Fairfield County Sheriff's Office, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ethan G. Collins
It has been a year since I gave you a hug or just seen your wonderful smile. Madison and Hayden are holding up but they miss the way their dad would come home and love on them. We know you are here with us and always will be. It is just hard not to have you here. Your parents and brother are holding up. We look out for each other and we always will be there for each other. We went to the office where your fellow officers had 268 ballons and had a stone made just for you. All that they have done for our kids and me you would be so proud to say that they are your coworkers. Madison and Hayden will always have a wonderful dad and angel. I love you......
Kylie Collins
January 5, 2007
Dear Ethan Collins family,
I have been wanting to post something for some time now and never had the courage to do so. I can still see Ethan walking down the halls of L.H.S. and running cross country. He was so full of life and had such a big heart. I have mourned along with you. It is so hard to believe it has been a year since he was taken from us. There isn't a day that I don't think of him or you the family memebers. I say a prayer for all of you daily. I feel so helpless not being able to help and comfort all of you during all of your loss. He will always be with us surrounding us with his love and support. You are always in my prayers. I just wish that there were some way that I could help in anyway. He will never be forgotten and his spirit and legacy will forever live on.
Lucinda ( Myers ) Robinson
classmate / citizen
January 5, 2007
A year has passed my friend. Even though you are gone in body, you are not, nor ever will be, gone in spirit. All of us know that you ride with us on each shift, answer every call. We know you have our back Brother. You are forever in our hearts.
Chief Edward Arledge
Millersport Police Department
January 5, 2007
Ethan it is hard to believe that a year ago today. I stood with your family, family of law, and friends mourning of your passing. Thank you for your service sir. 268 still lives strong.
January 4, 2007
It has been one year today since you left us.We have scorned at the thought of the holidays coming, however, they came and went and we all seemed to make it thru them.
It certainly wasn't the same without you there for Christmas eve, and will never be the same again. We keep a watch over your mom and dad, as I am sure you are doing too.You will always be with all of us in memory, until we all meet again someday!!
We miss you and love you!
Uncle Alan, Aunt Lori
Lacy and Malyn
Lori Collins
uncle, aunt & cousins
January 4, 2007
May Our Lord bless,comfort ad strengthen your loved ones today and may they feel both His and your love wrapped tightly around them.
January 4, 2007
Continue to keep watch over your family, friends, and co-workers from above...always.
Jennifer Aaron
Wife of Duke G. Aaron, III (EOW 07/20/04)
January 4, 2007
Ethan, it's been a year since you were taken from us.I know its been very hard for us and your family. But, you would be proud of Kylie on how strong she has became and getting stronger everyday. Your parents are right there with her on getting stronger. It has been an honor to get to know all of them better.
Ethan, while you are our backup and watch over us, we will watch over and take care of Kylie, Madison, and Hayden, and we will take of them.
Until we all meet again for our roll call. Rest in Peace, you will not be forgotten.
Deputy Mark Hemsworth
Fairfield County S/O
January 3, 2007
One year has passed and I know you have been in the thoughts of your loved ones every hour of every day for the past year. You will never be forgotten by those that love you nor will the Blue Family ever let that happen. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
January 3, 2007
Merry Christmas Ethan. Thank you again for your work and dedication to your fellow deputies and the citizens of Fairfield County. God Bless you and your loved ones.
PO Robert Sagle
Columbus Ohio Division of Police
December 25, 2006
Ethan, I wanted you and your family to know we are thinking of of all of you today. Christmas is the season of giving and celebrating the birth of Jesus. It is hard to celebrate when I know your family will be sad and missing you this year. Every first holiday is hard to celebrate without your loved one there to share in the joy. Not only do we have the holidays to get through but the anniversary of your accident is getting closer. I said a prayer today at church for your family. I hope they can comfort each other and get through this holiday season knowing you are with God and watching over them. Kylie you are in my thoughts and I hope you know we all Love you and are here for you and the kids for whatever you need. To Ethans parents, grandparents, and brother please know there is not a day that goes by that we don't think of your son, grandson and brother. He is forever in our hearts and continues to give us strenght to go on when we don't think we can. Peace be with you all. Ethan rest in peace and keep watch over our brothers and sisters. Merry Christmas Ethan!
Nikki Diamond, Dispatcher
Fairfield County S.O.
December 24, 2006
I've never had the courage to post anything on here before, but with Christmas coming up, i felt the need. i know your family misses you so much...i saw kylie, kindra, deanna, connie and ally just the other day..the day of the blue light service. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten
December 23, 2006
Ethan, from our family to you and yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas.
Chillicothe Ohio Police Department
December 22, 2006
I know it is going to be hard for your family their first Christmas without you as last Christmas we was facing Christmas without our son. It is tuff but with God's strength and help along with the Police Family we were able to move on. I could not come online till after our son's killer was sentenced but many times thought of you and the service you did for your community and would like to say THANK YOU for seving and protecting your area. We appreciate each and every law enforcement officer for putting their lives on the line each day for all of us. I attended COPS Parents of Fallen Officers Retreat this year and met your mother for the first time. She is a lovely person and misses you greatly. May you rest in peace and again THANKS.
Love and Blessings,
Joy Cox
Mother of a Fallen Officer
Joy Cox
Mother of a Fallen Officer
December 10, 2006
Well Christmas is 2 weeks away it is hard to believe that you will not be with us this christmas to open all the packages with the twists and plastic I know you loved it so much. We all miss you and love you very much. Kylie was not going to put up a tree this year but we talked her into it because Madison asked why everyone had a tree up besides them. She is not going with a real one like you two used to have but she is going to put one up. We went christmas shopping today and we can not stop buying for Madison and Mailyn and don't have hardly anything for Hunter and Hayden. Well just want to say that we love you and Kylie and the kids are doing ok. We miss you very much but we know that you are in are hearts and always will be to watch over us and guide us until we are with you again.
Kindra Sunkle
Sister in law
December 9, 2006
Well Happy Thanksgiving..It just won't be the same without you..Who is going to recite all the words of National Lampoon Christmas Vacation?.We miss you so much..
Deanna Collins
Sister in law
November 20, 2006
I thought of your son yesterday and I smiled as I'm sure God did on the day he was born--you are in my thoughts.
Brian's mom
October 31, 2006
We all miss you very much. Please watch over Kylie and the kids today as today is your 30th birthday and we all are thinking about you and wish you were here. Be watching today for a little surprise that Kylie, me and all the kids are going to be doing for you for you 30th birthday. Kylie is doing fine she is missing you alot with your birthday and the holidays coming but we know that you are watching over all of us and giving her strength to get through this sad time for the kids. Just wanted to let you know that we love you and miss you alot and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Kindra Sunkle
Sister in law
October 30, 2006
It's been nine months now since you were taken from us,
And even though it is hard to go on, we know we must.
We are all dealing with it, each in our way,
Some better then others, taking it day by day,
The pain is so real and the hole is so deep,
Sometimes at night it makes it so hard to sleep.
I can't imagine Christmas without you,
How will we get through it, what will we do?
Everyday puts us farther and farther from the last time we saw you,
They say that time heals, but in this case I'm not sure that's true.
We know there is nothing we can do to bring you back to us,
So in God's hands we know you will be safe and in His love we trust.
I miss you, we all do!!
Your cousin and friend
October 27, 2006
I had the honor to escort your combine to the Fairgrounds last week. When I was driving down Bremen Road and saw it from a distance I couldn't believe what an awesome job was done by all those involved. When I got closer, and walked around it surrounded by your family, it was just surreal. Several people got out of their cars, or came out of their homes to look at our escort, and many gave a "thumbs up" gesture. I hope that your family appreciated the gestures, and drew a positive feeling from this. I hope you will watch over all of us on the 26th of this month as we play the Columbus Division of Police in our charity footabll game at Pickerington Central High School. We all wish we didn't have to do these things, and that you,Chad, and Brent and all of our other brothers and sisters were still with us. Rest assured, none of you have been, nor will be ever forgotten.
T.D. Cox
Fairfield County Sheriffs Office
October 17, 2006
to the family of deputy Ethan Collins, may the peace that only god can give be with you as the holiday's and the anniversary of Ethan's flight draw near. know my love thought' and prayers are with you all. when i hear of another fallen officer, the tears come again. my son-in-law sgt. jeffrey t. hewitt EOW 04-04-04 was shot and killed while serving domestic papers. so i know in my heart other fallen officers where standing at the gates of heaven, standing at attention, saluting a brother as Ethan was welcomed into the arms of our lord. may god's grace and peace be with each of you. love and prayers, caroly moore--asheville, n.c.
carolyn moore
October 15, 2006
Dear Kylie,
This morning I viewed Ethan's funeral photo gallery on the Eagle Gazette website, and am now at my computer with tears streaming down my face after all these months. The memories of the day of his funeral will never leave me. All of the emotion has flooded back as if it were yesterday.
I then came to this website and read your posting. I am so happy that you have come here and hopefully read the entries that have been made.
So many people from all over the world recognize the sacrifice Ethan made and are praying for you, the children, and all of Ethan's family. Please know, that I still think of all of you almost daily. The prayers for you and your children may not be known by you, but they are there.
God Bless you all.
Cherie/Wife of a local Police Officer
Wife of Police Officer
October 14, 2006
Sir may you always be remembered and may god be with you and your family i hope that you are wacthong over them all i am sure they miss you very much i may have only met you once but i wish i could have meet you some more for a longer time.
We all miss you very much
Cdt. Scott Perkins
October 13, 2006
Ethan, months have past since I last left a reflection however, you are still missed and spoken of every day by all of us on the shift. Recently I stopped by your house and spoke to your wife and children. You should be proud that in your absence they are doing well. We all know that you are watching over us. Rest in peace brother.
Deputy Rod Hamler
Fairifeld County S.O.
October 2, 2006
There are not enough words to say how much I miss you. I will always remember the good times we had together. The kids miss you deeply and we talk to you every day. I know you hear us. We will always keep you in our hearts. You would be proud of your fellow officers for taking care of me and our children. They have kept your memory going and I believe they aways will. I Love You and Miss You Deeply.
Love Always,Kylie
Kylie Collins
September 27, 2006