Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana
End of Watch Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Jeremy Paul Newchurch
Well Jeremy I will try to write you a note. I check this site often to see what people are writing. So many people loved you. You were so much fun to be around. I loved working your shift, whenever you stopped by Dispatch you always had a smile on your face. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart, I hope you knew how much everyone loved you. It still seems like this can't be true I still wait to hear you say AU-15 headquarters 10-8 good evening. We had so much fun working the night shift, calling each other and playing jokes. I still wait for you to call and say hey, you got a minute to look up some times for me? and I would say Streetfly for you I always have a minute or two! God, I miss you so much. We could make an ocean out of all the tears being shed for you. If only you could come back. It is so hard to pass in front of your house it looks like you just have to be there.
Love you forever,
Your friend and Dispatcher
Deputy Marcy Thibodeaux
Assumption Parish Sheriffs Office
July 6, 2006
Well my friend, I have put this off long enough, it is time I say goodbye until a better day. You are sadly missed but not forgotten. I miss working shift with you, I miss stake night, and I miss your friendship. I will never forget early Wednesday morning before you and I departed to go home, your exact words were, "See you Friday night Big Dog." Well Friday night came and I did not see you nor did I hear you on the radio. Even though I received that phone call Wednesday night,I knew I would see you or talk to you Friday night on shift. Still to this day I listen for you to go 10-8. I finally admitted that you are in a better place and I will see you again. Watch over us as we finish the ride. I can only pray that God will give us the strength to fill the void in the lives of those who loved and knew you... Until that better day my friend...
Trooper Troy Landry
Louisiana State Police Troop C
July 5, 2006
Jeremy, I wanted you to know that I think of you all the time. I have a picture of you on my desk at work and on my desk at home. Life will never be the same without you, but I am so grateful that I have memories. Love you and miss you very much.
July 5, 2006
It could have been you
It could have been me
It could have been any of us just lying there
We wonder why this has happened
We wonder why the people are against us
We wonder of a lot of things
and yet we know there will never be an answer
The bagpipes are playing
The sash is on the pin
The black tape is on the car
and the flags are flying half mast
The precession is starting
The lines of blue are forming
The blue lights are shining
and the radios remain silent.
The citizens are mourning
The suspect is running
The investigation is beginning
July 3, 2006
-Author unknown
Taking cover….shots fired,
Then you hear that sound.
The unmistakable crackle of the radio,
Those feared words, “Officer Down.”
One more fallen comrade,
The number continues to grow.
Sorrow fills one’s heart,
Trying not to let the anger show.
Waging a daily battle,
Out there tryin to win the war.
Never knowing what you’ll encounter,
On this stop or from behind the next door.
One more fallen comrade,
Is gone and out of our sight.
Yet guiding us from up above,
Always riding on our right.
July 3, 2006
The Police Officer's 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, His comforting hand reduces fear to naught; He makes me walk through streets of crime, But He gives me courage and peace of mind.
He leads me by still waters in the path I trod, And He says in Romans I'm a "minister of God," He leads me in righteousness as He restores my soul, For His name's sake He keeps me whole.
When I walk through death's valley, right up to the door, I will fear no evil, for He comforts me more; For Thou art with me every step of the way, As thy rod and thy staff protect me each day.
He prepares a table, especially for me, As I work daily among life's enemies; He gives me authority to uphold the law, And He anoints my position in the midst of it all.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, Each day of my life through eternity; As I long to hear Him say, "Well done...," When I lay down my life, my badge, and my gun.
(Author Unknown)
Rest in Peace Brother
St. John Parish SO
June 29, 2006
"streetfly" where do i begin,i come to this sight everyday,i think about you all the time,i miss you like crazy,im kinda lost without you.i have almost all of your in memory of streetfly my shirt is awesome,i wear it and i feel so close to you.some people say i need to let you go,but i tell them its not that easy and i dont have to let you go cause you will always be in my were the best person to hang out with,talk to,and when i needed a laugh i called streetfly.i had recorded your voice mail from your phone just to hear your voice.thank you for all the great memories.keep watching over me and my family & everyone who loves you.i miss and love you sooo much watch over your brother&sisters who are out there protecting us well goodnite for now love ya bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!A-U 15
your friend
June 29, 2006
Jeremy, Just wanted to say I love you. I miss you.
June 28, 2006
Jeremy, I never thought I'd be writing to you like this. I thought we would all just get old and continue to act silly. I miss you so much- so many people do. You made such an impact on people. I worked for your softball tournament last weekend. I kept seeing you all around the park. Your Aunt Tee hung a picture of you on a tree at the park. I couldn't even look at it. I talked to your dad a good bit. I see so much of you in him. He's such a sweetheart-just like you!. Love you
June 22, 2006
What beautiful words but none can express the pain and loss we feel.
Bleed Blue
I am gone, though not quite forgotten. For a tiny spark of my life stays lit through the memory and reflections of my brothers and sisters that stood beside me when I was alive. For during those days, a bond was formed that cannot be broken by time or death of the flesh. Because it is a special bond shared between brothers and sisters who wear the blue. Between those men and women who stand toe to toe against the evils of the world on a daily basis. By those brothers and sisters who witness man's inhumanity to man, day in and day out, and yet are able to muster enough courage to wake up, put on this uniform that makes them impervious to bullets, knives, car crashes and bare fists. And sometimes make them unmoved by the cries of an injured or scared child, only because to do so would put everyone at risk. Yes, I am gone though not quite forgotten. For in the hearts and minds of my brothers and sisters, I still live and fight beside them every day. We are a strange lot. They call us by many names; police officer, cop, deputy, constable and more. We are men and women, black, white, brown and yellow, but we all have a common denominator. When we are hurt or injured, or standing strong against what seems insurmountable odds, we all bleed blue. And that collective outpouring of our lives, blood is what makes us brothers and sisters. Is what makes those who have served and died before us. Gone, but not forgotten. We are a close net few, but we serve for the greater good. Because we are the line in the sand that helps us maintain a civilized society. Gone but definitely not forgotten, Sgt. Jeremy Newchurch.
June 22, 2006
streetfly,where do i begin i miss you so much i think about you all the time,i cry alot it just does not seem real.if i ever needed you before its now, a friend told me the other day i need to try to think of all the good things and of course the funny were very funny and enjoyable to have around.i miss our fun nites together playing chase yes you were very funny &crazy sometimes and a great friend,always great to talk to.if i needed you, you were there and the same if you needed me,well my friend i need your strength now more than ever i want to remember all the good things about you oh by the way i know your proud of me i quite smoking i come to this website everyday and so many people love you well got to for now my friend i love you and miss you you are my angel now." i will never forget you"
friend "t"
June 21, 2006
My precious Jeremy, where does Tee begin? This weekend was totally awesome. Ashley and Jacob put on the first Jeremy Newchurch Memorial Tournamant. Tee got to see many of your friends and to meet alot of them to.We even had a team for the tournament Jeremy's SES Gamecocks all the SES staff, Catherine, Paula, Ms Debbie and Tee were on the team. So many Teams and friends were there. I spoke to Blaine cause the weather looked bad, Blaine said in all the years you'll played ball in Pierre Part it always rained, guess what not this year. Also on Saturday there was a benefit dance at St Jules in Belle Rose put on by the KC's it was a huge success. I babysat so Paula and Jeff could go, they came back with wonderful memories, Granny even went and said she even danced twice once with Uncle Bill and once with the Sheriff. She had such a good time talking to everyone about you and their memories of you. The sheriff's Office also had a team at the tournament. I went the entire weekend and helped when I could it was nice to see them all play but so hard because I wanted you there playing with them as I knew you would have been. Tee misses you so much. I see your beautiful face and smile all the time, it is hard to write this with tears falling as I can hardly see as I am typing this. If only I could have you back for a little while I would just hug you so tight. Love ya, hug ya, kiss ya be safe.
Love always your
Marlene "Tee" Newchurch
June 18, 2006
June 16, 2006
Last nite, I was real sad. It was Wednesday. That was our nite. I talked to u every single Wednesday. I wanted so bad to be able to call u. I just cried instead. When I actually sit and think of the fact that u're never coming back, it makes my chest hurt. I try to pretend things are getting better, but they're not. Every day is just one more day I havent seen u or talked to u. I miss u so much. I'll love u forever.
June 15, 2006
I love you and I miss you so much. I can't even begin to explain how much it hurts and unfortunately so many people have to feel this unbearable burden of living with out you. I just want you to come home so bad and make this all go away. I love you!
June 8, 2006
I went visit your nanny yesterday. I brought her a copy of the pictures I put in the paper of u with Ronnie's glasses. She is so broken up over all of this. U were like a son to her. We tried to talk about u, but neither of us could without crying. Hopefully one day soon, we'll be able to talk about u & laugh about all of the crazy things u did. She said "He was the fun one." And we all know that's true!!! We all love u and miss you, Jeremy.
June 8, 2006
Its 1:30 in the morning and i cant sleep just thinking about u,i just heard a song thats makes me think of u everytime i hear it its who you'd be today by kenny chesney. i know what u would be today a man that never backs down from nothing a hero someone i could count on but ill always count on u :) remember that night u said i can count on u and i did and u came through ur a person that never let me down "nomatter what would happen" that night u still came through it showed me that i could count on u for the rest of me life You knew how much i like his music u us to call me when u was on duty when one of his songs would come on u would call and say jade ur man is singing for u turn it on whatever channel it would be on..Gosh i miss u so much that song just makes me think of u everyday but u as well as i know i think of u all the time 24/7 ur the highlight of my life and u will always be i miss u and i know your watching over me everyday all day like u would always tell me i was ur angel in ur eyes now i can say ur my
angel in my eyes i love u and miss u ill see u one day i promise love always me!~* :)
June 7, 2006
I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Everytime I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Sergeant Newchurch. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. You will be in my thoughts.
From reading all the reflections left for Jeremy, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember Jeremy's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Jeremy's life was about so much more than the way he died. Jeremy will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.
Sergeant Newchurch, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been three years but we still miss him terribly.
Wishing you brighter and better days,
Jocelyne :)
"Forever Remembering 26-3"
Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)
June 7, 2006
My sweet Jeremy you would have been so proud at the ballpark in Plattenville this weekend they have the start off tournment "Jeremy'S Jamboree". The board of directors presented your dad with a plaque and Tee shirt. The Tee shirt has a streetfly on the way to first base. Your team Daquiri Beach played after the presentation Jacob has taken over your team they played their hearts out and won. Peck (Curry) still plays first base. He used your bat and always got a good hit. Tomorrow we are going to the state capital as rep Karen St Germain is passing a proclamation of the Life of Jeremy Newchurh. We are all so proud of you. The girls were down this weekend and Abigail is always calling Parrian and kissing your pictures and bring them to everyone to kiss. Allie is so glad she is able to wear the bracelet we got her as she wanted to wear to it school but couldn't. Abigail is alittle daredevil not afraid of anything. She was swimming at your dad's guess what she went down the slide, off the diving board and would stand on the side of the pool saying one, two and jump in before saying three you would be so proud of her. We will always keep you alive in their minds and hearts. It is so hard to go one without you. Til next time, Love ya, kiss ya be safe.
Marlene Newchurch
June 6, 2006
Jeremy its been so long and i just cant think of why life got to be like this without u? I did what u told me to do so i know that ur proud of me!! I call ur cell at least 50 times a day just to hear ur sweet voice i just want to hear u say Jade im home now and im going to sleep so u can go to bed now! Why couldnt my phone be ringing 3-1-06 to let me know that u was home and going to sleep~! But theres nothing i can do r say to bring u home!! Well im goin to bed now so i can go see u in my dream!! NITE
June 2, 2006
Streetfly, just wanted you to know that you have had such a positive influence on my children. There is not a day that goes by that you are not in our prayers, thoughts and conversations. I still visit you and turn to you for guidence and support for my children. Ellen had the priviledge to be able to work on the prayer garden at school that was dedicated in your honor. She said that she felt your presence there while working. It is amazing how wonderful the prayer garden came out. You would be so proud of Cody. He has really tried hard this 9wks with his grades and they have gotten better. He was so excited last week at baseball practice. He finally hit the ball over the fence, but you already know that. We laughed and said that you caught the ball and threw it over the fence. All your time working with Cody finally paid off. You are greatly missed but not forgotten. Our softball tournament is this weekend. Things will surely be different without you there. But then again, you are always with us watching and protecting us. Until we meet again in Heaven, we love you Streetfly. A. Landry and Children
A. Landry CSL Boardmember
June 1, 2006
Hey my love! So there was this huge tragedy where these college students were in a wreck where 5 people were killed. The family had been taking care of their daughter who was in a coma for 5 weeks, and found out yesterday, they had been taking care of someone else's child all along. They had mistaken the girl's identity with another who died in the crash. It immediately made me think of you and how I wish that story could have been you...all untrue. Unfortunately, I still vividly remember the night Kal called me & told me what she had heard. It was the first night of my first real job. Believe it or not, I was in bed for 9 p.m. I just couldn't believe it & didn't want to believe it. I prayed and prayed that it was all some big huge mistake...this COULDN'T be true. I told Kal to call me if she heard anything else. I tried to force myself to go to sleep b/c I didn't believe it, I didn't want to believe just couldn't be real. No one would EVER do that to a wonderful person like you. Of course I couldn't sleep. I got on AOL the next morning and all I saw was the messages. God how I wish it would all be some big horrible nightmare.
I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a while, but you know you're always on my mind. Can you believe I called in on HTV the other night? I was SO furious, I was shaking, trembling, and crying out of control. I'm really sick of them allowing idiots on-air. But you know me, I wasn't going to tolerate that nonsense anymore! I had to do it for you & I know you are so proud...smiling w/ that little mysterious side grin you have!
How about Sunday when my b/f came in my office & said, "Oh, having a framed picture of a necklace is more important that a picture of us, huh?" You know, little OG had to let him know about him self & boy I bet he felt like an idiot after I told him it was all for you!! He doesn't know about the "medallion!" I could just about imagine what you'd have to say about that comment!! It looks so pretty in my office a piece of art!! I bet you never thought you would be part of an art display...a display of my love for you!
Well my love, please know how much I love you and miss you. Oh, and thanks so much for letting the "right" cop stop me the other day! I knew you were watching over me and laughing b/c I can't call you to help me in those situations anymore, but even're still there! I'll never forget that night you played a trick on me! That really wasn't funny, but you got me!! Well sweetdreams, my love...I love you SOOOO much!
June 1, 2006
I probably could be called crazy because I leave u so many of these messages, but it kinda feels like you're reading them. I miss u so much, Jeremy. I think of u everyday, but then again, I did that before u were taken from us. I never really told u how I felt, but I think u knew. U made your point pretty clear with the flowers and phone calls years ago. I wish we could've been together, but timing wasn't right for us. I'm so glad we stayed friends even though u wanted more. Your friendship helped me more than you'll ever know. I love you.
May 31, 2006
Well sweetness, the other night they were talking about this horrible tragedy once again on channel 10. Me and my anger got the best of me. I am so tired of people putting you guys down, especially since you lost your life due to someone doing drugs. You know they say every dog has their day well this boy did what he did and so many people sit and try to take up for him to say there was no harm done, but we lost a wonderful person someone who got up even when it was not his day to work he went to help his fellow officers without a holler. Jeremy you left us and some of us did not even get to say goodbye, but you have brought me closer to some people and I believe this was your doing and no one will ever take your place but now I will always have a piece of you with me. I just wish that all this would be done and over with or that that night would have not happened because my mouth is gonna get me in trouble because I am going to defend your honor and don't really care who likes it or not and I am also going to defend Byron Parker's honor, you two are two of the finest guys I knew there are a few others but I am not going to list each of you individually, but when it comes to this case I am going to stand for you guys.. Well babes I love you and miss you Please keep your watch over my shoulder and stay with me in my dreams.. Love always and forever your special friend
close friend
May 29, 2006
Well is so hard to believe that you are gone...but I guess I just have to. I had a reality check the other night when I was watching American Idol and the commercial when you are giving the poor little old lady a seatbelt ticket came on. My heart dropped when I saw you again. After I pulled myself together I remember when you had just done the commercial and was so proud to tell us about it and when we asked what you were doing in the commercial, you grinned and said that you felt bad but you had to act like you were giving an old lady a seatbelt ticket ticket... WOW we had a few laughs about that. I know you are keeping a good eye on all of us down here. We all miss you so much!
May 26, 2006