didn't want to put things up. They miss you so much. We still feel like we have part of you here with us living on in Nico. I know she is just a dog, but you love her and she loves you so much. Mom and Dad's dog is here so Nico is not liking that so much. She is getting better with him. Hayden is getting ready to make her first reconciliation. Remember when you came to Garrett's retreat with us and we baked bread and had lunch? That was a fun day. I love you and miss you so much....Denise
December 5, 2006
I went to Guns and Hoses where they honered you. I spoke with your mom for a long time. She told about you calling her at night and at Thanksgiving to make sure she was making your favorite things. I listen to your mom talk about you and I can only imagine what she is going through. It pains me so much to see your mom and the rest of your family go through this pain. Me and Chris miss you very much. We will see you again in heaven. I'll talk to you again later.
Eric Stacy
November 27, 2006
Hey Jay today was a tough day. We missed you very much. Guns and Hoses was last night and they had a great tribute to you and a painting of you. I guess the holidays will never be the same because this Thanksgiving is nothing like the ones in the past. I miss you everyday.
November 23, 2006
Jay as Thanksgiving night ends I feel nothing but saddness. The tears just never stop. There will never be another holiday that is ever the same again. It has been a very emotional draining couple of days. The Backstoppers event was something you would have been proud of. It was just so unbelievably hard. I just miss you so much that my heart will never heal. I can't believe that you are gone from this earth. I love you so very much.
November 23, 2006
I've attended several backstopper events in the past, but the start of last nights Guns N Hoses was probably the most trying as your unforgetable heroism was honored once again. On this day, I thank you for the things you have done to comfort your family, friends and fellow officers. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers today.
Until we meet again...
J Bayer
Columbia/Police Academy Session 90
November 23, 2006
My thoughts are with your loved ones as the holidays approach. There are no magic words I can offer to help them with their grief except that they are not alone. Keep watch over your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. Also, keep watch over those still out on patrol. You are a true hero and heroes never die. You will never be forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family ever let you be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
November 21, 2006
happy thanksgiving Jay. I would have to say that I am thankful for all our officers who have given their lives to protect others. You are a true hero! We miss you alot.
November 21, 2006
Jeremy, you are missed so much. The pain your family feels seems unbearable at times. It is so hard to watch them grieve for you and not be able to make them feel better. You were loved so incredibly by your family. I know that Denise was always so protective of you and only wanted the very best for you. It is so hard for her to live life without her baby brother. I pray for your family to heal and lean on one another for support. I hope someday the pain can ease up just a little and they can remember all the joy you brought to there lives. This holiday season is going to be a sad one. As much as everyone will try and ease their pain and give them support I can see it all over their faces that the only thing that will truly make them happy is to have their baby boy back. I know that God cannot do that ,but he does do incredible things and I know that he has a plan for them to get through this. I pray that they can feel your presence and it will bring them some peace and joy remembering you this Thanksgiving.
Thank you and all of law enforcement for putting their lives on the line for the public.
God bless you, Jay.
Robyn Christopher
friend of Denise
November 20, 2006
As Thanksgiving approaches, I want you to know I am thankful and honored to have known you. Thank you for your encouragement and support through the police academy. Thank you for the way you lived your life, with honor, integrity, and thoughtfulness towards everyone. You are dearly missed by all, brother.
Jason Hergenroeder
Police Officer / Friend
November 19, 2006
I was just making a list for Thanksgiving dinner thinking of all the things you always like me to make for you i miss you so much life is just not good with out you we love you Mom
Diane Chambers
November 18, 2006
I love and miss you Jeremy
November 18, 2006
Hi Jay, Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Next Wednesday we are going to Guns and Hoses will they will honor you and everyone in this area that has lost their lives in the line of duty. I am sure it won't be easy, but what is easy these days. I can't believe how life goes on even though you are not here. There is just such an emptiness. Please watch over the Belleville police officer as he recovers from his injuries. We sure do miss you. I can't believe you won't be here for Thanksgiving. I know how you loved the turkey...Nico is doing well, she is so spoiled. It didn't take her long to make herself at home. I love you and miss you so much....
November 17, 2006
Just wanted to say you.
November 15, 2006
I was thinking of you and your family. I know the holidays are coming up and it's going to be tough. Watch over your family and help them through their pain.
Kathy McEntee, sister of Bill McEntee
November 14, 2006