Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Reflections for Detective Jared Scott Jensen
somewhere in Chi-town a chocolate lab is hanging its head out a car window saying, "did you hear about the Cubs? They WON!" ....Go CUBS Go:)
September 20, 2008
Please keep an eye out for Cherie. She is missed already.
p.s. She bakes awesome cookies!
September 8, 2008
I was living in Colorado Springs as a civilian at the end of your watch. I moved back home to WA and became a Corrections Deputy. We lost a fellow Sister in Blue this past week. Your brother was here on another assignment. He left a message for her, so beautiful it brought me to tears- and I promise you I am not one to cry often nor easily. It seems our lives and our families passed by eachother unbeknownst to us. It is a tradgedy that the end of two lives brought out the awareness of it all.
For those who cherished you: I hope that time has helped heal that which can be...
Deputy D Hannahan
Skagit County Sheriff's Office- Corrections
September 7, 2008
J-Rod...Thanks for visiting my dream the other night. It was nice "visiting" with you. There we were, at the kitchen table like so many of the hundred other times in real life....I can't put it into words that anyone reading this will understand, but after our long "talk" I know that you are OK. I asked you what you have been doing for the last 2 1/2 years, and you told me the most amazing stories of so many people you have met up there, and people you have helped down here. When I told you that we all missed you terribly, and wanted you back with us, you gave me one of your smiles, and told me that you needed to stay there, because you were able to help many more people that way. Then you simply said..."I'll catch you later..." I smiled back at you, with a tear rolling down my cheek, and when I woke up, I had real tears. It was such a great dream...tried to explain it to Jeff when I woke up, but it's impossible to put into words. Just an overwhelming feeling of peace, combined with the sadness of waking up to realize that you were gone, since our visit felt so real. Anyway, I wanted to share it with all those that love and miss you, as I promised I would tell everyone "Hey" for you......and let them know that you are OK.
Please stop by again sometime to "visit" me, it was so great to see you.
August 31, 2008
Jared, there is a little happiness today in that this chapter, 2 1/2 years later is closed. Your story though, your legacy, who you are and what you stood for will continue to be told by me, those who loved you and those who have only heard of you. I was asked as I was walking out of the courtroom, why did you contact him at the bus stop. I told them, you had to. You knew what could have happend had he got on that bus. You were the epitomy of cautious. Yet, you had to "be the police", take action, so no one else could get hurt. I explained that there was not a doubt in my mind that he knew you were a cop, he saw your badge, heard your radio, indesputable. Then you were ambushed and murdered. Enough people know the truth and regard you as a hero for the facts, having rightfully discounted the lies and idiocy spun by defense counsel. You did what had to be done, what a good cop would do.
I know you were there with us last week when the other p.o.s murderer was arrested at Hancock and Costilla. Ironic yet fitting, I smiled too. I miss you Jared, your smile, your laugh, the phone calls and the conversation that would only make sense to us. One day though, we'll have a chance to sit and talk. One day, little brother. I miss you bro, more than I could ever explain in words. Fallen But Never Ever Forgotten...
To all of you who stood by us, stood for Jared, thank you. We could not have taken these steps without you and the support given. On a side note, please don't take your blessings for granted. Nothing is guaranteed.
Jeff J
Jared's Brother
August 26, 2008
Jared it has been a long time coming, but I think everyone can finally exhale. Today the thought of never having to see the face of him again became a reality and in no small part to a wonderful and dedicated team.
I am so honored to have gotten to know your family. They are all great people and love you dearly. The memories they have shared are obviously priceless to them and have given those of us that didn't know you, a small glimpse of better days.
The Judge was right. Lamberth took from us. He took from this community and from your family and I am glad to know that he will never have that chance again. Your presence is felt as much now as ever. You are loved and missed by all of us, but hopefully you will be able to rest in peace now.
Wife of a CSPD Officer
August 25, 2008
May the journey continue ... we are thankful beyond words for the tremendous job Diana, Amy, Kim, Greg, Rick and the teams from the 4th Judicial District/CSPD have done. Their countless hours, days and years of sacrifice and dedication have brought us to this day of days. As it was stated today, you are IRREPLACEABLE my love. You give us strength, courage, and if we listen deep within our hearts, you give us glimmers of hope to rise from the ashes, to continue the quest to do good, seek justice and contribute to this world in a positive way.
Love Always and Forever,
August 25, 2008 there is a word that has just taken on a whole new meaning.
Rest easy Jared.
August 25, 2008
Justice Served Again!!! So glad we will never have to see that @$%#&$! face in court again........
J-Rod, You can rest in peace, your final duty justly served (hopefully all will rest a little easier now....)
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the Righteous are bold as lions"........
Well Said Diana. Well Done.
August 25, 2008
I have not forgotten...
A Proud CS Citizen
August 22, 2008
This week members of the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office, Major Crimes Sqaud had the honored to work with your brother Jeff and other members of the Colorado Springs Police Department They went above and beyond to assist us with an investigation. We felt that through Jeff we were honored to know you. May God shine his everlasting light on you and grant you eternal rest. Rest in peace, and thank you for watching over all of us from heaven.
Sgt. Zaida Molina
Bergen County Prosecutor's Office
August 22, 2008
I have so many thoughts and emotions going through my head right now...the only thought that I can seem to actually form into words is...Thank you for watching over them tonight.
August 18, 2008
Detective Jensen,
I periodically read your reflections, and wonder why someone would want to take your life. Words cannot describe how strong your father and wife are. To Thomas and Natalie, though I do not know either of you, I would like to say this: You both are an inspiration and keep strong.
August 12, 2008
Never forgotten- Forever loved
August 3, 2008
Today I was honored to meet two more of the very special people in your life, your wonderful Father Thomas Jensen, wonderful Sister Jonika Winkler and your cute Nephew Aaron. They are in your life because your life continues! Our human-ness doesn’t allow us to see, hear or touch you but we know you’re near.
My heart was touched again by the very special aura that your family exudes. I can’t explain why, but I feel like I’ve known your father forever.
I truly felt honored to be in your father’s, sister’s and nephew’s presence. Your father presented me with a gift that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life, a medallion dedicated in your honor. To have this special coin personally handed to me by your father within hours of his flight arrival into town was such an honor to me that quite honestly I don’t feel worthy. I humbly accepted this very special medallion which I’ll always try to carry with me. I may put it away in a safe place someday for fear that I’ll lose it, but for now it will be next to my badge in my wallet.
As you know, your family was in excellent spirits. They were ready to embark on a well-deserved family visit which is sure to bring out a lot of fond memories, laughter and melancholy. You’ll be there next to them, lifting up their hearts and souls. You’ll find ways to communicate with them in your own way as you’ve been doing the last few years and a half.
Your father has many gifts as you’re well aware of; he is going to put together a set of written works that will be yet another testament of his love for you and the rest of his lucky children. I felt lucky as an outsider to have gotten a glimpse of what will be contained in his work. I got a sneak peek of the first sentence. As much as I’d like to tell, I’m not gonna!
My visit with your family was too short and I so look forward to our next one. There were so many things that I wanted to talk about with your father but I was afraid to say something that might bring more tears to his eyes. I just didn’t want to do that. There’s been too much of that already and enough is enough.
I wanted to hold your father’s, sister’s and nephew’s hands and say a few prayers together but there were too many distractions, too many people around that would interfere with the solemness. At least I let your father know that he and the rest of your family are in my prayers, there will be a next time. I hope to someday sit down and have a great talk with your father over dinner because there is a lot to learn from him. I’m eager to hear more about his experiences because he’s a gifted storyteller. You know that, I don’t have to tell you.
When special people cross your path, it is a once in a lifetime event and you have to take advantage of it or else you lose the opportunity to learn and share.
I have a feeling that you wonder why so many tears have fallen over you. You’re in the best place you can be. You probably have all the wisdom in the world and you know why human pain exists. You know that it is something humans must go through in order to get to the next level. You might have the ability to stop the pain but you let it happen anyway because that is the way it must be.
I’m lucky and honored to have had the opportunity to spend an hour with your family. They had lots of things to do today but they took time out of their busy schedules to pay me a personal visit and I thank God for that. I will cherish the pictures that I took with your family as well as the beautiful medallion that I received as a gift. Thank You Mr. Jensen! Thank You Jonika! Thank You Aaron!! Enjoy your stay and have a safe and blessed trip back to Illinois Mr. Jensen.
Jared you are blessed with a family that loves you deeply.
How else can I express my feelings other than saying that I’m honored to have known you and honored that I have some new and very special friends.
God Bless the Jensens!!
Frank Romero
Fountain Police Detective
Detective Frank Romero
Fountain Colorado Police Department
July 30, 2008
Detective Jensen -
I'm the "new guy" at my PD. As part of my orientation, I was given a tour of LE-related sites in the Springs. I was shown the spot where you made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the community. Thank you for your service. I'll try to live up to your example.
Officer K. Moreland
Monument PD
July 25, 2008
Tell my Dad "Happy Birthday" for me....miss you both so much!!! In our Hearts Forever.....
July 25, 2008
I have not forgotten...
A Proud CS Citizen
July 22, 2008
Rest in peace brother you left this world to early, but proud to have shared the thin blue line with you
I want to thank you for the words you provided to Joshua Norris EOW 7/5/07 who was to be my son in-law , they touched my daughter and has helped my family during a dark time. My daughter had a general idea of how large our police family was, but your reflection showed just how large the family of blue is. You and your complete family are in my families prayers. God Bless you
Deputy John Latour
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office
July 2, 2008
Rest in Peace......
Thank you for your service and watching over your Brothers and Sisters Always. I have met alot of people in the last year that miss you and said CSPD was lucky to have you on the Force.
June 25, 2008
I have not forgotten....
Happy Belated Father's Day Mr. Jensen.
A Proud CS Citizen
June 23, 2008
Hi Honey,
I just watched part of an early morning TV show on the power and beauty of the earth's oceans. In it one could readily see God's hand in crafting and creating such awesome beauty. Looking at the aerial movies of the oceans, I was reminded of how you flew over the Atlantic Ocean to England while you were in High School. I was imagining you ... peering out the window at the sea below - wondering what thoughts you might have had as you gazed at nothing but water below.
Back then, as soon as I heard you were going to go to London, I knew I had to do something critically important to me. I had to get my passport renewed. The reason??? Just in case anything were to happen to you while you were there, with a valid passport I could get there asap. I knew the odds were very slim that something would happen that would require my flying there but I had - I just had to be prepared in case...
On that horrible, horrible day - February 22nd, 2006 - I was not there with you. How I, as well a legion of others who love you wish we had been there - with you. But you were alone, unafraid, and courageous and you acted. My God - how proud I am of you my dear son.
So .... just as the TV show I watched this morning about the world's seas, which clearly illustrated their beauty ... my mind drifted to how much more beautiful Heaven must be. And you, Jared, are there, in the presence of Almighty God. At this very moment as I sit by this computer with tears in my eyes - - you are at peace and are in the brightest of Heavenly light. You - your Spirit is telling me "Dad, it's OK ... I am OK and someday Dad we will be together. And, hey Dad, it will be forever. I love you Dad, I love you."
Sweetheart, I love you.
Thomas Jensen
I am Jared's Father
June 7, 2008
I was just thinking about you today, as with everyday. That song came one the radio again this morning on my way to work and it just reminds me not to take things for granted. Such a hard way to learn a lesson.
I know you and Ken have been there beside your brothers & sisters the last few weeks and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I have no doubt all of you are keeping them safe. Say a prayer for us.
June 3, 2008
I think of you and Ken every day.
May 26, 2008
Hi Jared,
A few days ago, Marilyn and I were returning home. As I put the key into our door's lock, turned it and opened the door ... just as the door was starting to open ... I felt this immediate sensation, thought, image ... that you were sitting on our living room sofa, the spot where you would always sit, next to Natalie, when the two of you would visit us. I instinctively and quickly glanced there once I stepped into the room. I didn't "see" you of course, yet I knew, I absolutely knew, you were there. God, that was great. You were with me ... briefly.
This past May 15th I had the honor to be a speaker at a local ceremony to honor Fallen Law Enforcement Officers, heroes like you, who have given their earthly lives while serving and protecting others. I mentioned Constable Darius Quimby, the 1st recorded hero who died when our great country was less than 15 years old. I mentioned the then most current hero, Special Agent, Aaron Garcia, his wife and children. At the ceremony, I mentioned the opening words I spoke earlier this month, on May 5th, 2008 while in Colorado. "My son, Detective Jared Scott Jensen, like the late Dr. Martin Luther king, had a dream. That dream was to live a life of committment, truth and worthy ideals. For his 30 years and 17 days on this earth, Jared made that dream a reality. Those of us who know him ... are well aware of his passion for excellence, his dedication to his responsibilities as a Police Officer and his unwavering committment to the high ideals he demanded of himself." At the May 15th Ceremony in Illinois, I went on to say, "Every one of the more than 18,000 heroes whose names are inscribed on those walls in Washington D.C. ... every single one of them ALSO had a dream; a dream that never had an opportunity to be fully lived and realized. May we NVER forget them."
My dear son, my precious Jared, you - like them - will NEVER, EVER be forgotten. Like that wonderful person (like so many others) who leaves you a tribute every month on this website and signs it as "a proud C. S. Citizen" you have touched... so positively touched and influenced many, many lives.... both those who knew you while you walked this earth and those who never had the opportunity to meet and know my remarkable Jared.
I Love You, I Miss You terribly... but some day, Honey, I will be with you again. That date will be at God's choosing. Until then I will keep my vow to you.
All my love, forever
Thomas Jensen
I am Jared's Father
May 26, 2008